
Harlequin Kiss

When a young girl goes off on her own, following her new boyfriend blindly. She abandons her three best friends, leaving them behind. But when that same boyfriends cheats on her she returns to the New York streets. Looking for redemption and her lost best friends.

Plasma_Grunt_Zed · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: The Puddle

Poppy groaned as she rose from her bed like a zombie from it's grave as she yawned. The room she stayed in was technically the guest room but most of her boxes had come last night so she will get this all sorted before school tomorrow.

She got out of bed and looked at the time, she saw it read ten thirty in the morning, A normal wake up time for her on a day off. She shook her head getting the tiredness out of her head as she stood up. She stumbled back onto her butt as before getting back up and walking to the door.

Walking down the hallway to the stairs, she walked past a couple maids as they cleaned up a room, they all waved at her as she passed them with a tired smile and wave. Walking down the stairs she walked into the grand entrance with a chandelier and a giant double door, but living with a rich aunt would be like that. Walking under the stairs she opened a door to a dining hall with a giant table that could seat thirty comfortably.

She looked to see her aunt texting as she wore a red dress that hugged her curves, she heard the door and knew exactly who it was.

"Good morning Pop-JESUS!" She interrupted herself as she looked to see Poppy. Her hair was a mess worse than Christmas lights as she was hunched over in a tired form.

"Oh thanks auntie" Poppy said sarcastically as she walked up to a chair and pulled it out and sat down with her. She looked at the table to see a pot of oatmeal and a plate of bacon, eggs and pancakes sat right in front of her. She smiled as she grabbed three pancakes and five pieces of bacon and a bunch of eggs as well as a bowl of oatmeal.

"Hungry?" Her auntie asked as Poppy nodded.

"We are going shopping today, and shopping with you can be tiring" Poppy smirked as her auntie dramatically put her hand over her heart.

"Oh how you wound me child" She said as they both chuckled. Lindsey's phone went off as she looked to see a call from a guy named Carl Boragand. She rolled her eyes as she held her finger to Poppy telling her it'll only take a second.

Poppy nodded as she watched her walk away before ravaging the bacon and pancakes as she was extremely hungry. She tried getting food last night but the kitchen was locked, who does that? She sighed in content as the bacon melted in her mouth and the pancakes were fluffy and sweet. She loved every bite.

"Enjoying it young miss?" Poppy nearly screamed but instead choked on the mouthful she had as she punched her chest as she looked to see a elder man in a suit.

He had a pointy chin as his hair was a stark white, his skin was both wrinkly and smooth showing his aging self. He held a white cloth over his forearm as he had two white gloves on.

"Yes *cough cough* yes i am, i'm sorry you scared me" Poppy chuckled as the man held a straight face.

"I am very sorry young miss, It was not my intention to do so. My name is Nicholas Hew the third. I am the head butler of the mansion" He bowed his head as Poppy nodded.

"Okay then, How long have you worked here?" Poppy asked as Nicholas stood straight.

"I have been working here since i was about forty five, so about twenty years now" He said as Poppy nodded taking a bite of bacon only to spit it out as she looked up at him.

"Your sixty five?!" She asked, shocked. He looked old but not that old, his figure and skin had the look of a fit fifty year old while his hair screamed his actual age.

"Yes Indeed ma'am" He said as she looked at him up and down before shaking her head and went back to eating. Not noticing a very annoyed aunt walk back into the hall with her slamming her thumb in the End Call button.

"Damn imbeciles" She muttered as she stormed to her seat as Nicholas and Poppy watched her walk by.

"Everything alright ma'am?" As Lindsey turned to him and sighed.

"It's fine Nicholas, just Carl being Carl," Lindsey said as she waved her hand back and forth.

Poppy hadn't heard of this Carl, he must be a new manager of her headquarters or something. The only time her auntie says Imbecile is when one of her managers pisses her off.

"Well then, Poppy. Where would you like to go shopping today?" Lindsey asked as Poppy put her fork down and gave it a minute of thought.

"Hot Topic?" She said as Lindsey facepalmed as Nicholas chuckled.

"Non non, I will not have my niece walking into her brand new school like some delinquent" Poppy looked at her weirdly as she looked down at her current attire with a joker shirt and batman pajama pants on.

"So this isn't acceptable?" Poppy asked, pushing her shirt out making the shirt bend.

"That's fine for the house, but out there I need you at your best. As you hold my last name, I don't need my competitors or the public using it against me. It would make me feel terrible for them using you like that and my credibility would decline. We must go to my favourite store" Lindsey smiled as Poppy rested her chin on her hand as her elbow was on the table.

"Really now and per say, does this store have your name in gold on the front" Poppy asked as Lindsey raised an eyebrow at her.

"Why yes, we will be going to my head store in sales, the biggest store of Lindsey Clothing in the United states of America!!" Lindsey said as she held her fist in the air in victory as Nicholas clapped beside her.

"Wonderful display madam" He said as Lindsey smirked giving him a thumb's up.

"Great," Poppy said, dragging the word out to amplify the sarcasm in her voice.

"Oh suck it up, now shoo, we leave in an hour. Go get yourself ready" Lindsey said as Poppy nodded standing up as she turned to the door of the hall. As she walked out Lindsey watched her with her mouth in her intertwined hands.

"Did you make the call Nicholas?" Lindsey asked.

"Yes ma'am. Miss Karen made the call before we all went home for the night, if anything August should be putting the puzzle pieces together" Nicholas said as Lindsey nodded.

"That boy is too smart for his own good, he would have found out soon enough" Lindsey said as she leaned back into her chair.

"I care for that boy too much, for me to give the surprise this early" Nicholas raised an eyebrow at her and nodded.

"Agreed, but doing this will give him a chance to gather his thoughts. If Poppy just showed up out of the blue. He could lash out, he will now have a day and two nights to come up with something to say when she confronts him" Nicholas said as Lindsey sighed and nodded.

"Gen zed's" Lindsey sighed.

Meanwhile Poppy flopped herself on her bed as she held a small trinket. A large circle with a dragon head made of a fake silver. It was the only thing she kept from her time in junior high. Her mind raced as she remembered the exact moment she got this.

"Just keep it dork" He said as Poppy looked down at the circle before looking back at him.

August was fifteen while Poppy was still fourteen but they both were in a formal dress up. August was in a black and blue tuxedo with a white tie. His black hair in a ponytail as he had a black line under both of his eyes.

"But this wasn't meant for me" Poppy said as August shook his head.

"That's a fake, the real thing is here" He holds out the same circle with a chain attached to his hip as he opens to show a clock from the 1910's.

"My great grandfather, General Alexander Crawford made all heirs to the Crawford name keep the real thing, while giving the fake's to his five closest friends. That was the promise i made to my grandfather when my father passed this to me last year" August said as he closed it and placed it back in his pocket.

"You have been with me since elementary, you will do me a great favour by keeping this in your possession" August smiled as she nodded tightening her grip.

"All I ask is that no matter what happens to me, you keep this close to you at all times" She nods as she looks up at him.

"Of course" She says as August nods his head.

They both stand in silence as wind pushes their hair, August and Poppy were outside a funeral home as the night had come picking up the cold air and street lights brighten the sidewalks. August and Poppy had stepped out as they needed their time.

"Your Grandfather was a great man," Poppy says as August looked at her and nodded.

"That he was, and I'm gonna follow in his footsteps" He smiled as she looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Poppy asked.

"My family is mainly outside of the state, most in Nashville and some in Indianapolis, but my roots started here. My grandfather was the greatest teacher in New york, and he loved this city. The city that has become so broken with pollution and crime. But I will find a way to recreate the city" August looked at her.

"I will make my grandfather's dream of a great new york a reality, by being the greatest citizen to ever walk it's streets" He smirked in pride as Poppy looked at him in shock.

"Will you be with me for this journey?" He asked as he reached a hand out to her as Poppy looked at it and smiled as she reached for it.

"Young Miss?" Poppy was driven from her thoughts as her eyes popped open as she sat up and looked at her bedroom door.

"Yes Nicholas?" She asked.

"Madam Lindsey has asked me to make sure you are getting ready as you are leaving in the next hour" He said as Poppy sighed.

"Don't worry, I will be ready in a little bit," Poppy said as she heard Nicholas stand for a second and then walk away. He probably nodded behind the door.

She stood up grabbing some of her nicer wear as she walked to the bathroom connected to her room. She looked in the mirror as she saw the single tear going down her cheek. She sighed as she shook it off before wiping her eyes.

Turning she undressed and got into the shower, washing herself she couldn't help but think back to the image of the man in the window. August has honestly turned into the man she always thought he would be.

She sighed as she thought back, she couldn't help but watch as August climbed up the stair of life with ease carrying her and his friends along with him. She thought of him as the next legend of men.

"And I am the idiot who broke his heart" She said under her breath as she slides to her butt and hugs her knees.

She sat there for a while, at least ten minutes before she stood back up and walked out as she stood in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection as she saw her eyes behind her drenched hair.

She sighed before grabbing the hair dryer and started using it, she felt the hot hair on her face and it almost felt like the hot sun. She turned it off before she felt a shock in her hot as memories of August and her friends flashed in her mind before she dropped to her knees and started bawling. A crying session long needed.

She heard the door open as her auntie ran in and ran to her as she held her close, as Poppy let it out. Lindsey just closed her eyes as she let Poppy ruin her dress's shoulder. The halls filled with her weeps as if they were on a microphone.

Her session went on for a while as they just sat there for 30 minutes before they both stood as Lindsey brushed the tears from her niece's eyes and she smiled at her.

"Come on, let's get you ready" She said as Poppy nodded they both walked into the bedroom once more closing the door. Leaving nothing but a puddle of tears.