
Harrow's Reach: The Rise of a Baron -:- A Release That Witch Fanfic

Synopsis Title: Harrow's Reach: The Rise of a Baron In a world where magic is both feared and revered, a young pharmacy student finds himself inexplicably transmigrated into the body of a baron in a small, rural territory known as Harrow's Reach, five years before the arrival of the legendary figure, Roland. Determined to forge his own path and change the fate of the world, he sets out to gather an army and create a sanctuary for witches—those misunderstood women with incredible powers—while also aiming to prevent Roland from rising to power. Using his knowledge of modern medicine, he successfully synthesizes penicillin, revolutionizing healing in this medieval setting and earning him the financial independence to pursue his ambitions. As he builds his forces by offering food and a silver stipend to recruits, rumors of witches begin to circulate in his territory. His greatest find is Lyra, a young witch with unique abilities, who becomes his first ally and a symbol of his vision for a new order. But the townspeople are steeped in fear, indoctrinated by the Church to believe that witches are evil. To quell their fears, he bravely announces his protection of witches and showcases Lyra's powers, slowly winning over the community. When a witch named Sylvia, who can see magic, arrives with her own agenda, he seizes the opportunity to expand his influence and strengthen his cause. As alliances are forged and challenges arise, the young baron must navigate treacherous politics, the threat of the Church, and his own growing power. With ambitions to unite witches and ordinary folk alike, he embarks on a journey that will reshape the world and his destiny. But with Roland looming on the horizon, can he secure the future he desires before it slips through his fingers?

smsabedin · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

The Battle for Harrow's Reach

Chapter 10: The Battle for Harrow's Reach

The morning air was thick with tension as Harrow stood on the stone walls of his town, looking out at the horizon. The Church's army had arrived, a sea of soldiers stretching as far as the eye could see, their armor glinting in the sunlight. At the forefront stood 25 elite soldiers, each bearing the dreaded God's Stone of Retaliation—relics that could neutralize any witch's powers. Behind them, the thousand men of the Church's forces stood like an unstoppable tide.

"Ready yourselves!" Harrow called out, his voice booming across the walls. His soldiers, though fewer in number, were trained and determined, their resolve hardening under his leadership.

The witches, too, were prepared. Lyra and Elara stood along with Harrow on the wall, their eyes fixed on the approaching army. Sylvia stayed nearby, her face set in grim determination, while Veronica Nightingale hiding in the shadows.

A trumpet sounded from the Church's side, followed by a herald riding forward.

"By decree of the Pope," he announced, "Adrian Harrow is declared a traitor to the faith. He is declared as a Heretic. Surrender now, and your lives may receive mercy in death."

Harrow stepped forward, his voice calm but resolute. "We will never surrender to the lies of the Church."

The herald hesitated for a moment, then retreated. The ground shook as the Church's army began to march forward, their footsteps pounding in unison like thunder.

"Now!" Harrow shouted, signaling the start of the battle.


The First Wave

The soldiers started marching but as soon as they stepped on the open field, most of the front line soldiers fell into trapholes and died. This alerted the soldiers and they began treading carefully but still because the traps made by Lyra were so realistic that almost a hundred soldiers had died.

The moment the Church's soldiers crossed the hidden threshold, Elara raised her hand. The earth beneath them softened, and the solid ground transformed into a treacherous swamp. The front lines stumbled, their heavy armor dragging them into the thick, sticky mud. Cries of confusion and panic filled the air as soldiers sank, some up to their waists, unable to move or fight.

They were then rained with arrows by soldiers killing countless.

Soldiers who managed to escape the swamp found themselves stumbling into the hidden trenches, where sharp rocks and spikes awaited them. Screams of agony echoed as men fell to their deaths.

The archers on the walls, ready and waiting, let loose a volley of arrows. The arrows rained down on the trapped soldiers, striking with deadly precision. Bodies fell by the dozens, the battlefield turning into a chaotic mix of mud, blood, and death.

But the Church's forces were vast, and the elite soldiers pushed forward, they marched through the chaos slightly scathed, cutting down any obstacles in their path.

"Brace for impact!" Harrow commanded as the elite soldiers drew closer.


The Clashing of Steel

With a furious battle cry, the Church's elite reached the walls of Harrow's Reach. The first of them scaled the walls with grappling hooks, pulling themselves up with frightening speed. Harrow's soldiers clashed with them in brutal hand-to-hand combat, the air filled with the sound of clanging swords and the grunts of men locked in deadly struggle.

Veronica moved swiftly through the chaos, her misty form allowing her to slip between enemies unseen. She struck from the shadows, her blade finding the weak points in the elite soldiers' armor. Even without her powers being able to affect them directly, her skill and speed were more than a match for the Church's elite.

On the walls, Lyra and Elara fought fiercely. Though their powers were useless against the elite, they still had an advantage over the regular soldiers. Lyra manipulated the earth beneath the walls, causing it to rise and form barriers that blocked the advancing forces, while Elara used her control over water to create torrents that swept away entire groups of soldiers.

But the elite soldiers were relentless, pushing closer and closer to breaching the walls.


The Turning Point

As the Church's army pressed forward, Harrow realized they were at a critical juncture. The elite soldiers were breaking through his defenses, their God's Stones rendering the witches' powers useless. He had to act fast.

"Veronica!" he shouted, catching her eye in the midst of the battle. "Take out their leaders!"

Veronica nodded and vanished into the mist. She reappeared behind one of the elite soldiers leading the charge. With a swift, deadly strike, she severed his spine, the soldier crumpling to the ground. Her lie-detecting ability had told her that this was one of their commanders, and without him, the enemy forces would lose some of their coordination.

She cut down another elite soldier, then turned to see two more approaching Lyra. Without hesitation, she ran to intercept them, his blade flashing in the sunlight. The clash was intense, but Veronica fought with a ferocity born of necessity. With a quick maneuver, she disarmed one of the soldiers and drove her sword through the other.

Behind her, the regular soldiers of the Church were faltering. The swamp, the trenches, and the hidden traps had decimated their ranks. Many had been swallowed by the mud, while others had been impaled by spikes or cut down by archers.

And then, finally, it happened—the Church's forces broke. The remaining soldiers, seeing the elite fall one by one, began to retreat. Chaos erupted as they fled back across the battlefield, leaving behind the dead and dying.


The Final Duel

Only two elite soldiers remained. They were the last vestige of the Church's assault. They charged toward Harrow, their swords raised, determined to kill him or die trying.

Harrow met them head-on, his sword clashing against theirs with a deafening sound. The force of their blows rattled his bones, but he refused to back down. Although he wasn't much of a fighter as a transmigrator but he still had basic survival skills. These two were the best of the Church's elite, their skill far surpassing the others he had faced. His skills were barely enough to hold them untill Nightingale came.

Veronica intervened just in time and was finally able to battle them.

Harrow gritted his teeth as he fought, his muscles screaming with exhaustion. One of the elite soldiers swung at his head, and Harrow barely managed to duck in time. He countered with a strike of his own, but the second soldier was there, deflecting the blow.

For a moment, it seemed as if they would overwhelm him. But then, Nightingale intervened just in time was able to kill them.

The second soldier, seeing his comrade fall, hesitated for the briefest moment. And that was all Harrow needed. He struck with deadly precision, his blade slicing through the soldier's armor and finding its mark.

The last two elite soldiers fell to the ground, their God's Stones flickering and fading.



The battlefield fell silent, save for the groans of the wounded and dying. Harrow stood amidst the carnage, bloodied but victorious. The Church's army had been broken, their elite soldiers defeated. Only two of the elite had survived the battle, fleeing into the distance, their tails between their legs.

Harrow turned to his soldiers, who were battered but triumphant. "We've won," he said, his voice low but filled with pride. "Harrow's Reach stands."

The people of Harrow's Reach erupted in cheers, their voices rising to the sky. They had faced the might of the Church—and they had prevailed.

I as an author myself feel the chapter wasn't good enough, but I find myself hard to write a chapter on war battle. I am trying and will keep trying to improve them in the upcoming chapters. Thanks for Reading.

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