
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Book&Literature
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242 Chs

Chapter 49

Everyone in the village was worried about their Hokage and the people fighting the Ōtsutsuki who attacked them so openly not only once but twice now.

Shikamaru was having a conversation with Amado, Sumire, Kawaki, and Katasuke about Kara's plan while hoping that everyone was safe and sound.

Suddenly Shikamaru received a telepathic communication "What!? Dammit get everyone there immediately and don't attack until we confirm what's going!".

The other three individuals in the room turned towards Shikamaru, Amado then spoke to ask "What's going? Did the Seventh Lord get back or... is Jigen here...".

Sumire, Kawaki, and Amado began to nervously sweat and worry about Boruto and Naruto while Shikamaru turned towards them to speak "A pillar made out of darkness erupted right on top of the Hokage Monument... there's only one person I know who can use darkness like that and if he's here he might be able to help us with this crisis, he is one of our strongest shinobi after all...".

The other individuals in the room looked intrigued about who exactly Shikamaru was talking about.


Meanwhile on top of the Hokage Monument, from the pillar of darkness that Shikamaru mention mentioned having suddenly appeared, Naruto, Boruto, and Sasuke walked out of it.

Soon after Harry and the girls stepped through and the dark corridor instantly dissipated afterward, Harry grinned the moment he saw the Hidden Leaf Village "Whoa! It got bigger and more modern too!".

Naruto chuckled "Yeah, we have been working a lot on technology research and expansion, many people and shinobi families moved to the village to start a new and that made Konoha grow, not just in size but as you can see in technology as well".

Harry nodded while the girls were awed, while Kunou was the most excited "It really does look a lot like Kyoto! and the natural energy here is so dense as well!".

Sasuke and Naruto turned to look towards Kunou, being a sage Naruto was curious about what Kunou just said "Natural energy? You can sense it?".

Kunou nodded "Yup! I can feel it all around us, and it's so pure, it's almost like tapping into a Leyline".

Harry smiled "Kunou is a nine-tailed fox as you so obviously can see but she's also a Yokai and Yokai are a species of supernatural beings that have an affinity to Senjutsu, they are born with the ability to sense and use natural energy very easily".

Naruto nodded "I see, like the toads of Mount Myoboku".

Harry nodded "That's right, the only difference is that Yokai come in all shapes and sizes".

Boruto tilted his head "This all sounds like a fantasy RPG, it's pretty cool and the fact that magic exists makes it all better".

Harry chuckled while Naruto just sighed "Your son sure does acts like you sometimes huh Naruto?".

Naruto just chuckled awkwardly while Sasuke just grinned, suddenly a group of Anbu appeared but Naruto raised a hand and stopped them from doing anything "Hey now, this Harry Potter, Captain Dragon for you guys, do show some respect to your retired superior okay?".

The Anbu flinched and immediately got on one knee and at the same time all of them spoke "Welcome back to the leaf village captain!".

The girls awed while Harry just shook his head "At ease everyone and that's retired Captain Dragon, there's no need for all this show".

Naruto and Sasuke huffed, while Boruto awed at Harry, it was Sasuke who spoke next "Harry, just because you were gone for a long time doesn't mean everyone forgot about your accomplishments".

Harry awkwardly scratched the back of his head while the Kunou and Le Fay got a very intense look in their eyes making Naruto, Boruto and Sasuke take a step back, even the Anbu flinched from the intensity in their eyes.

Le Fay then spoke, "Can you tell us about his accomplishments! Harry sometimes gets all shy and doesn't tell us what he's done in other worlds! We've been dying to know for a while what sort of adventures he's had".

Suddenly a voice caught everyone's attention "This troublesome guy graduated with all of us and joined team seven, who then went on on many missions where they saved a country, a princess/actor and even saved the village from destruction, not only did he became a Chunin at the same time as me but having saved the Third Hokage from dying and having defeated Orochimaru not only once but twice who at the time was a very dangerous Shinobi, he was then made an Anbu at the young age of 12, he then left with Naruto here to train for three years with Lord Jiraiya while still doing Anbu missions, he helped saved the Fourth Kazekage and became Anbu captain as soon as he came back to the village, after doing so then he went to go on to save countless number of lives, like my teacher's and defeated Hidan the Immortal and Deidara the Artistic Bomber, he helped Naruto defeat Pain and saved the village once again, he was one of the first ones in the front lines during the Fourth Shinobi War, it's thank to him, Naruto and Sasuke that this world was saved when god like enemies tried to either destroy or control it".

The girls listen with their full attention to what they were being told, Harry however blushed but grinned at his old friend "Shikamaru! Did you have to summarize my life here in the Leaf village like that?".

Shikamaru only chuckled while a few people behind him were awed at Harry's accomplishments "Of course, I had to, otherwise, you would just shrug it off and say that it wasn't a big deal".

Harry huffed while Boruto excitedly jumped in front of him "Harry! That's amazing! It's like you're a superhero or something like that!".

Naruto got depressed "I-I was there too, you know? How come you don't get excited about me like that?".

Boruto just shrugged and Naruto looked like someone stole his Ramen, Sasuke just grinned while he patted his friend on the back.

Sarada finally noticed her father and ran towards him "Papa! Are you okay?".

Sasuke smiled and then poked Sarada on her brow "I'm fine, Le Fay here healed me so don't worry about me, you should worry more about yourself, you shouldn't be walking around right now".

Sarada blushed from Sasuke's poke but then looked up "I couldn't just lay down while everyone was trying their best to help, I wanted to do something too".

Sasuke sighed but smiled at his daughter, then Harry approached her and smiled at her "So you're Sarada, I'm Harry Potter and I was in team seven with your father, mother, and Naruto back in the day, it's nice to meet you".

Sarada got a little shy about meeting a stranger but she knew who this was, her mama had spoken about the fourth member of her team seven a couple of times so she knew he was a family friend plus after hearing Mr. Shikamaru tell almost everything that Mr. Harry had accomplished she knew he was trust worthy "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Potter".

Harry grinned "Wow you're polite, you can't be Sasuke's and Sakura's daughter and please call me Harry I'm not one for the formal talk".

Sasuke frowned and the jab directed at him and his wife while Naruto chuckled at his friend, Sarada giggled at Harry's comment about her parents, while Harry handed her a blue colored candy, she looked up to Harry who just smiled at her "Go ahead eat it, it's a magical healing item it will heal you completely ".

She took it and then took a look at her father who gave her a nod, she then ate it and to her surprise and everyone's amazement she was instantly healed and her chakra was fully restored "Wow! I feel better than ever and it was delicious too! What was it?".

Harry smiled "It's called a healing gel, the one I gave you is a Miracle gel and it heals and restores energy and stamina, they're very handy to have right?".

Sarada nodded with a smile and went to talk to Boruto who was glad she was now fully healed, Naruto and Sasuke smiled at their children while Naruto commented "So you really learned how to mass produce them?".

Harry nodded "Yes it took a while and a few worlds but I was finally able to replicate the process and even improve it".

Sasuke "That's good, those healing gels of yours saved our lives and of others plenty of times".

Shikamaru nodded "Yeah, without them Asuma-sensei would have died... Harry is there any way that the Leaf village can have access to them?".

Sasuke and Naruto widen their eyes in shock, Naruto wasn't happy that Shikamaru would suggest this "Shikamaru! Wh-".

Harry cut off Naruto "Sure but we'll have to speak about everything that's been going on with me and here in the Leaf village okay?".

Naruto was surprised but happy Harry was willing to negotiate and so he nodded "Sounds good but we'll be speaking about this later Shikamaru, we had already spoken about asking Harry for the things he has available to him".

Shikamaru nodded and all of them began to walk back toward the Hokage's tower to speak about everything that's been going on lately.


Naruto, Sasuke, and Shikamaru listened intently as Harry told them about everything that he had seen and done.

Their children were in awe about all the different things he's seen during his travels to other worlds plus the fact that Harry and the girls with them had access to all kinds of abilities like magic was amazing to them.

Naruto closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair "Amazing... the things you've witnessed and experienced, I kinda wished I could have gone with you to some of those worlds, they sound fun".

Sasuke and Shikamaru nodded in agreement, suddenly a puff of smoke exploded on Naruto's desk and a chibi version of Kurama appeared sitting on his hunches, Kunou instantly grabbed him and hugged him tightly causing the mighty bijuu to grunt but he didn't try to escape.

Naruto and Harry chuckled at Kurama's predicament "Hello Kurama, it's been a long time".

Kunou stopped hugging the chibi Kurama and put him back onto Naruto's desk "Sigh... that was disturbing, and hello to you too brat".

Harry grinned toward Kurama but then another puff of smoke appeared out of nowhere and a Chibi version of Chomei appeared beside Kurama who huffed "Hi there bro!".

Kurama rolled his eyes "Hello Chomei, it seems you and your Jinchūriki have been having a lot of fun huh?".

Chomei enthusiastically nodded "Yup, yup! It's been really fun and Harry has even taught us all kinds of cool stuff!".

Everyone except Harry's companions looked intrigued, Naruto then got curious about what Kurama was doing out of his seal "Hey Kurama what's up? You're not one to come out of your seal? Is something wrong?".

Kurama nodded "This conversation seemed very interesting and I wanted to be here to listen to it but I also had a very important question for Harry".

Harry tilted his head "Really? Okay what is it?".

Kurama, stared into Harry's eyes "What are you? Your not a normal mortal anymore are you?".

Everyone except Harry's girls turned towards Harry curious as to what he would say "... No, no I'm not, over the course of my travels into so many different worlds I've gained access to all kinds of races, I have even become an Ōtsutsuki too hahaha".

Everyone was shocked to find out that Harry was an Ōtsutsuki but Harry continued "But you're completely right, I'm not a mortal anymore, I'm a dragon god, the Twilight Dread Dragon God of Chaos and Creation that is my actual godly title".

Kurama nodded while the rest of the shinobi were busy gaping, Kurama then spoke "I see... I could tell something about you was different, my instincts were screaming at me to run away and now I know why, I can't believe that the brat that used to prank the Anbu corp and the Third Hokage with Naruto is now a legitimate deity".

Boruto and Sarada turned to gape at Naruto they could have never imagined that he was a prankster, Naruto nervously chuckled while he scratched his cheek while Harry, Shikamaru, and Sasuke grinned at the embarrassed Hokage.

Suddenly lots of footsteps began to echo through the room until the door to Naruto's office suddenly explode into tiny pieces of splinters.

To Boruto's surprise, it was his mother who had destroyed the door but she wasn't alone, a lot of other people were behind her including his little sister Himawari, who stepped into the office and walked towards her brother but stopped when she noticed Kunou and her eye's sparkled when she saw her tails and ears.

Hinata looked around everywhere until she saw Harry standing there in front of Naruto's desk and began to tear up.

Shikamaru panicked when he saw all of his friends begin to run towards Harry, "Oi! Everyone calm down! You're in the Hokage's office!".

But everyone ignored him and then ran ahead with Hinata leading them and then jumped towards Harry whose eyes widen in shock as he was dogpiled by his old friends.

All of his friends then screamed at the same time "Harry! Welcome back!".

Harry who was at the bottom of the dogpiled grunted "Why?... Why does this always happen to me?! and you guys are grown-ass people, act your age!".

Everyone laughed at Harry's expense except Boruto and Sarada who were thoroughly shocked at having watched their mothers act like this while Himawari clapped and laughed at what had happened.

Harry groaned and then glared at the ones on top of the pile "And why are you guys up there?! You already do this all time!".

Kunou, Fuu, and Le Fay were sitting nonchalantly on the top of the pile while they were holding the chibi bijuu in their arms just grinned and shrugged to Harry, Kurama couldn't help but to comment "The mighty dragon god being taken down like this how shameful...".

Harry glared at the chibified Bijuu "I will eat you furball!".

Kurama just just chuckled and ignored the poor dragon god, while Shikamaru just sighed "This is the elite members of our shinobi ranks...".

He turned to speak with Naruto but then he saw that his chair was empty, he then turn to look at Sasuke who just shrugged and pointed at Naruto who was laying top of Choji and Kiba.

Shikamaru sweatdrop "Naruto... what are you doing there!?".

Naruto nervously chuckled "Well it looked like it was fun, so why not?".

Shikamaru just tiredly sighed "How troublesome...".


After everyone calm down and got off Harry, everyone then decided to have Harry tell them about what he's been doing in his original world and why he looked so young, so Harry spent a few hours telling everyone in more detail about what he's been doing.

Hinata smiled "So you're technically a leader of a hidden village now and have so many loved ones, I'm happy for you Harry".

Harry smiled back at Hinata "Thanks Hina but I'm more of an advisor for the Yokai faction, Yasaka is the leader of Kyoto".

Kunou giggled and everyone turned towards her, everyone chuckled when they saw Himawari being engulfed by her fluffy tails while holding both the Chibi Kurama and Chomei in her arms as if they were stuffed animals, Kurama was deadpanning but Chomei seem to be having fun, Himawari herself seems to be having the time of her life in there "Don't listen to Harry, mom actually considers him the leader of Kyoto, as a matter of fact, every member of the Yokai faction and our allies follows Harry's leadership, he just doesn't want to officially get the position because in his own words 'There's no way in hell I would ever get caught doing paperwork' but otherwise he is our leader".

Naruto grumbled "Lucky bastard...".

Harry grinned and then chuckled at Naruto while everyone laughed at the Hokage's misfortune, Sakura then spoke "But to think that our friend would become an all-powerful dragon god, I used to think that you transforming into a dragon was wild enough as it is but now?".

Himawari then popped her head out of Kunou's tails "Uncle Harry! You can transform into a dragon?".

Harry nodded "Uncle huh? Well I have always considered both Naruto and Hinata my siblings in all but blood so okay and yes I can transform into a dragon, but my dragon form has changed from what it was back then".

Naruto and Hinata smiled at the fact that Harry said that he considers them his siblings, while Ino became curious about Harry's dragon form "Wait, that giant black and green dragon form of yours changed?".

Harry nodded but it was Le Fay who spoke next "Oh is that what it looked like back then?".

Harry smiled "Yes, originally my dragon form was black and green but back then I was just merely a Dragonlord, my dragon form has evolved over my time in other worlds".

Kiba then spoke up "Really? Your dragon form was pretty badass back then! What does it look like now?".

Kunou happily spoke up next "Oh! It's very big! and his scales are a beautiful golden and silver color and he has two sets of pretty feathered wings but he usually has one set out at all times plus he has this awesome white mane too!".

Everyone looked up in thought trying to imagine how Harry looks now in his dragon form.

Mitsuki who has been quiet since he met Harry knowing full well that this man has almost killed his parent Orochimaru on multiple occasions and didn't want to catch his attention, couldn't help but to hum "I wonder how big is he in his dragon form?".

Sarada and Boruto nodded since they themselves were also curious, Harry having heard Mitsuki turned to look at him "In my dragon form I'm at least twice as big as Kurama".

Mitsuki froze when he noticed Harry staring at him and he began to sweat profusely which Harry noticed "You okay kid? You got very nervous all of a sudden".

Sasuke decided to speak "He thinks you will attack him since he's Orochimaru's child, I'm sure he's told him about his battles with you and how more than once you came really close to killing him the times you met.

Harry raised an eyebrow towards Mitsuki "I see, you don't have to worry kid, I know Orochimaru was trying to turn a leaf before I left this world plus I'm not the type to judge someone depending on who their parents are, so relax".

Mitsuki sighed relieved that Harry wasn't going to attack him, while Kawaki then decided to ask a question "Is it true? Is Jigen really dead?".

Harry turned towards Kawaki and nodded "Yes, the power I used on him is known to be able to erase even souls so that pale bastard is gone forever".

Kawaki sighed in relief as the Uzumaki family and Sarada smiled at him, happy that he was finally free, Kawaki then surprised everyone by bowing "Thank you for taking care of that monster".

Harry grinned "Don't mention it! The bastard hurt my friends and no one gets away with that plus it was the girls who beat his pale ass to the ground ".

Kawaki bowed toward the girls too who just blushed and shook their heads in embarrassment, while Hinata got curious about Le Fay and Kunou "By the way, what are you girls to Harry? You seem close to him, I know he and Fuu were going out back then but what about you guys".

Harry got nervous while Kunou smiled proudly "We're members of Harry's harem and his future wives!".

Everyone shouted at the same time "What!?".

Lee couldn't help but say "Harry! Your flames of youth are so bright!".

Naruto chuckled "Well, I'm sure Pervy Sage would be proud of you Harry".

Shikamaru shook his head "You poor bastard...".

While Sasuke, Shino, Sai, and Choji just smiled at their friend's predicament.

Kiba howled in laughter, while Hinata suddenly activated her Byakugan making Harry panic "Oh~ it seems like you have fallen Harry... I'm going to have to bring you back to the light".

Sakura, Ten Ten and Ino sweatdropped and took a step back from Hinata not wanting to get caught in the crossfire.

Harry began to shake his head and wave his hands in surrender "Wait a minute Hina!, It's all a misunderstanding!".

Hinata stopped for a second "Oh! Then you really aren't going out with multiple women?".

Harry began to panic "Well yes but there were special circumstances to-".

But Hinata didn't let him finish "Repent!".

The villagers going about their day were suddenly startled by the screams of pain echoing through the entire village.


Back in the Hokage's office Harry has been knocked out and was lying on top of a puddle of his own blood, while all the males present were huddled together against a corner of the room, Shikamaru couldn't help to comment "Damn Naruto... your wife is very scary!".

The guys nodded while Naruto chuckled nervously "Y-yeah.. she is the only one who can control Harry after all...".

Harry's little soul came out of him, but was still attached to his body, the poor thing was crying so Himawari decided to pat it on its head "There, there".

Boruto and Kurama were sweating profusely since they got reminded where Himawari got her scary mode from, while the girls were impressed with Hinata's skills.

Le Fay bent down toward Harry and poked the little soul that Himawari was consoling "Wow, I've never seen Harry so beat up".

Hinata however just dusted her clothes "Someone had to make sure Naruto and Harry didn't traumatize everyone in the village, some people still have flashbacks to their pranks".

The Anbu who were hiding in the office nodded, they might respect their captain but he was a terror to deal with when he and Naruto started with their pranks.

A few minutes later Harry was able to recover and was now standing while Himawari was on his shoulders messing with his hair, Kurama who was back on top of Naruto's desk decided to comment "I'm surprised Naruto's wife was able to cause that much damage to you like that, why didn't your scales stopped her strikes".

Harry huffed "If I had used my scales Hinata would have broken her fingers and then she would really be pissed and I don't have a death wish thank you very much!".

Everyone chuckled because they knew that the real reason he didn't use his scales was that he didn't want to hurt Hinata so he took his hits like a champ.

Hinata smiled "Well you should have started by explaining that you really didn't have a choice about the harem and that it was the girls who decided on it".

Harry sweatdropped "Sigh... Hina you didn't even give me a chance to breathe much less speak but yes the girls pretty much decided everything and I just got along with the ride plus I do love them".

The girls blushed but smiled brightly, Hinata smiled because she knew Harry had always wanted a big family and it seems that his dream became true, she then clapped her hands "Okay! Then you're staying with us until you have to go back home!".

Naruto, Himawari, and Boruto cheered happy that Harry and the girls will be staying with them, Harry chuckled because he knew he really didn't have a choice anyways "Okay, tomorrow I'll be bringing Yasaka and the rest of the girls here, that way we can officially have Konoha and Neo Kyoto become allies, this would allow us to share resources like medicine, technology, and the Leaf will get access to the guilds and Natural Dungeon that way everyone in the village can grow even stronger!".

Naruto, Sasuke, and Shikamaru smiled and nodded, Naruto then grinned toward Harry "We'll offer our services as shinobi, training, and whatever else Neo Kyoto may need, I think that we're getting the best out of the deal but knowing you, you probably don't really care".

Harry chuckled "Yup! Konoha is my village too so, of course, I want to help it grow, I'll be also raising some very powerful wards and wartime wards for the village, that should prevent anyone from trying to come in here and cause trouble".

Everyone smiled at Harry's words while Naruto nodded "Thank you, Harry, you're the best!".

Hinata then spoke, "Well if that's all, let's all go home! I'll be making a special big dinner tonight!".

Naruto, Himawari, Boruto, Harry, and the girls cheered, Kurama grinned and even Kawaki looked excited "Well if that's the case I'll stay out, for now, a big dinner sounds good plus I want to hear more about how a nine-tailed fox is the leader of an entire faction".

Himawari and Kunou cheered about having Kurama join them for dinner while Boruto grinned, he really did like the Bijuu since they seemed very cool to him.


That night after dinner Kawaki, Boruto, and Himawari went to sleep, Boruto and Kawaki were still very tired from the ordeal they went through today while Himawari was just tired from all the excitement that went down that day.

Naruto, Hinata, Harry, and the girls sat on the couches in the living room while Kurama and Chomei sat on the coffee table.

Naruto and Kurama explained everything that had been happening to them lately and about the Ōtsutsuki causing trouble.

Harry, of course, frowned "Where do the Ōtsutsuki even come from anyways? I know Kaguya came from space so I was sure they were aliens of some kind but now? They seem more like world jumpers like me...".

Naruto nodded "Yeah, Sasuke and I found more information about them inside Kaguya's castle, that's how we found out that they travel in pairs and that Kaguya betrayed her partner who you destroyed today".

Kurama then spoke, "but that scientist said that they were still more members of Kara out there, I'm sure this isn't over yet...".

Naruto frowned whole Harry spoke next "Scientist guy?".

Naruto nodded "Yeah his name is Amado and he betrayed Kara, he gave us information about them in exchange for protection, technically all of Kara's members were modified to an extreme degree, they're more machines than anything else".

Harry narrowed his eyes "He made androids? Can these guys absorb energy?".

Naruto raised an eyebrow "Yes, there's a limit to how much they can absorb but that does make them annoying to deal with but how do you know that?".

Harry heavily sighed "In another world, I faced something similar, Dr. Gero was the name of the crazy bastard who created a bunch of highly advance and powerful Androids, technically he heavily enhanced a few humans but at the time they were terrifyingly powerful and if I and my friends in that world didn't stop them then that entire world would have been destroyed, if Amado is anything like Dr. Gero you really shouldn't trust him".

Naruto began to sweat, what Harry just told him was way too similar to what has been happening to them lately "I see, I'll speak to Shikamaru about this and decide what to do with him, you're right he might be too dangerous to let roam around freely...".

Harry nodded "If you need to I'll deal with him myself Naruto, you don't have to force yourself".

Naruto chuckled "Thank you but I'll be fine if it's for the safety of the village I'll handle it myself".

Harry nodded to him "You've grown a lot over the years Naruto".

Naruto scratched the back of his head in embarrassment "I had to, I have the entire village depending on me so I can't act selfishly anymore".

Fuu then spoke, "We're going to have to deal with that Ten Tails Kara has under their possession, if we killed it, that would definitely weaken them and practically destroy all of their plans, you said Sasuke knows where it is right?".

Naruto nodded while Harry hummed "I'll ask Sasuke to take me to its location and I'll take care of it, that thing is to dangerous to let be in the hands of our enemies, it's better to destroy it".

Naruto nodded "That sounds like a good plan plus that's one less worry on our shoulders".

Kunou then spoke, "You're also bringing mom and the others over, right?".

Harry nodded "Yes we might as well stay a couple of days, after dealing with the Ten-Tails, I'll be busy raising the wards around Konoha and making a Dimensional gate connecting Konoha with Kyoto, that way everyone can travel back and forth".

Le Fay nodded "I'll help you Harry let's add some wards on the Dimensional gate to prevent anyone with ill intent from coming over our world".

Harry nodded "Yeah that sounds like a good idea".

Naruto grinned "Once again, thank you Harry this will really help us plus getting more missions from your side will be interesting".

Harry chuckled "You're welcome and besides we do need more help with the Natural Dungeon, it keeps changing and evolving so having more experience people going in there and surveying the new areas will be a lot of help plus it is a great place for the Genin to grown stronger and gain more skills and abilities".

Naruto grinned "Honestly it all sounds like a lot of fun and it seems like this will open up all kinds of different occupations, I'm interested in this enchanting research branch you spoke about, I wonder how Uzumaki Sealing would work with it?".

Harry smiled "Well everyone is welcome to go to Kyoto and learn what they want, we even have our own Anbu corp that I trained myself so the Anbu from here and them can swap notes".

Naruto nodded "I think I'll have to start training again, Jigen showed me how much I've been lacking lately, and if you wouldn't have shown up I probably would have died".

Harry looked down "I can help you with that right now the rest you can do by going into the Natural Dungeon or you can train with me and the girls whenever you want".

Naruto widen his eyes "You'll help me?".

Harry nodded "Of course, I would, as matter of fact I'll help everyone in my generation while I'm here, I can now grant skills, spells, and techniques to other people now".

Naruto gaped "Holy crap Harry! Do you know how powerful that ability is? Especially with you the one having access to it? You alone must have a countless amount of abilities that you can now hand over like candy!".

Harry grinned "I know, it's how I helped my family and friends grow stronger, I just handed them the skills but they're the ones that put in the effort to master their use".

Naruto look down lost in thought for a second but then looked up for a second with determination burning brightly in his eyes "Then I'll gladly accept your help! I need to grow stronger, not just for the village but Hinata and my children too!".

Harry nodded and got up from the couch and approached Naruto until he was close enough to reach him, he then place a finger on his brow and began to transfer skill after skill to Naruto.

Naruto himself could only widen his eyes in shock at the amount of knowledge and skills Harry was giving him, he hasn't felt this powerful since he had access to old man Sage's power when Haragomo shared half of his power back during the Fourth Shinobi war, suddenly his chakra cloak activated but this time he was in full Six Path Sage mode, he turned his head to the side and saw that his Goudama were back and that he now knew how to use Yin and Yang Release.

Hinata's eyes widen in shock while the girls looked in awe, Kurama grinned widely, and Naruto then turned towards Harry "Harry! How? this should be impossible!".

Harry shrugged "I told you, I'm an Ōtsutsuki now so I did the same thing the Sage of Six Paths did back then, just instead of sharing my power with you I just reactivated those power for you again, they were always in there they just needed a little spark plus I also gave you my blessing and a bunch of usual perks like 'Perfect Control' and 'Dragon Core', technically you're almost a full-blown god now".

Naruto gaped but then turned towards Hinata "but what about Hinata and my children? Will I outlive them".

Naruto looked sad until Harry slapped him on the back of his head "Oi you bastard!".

Harry just rolled his eyes "I'll be giving Hinata and the rest of our generation the same thing except Ōtsutsuki's power so they'll live as long as you, so don't start getting all depressed I'll grant my blessings to Himawari and Boruto so don't worry about them either".

Naruto grinned and then dissipated his Six Paths Sage mode while both he and Harry began to laugh together.

Both Harry and Naruto seemed so happy to be together, Hinata who was watching this from where she was sitting teared up in happiness, it's has been a while since her husband seemed so happy and alive, they both missed Harry very much and now that he was back it was like everything seemed so bright.

Harry and Naruto noticed Hinata smiling and crying but Harry softly smiled at her which Hinata returned while Naruto gave them one of his bright and wide smiles.

Yes, things were looking very bright and happy to Hinata right now, she can't wait for more surprises from her dear older brother, Harry Potter.