
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Book&Literature
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242 Chs

Chapter 50

The next day arrived in Konoha and everyone in the Uzumaki household was awake and ready to start the day.

Himawari was having fun playing and talking to Fuu, Kunou, and Le Fay, the stories they were telling her were so amazing to her, she wanted to meet the Yokai and see Kyoto since it seems like a fun and interesting place.

Naruto and Harry were talking about the past and laughing while eating breakfast while Boruto and Kawaki were listening to their conversation, Hinata was enjoying a cup of tea with a happy smile on her face.

Himawari then approached Harry and pulled on his shirt drawing his attention to her "Hmm? Oh Himawari what's up?".

Harry smiled at the little Uzumaki and patted her head causing Himawari to giggle "Kunou told me you have these giant knights, angels, and even giant dragons friends!".

Harry grinned "Oh my Digimon, yes they're very big and powerful, I'll introduce you to them when you go to Kyoto for a visit".

Himawari excitedly nodded while Naruto raised an eyebrow "Oh! How are the Digimon! It's been a while since I've seen them".

Harry turned his gaze towards Naruto and gave him a grin "They're doing great, all of them have reached their mega forms and most of them are doing something in Kyoto, like the Royal Knights they take care of the security of Kyoto while the holy Digimon are taking care of a healing temple we opened when we created the Natural Dungeon, it's thanks to them that Kyoto has been allowed to flourish in peace".

Hinata looked up for a second "It's still amazing that in your village you don't have to worry about dying, back then you had one spell to revive the dead but it was so limited".

Naruto nodded "Yeah but it was still very useful and it saved the lives of many, Haku and Zabuza got to live after the mess that was our first mission, and the old man Third got to survive Konoha's invasion".

Boruto who was taking a drink suddenly choked and then sprayed Kawaki in the face with his mouthful of tea "Oi! You bastard!".

But Boruto ignored him "Wait! What do you mean Konoha's invasion?".

Harry raised an eyebrow "You don't know? I would have guessed that the academy would have talked about this... oh well! Anyways yes the Sand and Sound village attacked and invaded the Leaf with the intent to destroy it, it was thanks to Naruto who fought Gaara and Shukaku the one tail and beat him, that the leaf wasn't destroyed".

Boruto gaped at his father not knowing this "What? How come this wasn't mentioned in school and you fought Gaara and Shukaku too!".

Naruto blushed and scratched his cheek "It's not mentioned in school because back then the Sand village was tricked by Orochimaru into attacking us and since we made peace with the Sand Village, it was decided to leave it out from the school so as not to incite unnecessary hate, besides it was after that fight that me and Gaara became good friends".

Harry chuckled "Yeah your father has a habit of beating the living daylights out of his enemies and then becoming best of friends with them".

Naruto slumped down on his chair in dejection "You make me sound like I was some sort of aggressive delinquent or something...".

Hinata and Harry laughed at Naruto but Naruto wasn't going to take this down "But don't forget that you helped a lot too Harry! You took down the snake summons, beat Orochimaru, and forced him to run away plus you made the Shinigami let go of old man Third's soul and then brought him back to life!".

Hinata nodded while the kids gaped at Harry who awkwardly chuckled "Yeah, too bad the old man died during our trip with Jiraiya but at least we got to see him again during the war...".

Boruto then widen his eyes "That's right! How come I didn't see you when me and Mr. Sasuke went to the past to stop Urashiki from getting Kurama!".

Harry tilted his head in confusion while Naruto spoke to answer his son's questions "Ah! Well at the time, Harry was under going Anbu training so we weren't allowed to speak about him, that's why you didn't see him or why no one mentioned him".

Boruto nodded in understanding while Le Fay spoke up next "Oh! That's why you trained some of the Yokai to become Kyoto's Anbu corps, you already had the experience!".

Harry nodded while Kawaki decided to ask about something next "You scared the Shinigami away?...".

Harry turned towards Kawaki and hummed "Well even back then I held the title of Master of Death, that title allowed me full and total control of any aspect of death, and the Shinigami of this world had to listen to me or I would have taken its powers over death from it".

Boruto and Kawaki gaped at Harry's comment while Naruto chuckled at their expressions, he was already used to Harry's craziness but the children still have a lot to learn well at least the boys do, Himawari seems very excited about all of this.

Meanwhile, the doorbell rang catching everyone's attention, Hinata got up to open the door while Naruto and Harry continued to tell Boruto and Kawaki stories about their past adventures.

Himawari had already jumped behind Kunou to be engulfed by fluffiness to which Kunou wrap a tail around her waist so she wouldn't hit the ground while she giggled.

Hinata came back in with Sasuke, Sakura, and Sarada who had decided to visit, Harry waved at them while they waved back at him.

Sasuke and Sakura sat at the table while Sarada went to speak with the girls and Himawari, Boruto got up from the table and went to join his teammate while Kawaki stayed back and enjoyed his tea with the adults.

Harry grinned at Sakura "So you finally bagged Sasuke huh? Sakura! Good job".

Sakura rolled her eyes but she had a blush on her face "Shut up idiot sigh...".

Sasuke smiled at his wife and then turned to speak to his friends "I take it that Naruto spoke about our Ōtsutsuki problem in more detail last night right?".

Harry nodded "Yup, I'll be needing you to take me to the Ten-Tails you found later, I'll destroy that thing to make sure it's never used".

Sasuke nodded while Naruto spoke, "I also decided to take care of Amado, Harry raised a good couple of concerns about him plus he's too dangerous to be allowed to roam free".

Sasuke raised an eyebrow but nodded, Kawaki himself also nodded in agreement, he knew firsthand how dangerous that crazy scientist is.

Sakura then spoke, "Seems like it's going to be a busy day huh?"

Harry nodded "Well for me, Naruto, and Sasuke it is, I'll be bringing Yasaka and the rest of the girls here so they can meet everyone and meet with Naruto while we take care of business".

At the mention of Harry's girls Hinata's eyebrow twitched and then she jabbed Harry in the kidney with a Juken so fast that almost no one saw it happen.

As soon as the strike hit Harry he twitched, then he turned pale white and passed out on the table, everyone stared in shock while Naruto gaped at his wife "Hinata!".

Hinata twitched and then gaped at what she had done "Ah! I'm so sorry! I just reacted on reflex!".

Harry shakily sat up and grinned at Hinata "It's alright Hina... " blood suddenly began to drip down his mouth.

Naruto panicked "Oi! you're obviously not okay!".

Le Fay giggled "It's okay, Harry has a fast Regeneration and healing factor plus he's immortal, he just has a habit of allowing his guard down with friends but even then it's impossible to really hurt him, look he's okay now".

Everyone turned towards Harry and it was true he was perfectly fine now but he still looked a bit scared "Ugh.. I might be immortal but having a kidney get popped like that hurts like hell...".

Everyone sweatdropped while Hinata flinched "Errr sorry Harry, every time you mention your girlfriends something snaps in me and I just have to hurt you!".

Harry sweatdropped "You don't have to hurt me, woman!".

Harry then grabbed Hinata by the cheeks and began to pull them causing her to cry out in pain "Ahh! Nooot the cheeks! I'm sooorry!".

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura laughed since these two have always acted like this, Hinata has always considered Harry like an older brother but she was a bit of a brocon with him so she had a habit of getting a bit jealous when a girl would try to get close to him, honestly, it was scary but no one wanted to say anything about that out fear of what Hinata would do to them, Naruto was already used to it since this has been going for years.

Fuu began to nervously sweat when the flashbacks of how Hinata reacted when she found out she was dating Harry, she was only able to survive thanks to Chomei and Harry's healing spells.

The children laughed enjoying how much their parents seem to be having fun, for the rest of the morning they all spent some time reminiscing about their old adventures while their children listened intently.


After they ate breakfast and spoke for a while, Harry quickly gave Sasuke and Sakura skills and perks to increase their power and potential just as he did for Naruto and Hinata last night.

Sasuke's situation was different, like Naruto, Harry rekindled the spark of power sleeping within Sasuke allowing him the use of his abilities and power he once had during the Fourth Shinobi War.

Sasuke and Sakura were in awe since he could feel he had even more power still, though Harry did tell them that they have to train a bit so they can get used to the increase in power.

After that they all left towards Naruto's office so Harry could bring everyone to Konoha while the children left to speak with their friends, once Shikamaru arrived, the Dragon God opened a portal and stepped through a few minutes later he stepped back through again, this time being followed by another nine-tailed kitsune and a few other girls, Harry himself had a little black haired girl on his shoulders while holding the hand of another little girl with a red hair.

Kurama, being curious about the nine-tailed kitsune who had arrived decided to come out of his seal in his chibi form to meet her, Yasaka stared at Kurama who stared back at her for a while until Yasaka reached out and grabbed Kurama off Naruto's desk and hold him like a teddy bear.

Kurama's face had a very impressive deadpan at being used as a stuffed animal but he seemed to have accepted his fate, Naruto was chuckling at his partner's predicament causing Kurama's eyebrow to twitch in annoyance "Stop laughing! This nine-tailed fox is at least four times stronger than me! I rather not pissed her off fool!".

Yasaka gently smiled "Fufufu it is an honor that you think so highly of me Mr. Kurama, it's a pleasure to meet another nine-tailed fox".

Kurama just huffed but nodded, while Yasaka turned to look at Naruto "Lord Hokage, it is also a pleasure to meet you, Harry spoke very highly of you".

Naruto awkwardly laughs "I hope he only told you good things hehehe".

Yasaka giggle and then tilted her head "You mean like defeating a goddess with a reverse harem no jutsu?".

Naruto flinched while Sasuke close his eyes and huffed, while Sakura had a bit of blood dripping from her nose as she was reminded of that event, Hinata was blushing deep red since Naruto had told her of that.

Naruto then stood up and pointed a finger at Harry "Bastard! I told you to take that information to the grave, what hell Harry!?".

Harry just chuckled "Ah well Yasaka was curious how you could have defeated a goddess while I was busy protecting Kakashi and Sakura, so I told her how you pulled it off".

Naruto groaned and slumped on his seat, while Yasaka was giggling "I think it was great! You pranked a goddess and defeated her like that, a true kitsune move if I say so myself, I kinda want to try that to Amaterasu and see what happens..".

Everyone from Kyoto sweatdropped knowing how effective such a technique would be against Amaterasu, Kunou suddenly spoke, "Please don't use that on Aunty Amaterasu mom, I don't think she'll survive".

Yasaka giggled while Hope was floating about until she stopped in front of Hinata and tilted her head "Your eyes are very pretty".

Hinata blushed at the compliment but still smiled at Hope, meanwhile, Harry spoke "Ah! Sorry guys I haven't introduced everyone! that little girl in front of you is my daughter Hope".

Hope turned around while still floating and waved at everyone who were gaping at the fact that Harry had a daughter while Harry continued "Her mother is the pretty redhead right there her name is Jean Grey".

Hinata hugged and smiled at Hope who accepted her hug and smiled back at her, while Jean smiled and waved, Harry went on with the introductions "Next is the other pretty redhead, her name is Jessica, the cute pink haired one is Milim and the beautiful blonde with red eyes is Ereshkigal Hope's second mother, yes I know how it sounds but Hope's birth was a very special set of circumstances".

Jessica, Milim, and Ereshkigal waved at everyone who nodded and waved back already knowing who they are thanks to Harry having told them about them before.

Harry nodded and went on "The last one of the redheads is Susan, then we have the super smart Hermione, the ever-cute but scary Luna, and last but not least the very beautiful pale blonde Valerie".

Valerie, Susan, and Hermione waved at everyone while Lune softly smiled, suddenly Harry felt his passenger poke his head causing him to chuckle "and the cutie pie on my shoulders is my niece, Morgan!".

Morgan waved at everyone with a bright smile which made Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Hinata vow to protect her for eternity.

Harry smiled and then pointed at Yasaka "As all of you are all aware now, this is the beautiful leader of the Yokai faction, Yasaka".

Yasaka bowed while still holding Kurama like a stuffed animal, Naruto and Shikamaru, Sakura and Hinata who was still hugging Hope bowed back while Sasuke nodded.

Harry smiled and then walked to towards Naruto and put Morgan on his lap while taking Naruto's Hokage hat and putting on top of Morgan's head "Well, now that I have introduced everyone I have to leave and take care of a couple of things but I'm leaving my assistant to make sure everything goes okay, Morgan make sure everyone behaves okay?".

Morgan smiled while lifting the Hokage hat a bit so she could see her uncle "Okay uncle Harry!".

Everyone smiled at the Mini temporary Hokage while Naruto softly smiled as he remembered how he used to do the same thing when he would come and bother the old man third and he would put his Hokage's hat on.

Harry then turned towards the girls "Le Fay you go ahead and begin to prepare to raise the ward around Konoha, Jessica and Hermione go with her and help her okay?".

Le Fay nodded while Hermione and Jessica nodded after Harry asked them to help Le Fay, Harry went on "I'll create a portal when I come back, for now, the rest of you stay with Yasaka, and after the meeting ends we'll go ahead, and tour the village I'm sure everyone is curious about it, so don't worry we'll make sure to walk around a bit okay?".

Everyone nodded and Harry smiled he then turned to Sasuke "Let's go Sasuke, the sooner we finish this the faster we can relax".

Sasuke nodded and then walked towards Harry, as soon as he got within reach of him, Sasuke put his hand on his shoulder and instantly teleport them to where the Ten-Tails is.

Meanwhile, Yasaka spoke with Naruto and Shikamaru about signing a full-blown alliance between Neo Kyoto and Konoha where both would have access to each other's resources, facilities, technology, and training methods.

Both Konoha and Neo Kyoto will grow soon and become even bigger superpowers than they were before.

Meanwhile while Le Fay, Hermione, and Jessica left to go prepare for the ward system they were planning to raise so Konoha would always be protected.


Harry and Sasuke arrived at a desolate canyon of sorts, Harry immediately felt two energy signatures close by, both of them were quite large but one of them seemed like it was locked or sealed for some reason.

Harry then glared at the Ten-Tails "Yeah.. that's definitely a Ten-Tails but it feels way weaker than the one we fought during the Fourth Shinobi War".

Sasuke nodded "Yeah I noticed that too but even if it's weaker it's still dangerous, you remember what the other one was capable of right? If this one is capable of even a tenth of that it could be a very bad situation for the elemental nations".

Harry nodded but then turned to the side to stare at the sleeping redhead a little away from where the Ten-Tail was being kept "And who's that?".

Sasuke turned towards where Harry was staring and then he too noticed the sleeping redhead "I don't know... but if he's here then he must be a member of Kara".

Harry nodded and then pointed his finger at the sleeping redhead and fired a powerful Ki blast that blasted the sleeping guy's head off.

Sasuke nodded "That makes one less Kara member to worry about".

Harry hummed "Should we take a look around or do you want me to just destroy the entire area".

Sasuke closed his eyes to think for a bit "Hmm I already took a look around and I didn't find anything else, just destroy it all".

Harry nodded and then began to float while also floating Sasuke with telekinesis, once they were high above in the sky, Harry then pointed an open palm towards where the Ten-Tails was kept.

Suddenly Harry's energy flared alive as he began to charge an enormous amount of Ki into his open palm, Sasuke who was watching all of this widen his eyes in shock at what he was watching.

Harry then narrowed his eyes "Big Bang Attack!".

An enormous ball of highly condensed blue Ki shoot forward at high speed until it collided with the ground and then exploded with a tremendous force that shook the entire place.

The explosion was so big, so loud, and so bright that Sasuke was forced to cover his face, when the explosion subsided Sasuke was finally able to see the aftermath of such a devastating attack.

Sasuke gaped at the sheer destruction brought upon the area by Harry's technique, there was nothing left, it was like that time he and Naruto used their strongest attacks and destroyed the Valley of The End but what they did together Harry did it by himself and he seemed completely fine afterward, like if he didn't even use a lot of his energy with that one attack "This is insane... Such power and destruction".

Harry grinned towards Sasuke "That's nothing, I underpowered that technique so I wouldn't accidentally destroy the planet but I can definitely make it more powerful".

Sasuke just stared at Harry in shock "Yeah... let's not do that alright?".

Harry chuckled "Don't worry, I have perfect control over my techniques, thanks to the skill 'Perfect Control' I can freely manipulate my energy something you, Naruto, Hinata and Sakura have already, with it maybe you'll be able to create even more techniques, but I do recommend that you train your Rinnegan first Sasuke, there's a lot of techniques only available to it, that are very useful".

Sasuke looked up "Your right... I've been so busy running around the world trying to protect it from the shadows that I have not only neglected my training but my family as well, it's time I concentrate on them plus I am Boruto's sensei, I have a duty to that kid and now that you're here to help its time for me to focus on them, I think the same goes with Naruto and his Hokage duties".

Harry nodded "Leave the protection of the village to me and Neo Kyoto and I understand what happened with you and Naruto, peace has a habit of letting you relax too much, this is why I decided to create the Natural Dungeon, I knew that with me and everything I brought to the Yokai faction the Yokai would eventually lose their reasons to move forward, to get stronger and I didn't want the village and the people I come to love to become complacent or over-rely on me, so I gave them a reason to get stronger in the form of an ever-expanding Dungeon where anyone can get stronger, get richer and find something they're good at".

Sasuke turned his gaze towards Harry and grinned "You haven't changed one bit, you're still as ruthless as ever but that kindness that used to piss me off is still there".

Harry chuckled "And my kindness doesn't piss you off anymore?".

Sasuke grinned and shook his head "Just a little, at least your not naive like Naruto was though I wished that back then you didn't kick my ass so hard on top of the hospital".

Harry grinned "You and Naruto were acting like idiots and I wasn't going to allowed you to continue that nonsense, not that it helped because you still left, you know you're lucky I was busy with Anbu training at the time or would have kick the shit out of you at the Valley of The End and dragged your ass back to the village".

Sasuke shivered at the close call he just learned he had back then "... you know what? I'm glad you weren't around at that time, you terrified me back then, as a matter of fact, you still do!".

Harry just laughed "Come on! I'm not that bad!".

Sasuke deadpanned "You and Naruto traumatized Kakashi during the Genin exam remember? and let's not forget the kami awful beating you gave to Orochimaru after he gave me that curse mark of his, to this day that snake stills jumps at the mere mention of your name".

Harry huffed "Okay first Kakashi said to come to him with the intent to kill and I had been helping Naruto with his training since we were really little so it wasn't my fault he wasn't prepared when Naruto and I came at him with Wind, Water and Lightning ninjutsu and Orochimaru was an asshole!".

Sasuke sweatdropped "And those ceros and high-level spells you used on Kakashi?".

Harry groaned "Okay! I might have taken things a bit to far, but in my defense, Kakashi kept using the Substitution Jutsu! and that got really annoying very fast!".

Sasuke and Harry stared at each other for a few seconds but soon after they exploded in laughter, Sasuke chuckled for a bit longer and then said "Kakashi's face as he was running away from those ceros was priceless, I think Naruto still has a picture of it".

Harry laughed "He does? Son of a bitch never told me! I got the get a copy of that, but for now let's go home, our families are waiting for us".

Sasuke nodded and reached out to Harry and grabbed hold of his shoulder and in an instant, they teleported back to Konoha.

The death of Code, one of the most dangerous and powerful members of Kara, and the destruction of the Ten-Tails that was the center of Kara's plans took under an hour to happen, Harry once again had caused chaos in a world and changed the course of history for the well being of his loved ones, funny enough he wasn't even aware of what he had done with this simple act.


Harry and Sasuke arrived in Konoha and Sasuke immediately left to spend time with his family while Harry who still had things to do today, went to meet with Le Fay, Jessica, and Hermione to raise the wards around the village.

He found them hard at work right in the middle of the village, all three of them were looking towards a basketball size crystal-like orb while they were writing runes on it.

The villagers were watching curiously at the girls while they were working on the crystal orb, Harry even noticed Boruto, Himawari, and some other kids looking intently as the girls worked.

Harry smiled and approached them, Himawari was the first one to notice him and ran towards him she then grabbed his hand so they could walk together causing Harry to give the young Uzumaki a soft smile.

Soon they arrived where the girls were working and Harry spoke, "I'm back".

The girls stopped what they were doing and turned to look at Harry with a smile each, Hermione decided to speak "That was fast, did you take care of that thing?".

Harry nodded "Yeah, the Ten-Tails is gone plus we seemed to have found another member of Kara guarding the place but he was asleep, I took care of him too so that's two fewer things to worry about".

Hermione nodded "That's good, from what I know from what you told me about that creature they're nothing but trouble, it's a good thing it's gone".

Harry nodded "How are the preparations going?".

Jessica was the one who answered his question "Good so far but since this world seems to lack a source of mana we had to find another source of energy for the ward stone, luckily this world is saturated with Natural energy so we're using that, we're also using runes to program the ward system right now but we're almost done".

Harry smiled and nodded at them, he then turned to Boruto and the kids around him "and who are your friends Boruto?".

Boruto grinned and then began to introduce everyone " these are my friends, they graduated at the same time as me Harry! That's Shikadai Nara, Chōchō Akimichi, Inojin Yamanaka, Iwabee Yuino, Denki Kaminarimon, and Metal Lee!".

Harry grinned recognizing that almost everyone here is a child of some of his old friends "It's nice to meet you kids, my name is Harry Potter".

Everyone nodded and waved at him but Denki gasped "You're the Dragonlord!".

Everyone turned towards Denki while Harry tilted in confusion "Dragonlord? What does my old title have to do with anything?".

Suddenly a voice caught his attention "Because big bro! that's your official alias in the Bingo Book since the Fourth Shinobi War".

Everyone turned around and immediately recognized Hanabi who was the one who had just spoken, Harry widely smiled "Firecracker! There you are!".

Hanabi rolled her eyes but still smiled at Harry and then jumped on him forcing Harry to catch her with his free hand "Oof! you've certainly grown Hanabi! I almost didn't catch you there!".

Hanabi then pull his cheek a bit "You shouldn't comment about a lady's weight big bro!".

All the girls present in the area nodded in agreement even Himawari causing Harry to chuckle "Right, right my bad, and what this about me having a Bingo Book page?".

He let Hanabi down and she began to explain "Well after the war a lot of shinobi were added to the Bingo Book with a 'Flee on Sight' order in order to avoid anyone from angering them, among the strongest and more dangerous added were you, Naruto and Sasuke with a warning to all of the consequences of provoking your wrath".

Harry nodded "Ah! That makes sense, but what's a kid doing with that sort of information?".

Hanabi scratched the back of her head embarrassingly "Well recently they have been making this trading card game with information in the Bingo Books so... your card is not only very rare but very popular since it showcases you with your dragon form standing behind you".

Harry deadpanned "I have a trading card?... Damn that's cool as hell..".

Himawari and Hanabi giggled at Harry's reaction while Denki then approached him and took out said Trading card and showed it to Harry "Please Mr. Dragonlord! Could you sign my card!".

Harry chuckled and grabbed the card and he had to admit it looked pretty awesome, it show him standing with his arms crossed over his chest while his old dragon form was behind him roaring, he snapped his fingers and created a marker with magic and sighed the card "here you kid, but call me Harry okay?".

Denki widely smiles and held the card like it was a priceless artifact while Harry and the girls chuckled, Le Fay then spoke "We better not let Luna find out about this or we'll have our very own trading cards too".

The girls nodded while Harry shook his head in amusement he then turned towards Hanabi who was now hugging Boruto and Himawari "How have you been Hanabi?".

Hanabi stopped suffocating Himawari and Boruto and turned around to speak with Harry "I've been great big bro and I even have my own genin team, you should meet them later".

Harry smiled "Sure, now that I'll be creating a portal to my world I can visit anytime, well everyone will be able to go back and forth".

Himawari and Hanabi clapped in happiness about being able to visit Harry whenever they wanted while Boruto was excited to see all the cool stuff in another world, his friends, however, were very confused about what was going but before they could ask Hermione spoke up "Its ready Harry! were done with the programming, all you have to do is provide it with the intent and power".

Harry nodded and then moved to where the crystal orb was now floating in the air, the girls stepped back while Harry placed his hand on the Crystal orb.

He then closed his eyes and focused everything that was him into the orb, his Divinity, his Dragonic energy, his light and darkness, everything was being fed into the orb but most of all his desire to protect the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

Everyone was in awe at how Harry's energy began to flow around the entire village, lights of different colors began to dance around everywhere and everyone could feel a very gentle warmth from the lights.

Suddenly the orb began to glow and then it seemed to melt and drop onto the floor where it seeped into the ground and then a pillar of a beautiful white light shot off towards the sky and everyone in the village couldn't help but look up at the beautiful light dancing and twirling like a white flame.

A barrier began to form from the tip of the pillar of light and began to cover the entire village, Himawari and Hanabi were in awe at everything they were watching and the young Uzumaki could help but say "It's so beautiful...".

Hanabi nodded in agreement and watched as the barrier finished forming, Harry then step back and looked up as the barrier formed and then turned invisible.

Harry nodded "Great job girls, I like those functions you added".

Le Fay smiled "Well we used the Neo Kyoto's wards as a template so now Konoha has wartime wards and peacetime wards".

Hermione spoke next "We added the intent base wards, healing wards, repair wards, reinforcement wards, and intruder detection wards, then we connected them all to miss Ino's unit per Mr. Naruto's say so since they're better prepared to monitor them".

Jessica then spoke, "the war wards are the same as Neo Kyoto's so not even gods can come into the village when they're activated plus we added anti-teleportation wards so no one with time and space techniques can't just appear here unless they're registered into the wards, I'm sure Yasaka gave Mr. Naruto the control ward system so he could add or take out anyone he wants to".

Harry nodded "Perfect now that that's done let's go and see if the meeting between Yasaka and Naruto is over, that way he can tell me where he wants the Dimensional Gate to our world to be, you want to come with us Hanabi, Himawari?".

Himawari and Hanabi nodded since they wanted to tell Hinata what they just saw and so Himawari once again grabbed Harry's hand as he began to walk towards the Hokage's tower with Hermione, Le Fay, Jessica, and Hanabi following them, Harry then turned and waved at Boruto and his friends "I'll see you guys some other time, see you later Boruto!".

The genin waved at Harry and company as they watched them leave, Iwabe suddenly spoke "That was the coolest thing I have ever seen!".

Everyone nodded and Boruto grinned "My uncle is pretty cool huh?".

Everyone nodded and was a bit envious of Boruto so Shikadai decided to get a little even "Well then let's go eat a burger! I'm sure Boruto will be happy to invite us for lunch!".

Boruto gaped and was about to protest but everyone cheered and then picked him up in the air and took off at full speed toward their favorite burger joint while ignoring his cries of protest.