
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Book&Literature
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242 Chs

Chapter 46

The next day in the underworld, where the devil's capital can be found, we find the Sitri hospital, here Sirzechs Lucifer is in critical condition, his injuries are very severe but the light poisoning in his body was causing his body to heal slower than usual.

Even the notorious Phoenix Tears of the Phenex clan weren't helping and Sirzechs was put into a medically induced coma to help his body recover.

While Sirzechs was in the hospital recovering, a meeting between devil elders and Serafall was taking place, She was intending to send a message to every devil in the underworld with the defeat of their strongest devil.

The devil elders were of course in shock that the most powerful among their kind was so severely beaten, Serafall had reported what had happened and the elders were still having a difficult time believing it.

But they can't just pretend it didn't happen and for the first time in a long while the Devil faction was afraid, one of the elder devils spoke "Lady Serafall the Yokai faction has grown too powerful, and now, not even our maou can protect us if the Yokai decide that the devil race should be destroyed there's nothing we could do!".

Serafall just shook her head "As long as the devils leave the Yokai, Japan, and Harry Potter alone, the Devil faction will be safe, I have been working with the Yokai faction as a close ally for a long time so I know how they operate but it's important that all devils leave them alone".

At first, the elders tried to keep the fact that Sirzechs was out of commission for a while a secret but Serafall didn't agree "Its important for every devil to know and understand the consequences of messing with Harry Potter and the Yokai faction, otherwise, it is a matter of time before some other devil does something to piss Harry Potter off and I might not be able to convince him again from not killing a few devils".

Serafall then stood up from where she has been sitting throughout the meeting and spoke "This is my one and only warning to all of you, the simple fact is that the Yokai faction and its people have risen in power, so much in fact that they're practically untouchable and if the devils keep ignoring this then not only might the devil race might cease to exist but that I will gladly help the Yokai faction in this!".

The elders rose in an uproar but Serafall flared her energy causing the temperature in the elder council room to drop drastically, frost and ice began to manifest everywhere inside the room and the elder could only look in shock and horror at the new power held by Serafall.

Serafall glared at the elders "I'm an ally to the Yokai faction and I'm tired of all of you making my job harder and harder with your greed and disregard for everything and everyone in the world, it's the reason I moved to Kyoto, I can't stand this anymore! So you've been warned, if you choose to ignore my words then don't come to me to fix your mistakes because I'll be one of the first ones marching here with the Yokai faction to destroy you!".

With that said Serafall left the council room leaving each and every elder devil there in shock and not only her declaration to help the Yokai faction destroy them if they mess up again but at the fact that Serafall has gotten way stronger, stronger than even Sirzechs Lucifer.

Ajuka who had been present and silently listening was perplexed, this Serafall wasn't the one that has been dealing with international affairs, no this was the Serafall from the war, A Serafall who no one wanted to mess with {Her power rose beyond what super-devil like Sirzechs can accomplish... but how? Did Harry Potter train her? Does she have access to that strange place located in Kyoto where the rumors say that one can get stronger and stronger? I also need to investigate this rumor of Harry Potter being able to get Evil Pieces out of reincarnated devils without killing them... good thing I told those young devils to keep a secret, for now, as that news could cause a rebellion within the devil faction and we can afford that for now.}

Ajuka stood up and the elders thought that he might have a solution to their predicament but to their ever-growing despair, Ajuka immediately disappeared with a flash of light of his magic circle.

The elder were left in the meeting room in shock and utter helplessness as they saw two of their maous not doing anything about this situation.


Meanwhile, the spies within the Devil faction began to report what had happened to the other factions of the world.

Many were glad that the Red Satan was finally put in his place, others were concerned that someone out there was powerful enough to beat him so easily and others were terrified that something like that could happen to them.

Among those were the Fallen angels, they personally knew how terrifying Harry Potter is, and the fact that he had beaten Sirzechs Lucifer just made things more real to them.

However just as there were many who fear Harry and the Yokai faction, there were others who were curious or interested in him.

Others were so arrogant that they believed themselves powerful enough to challenge Harry and couldn't wait to test themselves against him.

Finally, we had those that didn't believe the news and instead chose to ignore them, they wholeheartedly believe that Harry had help or somewhat got lucky.

Needless to say that in the world there's an overabundance of stupidity and arrogance.


As all of this was going on, the Gremory family, Sirzechs's wife Grayfia, her's and Sirzechs's son Millicas were inside of the Red Satan's hospital room keeping him company, even though he was in a coma they were hoping that he could somehow feel their presence and put him at ease.

However the atmosphere in the room was tense and depressing, Venelana Gremory, the mother of Sirzechs and Rias was sobbing as she watched her son's injured body, Zeoticus Gremory was holding his wife's shoulders as he frowned in sadness at the condition of his son.

Rias was crying and holding Millicas in her arms, she was heavily bandaged all over her body but because she wasn't hit by Harry's holy light she was able to somewhat recover better than her brother.

Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba were standing against a wall in the room looking down in sadness and shame, they also were heavily bandaged except Koneko who wasn't to hurt by Harry, to begin with.

Grayfia is sitting beside her husband while holding his hand, her eyes were red, a sign that she had been crying not to long ago.

Suddenly Serafall opened the door and stepped inside the room "How is he?".

Everyone turned to look at Serafall, it was Grayfia who answered her question "he's healing... slowly but healing nonetheless, he has several broken bones and torn muscles, he's magically drained and he's been badly poisoned by holy light... its the light poisoning that prevents him from recovering quickly".

Serafall nodded "I see... maybe I should have let Harry heal him?.

Akeno growled "Lady Serafall! how can you speak about that monster so casually! He did all of this! Look at Lord Sirzechs! He did all of that to him".

Serafall turned to glare at Akeno and disappeared in a blur, she then appeared in front of Akeno, grabbed her by the throat, and harshly slammed her into the wall.

Rias gasped "Akeno!" she was about to run and help her friend but her mother grabbed her hand and glared at her causing Rias to flinch and stop in her tracks.

Meanwhile, Akeno's body was being frozen while being choked by an angry Serafall "All of you brought this upon yourselves... You were the ones to arrogantly challenged Harry, all of you are the reason Sirzechs got involved in the first place, and don't ever insult Harry in my presence!".

Serafall then slammed Akeno to the wall once more and drove her body inside it and then let her go, she then turned to both Kiba and Koneko with a glare on her face "Anyone else want to insult my friend?".

Both Kiba and Koneko vigorously shook their heads, Serafall then turned to Rias "i hope you understand that all of this was caused because of your stupidity...".

Rias looked down, Zeoticus frowned " Lady Serafall aren't you being too harsh, I don't think that Rias's actions were to severe...".

Serafall frowned "That nonchalant and arrogant attitude of yours and Sirzechs are the main cause for Rias's behavior, uncle! Both of you had spoiled her so much that she thought it was a great idea to challenge a dragon god, one that is known to be the most powerful one out of the three and the number one spot holder for the most powerful of the world, so yes! Rias's actions were too severe!".

Zeoticus flinched while Venelana sighed "Forgive my foolish husband Lady Serafall, you're right of course, we have let Rias grow to arrogant and naive to how the world outside the underworld moves, my apologies for all of this mess".

Venelana bowed but Serafall lifted her up "Don't apologize for other's actions aunty besides the Gremory are already financially paying for this mess".

Zeoticus flinched once more, that fine was enormous and the Gremory savings took a massive hit, it was going to take a while to recover from that.

Venelana smiled at Serafall who she considered family "Thank you, dear, I'll make sure Sirzechs and Zeoticus learn from this... and that includes Rias as well".

Rias and her father gulped while Millicas who had heard everything decided to ask Serafall about Harry "Is mister Harry Potter really that strong?".

Serafall turned towards Millicas "Yes! He can turn into this big dragon, and he has these pretty gold and silver scales! He's trained as a shinobi! He knows all kinds of cool and flashy spells, and he can also forge and enchant weapons plus he's a master in hand-to-hand and sword combat!".

Millicas was awed, Grayfia smiled at her son and she was glad that he was smart enough not to hate Harry for putting his father in the hospital when it was their fault, to begin with.

Serafall continued to speak about all the cool stuff Harry can do to Millicas when suddenly Millicas had a great idea "Oh! Can we ask Mr. Harry to heal father! You said that he can do it right?".

Serafall tilted her head and thought about it for a second "Hmmm I mean we could but I think your father needs to learn his lesson so he should stay like this for a while, though I'll help him a bit!".

Serafall reached into her pocket and took out an Apple gel, and split it in half, she then walked towards Sirzechs and jammed one of the halves right into Sirzechs's mouth causing his unconscious body to buck and cough.

Everyone except Millicas -who was trying not to laugh- sweatdropped at Serafall's horrendous bedside manners but then they watched in awe as Sirzechs wounds slightly healed.

Venelana then spoke up "Oh my! That was fast, Lady Serafall what was that?".

Serafall grinned "Special magical medicine from Kyoto! I just gave him half of it so he should have recovered around fifteen percent of all his injuries".

Zeoticus rubbed his beard "Ah! Yes I have heard that the Yokai were producing their own magical medicine, Lord Phenex was furious at having lost business with the Yokai and Vampire factions because of this, he lost a lot of money too".

Serafall smiled and nodded "Yup! and it was Harry who taught the Yokai how to create this medicine, too bad is only available to the Yokai and their allies".

Serafall grinned as she chucked the other half of the Apple gel into her mouth "Plus they're very delicious!".

Everyone sweatdrops but they all accepted Serafall's quirky explanation, meanwhile, Rias and her peerage couldn't help but wonder what was the monster that had beaten them, doing at this moment.


Harry's day started early in the morning, he and Tony got up and got Hope and Morgan ready for school, while Tony was double-checking their school's supplies, Harry was making their lunches meanwhile the girls were watching all this while eating their breakfast.

The girls laugh and smiled at the scene of both Tony and Harry running around trying to get everything ready for the girls' first day at school.

Afterward Tony collapsed on the couch due to the stress he just went through while Harry took the girls to school.

Ddraig went back inside Morgan and promised to keep an eye out and protect both of the girls while they were in school, something Harry approved of.

After that chaos, everyone got busy training or doing their jobs in the guilds or research while Harry decided to take a nap in his dragon form.

The spot he picked to nap? Kuoh Academy, of course, he created a ward around him so non-magicals couldn't see or hear him and so Kuoh academy had a giant dragon, sleeping in its running track, on its belly without most of the students noticing.

Needless to say that Sona and her peerage panicked the moment they noticed a dragon sleeping so close to the school, so to make sure that the students were safe they decided to confront it.

Sona carefully and almost silently approached the sleeping dragon while her peerage watched anxiously.

Once Sona got close, Harry suddenly opened one of his eyes and stared at a frozen in shock Sona.

Sona stared back towards the dragon's green eyes and dared not move but she did manage to talk to the dragon "err... Mr. dragon could you not sleep here? Please?".

Harry huffed, rolled his eyes, and turned his back on Sona whose left eye began to twitch in annoyance at being ignored, she was about to blast the damn lizard with tons of water but her peerage reacted in time and grabbed her before she could do so.

However they were at a loss of how to deal with this, Tsubaki spoke up "What are we going to do Sona? Should we let it sleep? I mean only we noticed, the rest of the students don't seem to see it".

Sona had noticed that but pushed it aside "You're right... did it use some kind of spell, or is it a natural ability?".

Harry huffed again and rolled to face Sona and her peerage, causing them to tense and not move "Can you go talk somewhere else? I'm trying to sleep here...".

Everyone sweatdropped but then Sona recognized the voice coming out of the dragon "Is... that you Lord Potter?".

All of the devil in her peerage had their eyes bulged in shock when Sona called the dragon Harry while Harry himself then sat on his hunches and nodded "Yup it's me but you can call me Harry, I'm not much for titles and all of that formal talk".

Sona nodded "Okay... but can you tell me why are you a dragon, and why are you sleeping in the middle of the school's running track?...

Harry scratch his belly and then shook his body causing dirt and dust to fly off his body, his scales began to shine with the help of the sun and all the girls in Sona's peerage stared in awe at the pretty scales, Harry then spoke "I'm a dragon god, so I have a dragon form, I would think Serafall would have told you about it, she loves going of rides on my head all the time and I was sleeping here because this is a big and open area where the sun can warm me up".

Sona tilted her head "Yes, my sister did mention that she had a dragon friend that would give her rides in the sky but I always thought she was making it up... my sister has a habit of exaggerating things after all, and please don't just sleep anywhere, what would you do if someone saw you?".

Harry chuckled at Sona's comment about Serafall but shrugged about the second comment "I raised a very powerful ward around me so there's no way non-magicals can see me".

Sona just sighed "You're going to be a headache aren't you?".

Harry just grinned at her causing Sona to huff but the rest of her peerage giggled or chuckled at this situation Sona found herself in.

After that Sona and her peerage asked Harry about his skills and abilities while Harry lay back and relaxed.

Harry explained quite a few things about what was going on in Kyoto and a few projects that they were working on, Sona was impressed by how different the Yokai faction seemed to be compared to her own.

Ruruko, Reya, Tomoe, and Momo climbed onto Harry's back and enjoyed the fact that they were on top of a dragon, Harry let them do as they please and just chuckled at their antics, however, the sole male in Sona's peerage didn't dare move or say anything.

Genshirou's dragonic instincts which were a side effect from his Sacred Gear were going high wire at being in the presence of a dragon god.

Harry noticed it and just widely grinned at the poor boy who just paled and passed out, Sona rolled her eyes "Did you have to do that?".

Harry chuckled "No.. but it was funny".

Sona shook her head and decided to ask something that she's been wondering about "How is Gasper doing? Is he okay?".

Harry smiled and nodded "Yeah, the little guy is excited to have Valerie back in his life, she and Elmenhilde who is the Vampire faction envoy are having a lot of fun using him as a dress-up doll, not that he seems to mind, we are also are getting him professional help, he'll be going back and forth between Kuoh and Kyoto because of that so he's not going to be around much".

Sona smiled and just continue to speak with Harry, she wanted to learn more about him, the Yokai, and the most powerful faction in the world and so she spent the rest of the day with the dragon god, completely forgetting that it was a school day.


A couple of weeks passed by rather quickly, the entire household was keeping themselves busy all the time but they did spend a lot of time together too.

Serafall and Yasaka were constant visitors and even had their own rooms in the house just so they can stay whenever.

Morgan and Hope were doing great in school but that was expected for a cosmic force and a dragon god-blessed child, none the less their parents were proud of them, especially since they now had friends around their ages and were having a normal and happy childhood.

One weekend, however, as Harry was going to the park with Morgan and Hope, they found a very curious sight on their way to the park.

A nun was on the floor moaning in pain, her butt was sticking up while she was busy dealing with her obvious trip to the ground.

Morgan and Hope ran ahead and helped the poor nun get up while Harry began to pick up her clothes and briefcase which had spilled all over the place because of her tripping and falling.

The nun smiled "Thank you! I was so distracted that I didn't watch where I was going and I tripped... sigh..".

Morgan grabbed the nun's hand "Are you, okay miss?".

Harry raised an eyebrow, Morgan was not one to speak to strangers but here she was speaking and holding the hand of this nun, though for some reason his own dragonic instincts were telling him to protect this girl.

The nun smiled "I'm fine, I'm just a little lost and the fact that I don't speak the language makes things extra difficult for me, oh! I'm sorry my name is Asia Argento it's nice to meet you three!".

Harry's eyes widen while Morgan and Hope smiled, Morgan decided to introduce everyone "Hi Asia! I'm Morgan and that's my cousin Hope! but she's more of a big sister to me! and that's my uncle Harry!".

Morgan cheerfully pointed at Harry, while Hope spoke "Hmm you're the girl that aunty Gabriel and my daddy have been looking for! You must be very good at hiding because they couldn't find you at all!".

Harry chuckled and looked at the thoroughly confused Asia "Sorry about them Asia, their excitement gets the better of them sometimes".

Asia nodded and smiled at the girls, Harry then spoke up once again "Listen, it is true that we have been looking for you, how about you come with us to the park and we can talk there".

Asia was obviously nervous but she saw the smiles on both the girls and Harry and she just couldn't say no to them, so she nodded, Morgan and Hope cheered and each one grabbed one of Asia's hands and proceeded to drag her to the park, Harry followed them with a wide smile on his face while carrying Asia's luggage.


Once Harry and company reached the park Morgan and Hope immediately ran to the jungle gym while Harry and Asia sat on a bench close by.

Asia stared and smiled as both Morgan and Hope ran around and played in the jungle gym, other children soon joined them in their games adding more to their fun.

However Asia couldn't help but gasped when Hope suddenly made all the children float around the jungle gym, she looked around and saw that no one seemed curious about what was happening, she then turned towards Harry who was smiling softly as he watched the girls have fun, his eyes were glowing with mirth and care.

Asia stared and blushed a bit, Harry at that moment looked so caring and kind, he looked like a very loving father.

Harry felt Asia staring at him and so he turned to her with a smile "Hmm? Are you okay Asia?".

Asia sputtered in embarrassment, causing Harry to chuckle, Asia stopped panicking and looked down a bit to hide her blush "Err... shouldn't we stop Hope from using magic?".

Harry shook his head "It's okay, this last couple of days I have noticed that Kuoh seems to be unique, in that for some reason the people living here seem to ignore supernatural events very easily, I think it's because a lot of things have happened in this town and so they're used it".

Asia nodded and took another look around and she noticed that no one seemed to bat an eye at the fact that the children were floating around and playing "I see... how curious".

Harry nodded "Right? It's very interesting but anyways, Asia I do have to inform you of a couple of things".

And so Harry explained what had happened to the fallen angels that were waiting for her, what they were planning, who he is and the faction he represents.

Asia was heartbroken, all of this was to much for her, first, she gets excommunicated and kicked out of the place she considered her home, and now she finds out that she was going to get killed for her Sacred Gear, no matter how hard she tried she couldn't stop her tears from falling down her face.

Harry watched sadly as Asia cried {Poor girl... she must have gone through a lot plus Gabriel did tell me how she was sheltered away from anyone by the church always being forced to be alone...}.

Harry then decided to help Asia and so he spoke up "Asia don't cry, I know things seem sad and horrible right now but Gabriel and I want to help you".

Asia rubbed her eyes and then turned to look at Harry "You want to help me? Gabriel? Who is that?".

Harry smiled "Yes I want to help you and Gabriel, as in Archangel Gabriel, she was against the church kicking you out and she even left heaven to live with us in Kyoto because her brother Michael refused to help you for some reason".

Asia gasped "Lady Gabriel wants to help me!? but I'm no one special...".

Harry patted her head causing Asia to squeak in surprise "Don't say that Asia, you're a kind girl, Gabriel told me a lot about you, you know? She really likes you and even asked me and Yasaka to take you under the protection of the Yokai faction but then the Fallen faction beat her to it but she never stopped looking for you".

Asia began to cry once again and Harry continued to gently pat her head "Tell me, Asia, what do you want? I'll make sure you get whatever you need and want, I promise".

Asia was sobbing but she was still able to speak and she vented to Harry "I-i want lots of friends! I want to spend time with them! Read b-books, pick flowers together... go to s-school... I want a family!".

Asia suddenly launched herself to Harry who hugged her and let her cry on his chest "Okay, I'll help you have all of that and more Asia, you can consider me your friend from now on and I'm sure all of my friends and family will accept you immediately so you'll have a ton of friends from the get-go, I'll enroll you into this town's school and we'll have a ton of fun!".

Asia continued sobbing but nodded, Harry smiled, to him, Asia remained him a bit of himself before he started his journey, back when he was alone, afraid, and helpless.

So he was going to protect Asia from now on, his dragonic instincts were also telling him to protect her.

Asia Argento from now on will have the care and support of Harry Potter, the Yokai faction, and its allies, she'll have everything she ever wished and more.


That evening Harry arrived back home with three tired and sleeping girls floating behind him, Pepper smiled, grabbed Morgan, and took her to her bed.

Jean did the same for Hope but not before giving Harry a kiss and then leaving with their daughter in her arms sleeping peacefully.

Harry walked towards the living room, laid Asia on the couch, and called Hela who appeared immediately making Harry jump a bit in surprise "Sweet merciful Ereshkigal! Hela don't just appear out of nowhere like that!".

Hela actually grinned "My apologies master Harry, what can I do for you?".

Harry's left eye twitch when he noticed her grin but let it go for now "Can you prepare a room for this girl here, she'll be staying with us from now on".

Hela nodded "Of course, I'll go do that immediately!".

Harry shooked his head in amusement {Who would have thought that Hela would take being my maid so seriously?}.

Harry then took his cell phone and texted Gabriel to come to the house right away, she immediately replied saying that she was on her way.

A few minutes later Gabriel appeared via magic circle and immediately hugged Harry "Harry! It's always nice to see you".

Harry smiled and hugged the overly affectionate seraph "Hey Gabriel, I found Asia Argento".

Gabriel gasped and let go of Harry "Really? That's great! Where is she?".

Harry smiled and pointed at the couch where Asia was sleeping peacefully, Gabriel smiled and walked up to Asia, and once she was close enough she began to pat her head "Thank you, Harry, what the church did to this poor girl is unforgivable...".

Harry nodded in agreement "Yes, just to let you know, I'm punching Michael in the face the next time I see him, you told me about Asia but she really is a sweetheart, even now there's no trace of darkness in her heart".

Gabriel nodded "I'll hold big brother for you Harry".

Harry chuckled, Gabriel was not one for violence but the fact that she was willing to help her brother get punched in the face is a big sign of how mad she is at what has happened to Asia "Oh! I forgot to do this for you the last time I saw you but I think you deserve this the most Gabriel".

Gabriel tilted her head in confusion but nodded and watched as Harry stretch an arm and place a hand where her heart is, suddenly she felt something in her change causing her eyes to widen in surprise "What was that? I know something changed but I don't know what hmm?...".

Harry smiled "I just made it impossible for you to fall, Gabriel, when I returned from my trip from another world my connection and understanding of God's system improved, I think it's due to my new domain over creation but now I'm capable of doing this and I know for a fact that you deserve this more than any of your siblings".

Gabriel gaped but then hugged Harry tightly to her "Thank you so much, Harry! Falling is always a big fear to us angels so this makes me very happy! I promise not to abuse your gift!".

Harry chuckled "I know you won't, oh! Could you move into the house? I think Asia would love it if you stayed and I'm going to need a bit of help helping her".

Gabriel vigorously nodded "Of course! I wanted to help Asia for a long time now! Thank you for giving me a chance!".

Harry grinned "No problem, I'm going to be teaching her all of my healing spells, techniques, and skills to her, we all the craziness that happens in this house we need a medic around here sometimes... besides I'm sure the girls will teach her all kinds things and how to defend herself".

Gabriel giggles "Okay! I'll help too! My time training in the Natural Dungeon and learning from Ophanimon has taught me all kinds of new skills!".

Gabriel fist pumped and Harry chuckled at her excitement "Though for some reason my dragonic instincts keep pushing me to protect her... I wonder why?".

Ophis then floated into the room and towards Asia, one she reach her she actually cuddle with her which surprised both Gabriel and Ophis, Harry decided to ask her "Ophis? What are you doing?".

Ophis looked up and stared at Harry like a cat playing with its favorite toy "She's a dragon tamer... must protect!...".

Gabriel and Harry just stared at Ophis continued to use Asia like a stuffed animal "A dragon tamer? well.. that's interesting, is that why my dragonic instincts have been weird around her?".

Ophis nodded "Yes this girl's aura feels nice to us dragons... it relaxes us and calms us down..".

Gabriel then had a realization "Oh! Like catnip to a kitty!".

Harry raised an eyebrow "Hmm okay that makes sense... all right, she is under our protection anyways Ophis, so let's take care of our little tamer together".

Ophis nodded and then floated up and kissed Harry and then went back to cuddle with Asia, Gabriel who watched that happen blushed, she was still not used to open shows of affection and had literally covered her face with her hands in embarrassment, causing Harry to smile and pat her head.


The next morning Asia was introduced to everyone in the house, needless to say, that she was surprised at how many people lived here.

But she couldn't help to smile at seeing how everyone acted like a big family, to her shock when Harry explained her situation to everyone she was accepted right away and told her to consider everyone here a friend.

This made Asia extremely happy and then the girls kidnapped Asia, took Harry's wallet, and went shopping for everything that Asia will ever need now that she was living with them, even Gabriel went with them.

Harry was left standing there with a manly tear coming down his face, silently he send a small prayer to his finances and then left to go see what Tony was up to.


Once he reached the lab he saw Tony going through some calculations on his computer while he himself was staring at some metals on his desk.

Harry approached him "Hey Tony! What's got your attention?".

Tony looked up "Oh! Harry! Morning! I'm just doing some tests and calculations on these metals mined in the Natural Dungeon, where are Morgan and Hope?".

Harry reached Tony and stared at the metals "Pepper took them to school, hmm this is Mithril and Electrum.. but they're supercharged with mana".

Tony nodded "Yes, these metals have their own current of energy running through them, I'm thinking of creating miniature arc reactors that can be used for smartphones and laptops, this way they'll be magical resistant and would have almost infinite energy, the problem would be the heat generated by the arc reactors and the fact that the metals might loose their magical charge while being processed...".

Harry took a piece of Mithril and began to change its shape, Tony widen his eyes in surprise "How are you doing that?!".

Harry grinned "Metal Manipulation, it's an advance chakra technique, a Kekkei Tōta or Bloodline Selection in English, it allows the user to freely manipulate metals and even transmutation, it requires someone to have mastered fire, lightning, and earth chakra nature which means I can teach a couple of Yokai how to use it, that should solve the 'losing of their magical charge problem' hahaha".

Tony was furiously taking notes "I keep forgetting that in Kyoto we have access to all kinds of talents, sigh... I think I'm too used to working by myself or thinking I can solve everything with science".

Harry grinned "It's not wrong to have that sort of attitude Tony but you really should ask others for help, you never know what sort of idea someone else might have".

Tony nodded and grinned back at Harry "You're right boss!".

Harry shuddered "Yeah.. don't call me boss! That felt weird" Tony chuckled but Harry ignored it "and about your overheating problem, hmm runes might help you with it, I suggest speaking with Hermione, she has experience with runes, Sirius and Remus know how to enchant since I taught them so they might be able to come up with a few ideas of their own".

For the rest of the day, until the girls came back, Harry and Tony worked in the lab, doing tests and coming up with new ideas.


Meanwhile, in the underworld, a young blonde man was grinning widely at the news of Sirzechs Lucifer being defeated and put in the hospital "It seems that someone was able to defeat Lord Lucifer... it must have been luck but this does give me a way to show how superior my noble lineage is! I'm sure my beloved Rias will throw herself at me after I defeat the one responsible for hurting her dear elder brother hahaha!".

A young blonde girl shook her head in disbelief {I hope that you're arrogance doesn't bring about the destruction of our clan big brother...}.