


Let’s try this again


I had the day off from work. I figured I would try to fix the light fixture. Then I remember Jerry was loose in the basement. I looked at the hanging light fixture. Maybe I could ask Clarence to help me.

Someone knocked on my door, and I answered it to see Matthew standing there.

/"Let’s try this again and try not to electrocute me./"

/"I would if I didn’t have a problem./"

/"What’s your problem?/"

/"I have a mouse./" I winced.

/"A mouse?/"

I cringed. I hate mice. I don’t care if they’re outside, but inside is a no. Matthew opened the door and came inside, setting his toolbox on the floor.

Matthew walked to the basement door and went downstairs. I didn’t follow because I refuse to hang out with a mouse. I stood there until I heard boots hitting the steps. Matthew came upstairs, holding a container with a mouse in it.

The mouse was scratching, trying to escape.