
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Book&Literature
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242 Chs

Chapter 143

After a bit, Harry decided to ask more about the quarians, starting with asking more details about this Conclave Tali mentioned "The Conclave? I take it that's your government no?".

Tali tilted her head a bit and answered Harry's question "The Conclave is our civilian branch of government, each ship can elect a representative to serve on The Conclave and make decisions that affect the fleet as a whole.

On matters that affect an individual ship, however, the Captain has the final say, it's a tradition that dates back to the early days when the fleet was governed by martial law.

Fortunately, most Captain's nowadays are smart enough to have an elected Council from their crew to give them advice and guidance".

Harry nodded "It's pretty impressive how the quarians created their own government, while living on a ship, live and adapt huh?".

Kunou hummed "So the quarians have a democratic government, how interesting".

Tali nodded "In practice, the Conclave and the Representative Council for each ship tend to set rules that govern our daily lives, but in theory, we are still under military jurisdiction.

The top-ranking military officials in the fleet serve on the Admiralty Board, these five have the power to overrule any decision by the Conclave in case of emergency.

To do so requires unanimous agreement among the Admiralty, and they can only do this once, after that, the entire board must resign their posts.

It's a safeguard that's served us well, in nearly three centuries, the Admiralty Board has only overruled the Conclave four times".

Harry closed his eyes "Your people are well organized and seem to be thriving despite the difficulties you face daily, it's quite inspiring"

Tali seemed rather embarrassed by the praise, or at least that's the image they got, with the way she began to fidget, Kunou suddenly spoke up "Oh~ I wanted to ask you more about the geth Tali! Since the quarians created them, you must know a lot about them, and since we're fighting them, any sort of information would be of great help".

Both Shepard and Harry nodded in agreement, Tali nodded as well and immediately began to speak "Well I doubt I can tell you anything that you can't find in any database, it's been almost three centuries since they drove my people into exile.

All I know is the story of their origins, what they were when we created them, and how they turned on us".

Shepard, Kunou, and Harry stayed silent for a little bit while digesting what Tali just told them, but in the end, Harry decided, that he needed to know more about the geth and the quarians "Do you mind telling us about it?"

Tali seemed to sigh but nodded "The geth were originally created to serve as an automated manual labor force, initially, their intelligence was as limited as any AI.

Over time, we made small modifications to their programming to allow them to perform more varied and complex tasks, bringing them closer and closer to true AI status".

Shepard suddenly cut in "Wait, I thought AI research is illegal, how come The Council didn't step in and stopped you?".

Tali shook her head "This wasn't true AI research, we may have been skirting the bounds of the law, but we never did anything that was actually illegal.

The changes were so insignificant, so gradual, that we were able to control them, or so we thought.

But one thing we underestimated was the power of the neural network, a million geth thinking simultaneously created an inherently unstable matrix".

Harry huffed "Well shit, no wonder the geth awakened to true sentient they were all sharing a network, all that information, experiences and observations awoke that in them".

Kuno nodded "So this was the cause, the geth shared brain power...".

Tali looked down and nodded "Many of the geth's logic systems were designed to work in concert with other nearby geth, basically, the more of them you have in a group, the smarter they are".

Shepard raised an eyebrow and seemed intrigued "So they're some sort of group consciousness?".

Tali quickly shook her head "No, nothing like that, they cannot share sensory data or information, their programming cannot handle that much simultaneous input.

Each geth maintains an individual awareness and identity, the neural network, only operates on a process-based level, it's basically the synthetic equivalent of a subconscious.

But when they're in close proximity, they can coordinate low-level functional processes, freeing up more capacity for original or independent thought".

Shepard scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion "That doesn't make any sense".

Tali nodded "I'm probably over-simplifying, the geth are incredibly advanced and complex creations, all you need to know is that they get smarter when they gather in large numbers.

As we built more and more geth, their effective intelligence became more sophisticated and more abstract.

One day, a geth began to ask its quarian overseer questions about the nature of its existence, am I alive? Why am I here? What is my purpose? As you can imagine, this caused a near panic among my people".

Harry frowned while Kunou tilted her head in curiosity "But why? What did you people do?".

Tali shook her head "It was inevitable the newly sentient geth would rebel against their situation, we knew they would rise up against us, so we acted first.

A general order went out across all quarian controlled systems to permanently deactivate all geth, the geth responded to this order violently".

Shepard raised an eyebrow at Tali "You didn't really think they'd just let you destroy them without a fight, did you?".

Tali looked a bit defensive but still calmly continued to explain "The hope was that most of the geth would still be a little more than machines, incapable of organized resistance, but they had progressed much further than anyone anticipated.

The war was long and bloody, millions upon millions of quarians died at their hands, and in the end, we were forced to flee our homeworld.

We feared the geth would pursue us, but they never came beyond the Veil, now we drift through space, exiles searching for a way to reclaim what was once ours".

Harry hummed "Got to say Tali, but the quarian caused their own demise, sure it's sad that millions of quarians died, and that you were kicked off your planet.

But war has two sides to it, the geth were the victors, so to the quarians, they're the bad guys, but in the end, all of this was caused because quarians were playing with things they shouldn't.

Skirting the law and not doing anything illegal, doesn't absolve you of the fact, that your people were doing something they shouldn't have, but then, when the consequences of what you did hit your people in their faces.

They panicked, they let fear dictate their actions and instead of talking and explaining things to the geth, you chose to try and destroy them.

The geth were probably confused and scared, you know? They were feeling emotions that they shouldn't have, thinking things they didn't understand, and the people that they trusted the most, their creators, didn't help them, instead, they tried to kill them.

Any being would be pissed and feeling very betrayed, honestly? I don't blame them for hating organic life, I would too.

Sure, we aren't going to let them cause more deaths, and I'm definitely not picking on you and the quarians, but you all have to understand the simple fact, that you fucked up".

Tali looked down, and stayed silent, she really couldn't argue with Harry's point of view, and everything he said, opened a whole lot of different perspectives here.

Kunou hummed for a little bit and then said "Then again, I don't think the geth, really hate the quarians... I mean, if that was the case, they would have moved to kill them all off.

But that didn't happen, perhaps they just feel betrayed and hurt? or maybe they felt sorry for the quarians?... I don't know, but I think there's more to all of this than we know".

The four of them, stayed silent as they thought about all of this, Tali shook her head and sighed "I must admit, nothing like having a dragon god tell you about things from an outside perspective, to make you really think...".

Harry smiled and then gave Tali a head pat, which made the quarian sheepishly fidget with her fingers, Harry then said "I might not look like it, but I'm very old Tali, and that means I've seen a lot.

I'm just trying to open your mind to all the possibilities, help you understand and hopefully not make the same mistakes the quarian of three hundred years ago made.

You're more than welcome to tell me to fuck off and ignore everything I just said, I'm not in a habit of forcing my allies and friends into thinking my way".

Tali shook her head very fast, which made everyone panic a bit, thinking she might hurt herself, but then she began to speak "No, you certainly have been opening my eyes to a lot of things Harry.

I could never say anything like that to you, plus, I can tell your being nice and just telling me what your understanding of this whole thing is, it has given me a lot to think about too".

Everyone smiled at Tali, Harry then nodded "That's good, perhaps in this whole adventure we'll learn, more about everything going on.

I'm sure we'll find out even more truths, I'll tell you this though, I'll be thinking about how to help the quarians some way along the line, just don't expect me to be nice to arrogant and foolish people, that's a big no, no for me".

Tali nodded "Of course and thank you, Harry, I can see why Valerie, Kunou, and Le Fay speak so fondly of you all the time".

Kunou grinned and nodded proudly, which made Harry chuckle and give her an ear scratch which made Kunou smile and close her eyes in delight, Shepard then spoke up "We should go, we still have to finish my rounds".

Both Kunou and Tali nodded and both waved at Harry and Shepard as they walked away, they saw Engineer Adams standing close by, so Shepard decided to speak with him.

Adams turned to look at Shepard, as soon as he noticed him approaching, he smiled and then began to speak "Hey Commander, you know that quarian? Tali? She's been spending all her time down here asking me about our engines".

Shepard raised an eyebrow, while Harry decided to ask "She's not bothering you though, right?".

Adams shook his head "What? No! She's amazing! I wish my guys were half as smart as she is, give her a month on board and she'll know more about our engines than I do!

She's got a real knack for technology, that one, I see why you wanted her to come along".

Shepard smiled and nodded "I figured she'd be a real asset to the team".

Engineer Adams nodded "You've got a real eye for talent, Commander, but I'm guessing that's not why you came down here".

Shepard smiled and nodded towards Harry "I'm just showing Harry around, there's a lot he doesn't know, so I thought that getting to know the crew and some of what they can do, could help him understand how things work better".

Adams nodded to Harry, who smiled at him, he then said "I see, then I'll be more than happy to answer any questions".

Harry hummed for a few seconds and then nodded "I heard this ship has Stealth capabilities, can you tell me more about that?".

Adams nodded and smiled at Harry, he then went on to explain "You can't hide a ship out in space, they emit to much heat and radiation, too easy for sensors to pick them up unless you find a way to capture those emissions.

So our stealth systems trap the energy we give off in storage sinks built into the ship itself, with no emissions to give away our location.

Eventually, the sinks have to be vented, more than a few hours of silent running, and then overheat, cook us inside our own hull".

Harry crossed his arms as he thought about how that worked, in his mind, he was already thinking of ways to fix and take advantage of those emissions somehow.

He then looked up and asked, "Is there any way for anyone to detect us?".

Adams nodded "A visual scan can still pick us up, anyone looking out a window could see us as plain as day, but you have to be pretty close to get actual visual in space.

Most vessels rely on scanners, as long as the stealth systems are engaged, they can't see us, not unless we accelerate to FTL speeds".

Harry tilted his head "FTL? You mean faster-than-light travel right? Why wouldn't it work on those speeds?".

Adams nodded "Yes, and cracking up to FTL blue-shifts our emissions, pushes them into frequencies too high to capture in the sinks, as soon as we make the jump, it's like setting off a flare.

Sensors can pick up our location whenever we enter or exit FTL flight, but for short-range missions, our stealth systems are amazing, and we got the only one".

Shepard turned his head towards Harry, and saw him thinking about something hard, he smiled as he decided to ask what was in his mind "What are you thinking about Harry?".

Harry turned his head towards Shepard and began to explain "Hearing how the stealth system works for the ship, gives me a few ideas on how to improve it.

cooling and absorbing runes on the sinks, will extend the time we can stay in stealth mode, plus absorbing runes can transform the emissions into clean energy, that can be used for something else in the ship.

I can also add enchantments on the ship's outside as well or a few wards that will make it truly invisible, so we wouldn't have to worry about visual scans".

Shepard nodded, having already gotten an explanation of runes and enchantments, thanks to the pistol Harry made for him, he understood what Harry was planning.

Meanwhile, Adams looked intrigued and a bit confused, Harry noticed this "Oh! I'll explain everything in more detail once when I have everything prepared".

Adams nodded, and certainly looked very interested right now, Harry grinned and then decided to continue asking questions "Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself, Adams?".

Engineer Adams nodded and decide to do so "If you name a class Alliance Ship, I've probably served in it, everything from dreadnoughts and carriers right down to frigates like the Normandy.

My last assignment was in the Tokyo, only a cruiser, but she was a good ship, couldn't hold a candle to the Normandy, though".

Harry smiled "Ah, so you're the guy to ask about ships, me and the girls have quite a few questions about how they work and designs, would it bother you if we came to ask you about all of these things?".

Adams shook his head "Not at all, Captain Anderson did speak to the Crew, he asked us all to help you and the girls with everything you need, I'm sure Commander Shepard doesn't mind either".

Shepard nodded "Yes, Harry and the girls have full clearance, please answer all their questions and provide any help you can, they're trusty allies to the Alliance military and mine as well".

Harry smiled and nodded in thanks to both the Commander and Engineer, he then decided to ask for more information on Shepard's ship "Could you tell me a bit more about the Normandy?".

Engineer Adams smiled "She's the best ship I've ever served on, probably the fastest vessel ever designed, and she's the only one using the new Tantalus drive core".

Harry tilted his head "Tantalus drive core? What's so special about it?".

Adams immediately answered Harry's question "Proportionally, it's about twice the size of any other vessel, not only are we faster, but we can run at FTL speed longer before we have to discharge the core".

Harry looked down "Hmm, I have quite a lot of ideas to make this ship even better, though I'm going to have to contact a friend to plan everything out, for now, I'll focus on the stealth and vent systems".

Shepard nodded "Sounds great, now come on, we should continue our rounds".

Harry nodded and both he and Shepard say their goodbyes for now to Engineer Adams, who waved at them as they walked out of the engine room.

After coming out of the engine room, they went to see if Garrus was free now, luckily for them, it seems like he was done speaking with the RO, so both approach him, Shepard greeted the turian "Garrus? How is everything?".

Garru grinned "It's pretty wild, this ship would make any turian Captain jealous, heck, I'm jealous, but other than that, it's been a pretty wild ride so far".

Shepard nodded "Without a doubt, but how are you feeling with everything that has happened so far?".

Garrus crossed his arms and then proceeded to speak his mind "Honestly? I'm still digesting everything, on one hand, we have Saren, a pretty famous spectre turning traitor and working with the geth.

Then we have Harry... I don't even know how to begin about Harry and the girls, I've heard about what they are from human C-Sec offices, and I even watched a vampire movie once.

But to find out a dragon god, is working alongside me, is a little bit much to take all at once... I also heard that Harry is the reason The Council has been very supportive with you so far, that's another can of worms I'm very hesitant to open".

Harry chuckled "Well, they were all ready to brush everything aside, so I decided to do something about it, otherwise, we would be working against them and that's not very constructive to what we want to do".

Garrus nodded "Oh, I get why you did it, Harry, don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but to an alien, a turian, and a C-Sec officer at that, all of this seems like a dream, you know?".

Shepard shook his head "Just wait until you see Harry fight and use magic, that will blow your mind".

Garrus sighed and slumped "Great... I can't wait".

Shepard and Harry shared a laugh which Garrus joined in soon after, after that, Joker suddenly called Shepard in the intercom and told him that they were arriving at Artemis Tau.

Shepard nodded and then with Harry headed to the Command Center, to choose where they were looking for Liara T'Soni first.


Once in the Command Center, Shepard took some time to choose which system to investigate first, in the end, he chose the Athens system, and soon after Harry and Shepard left to get ready to leave.

However something unexpected happened, just before they could step into the elevator, Joker called out to Shepard via intercom and let him know there was a transmission coming for him.

Shepard frowned but in the end he decided to find out what was going on, so he walked back to the Command Center and accepted the Transmission "Commander, I'm glad you accepted the Transmission, we got an emergency situation, and you're the only one I can trust to get the job done".

Shepard raised an eyebrow, but was intrigued "How can I help, Admiral?".

The Admiral immediately went on to explain the situation "Biotic fanatics have hit a medical research station with a psychotropic drug.

The drugs have temporarily driven researchers crazy, and the biotics are effectively using them as human shields".

Shepard sighed, this was a very delicate situation, but one that needed to be dealt with "I'll do everything within my power to bring those researchers back safely, Admiral".

The Admiral responded right away "I know you will Commander, I'm sending you the station coordinates now, Fifth Fleet out".

Harry walked up to Shepard "Change of plans?"

Shepard shook his head "No, we'll deal with these missions at our leisure right now we should focus on finding Doctor T'Soni but if we get close to them, we'll take care of it".

Shepard checked his omnitool and quickly read the mission's objectives, plus it seems like he received an extra one "Hm... looks like I'll also be playing the negotiator too".

Shepard nodded to himself, and then began his investigation into the Athens systems, unluckily, after a few hours of scanning the planets nearby, the Normandy couldn't find any signs of Liara or Prothean ruins.

So Shepard chose to look into another system, the Knossos system, it's a small system, so there weren't to many planets to scan, though the Normandy got a hit on the planet Therum.

It seems like there were some Prothean Ruins on this planet, so Shepard chose to land and investigate.


For this mission, he chose to take Garrus and Wrex, along with Harry and Valerie, so the group of five got ready and then gathered together to investigate Therum.

Shepard, Wrex, and Garrus landed on Therum inside the Mako, while Harry and Valerie flew down and landed on top of it, where they took a seat and attached themselves to the Mako, with Chakra.

As soon as they landed, Joker immediately got in contact with the group "Commander, I'm picking up some strange readings, really strange, like, off the damn charts.

It looks like it's coming from an underground complex a few klicks away from the drop zone".

Shepard nodded and immediately began to drive towards the location Joker pointed out, meanwhile Valerie looked around "This planet looks primal, only rock and lava around".

Harry nodded "Looks like it's not a good place for life to grow, sort of looks like Mars, but less red, I can't detect any life either".

Suddenly the Mako shook and jumped up, Harry raised an eyebrow "What the hell? If it wasn't because we're using Chakra, we would have been sent flying".

Valerie giggled "I feel bad for Wrex and Garrus, they're inside the Mako and just being held by straps, though who would have thought Shepard was a horrible driver".

Harry chuckled, while the Mako suddenly bounced up and almost made a whole flip, luckily Harry used telekinesis, to make sure the Mako landed on its wheels.

The Mako kept going through the rocky terrain for quite a while, Harry was actually having fun riding the Mako, since it sort of felt like a roller-coaster, but the fun ended when geth suddenly attacked them.

A geth armature suddenly opened fire on the Mako, Harry immediately raised a barrier, while Valerie and the Mako began to fire at the geth armature.

The geth's attack crashed into Harry's Barrier and was stopped from even reaching the Mako, meanwhile, the geth armature was then blasted to pieces in seconds from the Mako's cannon and Valerie's charge shots.

As soon as the geth exploded, the group kept going, this time, however, they were more cautious, they now knew, they weren't alone on this planet.

Eventually, they drew close to some sort of complex, however, they were immediately shot at, by a multitude of geth heavy turrets, Shepard immediately slammed on the brakes.

Harry seeing the attacks coming their way immediately raised another barrier and blocked the barrage of attacks, the geth heavy turrets then began to shoot missiles at the Mako, but Valerie shot them down before they could even get close to the Mako.

Shepard grunted "Son of a bitch! Wrex! Destroy those turrets!".

Wrex grunted but immediately began to shoot at the geth heavy turrets, while Harry and Valerie kept them safe, Shepard began to drive around to avoid giving the turrets a clear shot at them and to help everyone target them easily.

It took a while, but they were able to clear the area, though geth troopers began to attack them with heavy weaponry, these were smaller targets, so Wrex was having a hard time hitting them with the turret.

Harry however summoned oblivion and pointed it towards the general area where the geth troopers were shooting at them, he activated his Rinnegan and locked on all the geth.

Harry then grinned "'Thundaja!'".

A multitude of big thunderbolts shot from the sky and landed on the geth, Wrex who was watching all of this whistled when he saw Harry spell, destroy and disintegrate the geth troopers, and even destroyed a bit of the area.

He knew without a doubt, that Harry is holding back, so he wouldn't damage the complex, but it was still an impressive attack nonetheless.

Shepard saw that it was clear and immediately drove around the complex, looking for some sort of back entrance, so they could go inside.

But then a geth destroyer dropped down, from who knows where, and began to shoot its massive plasma cannons at the Mako, Shepard cursed out and began to try and dodge the shots, he was able to clear one.

But the second was going to hit the side of the Mako, but Harry appeared right in front of the plasma shot and batted it back toward the geth destroyer.

The geth destroyer was hit squarely in the chest by its own attack and was forced to try and regain its balance, but Valerie didn't give it a chance, she immediately charged mana into both Ebony and Ivory and then shot at the geth destroyer while yelling "'Charged Shot! Mana Canon!'".

The two massive orbs of mana flew through the air and crashed into the Geth Destroyer, they exploded on impact and not only destroyed the geth, but also made a massive crater.

Garrus gaped a bit "... Reminded me not to make Valerie angry".

Wrex barked out a laugh "I like her, she's a krogan in spirit!".

Shepard chuckled and shook his head in amusement while he continued to drive, it took a bit of time, but the group was able to clear the geth troopers and whatever else they brought in.

This allowed Shepard to drive close to the complex after following a long tunnel and parked right outside of it, everyone got off the Mako and drew their weapons as they approached the place.

Valerie shook her head "That was an awful lot of geths, I think we're in the right place".

Shepard nodded "Yeah, but this many geth makes me worry about Doctor T'Soni, I hope she's alright, otherwise, there goes our lead to Matriarch Benezia".

Everyone nodded and then began to move towards the complex on foot the rest of the way, though they were attacked by more geth troopers along the way, the however group took them out quite easily.

Along the way, Shepard was hit by a sniper shot, he grunted and took cover as soon as he felt his shields break "I lost Shields!".

Knowing that it would take some seconds for Shepard's shields to charge up again, Wrex and Garrus began to cover for him, while the geth troopers began attacking them.

Garrus shot one in its head and watched it fall, he then turned his head towards Harry "Can you guys take care of that sniper! He's going to keep us pinned down here as long as it's still active!".

Valerie nodded and then turned into a multitude of bats that took off flying towards the sniper, Garrus shook his head "And she can turn into flying rats... great".

Harry chuckled while he began to bat away shots coming towards Wrex and Shepard, meanwhile, Valerie arrived where the sniper was and immediately turned back to her normal form, she launched herself towards the geth and rip it apart with her bare hands.

Harry saw that and nodded "Valerie took care of the sniper, let's go!".

The group nodded and then got out of cover to keep moving, throughout this whole ordeal, Shepard was very impressed with the pistol Harry made for him, he just keeps shooting and shooting without stopping and the gun wasn't overheating.

This was amazing to him and he was very glad to have this weapon on him, it was certainly coming in handy right now.

However, as they were now approaching the complex, geth began to drop from the sky, what caught everyone by surprise, was the new type of geth that appeared among the group.

geth stalker and geth assassins, the geth stalker would run on all fours while going up walls and ceilings while shooting at the group from all kinds of angles.

The geth assassins were becoming semi-transparent and began to try to move and flank the group, though the group also had to worry about the big ass geth armature and troopers that arrived with them.

Wrex grunted, "That's new...".

Shepard clicked his tongue in annoyance "Active camouflage and all-terrain movement, great".

Harry nodded "Leave the ones being camouflaged to me, I can see them, Valerie you take down the ones on the wall and everyone else take care of the rest".

Valerie nodded, Shepard grinned at Harry "Well keep the rest of them off you!".

Harry nodded and disappeared in a flash of twilight, while Valerie disappeared in a blur, Shepard turned his head towards Garrus and Wrex "Keep the rest off of them!".

Both Garrus and Wrex nodded and began to shoot back at the geth while keeping an eye on the geth armature, meanwhile Harry flashed behind a geth assassin and cut it in half with Oathkeeper, he then turned around and threw Oblivion.

The dark keyblade flew through the air, like a black buzzsaw and cut another geth assassin in half, Harry recalled Oblivion back to his hand and then launched himself at the last geth assassin and in a blur of movement, slice it into little pieces.


Valerie appeared above a geth stalker and kicked it off the wall it was crawling up to, the geth stalker flew through the air and crashed on top of a geth trooper, Valerie then quickly kicked off the wall and launched herself towards a geth stalker crawling on a ceiling.

The geth stalker launched itself towards Valerie, but she turned into mist, and the geth flew through her and landed on the floor, before it could even move though, Valerie landed on top of it with her two feet and crushed it.

The geth exploded into many small pieces, Valerie immediately turned around and aimed at the last geth stalker and unleashed a barrage of energy bullets on it.

The bullets tore it apart in seconds, while this was happening, Shepard and his squad were now shooting at the geth armature after having taken care of the troopers.

Harry suddenly landed on top of the geth armature and stabbed both of his keyblade into its head, he then roared as the geth armature violently exploded in a blast of darkness and light.

With that done the area was now clear of enemies, then the group got back together, Shepard sighed "What were those things? I don't think I've seen anything like those geth before".

Garrus nodded "Me either, those geth crawling on the walls and those using active camouflage...".

Wrex grunted and nodded "They were made for assassinations".

Shepard frowned and sighed "We have to let the Alliance know about this and The Council too".

Harry nodded "Yeah, those things had some very good camouflage, it's not perfect, because if they move you could see them, but it's pretty darn good".

Valerie sighed "The one crawling all over the place, would make great infiltration units, they could sabotage and spy, along with assassinations as well".

Garrus shook his head "As if the geth weren't bad enough as it is, but now they have this new type as well".

Shepard nodded "Yeah, but what really bothers me, is the reason why they were created".

Harry hummed "Since The Council is working against Saren, he's probably targeting them, among some other high-profile targets, plus having a unit for infiltration is a good way to know what the enemies are doing and planning".

Wrex scoffed "We're going to have to be more careful from now on".

Valerie sighed and nodded "We'll have to do scans everywhere we go, Harry how do you detect the geth?".

Harry shrugged "They give off this odd signal I can pick up, sort of what I can feel from a baby digimon, one recently hatched".

Garrus, Wrex, and Shepard seemed confused, but Valerie began to plan something, so Harry waited to hear her idea.