
Harem World

This going to be a simple harem building fan fiction so if you don't like harem or big harem then this is not for you. All the characters mentioned are not my property beside my OC. The cover is not mine and if you are the owner and don't like it being here then please let me know and I will remove it Discord: https://discord.gg/Gdnq72mk8u

Harem_Lord · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs


It was two days after the attack that they were finally ready to return back home from the successful mission while Alex had a happy smile at getting two beauties within his fold.

(AN: Haku though not now but will be soon *wink *wink)

At the time of parting, you could see the sadness in the eyes of Tsunami who felt like her most precious was leaving her.

As a common girl, she was not used to being left behind by her loved ones so she was very sad.

Seeing her sad face, Alex reminded her of his world from where she could meet him if she felt lonely or can talk with Mia and other girls.

Being reminded of this lifted her sadness a little as it was her decision to stay behind in the first place.

They finally left the village with happy Alex, thoughtful Sasuke, conflicted Sakura, expectant Haku and serious Kakashi.

It took them just over a day to reach the village due to absence of Tazuna. They all made their way towards the hokage office under the leadership of Kakashi.

They saw Hiruzen doing his usual paperwork as they entered the room gaining his attention.

"oh you guys came back."

"yes lord hokage" they all replied as he nodded

"So how was the mission?" he asked curious

"The mission turned out harder than we expected. Mr. Tazuna was a target of demon of the hidden mist and his partner who happens to be with us here but due to high perception of Alex and teamwork we were able to defeat him and also the troubles of Mr. Tazuna. Zabuza's partner Haku has agreed to be mercenary under hire and will be looked after by Alex." Kakashi summarized

Hiruzen nodded his head hearing the report but he had a lot of questions about the mission after the summary

"Alright, You should be Haku right" Hiruzen asked

"Yes" Haku replied

"Since you are not from this village, we will be keeping you under surveillance so don't do anything you might regret later" he threatened since he cannot trust these people who work for the money and could simply be hired as a spy for money could have deceived them so had to be sure she meant no harm

"Yes lord hokage" she said acknowledging

"Since this was a hard mission above your strength, I will be giving you one month of time to rest and train; You guys are dismissed; Kakashi you wait" he ordered as Alex and others bowed and left the room.

->Inside the Office<-

"Give me the details about the mission" Hiruzen ordered with seriousness

"Yes" Kakashi answered as he continued

"When we were on the road, Alex sensed the presence of Zabuza and Haku before I did and of long distance so I can conclude his sensing ability to be on par with sensory ninja. We were attacked by Zabuza who after a short bout retreated as we hurried in high alert. We were again attacked by Zabuza where I fought with him until I was locked in a water barrier and he sent his clone to finish Mr. Tazuna. Alex this time fought and defeated Zabuza's clone which if I am not wrong seemed effortless. After that the barrier was broken but I didn't have to intervene as Alex had already overpowered Zabuza in combat and was quickly defeated.That girl Haku came and took him with her under the pretext of taking him to Kiri for a trial as I thought she was chasing his at first.

We then reached the village and we came to know that they were building the bridge and some Gato guy was against and trying to finish Tazuna. Some days later, we again fought them where according to Alex that girl decided to become his mercenary as he came and defeated Zabuza who voiced his dissatisfaction of Haku for giving up easily causing her feeling to get hurt and decided to act as his personal mercenary as of now according to Alex. So as of all I can only say that Sasuke is nearly at chunins level and needs small push while sakura is early genin and Alex is stronger than me without considering wide range of jutsu" Kakashi concluded

"So you are basically saying is that that kid is strong enough to easily overpower a S ranked ninja and is stronger than you if you guys really fought" Hiruzen asked shocked at the revelation.

"Yes" Kakashi replied

"That kid really hid his strength deep. I knew from Yugao and Kurenai that he was strong but I had no idea he had reached this level at such a young age. Kakashi you need to guide that kid well so that we can have a new protector for our village." Hiruzen said

"Yes lord hokage" Kakashi replied

"Oh also since they are strong, I think you should enlist them for the upcoming chunins exam. It would help the uchiha kid evolve and that other girl to realize how dangerous the world if she hasn't already and can decide whether to really pursue being a ninja or take an alternative path." Hiruzen suggested

"Ok lord hokage. I will be off then" Kakashi replied as he left the office

"I hope that kid can mature quickly and doesn't go astray from the will of fire. I don't want to lose another jonin of the village" Hiruzen muttered as he swore to keep an eye on this kid to make sure of it. If only he knew that Alex was leaving the village after the chunins exams.

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