
Harmony of minds

Lu Ten, a recent graduate from Mu Shi University, leads a seemingly normal life. However, hidden within him is a psychopathic second personality connected to D-Link, an interdimensional organization governed by Essence beings from the Origin Dimension. This connection grants him access to a system that provides extraordinary skills, mastery in various arts, and a penchant for killing. The second personality is a master actor, hacker, and top-level killer. Guided by the D-Note—a list of targets from D-Link—he embarks on a mission to eliminate Mu Del, Song Shen, and Lin Mengmeng. As the killings continue, Lu Ten's two personalities clash, pushing him to the brink of madness. Will he overcome his darker side or be consumed by it?

Anmolnk · Urban
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3 Chs

Idol V

Our story begins with a knock on the door and we hear someone shouting, "Where the hell are you? Why the heck are you not showing up? Ah! I get it. You are heartbroken, aren't you? But please don't do something that you regret in the future for that witch." There is no response to the person's voice. With a big bang, we see a handsome boy around 21 entering with an annoyed face. After realizing that the person he is looking for is nowhere to be found, he suddenly shouts, "Where the hell are you, bastard?"

Welcome to Harmony of Minds

Our scene changes to a truck driver driving a truck in the street while listening to idol V's latest song "Live Up", also known as the "Traffic Rule Breaker" song (such a hypocrisy). While he is enjoying the song, a timid guy is crossing the zebra crossing who is also listening to "Live Up". He says, "Looks like Meng Lui will win this season. What a great song Live Up is."

The truck driver was so engrossed in the song that he didn't notice the red light or the timid guy on the zebra crossing. He slammed on the brakes, but it was too late. The truck hit the timid guy with a loud thud, sending him flying in the air. The song "Live Up" was still playing on both their devices, creating a cruel irony.

The truck driver got out of his vehicle, shaking and sweating. He ran to the timid guy, who was lying on the pavement, bloodied and groaning. He checked his pulse and felt a faint heartbeat. He was alive, but barely.

The truck driver called for an ambulance and tried to stop the bleeding from the timid guy's wounds. He apologized profusely and begged for forgiveness. He had just injured someone because of his reckless driving and his obsession with idol V's song. He looked around and saw people staring at him with shock and anger. He knew he was in big trouble.

The timid guy was lying on a stretcher, hooked to various machines and tubes. He had suffered multiple injuries from the collision, including a head trauma that triggered his second personality. He was not aware of his surroundings or his condition. He was drifting in and out of consciousness, switching between different personalities.

Sometimes, he was a scared child, crying for his misery and asking why the shopkeeper hurt him. He was reliving the abuse he had endured from society, who had caused him to drown in evil

in the first place. He was terrified and helpless, unable to escape from this unknown past.

Other times, he was an angry teenager, cursing and spitting at the paramedics and the police officers who tried to stop him from killing his target. He was blaming them for pretending to be good, accusing them of being corrupt and incompetent. He was rebellious and defiant, refusing to cooperate with anyone. And he was ready to kill his targets.

And then, he was a calm adult, placing a gun on his wife while saying,"Thanks for giving me a child who will rule the underworld. But for that you have to die my beloved." He was rational and polite, explaining that he had done a good job. He knew that his child would resent him for killing his mother. So he committed suicide while saying to his wife's lifeless body that he loved her.