
Harry's New Game Plus

Come and read about a Harry Potter who won't be manipulated, used, or threatened. He's a monster to his enemies and a gentle and loyal friend to his allies, beware villains of the multiverse don't dare poke this dragon lest you end up dead. This story is written and published by Kurokitsune028 on FF. I am posting this story here with their blessing to bring it to you all. Auxiliary chapters may contain spoilers, non-canons, and other relevant information.

Kurogano · Book&Literature
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242 Chs

Chapter 133

Harry took a quick nap with Ereshkigal and an hour later both woke up, Ereshkigal of course, was more than happy to cuddle with her boyfriend but she also knew that something big was going on, she could feel Harry had something on his mind.

So she asked him what was happening and Harry told her what had happened with Loki and Asgard, a few minutes later, Ereshkigal sat up in her bed and looked down "To think the Khaos Brigade would actually dare to trespass the Land of the Dead, just to get to Samael... how annoying".

Harry nodded "I didn't even know that something like that was in my territory, in fact, I don't know much about the Land of the Dead of this world and Cocytus for that matter".

Ereshkigal hummed "Well, you've been busy with other stuff and it's the job of the Death Gods to handle all of this in your place anyways, but to think that no one was alerted... this is very troublesome".

Harry sighed and looked up at the ceiling "The Land of the Dead is not a place that can be easily reached, only the dead and the Death Gods have access to it... you don't think one of them joined the Khaos Brigade right?".

Ereshkigal immediately shook her head "No, every Death God knows that the Khaos Brigade is your enemy Harry, they wouldn't dare do something against you in any way, it would be suicidal on their part".

Harry nodded "Yeah, but I had to ask, that just leaves the question as to, how exactly they were able to get to Samael".

Ereshkigal nodded and stood up from her bed "Yes, that is a very good question, like you said, the Land of the Dead is a place not just anyone can go, so we need to find out how they were able to get to Samael".

Ereshkigal walked up to her closet and went inside, Harry sat up on her bed "We need to check on Samael as well and if he's still sealed on Cocytus, then I need to make sure no one can get to him again".

The Queen of the Underworld quickly changed from her pajamas and walked out of her closet, she then nodded to Harry "Okay, go to Hades, he'll take you to where Samael is sealed, meanwhile I'll go gather the Death Gods, we need to find out what's going on and why the Khaos Brigade could get to Samael in the first place".

Harry stood up and nodded "Sounds good, I'll meet up with you when Hades and I check on Samael, where are you having the Death Gods meet?".

Ereshkigal hummed "I'll gather everyone here, in the backyard since it's an impromptu meeting and nothing official, we're only trying to get information after all and something informal would be best for this, plus it would also not make the Death Gods nervous".

Harry raised an eyebrow "Are they still afraid that I would go after them? Even after all this time?".

Ereshkigal shrugged "Well, Death Gods never had a boss before so they don't know how to act or even what's right or not, they're doing their jobs as best as possible but they're still rather nervous, that you would come to them and fire them".

Harry sighed and scratched his head "It's not like I'm on their ass or something like that".

Ereshkigal giggles "They just don't know you, Harry, all they know about their boss is that he's quite merciless and ruthless to his enemies, so it makes sense that they're nervous".

Harry crossed his arms and thought about it for a little bit "Yeah, I can see what you're trying to say, well at the very least this is a good opportunity to meet them and them to meet me as well".

Ereshkigal nodded and smiled at Harry, while he got up and walked up to her, he then gave Ereshkigal a kiss and then walked out of her room "Alright, then see you in a bit Eris, I'm going to call Hades and go check on Samael".

Ereshkigal smiled and nodded, as Harry walked out of her room, she suddenly vanished in a flash of darkness.

Meanwhile, Harry walked to his living room and immediately called out to Hades, the Greek God of the Dead appeared from the shadows of the living room.

Hades immediately smiled at Harry, while the dragon god waved at him "Hey Hades, how are you?".

Hades walked up to Harry and nodded at him "Oh, you know, busy with the dead, so what's going on? I doubt you called me to chat right?".

Harry grinned and nodded "Yeah, sorry to say that I called you for business rather than to hang out, something came up, and need your help".

Hades raised an eyebrow but nodded at Harry, something serious must have happened if Harry was asking him for help and he will be damn if he didn't give his help to his boss and the man that saved his children.

Harry then proceeded to explain everything to Hades, to say the least, the Greek God of the Death was both surprised and very worried about what had happened over in Asgard and with Loki.

Sometime later Harry finished explaining everything to Hades who sighed and rubbed his beard in annoyance "To think that the Khaos Brigade would seek out that abomination and dare trespass the Land of the Death... you said the Rizevim Livan Lucifer is the leader of the Khaos Brigade now, right?".

Harry nodded "Yeah, I heard about him, from Serafall a while ago, apparently he's pretty much a bored, insane super devil and has magic that can turn off Sacred Gears, or something like that".

Hades nodded "Rizevim, insane is an understatement of him, he's just too chaotic and unhinged... even gods are wary of his brand of insanity".

Harry sighed "Hmph, great... the crazies are always the most annoying to deal with".

Hades nodded "Yeah, I agree with you... I take it that you want to check on Samael right?".

Harry nodded "Yeah, maybe we'll find some clues where he's sealed and if he's there, I want to deal with him, his curses and poison might not do anything to me or even Ophis now, but the rest of the Dragon Faction is vulnerable".

Hades nodded "Alright, I'll take you to Cocytus and Samael, you also said that the Death Gods are gathering here later on right?".

Harry nodded "Yup, Ereshkigal went to gather them, why?".

Hades smiled "Oh, it's just been a while since we have gathered together, we usually tried to keep out of each other's ways, but we do help each other when we can".

Harry smiled "That's good, you all sound like a mellow bunch".

Hades chuckled and shrugged "Because we are, everyone fears us and we have quite the nasty reputation but we're just a bunch of mellow guys and gals, that just want to be left alone".

Harry hummed but nodded while Hades went on "Do take it easy on them though, they're all very nervous about meeting you and are quite afraid of you as well, they don't know you very well aside from the rumors and your growing legend among the factions".

Harry smiled "Sure, you know me Hades, I'm pretty much a mellow guy as well, most of the time".

Hades smiled and nodded, he then clapped Harry on his shoulder and both of them were suddenly engulfed in shadows, soon the shadows dissipated and left a now empty living room.


In the frozen prison known as Cocytus, shadows suddenly began to coalesce and form a pillar of shadows that began to split and take on the form of two humanoid shapes.

Soon enough the humanoid shapes finished forming, and the shadows dissipated soon after and left both Hades and Harry standing there in the middle of Cocytus.

Harry shook his head "Shadow travel feels weird but it's not a bad way to travel".

Hades shrugged "You get used to it over time, but yeah it does feel rather odd at first, though Nico and Bianca seemed to be, not affected by it".

Hades began to walk, while Harry looked around Cocytus' frozen tundra "and advance form of umbrakinesis bond?".

Hades nodded "Yeah, it seems like their affinity to the shadows is even higher than mine, I wonder if it's something they were born with or did your blessing helped evolve their powers further beyond?".

Harry hummed as he looked around "It could be, they're not just demigods now, their dragonoids as well, but now that I think about it... we have a couple of shadow dragons in the Dragon Faction, perhaps I can ask them to teach them".

Hades smiled "I would be thankful if you did, I'm teaching them all that I can, but perhaps getting help from someone else might help them further improve and more importantly nurture that bond with shadows they have".

Harry smiled back at Hades "No problem, they're my children too and that means they'll have everything they'll ever need".

Hades softly smiled, the Greek God of Death was very happy that both Bianca and Nico had someone like Harry looking out for them, it eased a lot of the worry in his old heart.


After some time, both Hades and Harry arrived in some sort of giant frozen chamber, and once inside Harry stared at the being known as Samael still sealed in this chamber.

Harry stared at Samael for a long minute while Hades just watched on, Harry then looked around the chamber "Such loathing and anger, that thing is barely aware of itself... whatever God did to it, left a horrible mark on his soul".

Hades frowned and nodded "I'm not surprised, the Church and humans might praise God but all other pantheons know how much of a heartless monster he could be... not that we were any better of course, but us saying that, should show the seriousness of our words".

Harry nodded, God could be a cruel and unforgiving deity but he was also benevolent and kind, God's system is proof enough of how much he really loved humanity despite its flaws.

It did show that even in death, God wanted to protect humans, too bad Michael had no clue as to how to run it or do with it.

Harry looked up and frowned "I'm sensing some spatial interference... I see".

Hades raised an eyebrow "Did you figure out what the Khaos Brigade did?".

Harry nodded "Yeah, they didn't break into the Land of the Dead but rather summoned Samael to them, it's quite clever actually".

Hades frowned "They summoned Samael? To them? How exactly did they do that? That sort of thing would require a lot of energy to pull off".

Harry nodded "That's the question, just how were they able to summon Samael, from the Land of the Dead no less... it seems that Loki wasn't the only god that decided to join the Khaos Brigade".

Hades snapped his head towards Harry "You don't mean...".

Harry sighed and turned to look at Samael "That's right, they must have had gods fed energy to whatever they used to summon Samael to them, however since he's here right now, that means that they can only keep him around for a set amount of time".

Hades looked down "They must have used a dragon gate to summon Samael, it's the only thing that makes sense".

Harry raised an eyebrow "A dragon gate? That's the dragon's special type of teleportation magic right?".

Hades nodded "Yes, did the dragon kings tell you about it?".

Harry confirmed Hades' question with a nod "Yes, they explained it to me, but since I already have a lot of different methods of teleportation, I didn't think much of it but yeah it makes sense".

Harry turned to stare at Samael, he frowned as he stared at the creature before him crucified and bleeding from different parts of his body "What a sad existence, there's nothing left of who Samael was, only a beast remains".

Hades frowned and agreed with Harry "Yes, but it to dangerous to leave alone now, plus his choices are what got him in this situation, you know full well just how idiotic and arrogant fallen angels are".

Harry nodded and then raised a hand, he then snapped his fingers while using his full power over the concept of the universe, and the whole dimension shook as Harry made his will known.

Hades grunted as tried to keep his balanced but then gaped as he watched Samael slowly turn into ash and disappeared "What?".

Harry sighed "I erased everything that had anything to do with Samael from existence, this way the Khaos Brigade can't get more of his blood and poison, this will also destroy anything they might have kept from him as well".

Hades just stared at Harry "... You erased everything in existence that has to do with Samael?... With just a snap of your fingers?".

Harry shrugged "Yes, I can destroy and create universes with just a snap of my fingers Hades, erasing Samael is not a big deal".

Hades shook his head "That's not it Harry, what you just did is beyond anything or anyone can do in this world, do you know what many mortals and even gods would do for power like that?".

Harry smiled "Oh, I'm aware of the sort of things beings would do for this sort of power... insane and heartless endeavors for power but I'm not like them, all I had to do is eat a few stones, and voila".

Hades sweatdropped hearing how Harry got such amazing power, Harry just grinned at Hades "Well with this done, we can go meet the other Death Gods now, I'm sure Ereshkigal is done gathering everyone together".

Hades sighed but then chuckled and nodded his head "Yeah, let's go meet everyone and let them know what we found out".

Harry grinned "I got to admit, I'm a bit excited about meeting the Death Gods".

Both Harry and Hades left the chamber where once stood crucified and sealed Samael, the Dragon Eater, an abomination created out of hate.

It seems that after so many years, Samael was finally let free of his torment, the Dragon Eater welcomed oblivion like an old friend and accepted his peace.

This was the last and only coherent thought Samael had before he ceased to be.


Sometime later both Hades and Harry went back to the Potter Household, they immediately went to the backyard where the rest of the Death Gods would be gathering for their impromptu meeting with Harry.

Hades and Harry arrived first and decided to wait for the rest of the gods to arrive, it took some time, but soon enough Ereshkigal arrived, and with her came Izanami.

Izanami the Goddess of the Underworld and the dead of all of Japan gave Harry a polite bow and a smile, in sharp contrast to the way she was when she met Harry quite a long time ago.

Ereshkigal walked up to Harry and grabbed his hand "Izanami was free, so she came with me right away, the rest will be here soon enough".

Harry nodded and watched as Hades greeted Izanami with a smile "It's been a while Lady Izanami, how have you been?".

Izanami smiled "Lord Hades, it has been a long time, yes, and I've been busy as of late, many lost souls have been arriving in the Underworld of Japan and I've been trying to get them to where they belong".

Hades nodded "Ah yes, I received the souls of that so call Herakles of the Hero Faction some time ago, along with a few more as well, I take it that our boss has been adding extra work for you as of late".

Harry raised "Huh? Why didn't you say anything Izanami? I would have helped if I knew that all of those I killed here in Japan, were ending up in your domain rather than their own".

Izanami smiled and then shook her head "It's fine Lord Harry, I don't mind the extra work plus it does give me the chance to keep myself busy".

Harry nodded but decided to keep an eye on Japan's Land of the Dead just in case Izanami needs some help, he can admit that the number of beings, even human mages and members of the Khaos Brigade was a very high number.

But it never crossed his mind that their souls were arriving with Izanami, suddenly Harry felt some presence arriving at their location.

The dragon god turned his head towards where he felt the presence, the first one to arrive was a god wearing a black suit, what made this particular deity unique was that he has the Head of a Jackal.

Next was a red skin goddess wearing armor and six blades on her back, then after her was a brown-skinned god wearing a necklace made out of eyeballs, the next to appear is another god.

This one has some very crazy piercings on his nose, ears and even eyebrows lastly was another goddess a beautiful one with hair mixed with blue and red color.

However she seemed rather sad and angry at the moment, Harry became curious but before he could ask, Ereshkigal began to introduce everyone "Alright! These God and Goddess present here today are the most active and powerful of the Gods of Death, they have big domains and other death deities work under them, Harry".

Harry nodded, the Gods of Death then politely took a bow and then stood straight in front of the Master of Death, Harry nodded at them "It's nice to finally meet all of you, as you heard I'm Harry Potter, I'm aware many of you were nervous, if not scared that I would come after you guys.

Izanami explained the situation and I'm sure she let everyone know that it wasn't my intention to come for either you or your jobs, I'm sure you are all aware that I'm been very busy as of late".

The Gods of Death nodded, Izanami had told them that there was nothing to worry about and that Harry seemed to be a kind and understanding man, so it set their nerves at ease.

Though that did make them all feel guilty, they did after all abandon their boss to his fate, so they have been working hard to make up for it by attending their domains as best as they can.

That way Harry wouldn't have to worry about them, which is why they were surprised he had called for this meeting, Harry went on "But first, do you all mind introducing yourselves?".

The Deities of Death nodded, and the first one to introduce himself was the Jackal-headed God "Greetings Lord Potter, I'm Anubis, the Death God in charge of the Land of the Dead of the Egyptian Patheon and surrounding nations".

Next was the red skin goddess, she bowed and then grinned at Harry "Hello there Lord Harry~ I'm Kali! The Goddess of Death in charge of the Land of the Dead for the Hindu Pantheon".

The god wearing a necklace made of eyeballs nodded and introduced himself next "I'm Ah Puch, Mayan God of Death and in charge of the Lands of the Dead for most of South America".

The god with the many piercings bowed and sighed as he introduce himself "I'm Mictlantecuhtli, it is good to meet you, Lord Potter, I'm the Death God in charge of Central America...".

Izanami smiled and introduced herself "We already know each other but I'll introduce myself for formality's sake, I'm Izanami No Okami, Goddess of the Land of the Dead of Japan, it's nice to see you again Lord Potter".

Hades chuckled and then grinned "Well, might as well do so too, I'm Hades, God of Death of the Greek Pantheon, I take care of the Dead of the United States, Canada, and Greek Pantheon of course".

Ereshkigal grinned "I'm Ereshkigal~ Goddess of Dead and Queen of the Underworld! and also Harry Potter's girlfriend, it's good to see everyone after so long!".

The Deaths Gods nodded to Ereshkigal and bowed to her, over the years she had been living in Japan and slowly getting prayers from the Yokai, she has been getting stronger and stronger, and being with Harry also gave her a higher status among the Death Gods.

Which is why they respect her and treat her like a boss as well, she is a pseudo Master of Death because of her relationship with Harry, in fact, all of Harry's girlfriends and his children had a high status among the Gods of the Dead.

But it was Ereshkigal who has far more use for such status, finally, it was the turn of the goddess with red and blue hair to introduce herself, the goddess looked down and sadly began to speak "I'm Hel... the Goddess of Death of the Norse Pantheon and Queen of Hel...".

Harry raised an eyebrow, while the rest of the Death Gods stared worriedly at Hel, Ereshkigal then spoke "Hel... it's okay, Harry isn't going to blame you or do anything to you".

Hel looked up at Harry and noticed that he was looking at her in confusion, Hel sighed and then nodded to herself "My father... Loki caused some trouble for you, I told him not to do it, that you wouldn't be affected by anything the Khaos Brigade had given him but...

He didn't listen and now... now he's dead, my brothers and sisters are nowhere to be found and Odin isn't telling me anything either...stupid Khaos Brigade...".

Harry raised an eyebrow, he could tell that Hel is a very outspoken goddess, not like Hela that quietly does her business and only speaks when necessary.

Harry turned his head towards Ereshkigal and raised an eyebrow, Ereshkigal sighed and nodded "Hel is a daughter of Loki, apparently the Khaos Brigade asked Loki to convince her to join the Khaos Brigade but she refuse.

They then came up with the plan to have Loki confront you with the dagger, apparently, they thought that if they could take you down, that might convince her to join".

Harry nodded, Hades hummed, and then spoke, "I see, the Khaos Brigade also approached me a long while ago but since by then, it was a very well-known fact that they were Harry's enemies I refused and kicked them out of my domain".

Harry sighed "Have they approached any of you as well".

The rest of the Death God shook their head, Kali then spoke up "They didn't approach me, but I know they got Lord Asura to join, though as to why I have no idea, but Shiva isn't worried, so I'm sure nothing major would come of it".

Harry nodded "Well, I think I know why the Khaos Brigade wanted a Death God to join their ranks, in fact, it's the very same reason why I summoned you here".

The Death Gods then gave Harry all of the attention, Harry then went on "Apparently, they wanted to have full access to Samael the Dragon Eater, they were in fact able to get to him by summoning him from Cocytus.

But it seems they couldn't keep him out because of God's seals, so they have been trying to get one of you to join the Khaos Brigade".

Anubis frowned "I see, with one of us, they could get to Samael whenever they wanted...".

Ah Puch clicked his tongue in annoyance "How stupid, I bet the fools thought they could keep Lord Potter and the New Dragon Faction in check with Samael's curses and poison".

Hel looked down and nodded "They tried to, my father had a dagger drenched in the blood of the dragon Eater... and tried to use it against Lord Potter... idiot".

Everyone stared sadly at Hel, Harry sighed "Hel".

The Goddess of Death of the Norse Pantheon looked up at Harry, the dragon god saw she was close to crying in both sadness and anger, Harry stared at Hel for a few good seconds "Look, I'm not going to apologize for killing Loki, I just wanted you to understand that he was too dangerous to be left alone".

Hel nodded "I know Lord Potter, my father wasn't a good person, I know that very well and I certainly don't blame you for killing him... I blame Odin... that decrepit old man, was never a good father to him either, it was his job to keep Father in check, he should have made sure he wouldn't do anything stupid but no...

Instead, he just went chasing after women and stopped being responsible for Asgard, he let things get so bad that in the end my father was killed for his foolishness, and maybe my siblings did so too".

There was a lot of anger and sadness in Hel, and Harry could see it in her heart, so he decided to give her some hope "Fenrir, Skoll, Hati, and Jörmungandr are alive Hel, they're in Neo Kyoto now".

Hel's eyes widen in shock and she stared at Harry for a long time, almost as if trying to see if he was lying or something, sometime after she then spoke "Really? They're alive? and Odin just let them leave? Just like that?".

Harry nodded "Yes, they're alive and Odin didn't have much choice in the matter, he definitely didn't want to argue with me about it either".

Hel smiled and let out a few tears in relief, she then giggle "They're free! They're free from both my father and Odin!".

The Gods of Death then watched with smiles on their faces, as Hel began to hop around and cheer for the fact that his siblings were finally free to live their lives however they want.

Harry smiled and even chuckled {Yeah, she's completely different from Hela, you would never catch her cheering and jumping around like that, this Hel seems more relaxed and cheerful}.

Hel then stopped and turned her head towards Harry "You said they're in Neo Kyoto right?" Harry nodded "Then, may I visit them? I know I'm not welcome anywhere but they're the only ones in the Norse Pantheon, who would spend time with me".

Harry frowned "Wait, no one else visits you? No one from the Norse Faction?".

Hel shook her head, and suddenly Hades spoke up "Harry, Death Gods aren't really welcomed anywhere, in fact, we're often hated and no one wants to visit us in our domains, they aren't the most welcoming of places after all".

Harry looked at all the Death Gods as they nod in agreement, Kali shrugged "Even I, who's married to Shiva, gets ignored and pushed aside, it's something we're all used to...".

Harry shook his head "What the hell? But you're a big important part of each pantheon! Without any of you, there would be no way for souls to be judged, reincarnate, or even rest in peace! What sort of backward mentality is that?!".

Everyone smiled at Harry glad that he seems to care and worry about them, it showed them, that their boss really is a good guy, Harry huffed in annoyance "... You know what? All of you are welcome in Neo Kyoto, in fact, all of you are moving there and I'll be making you offices connected to each of your domains.

You'll be able to work from Neo Kyoto and enjoy the city and commodities from now on, if your own pantheons don't want you around, fine! I sure as hell don't want you to spend your entire existence alone and despised just because of who you are.

You will all be welcome in Neo Kyoto and by the Yokai and its allies".

Everyone raised an eyebrow, Izanami "Harry... I'm not welcome anywhere in Japan, are you sure you want to do this?".

The Death Gods nodded "Yes, in Neo Kyoto they're all used to chaos and insanity happening all the time, they all learn to accept things and adapt plus, Death Gods are not the oddest thing that has moved in".

Ereshkigal widely smiled "Yeah! Everyone, there is super nice to me and prays to me as well, I'm sure they will accept you guys and even offer you prayers to you guys as well plus! Everyone knows Harry is the Master of Death! and that gives all of you extra charisma points".

Ereshkigal giggled, while Harry chuckled and shook his head, he then turned his head towards the Death Gods "So what do you all say? You'll have to give me a few days to build all you a building and then your offices".

The Death Gods all turned their heads toward each other and seemed to be having a silent conversation with each other.

It was a fact that they weren't accepted by their pantheons, and at times they were even hated for the domains and the titles they have, which led them to live quiet and lonely lives.

Most of them coped in their own ways, while others just tried to adapt and get used to it, but over their long lifetime they were definitely affected by it, Ereshkigal would spend all her days in her domain playing video games and watching anime.

Hel would watch TV all day and wait for the day her siblings would come to visit her and spend time with her, Anubis did programming and was a bit of a nerd for anything computer related.

Izanami paints and draws to keep the pain away, while Ah Puch would seek violence on the streets, Mictlantecuhtli shut himself off and rarely comes out of his domain.

Kali, had it better than everyone in a sense, she was somewhat accepted by the Hindu Faction because she is one of Shiva's wives, but no one really speaks to her unless necessary, and tends to ignore her. Even when she's standing right there beside Shiva,

Hades? Well, Hades is just downright despised and even though he was aware that he didn't help his case with the way he used to act back in the day, it still hurt to be despised because he won the domains of the dead.

While his brothers got the sky and the seas, it was unfair, though things have gotten better with Harry who allows him and his wife in Neo Kyoto to visit his children.

So the prospect of being able to walk around a city full of all kinds of beings, of wonders the world has never seen, and most importantly, to meet people and make friends was very enticing to them.

In fact, they would gladly give up their spot in their pantheon to be able to do what Harry was giving them the chance to do, but Harry even offered them a way to continue with their work, even if they were to move to Neo Kyoto.

Harry smiled and then spoke up "I'll even talk to Amaterasu and have shrines built for all of you around my Temple, my shrine maidens would be glad to also take care of them along with Hestia's".

Ereshkigal then nodded "Come guys, I know all of you would enjoy everything Neo Kyoto has to offer".

One by one, the Death Gods nodded and agreed to Harry's proposals, they couldn't say no anyways since it was something that they all wanted.

Harry smiled and then continued to speak "Alright, give me some days and I'll have everything ready for all of you, Ereshkigal will come to get you when I have everything ready, but we went on a whole different tangent! Let's all get back on topic".

Everyone shared a laugh while Harry went on "Anyways here is what I need all of you to do, from now on, keep a closer eye on your domains, and let the minor death gods know as well that the Khaos Brigade is our enemy, kill them on sight if they so much dare show their faces to you or your domains".

The death gods nodded, Mictlantecuhtli then spoke "What about Samael? Should we increase the security around Cocytus?".

Harry nodded "Hades and I went to check on him, like I told you, the Khaos Brigade summoned him to them somehow, we suspect they used dragon gates because of their connection to Samael since he's a dragon as well.

That's why I destroyed Samael, we don't have to worry about him anymore but do increase the security around Cocytus anyways, there are still a lot of very dangerous beings sealed there.

We now know the Khaos Brigade is capable of taking things out of there, so let's make sure they can't, if you need help with anything, let me know and we'll see about what to do".

The Death Gods -except for Ereshkigal and Hades- were surprised Harry destroyed Samael but soon accepted it, they now knew how crazy their boss is.

Harry smiled and then clapped his hands "That's it, soon Ereshkigal will contact you and you'll be able to move to Neo Kyoto then, oh! Hel, stay a while longer, there's someone I want you to meet, and afterward, I'll take you to see your siblings".

Hel nodded though she seemed rather intrigued, meanwhile the rest of the death gods bowed to Harry and began to leave, though all of them had big smiles on their faces.

Harry though was inwardly excited, he wanted to introduce Hel to Hela and see how both react to each other and he couldn't wait.