

In the bustling city of Jianghu, ordinary modern man, Li Jian, finds his life inexplicably entangled with the mystical world of Xuanxia. One seemingly ordinary day takes a fantastical turn when celestial beings descend upon the mortal realm, revealing a hidden dimension teeming with immortal cultivators and ancient martial arts. As a series of bizarre events unfold, Li Jian discovers that his destiny is intricately linked to the age-old conflict among immortals vying for supremacy and power. Drawn into a celestial battle, he finds himself caught between rival factions, each practicing otherworldly martial arts and wielding powerful artifacts.

helloitskiel · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: Noodles and Otherworldly Nonsense

Li Jian, still grappling with the bizarre turn of events, found himself seated at a noodle joint with the celestial beings. The elderly immortal, who introduced himself as Master Yunwei, seemed surprisingly at ease slurping noodles with his long, flowing beard neatly tucked into his robe.

As Li Jian observed Master Yunwei's graceful consumption of mortal noodles, he couldn't help but notice a hint of curiosity in the celestial being's eyes. "Master Yunwei," Li Jian ventured, "is this your first time trying mortal noodles?"

Master Yunwei paused mid-slurp, his celestial gaze momentarily distracted by the earthly delicacy before him. "Indeed, young one," he confessed, his voice carrying a note of wonder, "in the celestial realms, we are accustomed to a different fare, one that transcends the limitations of mortal cuisine."

Li Jian nodded, intrigued by the contrast between the celestial and earthly realms. "How do mortal noodles compare to those of the celestial realms?" he asked, eager to learn more about Master Yunwei's perspective.

A smile played across Master Yunwei's lips as he pondered the question, his celestial wisdom shining through. "Mortal noodles," he began, his voice tinged with appreciation, "may lack the ethereal flavors of celestial cuisine, but they possess a unique charm all their own. There is a simplicity to mortal food, a purity of flavor that speaks to the essence of earthly life."

With a graceful flourish, Master Yunwei took another slurp of noodles, savoring the earthly delight with a newfound appreciation. "In mortal noodles," he mused, "I see the beauty of imperfection, the joy of embracing the ordinary in a world filled with cosmic wonders."

As Li Jian watched Master Yunwei revel in the simple pleasure of mortal noodles, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the opportunity to share this humble meal with a celestial being. In that moment, amidst the clinking of bowls and the slurping of noodles, Li Jian found himself drawn closer to the celestial realms, his understanding of cosmic balance deepening with each savory bite. 

"So, let me get this straight," Li Jian said between bites. "You guys are from some celestial realm, and I'm the Chosen One destined to bring balance or something?"


Master Yunwei nodded sagely. "Indeed, young one. The Celestial Harmony Scriptures have chosen you to harmonize the energies of both realms."


Li Jian raised an eyebrow. "Harmonize energies? Is that a fancy way of saying I'm supposed to be a referee for your cosmic tug-of-war?"


The celestial beings exchanged puzzled glances, clearly struggling with the nuances of modern slang.


"You have a point," Master Yunwei admitted. "But your role is crucial, nonetheless. The balance between our realms affects the very fabric of existence."


Li Jian sighed, putting down his chopsticks. "Can't you guys find someone more qualified? I'm just a guy who excels at ordering takeout and accidentally sends reply-all emails."


The celestial beings remained steadfast. "The Celestial Harmony Scriptures have chosen you, and its wisdom will guide you. The fate of both realms is now intertwined with yours."


Li Jian mumbled to himself, "Great. My résumé just got a lot more complicated."


As Master Yunwei unfolded the Celestial Harmony Scriptures on the noodle-strewn table, the restaurant's patrons looked on, unsure if they were witnessing a divine revelation or just a particularly elaborate noodle advertisement.


"Your journey begins with understanding the essence of Qi," Master Yunwei began, tracing ancient symbols in the air. "It is the life force that flows through all things."


Li Jian leaned in, genuinely intrigued despite his initial skepticism. "So, like, the Force from Star Wars?"


Master Yunwei blinked. "Star Wars?"


Li Jian shook his head. "Never mind. Continue."


Over bowls of noodles and celestial teachings, Li Jian began to grasp the basics of Qi, elemental affinities, and martial forms. The Celestial Harmony Scriptures, despite its archaic language, resonated with a strange familiarity.


As the last noodle disappeared from his bowl, Li Jian felt a peculiar warmth within. Master Yunwei nodded approvingly. "The first steps are taken, young one. Your journey has just begun."


Li Jian, now armed with a newfound knowledge of celestial balance and a manual that could double as a confusing noodle recipe, wondered what other surprises awaited him in this crossroads between the mundane and the mystical.


And so, with the lingering scent of noodles and otherworldly nonsense, Li Jian stepped into the uncertain path that awaited the Chosen One.


They say noodles just fills your tummy, but I say noodles is the way of dao.

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