
Harmony Nexus: Nightfall Moon

In the bustling metropolis, two girls form an unexpected bond. As they venture into a world of magic, a mesmerizing journey unfolds, unveiling hidden truths and testing their unbreakable unity. This captivating tale weaves friendship, empowerment, and the allure of a world where reality and enchantment intertwine. Join them as they navigate the shadows and embrace the power of unity in a realm where destiny awaits.

Badai_Arashi · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Insights and Intrigues

"Thanks for the efforts," Irina quipped, her attention alternating between the virtual battle on the screen and Eve's entrance. Her form reclined comfortably on the plush sofa, exuding an air of nonchalant ease. The soft illumination in the room complemented the relaxed atmosphere, casting a gentle glow on their interaction.

"So, did my intel turn out to be worth something?" Irina's focus shifted from her paused game to Eve, her words carrying a playful undertone as she hit the pause button, freezing the virtual battlefield in action.

"It actually exceeded my expectations," Eve replied with a touch of formality, her voice laced with an appreciative note. She walked toward Irina, her movements poised and graceful, a reflection of her noble upbringing.

Eve's body radiate a subtle radiance, which artfully transformed her appearance to her original form. Her armor turn into a pristine white school uniform accompanied by a maroon vest. The process spoke volumes of her proficiency in creation magic, showcasing her ability to manipulate not just appearances, but the essence of attire itself.

Irina's lips curled into a half-smile, tinged with a hint of envy. "I have to admit, creation magic is the ultimate convenience," she remarked, her gaze captivated by the seamless transition of Eve's attire. The conversation flowed with an air of camaraderie, embodying the shared experiences that had strengthened their friendship.

Eve settled beside Irina, their familiarity evident in the unspoken understanding that underpinned their connection. Through the many challenges they had faced side by side, their bond had grown unbreakable.

"Your instincts hit the bullseye, Ira. The Order of Mystica's involvement with Luna seems undeniable. And Comedy possessing knowledge of creation magic is a telltale sign," Eve sighed, her voice tinged with both relief and a hint of exasperation. She acknowledged that without Irina's keen insights, unraveling the Order's mysteries could have taken years.

Eve's words unveiled the enigmatic Order of Mystica, an underground faction fiercely dedicated to magical supremacy. Their belief in magic as a divine bestowal granted them a sense of superiority over non-magical individuals, whom they perceived as forsaken by the divine and therefore in need of purification.

Behind the scenes, the Order's influence extended like a web, subtly influencing politics, commerce, and the spread of knowledge. Only a select few among the upper echelons held awareness of the Order's existence, a list that surprisingly included Eve's former parents.

Eve's emotions surged as she admitted, "It's no wonder they harbor such animosity towards me, Ira. In their eyes, I'm a failed creation, a harbinger of disaster." The realization of her insignificance and her parents' lack of genuine affection intensified her bitterness, setting the stage for a tumultuous internal struggle.

Amidst these revelations, Eve also conceded that her understanding of the Order of Mystica was non-existent until Irina had enlightened her.

Raised in an elite environment, Eve had yet to make her debut within the upper echelons. This event, typically occurring at age 15, marked the transition to adulthood. Yet, her former parents had intentionally withheld this knowledge, leaving her oblivious to a pivotal facet of her world.

"But should I not repay you for your assistance?" Eve questioned, her tone respectful and tinged with politeness.

Irina's grin widened, a testament to their shared camaraderie. "Don't worry, Evie," she responded, her voice carrying a genuine warmth. "Your involvement played a major role in patching things up between my father and me. No matter what I do, I doubt I could ever fully repay you."

Eve's voice remained composed yet held a subtle formality. "My contributions were minimal, at best. Your father's affection for you was evident from the start." While her words were factual, an unspoken contrast echoed within her. 'Unlike my own parents,' she thought silently. Such vulnerability was foreign to her, and she refrained from seeking empathy.

"I was honestly taken aback that my deduction turned out to be right on the money," Irina casually resumed her game, her fingers deftly maneuvering the controller. "The Order of Mystica's recent activities have been rather odd, like they're gearing up for something out of the ordinary," she commented offhandedly.

"True to form as the most dependable source," Eve remarked with a hint of jest. "You've got an uncanny way of uncovering things," she added with a touch of politeness.

"Hey, you're not still mad about me poking around in your background without asking permission, are you?" Irina complained playfully, her words echoing Eve's earlier sarcasm.

It's worth noting that Eve had exclusively shared her past and issues with Luna. Irina's knowledge stemmed from her exhaustive efforts to dig up information about Eve, back when she was known as Alice. Naturally, this had been done without any consent whatsoever.

"Imagine if your father found out that his child not only has ties to the underworld and but also one of its prominent figures. I wonder how he'd react," Eve speculated politely.

In the underworld, Irina was nicknamed 'Cath Palug.' Once she set her sights on you, kiss your privacy goodbye. She would unearth every possible detail about your life.

Rumor had it that even a prominent mafia boss fell prey to her insatiable curiosity. Irina relentlessly exposed the boss's darkest secrets, leading to his ignominious fall when news spread that he had experienced the infamous "eighth-grade syndrome." Her intentions, of course, were purely inquisitive, devoid of any malice.

"Don't fret. Papa won't find out," Irina responded casually. "So, are we ready to move on to the next phase?" She turned her attention to Eve, the TV screen showcasing her victory in the game they had paused.

"Absolutely, even if it turns out that they're not connected to Luna. The mere fact that they're knowledgeable about creation magic raises them as suspects, and they're on our elimination list," Eve replied firmly, reiterating her standpoint.

Irina's soft chuckle resonated. "The bait has been cast; now we just await their bite, right?" Her grin was mischievous and carefree.

Their well-crafted plan had the potential to ensnare a significant target. But, of course, comprehending their adversary's identity wouldn't be as straightforward as they hoped.

"Without a doubt. Even if my creation magic fails to lure them in, I'll ensure they eventually come seeking me out," Eve affirmed. "As for Comedy, what's your take?"

"Meeting them made me realize they're more than capable of defeating me; they simply chose not to."

"In all honesty, it'd be great if they'd consider switching sides and becoming an ally. But their sole concern is money, and that's undoubtedly more abundant within the Order of Mystica," Irina sighed.

"Hey, Ira. Is there a possibility you could apprehend them?" An idea had suddenly dawned on Eve.

"That might be doable. But what's your game plan?" Irina questioned, convinced that capturing Comedy wouldn't necessarily yield significant results. Being deeply entrenched in the underworld, she understood that while Comedy was driven by financial gains, they maintained their own code of conduct and principles.

"Don't worry; it's not as ominous as it sounds," Eve responded with a calm tone.

For reasons unknown, Irina felt a faint shiver ripple down her spine upon hearing Eve's words. A premonition of sorts. Despite her sympathy for Comedy as fellow inhabitants of the underworld, she remained committed to assisting Eve in any way she required. There was a clear distinction between compassion and calculated strategy.

Eve stood up, gently touching the school uniform she was wearing. Warm light enveloped her, and with a delicate touch, the school uniform transformed into a plain black dress. A faint smile appeared on her lips as she observed the change. With slow steps, she decided to leave the room and head to her own bedroom first to gather the items she would need.

"Evie, where are you going?" Irina asked without looking away, still engrossed in her video game on the television screen. As if not wanting to waste much time, Eve answered the question without stopping her footsteps, "I just want to get some fresh air outside for a moment."

There was no specific purpose in this. She just wanted to briefly experience the tranquility of the outdoors, freeing herself from the complexities that surrounded them.