
Harem System: An Implosion on This Wonderful World


Geraint124x · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 238: Emperor of Rose

Chapter 238: Emperor of Rose

Fanfic by: Geraint124x

(A/N: This fanfic is free to be dissed by anyone. I might make some mistakes but I'll edit it soon or later. Please review this Fanfic and write anything on the comment section for support. Thanks.)


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(3rd Person's POV)

---------Seeing the skinny man standing front of them,

"Who are you?!" Everyone asked and retorted.

"Pffft!" Haru chuckled.

"I am All Might..."

His mouth was bleeding.


Everyone was completely shock except Haru who's giggling.

"Wow! How did you do that? It was amazing!" Nero's eye was twinkling.

"All Might, comes back and seat here. I have something for you to drink to stop you from bleeding."

Haru took out a red potion from his dimensional storage as All Might went back to his seat.

"What is that?"

"It's a health potion. You should try it and see what happens."

Haru gave him the potion.

All Might opened the vial and didn't hesitate to drink it.

White Queen was amaze of his brother. Even though this is the first time All Might met him, he already trusted him enough to drink the potion which has unknown effect.


All Might was shock after drinking the potion.

"I am..."

Suddenly, he returned back to his muscle form.

"I am back!"

He took a pose.

"Hahaha! Thank--"


He suddenly deflated and became skinny again.

Haru took out a small notebook and wrote something.

"Subject All Might wasn't able to transform back for a very long but he didn't spout any blood after becoming skinny again. I guess his injury became permanent. The potion needs more improvements."

"It's fine, Haru... You were able stop the bleeding just like you said."

"Well... What I'm trying to make is a potion that can regenerate limbs or any lost organ of the body quickly just after it got taken."

All Might was surprised from what Haru said.

Haru glanced at King next.

"This is interesting." he mumbled.

"Oh, I introduce him to you. This is King... he's the strongest man in his world." All Might said presenting him.

Haru was grinning,

"The strongest man, huh... I can't feel any power from him but he must be very strong that I can't sense it."

King was sweating profusely as his heart beats loudly.

*Thud!* *Menacing!*

He reminds him of Komi.

"Oh, That's right!" Haru took out something from his dimensional storage and it was a brown paper bag which contains something.

Haru looked inside to confirm something then immediately close it and gave it to King.

"Onii-sama, what is that?" White Queen asked him curiously.

"Nothing... it's something I won in the arcade together with Fauna."

"You can have it, King since I don't have any console at home."

When King looked what inside the paper bag, his eyes widened in surprise then immediately close the bag and hid it inside his jacket.

"Thank you."

When Haru glanced at Shinobu,

"Hello, Haru my name is Kochou Shinobu. Shinobu is fine. I'm the Insect Hashira from the Demon Slayer Corps " Shinobu introduce herself with a smile.

"I'm Haru. It's nice meeting you, Shinobu. You're a demon slayer?"

"Yes, my job is killing demons."

"How reminiscing... Just these past few weeks I met this group of demon who's trying to kill a little girl."

"You met demons? What did you do?" Shinobu curiously asked.

Haru smiled menacingly,

"Of course, I saved the little girl first then I ripped and tore those demons apart alive as the sound of their loud screams while begging for their life ended which is really satisfying. If they're ready to kill, they should be prepared to be killed as well, right?"

"Ara… How intriguing! Will you tell me more, Haru?"

Shinobu looks very interested in his story.

"Sure! How about I tell how we wiped out the whole group demons in just few hours after we found them? I have effective ways of killing them just by touching them depending on the type of demons." Haru suggested.

"Yeah, tell me! I want to hear more!"

"I'll tell you all about it later. I just have something else to do first."

"Okay... I'll be waiting. I'm looking forward for it."

Shinobu happily leaned back to her chair and smilingly drank her tea.



The two of them evilly laughed at the same time.

The others just stared at them silently.

"This kid is good. He immediately gets the trust of others…" All Might mumbled.

"Mhm-mm." King nodded.

Haru stood up from his seat then went towards Nero with serious expression.

Nero turned then stood up facing him with a smile.

Staring at each other, Haru noticed that he's even taller than her in his 13 year old form right now.

He grinned raising his right arm,

"All hail! The Great Empress of Rose!"

"Umu! Umu! That's right! Praise me more."


Nero looks proud as Haru pats her head.

"There… there… Huh?"

Suddenly, the back of his right hand lit up.

"Don't tell me!"


Nero laughed as Haru's face went pale.

When the light dimed, a red mark appeared in his hand.


"What?! Not again…"

"I decided…"

Nero pointed at him.

"From now on, I, Nero Claudius will serve you as my Master. I want you to praise me more. Umu!"



Haru sighed,

"Fine… Just behave yourself, okay? Don't cause any trouble."

"Umu! If that's your order Praetor then… leave it to me."

Haru walked towards Hayasaka.

"W-What are you going to do?" she frowned, being cautious of him.

Haru just smiled at her,

"It must be hard on you but, good job!" he gave her thumbs up.


Hayasaka was confused of what he's trying to say but it felt like she knows what he means.

Haru went back to his seat.


He glanced at his little sister who's in daze then poked her side.


White Queen screamed in surprise.

"What are you doing, Lolisa? It's your turn... Say something to them." Haru reminded her.

"What am I going to say?"

"You're the leader. Just ask them when will you guys go on that quest."

Lolisa glanced at her group chat members.


Hayasaka suddenly stood up from her seat,

"Sorry but I have to go back now. I'm sure my master is already looking for me."

Haru waved his hand at her,

"See you later. Just tell us if you need some help. We'll willing to help you."

"Thank you... I take that offer when something happens."

Hayasaka slightly bowed to him then did the same to her fellow chat group members.

She walked away and disappeared from the room.

Haru turned towards Shinobu,

"Sorry, Shinobu-san--

"Just Shinobu is fine."

"Okay, Shinobu... I'm sorry but I have to go back now. My daughter must be already waiting long. I'll just tell you the story next time."

"Daughter? Now, I remember... I heard you talking about your daughter when you arrived here. You just look like the same age as me. How old really are you?" Shinobu asked, looking at him from head to toe.


Haru twitched becoming silent.

"Huh? What's wrong? Why aren't you responding?"

Everyone looked at him.

Haru looked away,

"I'm 17 years old."


All Might spew out his tea.

*Cough!* *Cough!*

King was also surprise as he tries to maintain his poker face.


Nero was amaze of him.

White Queen looks dejected again,

"Onii-sama, that girl is too big to become your daughter..."

Shinobu's smile was faltering.

"Sorry, everyone... I have to go back now. See you guys next time!"

Haru spoke then glanced at his little sister.

"Lolisa, be sure to go back to Kurumi's room early before it gets dark, okay?"

"Onii-sama, I'm not a kid anymore. I'll just talk with them a little bit."

"Okay then... goodbye!"

Haru waved his hand then he suddenly disappeared from his seat.



White Queen sighed then she looked at the members of her chat group.

"Okay, about the quest--Huh?"

She noticed that there's one missing from the group aside from Hayasaka.

"Wait! Where's Nero?"

(To be continued)

(A/N: Back to Implosion Spinoff. I'll fix my mistakes later.)