
Harmless vs Peaceful

Denis Ilboudo is a nice guy, always ready to give a hand to those in need. Unfortunately, his friends mistake his kindness for weakness try to take advantage of him. They will however learn the difference between a harmless person and a peaceful one.

Supertiti · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

In the end, I only lasted 5 minutes. 

Last week, Mariam, my best friend's girlfriend, came to my room as she often does, and we slept together. She teased me saying I wouldn't last long, and I indeed didn't last. But to my defense, she is so sexy that no man could do better. Anyways, we had 2 hours and we ended doing it 3 more times.

-    Okay, that's it for today! Make sure you study today lesson because it'll be on the test!

I was lost in my mind and didn't notice that class was already over, and the chime rang. 

As if to punish us for sleeping through her lecture, the teacher declared that it will be on the test. Well, I don't really mind. Denis would help me study. The benefits from being childhood friend and neighbour with the top student, they can tutor you at home.

As soon as the teacher left the classroom, a group of girls gathered around Denis.

-    Please, you have to help us study!

It was the group who often borrow his notes or copy his homework. They never study on their own and only rely on him. Earlier, they were among those who were sleeping.

-    Huh, Sonia? Sorry, I can't today!

-    Huh? Why not?

That's not really how you ask for help, but, well, I doubt Denis would mind.

-    Sorry, I have plans today!

-    What kind?

-    Tomorrow, I have a date with Mariam, and I need to confirm the reservations.

-    Huh?

Upon hearing that, Sonia expression became bitter, and she looked at Mariam coldly. Women jealousy! Just as Mariam is pretty and has many boys lusting after her, Denis is also popular and has his own fans. Many girls are mad at Sonia for getting him first.

-    Seriously, you can't stay? Just for an hour?

-    Sorry! But there's still time before the test, I can teach you later!

-    …

-    Come on Denis, you're not going to leave her like that, are you?

It was Mariam who joined the conversation. She came from behind and wrapped her hands around his waist and then smirked at Sonia.

-    You've already made reservation! Confirming it shouldn't take long and the restaurant closes at 10 PM. You have time!

-    Yes, but …

-    No but! Even if we can't go on date tomorrow, we can go another day. But if they failed the test, their future would be in danger!

-    Huh, … you're sure Mariam?

-    Yeah! Go there and help them! I'll be going first!

Saying so, she picked her bag and left the classroom. But before she went out, she winked at me. Well, I guess I'll have fun today again.

-    What about you, Paul? You're leaving too?

Of course, I'm leaving! No way I'm going to miss sex with such beauty. 

-    Yeah! I can't study in the classroom anyway!

-    Ok, take care!

-    So, you'll be here for at least an hour, right?

-    No, 2! Or maybe 3. I have a lot of things I didn't understand! Sonia replied.

-    Seriously! Denis said, taken agape!

-    Well, have fun! I excused myself from the conversation.

I had what I wanted, so, I quickly packed up my thing and ran after Mariam. 

I caught up to her in front of the school entrance. Normally I would have grabbed her ass, but since there were a lot of students around, I did not. No need to be hasty. We are going to my room.

When we got into my neighbourhood, we finally started talking freely.

-    3 hours this time? Think you're up for the challenge?

-    Worry about yourself! I'm not letting you go till I'm satisfied!

-    Thanks for the warning!

-    Seriously though, I didn't expect you to send him with those girls! Did you miss me that much? It's only been a week!

-    So what? I'm a healthy girl, I have my needs!

-    Why not do it with him then?

-    Well, you got to keep them wanting more! Once I give him my body, he will be satisfied and leave! I just need to tease him enough and make him dependant to me. By the way, you and I will go to a hotel tomorrow after the date.

-    Huh, why?

-    Denis is hot after all! Teasing him gets me horny too, I'll need a release!

I can't say I'm happy about being used like that, but I least, I get to have sex with her. It's more than anything he has done.

-    But Mariam, aren't you scared that with all that teasing, he will hook up with another girl?

-    …

We both looked at each other and then …

-    Fuah ha ha ha!!

We both burst out laughing.

-    What are you saying! You think that Mr. Good boy will even think of that? Ah ha ha!!

-    Ha ha ha! Yeah, I know! He is so stupid!!

-    Hey, don't insult him!

-    Huh?

-    He is nice, not stupid! Or maybe naïve!

-    Hum, if you say so!!

Wait, now you're defending him? I really can't understand girls. Well, it doesn't matter anyway. What's matter is that I'm screwing her.

While talking like that, we arrive at my house. I invited Mariam in.

My parents work during the week and only come home on weekends. This leaves the whole house to me. This means we won't get disturbed even if we stay in the living room. I pushed her on the sofa and went down on her.

Another day, another defeat. I managed to do it 5 times, but overall, I only lasted about 30 minutes. Well, it doesn't matter as Mariam is laying on the ground with an ecstatic face. She liked it so much that she passed out. I can be proud of myself. 

While she was sleeping, I cleaned out the house and brought some snacks. When she woke up, we watched TV. After some time, she decided to go home. But I couldn't let her leave like that, so we did it once more time in front of the door, without even taking our clothes off. 

-    That was great Paul, but I really have to go now!

-    Why? We still have an hour left!

-    Yeah, but I have a date tomorrow! Can't have you exhaust me here!

-    …

-    Come on, after the date, I'll give you a call!

I had no choice but to let her go, comforting myself with the idea I'll see her again tomorrow. So, I opened the door and followed her outside to say goodbye.

-    You guys are finally done?

This voice can't be.

I slowly turned around, praying that it was just my imagination. 

However, when I finally looked in the direction the voice came, I saw Denis, leaning against our house wall. 

-    W… why are you here? I … mean, shouldn't you be tutoring Sonia?

I looked at my phone, we still had an hour before he comes home. Why is he here?

Denis didn't wasted time and answer my question.

-    Yes, but her parents called, and she had to go! More importantly, what were you doing?

Oh no, this is over! If he knows that I've been sleeping with his girlfriend, he will kill me. What do I do? What do I do? 

Wait, he asked. Does that mean he still doesn't know. Maybe I can fool him.

-    Hum, I … Mariam wanted to see you, but since it was lonely to wait there alone, she spent the time at my house.

Yes, good one! Denis' parents are also busy and often come home late at night. There is no one at this hour. Plus, we are all friends, it shouldn't be weird for Mariam to spend time with me alone.

-    (sigh) Do you know that the curtains of the living room were opened.

-    WHAT?

I turned around and saw that the curtains were indeed opened.

-    I saw the whole thing. I've came home just after you, you know.


No! No! No! 

It's over! He'll kill me!

-    So, what if you saw us?

Huh? Just now, it was Mariam! I turned to her and saw that she was smirking. Why? Does she not understand the situation?

-    We have been doing it for months now. You're so stupid, do you want a medal for finally noticing?

Please Mariam, stop! Don't make things worse!

-    Don't make that face! True I've been sleeping with Paul, but you're my boyfriend!

-    …

What is that girl saying?

-    Come on! You know what, if tomorrow date is cool, I'll also let you have me!

-    (sigh) I've already cancelled tomorrow reservation!

-    Huh?

-    Also, I'm here to break up with you!

-    WHAT? … What do you mean?

-    Well, it's normal reaction when you found out your partner has been cheating!

-    That's not cheating! I … I was just getting … experience!

-    …

-    Yeah, I'm just training!

-    Ok! But I'm still breaking up with you!

Saying so, Denis turned his back and headed toward his house.

-    Wait! You can't break up with me!

But Denis didn't stop. He just kept walking.

-    Come back here! If you don't, I'll destroy your life!

Denis entered his house and closed the door.

-    Tsk, I thought I had him in my hand! How come he is not begging me? Instead, he dares break up with me?

-    Why did you say those things? Denis is kind, he might have forgiven us if we had apologized.

-    No, he should be the one apologizing!

-    But …

-    Don't worry! I can guarantee you that by next Friday, he would crawl back at us, begging.

-    What?

-    Don't worry! Leave it to me!

After that, Mariam went home.

The next day, my parents came back. They were surprised to see me not playing with Denis, but how could I? After yesterday incident, there is no way I could play with him again. In fact, I could no longer do anything with him. He was the one helping me with my studies. What am I going to do now?

And worse, what if he told my parents about it? Or the classmates? Will I be bullied? My parents will surely disown me. What can I do?

I need to apologize, but I can't face him. I can even send him a text message.

I spent the whole weekend worrying about what to do, without actually doing anything.

On Monday, Mariam sent me a message to go to school with her. I was still scared of Denis, so I ended up going with her.

Despite us arriving early, the classroom was already full. Most of our classmates were here. Before I could ask anything to Mariam, we got swarmed.

-    I knew you were a cool guy, Paul!

-    Standing up to that asshole, good job!

-    Mariam is lucky to have a friend like you!

I couldn't understand what was happening. They were praising me, but why?

-    I never could have imagined he was like that! You must have been really scared, Mariam!

-    Yes! He fooled us all!

The one talking was Sonia! Until last Friday, they used to be enemies. Now they are talking like they were friends. What's going on?

-    Paul, Mariam told us how you saved her form that abusive asshole. But just because you were childhood friends doesn't mean you should forgive anything he does!

-    … 

-    But don't worry! I told everyone about you. If that guy dares to do anything again, the whole class will protect you!

I was taken aback by her statement. I glanced at Mariam, and she just winked at me. So, that was her plan? I don't know what she told them to get them on our side, but it doesn't matter. Right now, people seem to think Denis is the bad guy, and no one blaming me, that's good.

Relieved that my school life will proceed smoothly, I went to my desk. Our classmates gather around us, and Mariam explained in more detail how I supposedly saved her. Apparently, Denis was abusive and threatened her into getting into a relationship with him. She didn't want to but was scared and said nothing until last Friday. That day, I witnessed him shouting at her and intervened. This gave her the courage to also talk back, and we managed to fend him off. She also wanted to report the incident, but I refused, stating that I used to be friend with him.

She was a good actress, because everyone in the classroom believed her. Even I would have believed it if I wasn't in the said story. And she is also smart, she managed to turn Denis into the ''villain'', me into a ''hero'' and her into the ''damsel in distress.''

While we were talking like that, the classroom door opened, and the main antagonist of Mariam story went in. As soon as Denis walked in, Sonia got up and went to him, and …


The sound of the slap echoed throughout the classroom.

-    You asshole! She shouted.

Denis rubbed his check and looked at Mariam and me.