
After the destruction of the forest. 1

After the forest, was destroyed by general helcurt's army,

Alucard came to see what is happening, before he came he saw smoke and fire near the forest.

After that alucard went to an investigation, and went to the forest, and found Harith!.

Harith, (Faints*) After seeing alucard.

After that alucard said.(I was too late. General helcurts succeeded the invasion,)

After that harith woke up, that night. he saw alucard, and (got shocked*)

Alucard said(Finaly you are a wake luckily i found you.)

Harith said(What where am i, and who are you?)

Alucard said(chill out leonin, i just saved you from the fire.)

Harith said(What do you mean Fire?)

Alucard said(Oh i think you hit your head, but do you still remember anything?)

Harith said(No i didn't remember what happend.)

Alucard said(Oh let me introduce myself im Alucard the demon hunter, of the moniyan empire, and who are you?)

Harith said(Im harith, The last leonin alive, after the invasion happen.)

Alucard said(Nice to meet you harith, i hope we become good friends.)


The Begining of a new friendship. 2

After setting off, they come a across a weird fog, and heard whispers. After realizing, it was a trap, set by general helcurts army, They were forced to fight the army, and have no choice to stay put and wait for backup. They held there until the backup arrives.

After waiting they heard weird noises at the bush, And saw a mysterious figure.

Then the figure jump at the army and called the troops. After that they helped Harith and Alucard, Fight off the army.

Then, the mysterious figure was Natallia. after deafeating the army they continued, walking back to the empire. When Harith said(Alucard who is she?)

Alucard said(Oh that's natallia she is the trusted friend of the empire.)

Harith Said(Oh....)

Alucard Said(Can you please stop talking until we reached our destination.)

Harith said(Oh.. ok.)

The Mysterious Darkness. 3

After a while they walked, and walked until they found a dark sinister darkness.

And then saw, General helcurt. After seeing the king of darkness Harith chased after General Helcurt. And fought him,

General Helcurt said(Hahahahahaha. So... the last leonin has come to fight me!?!)

Harith(Yes and il never stop, until i have vengeance againt's you.)

General Helcurt(Muahahahaha, you think you can beat me?!?)

Harith said(Yeah! And i have friends on my side!)

General Helcurt(They are not gonna help you now... muahahaha my army has taken care of them.)

(Mysterious Spikes appeared.)

( *Harith doges*)

Harith said( Lets do this.)

(Harith uses zaman force)

(Genereal helcurt shocked*)

(Harith uses chrono dash, and them sychrofission to damage general Helcurt himself.)

(General helcurt Argh!)

General helcurt said(How?!?... how did you beat me a leonin like you how?!?)

Harith said(You underestimated my power now its time, for you to vanish!)

(Uses sychrofission to end General Helcurt.)

(General Helcurt Noooooooo!!!!!!!! I will be back!!! For you!!!)

After deafeating General Helcurt. Harith fainted. And saw Alucards face.

And said Alu...card.. (uh.)

Arriving at the empire. 4

After The battle againts, General Helcurt and his army. They finally arrived, at the moniyan empire

Harith, was so glad he saw Alucard alive.

Harith said(Im glad you're ok friend, i hope we meet each other again.)

Alucard said(No problem thats what friends, for right?)

Harith said(yeah... well il see you later then)

Alucard said(guess il see you then.)

Harith was called by the leader of the moniyan empire, and got assigned to partner with Alucard.

After Assigning. Harith was so happy and, Started a great adventure with alucard.

They were, called Alucard the lone hero, Harith the savannah cat.

The End

I created this Volume because i like the story between Harith and Alucard.

mangaanimeeadercreators' thoughts