

Many beautiful women flock strangely to Alex Maxwell. Alex is charming in his own way, has a friendly personality, and is heir to a wealthy family. Is that all that one needs to seduce a woman? Or does Maxwell uses some underhanded methods?

ElderGrimm · Realistic
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34 Chs

Ice princess

Saturday morning, the sun rays caress the naked figure of a beautiful blonde. Eliana lays peacefully on the large bed, and the sheets barely cover her sumptuous curves.

Still asleep from her first passionate night, she uses Alex's chest beside her as her pillow.

Maxwell wakes first. And seeing the sleeping beauty, he could not help to caress her wavy blonde hair. The cozy feeling of his caress wakes Carter pleasantly.

"How was your night?" Alex Maxwell asked Eliana, laying on his top. He continued to caress her soft visage.

"Hm!... Not bad, not bad!" She answered jokingly.

"Really? Then I must make amend!" Alex replies, grabbing the blonde closer. He holds her in his arm, kissing, sucking, and biting her smooth golden neck.

"Wait...Ahn...Wait a minute," Eliana protested with moans and jolts of excitement without any real effort to free herself.

The young couple continued to cuddle and frolic for a while.

After being satisfied with their cajoling, both decided to take breakfast.

They dress to clothe their birth suit and go downstairs to reach the massive kitchen of the manor.

On the north side of the room was a modern chef's kitchen. Equipped with many appliances, and where people dressed as restaurant staffs were busy at their work cooking for household members.

On the southern opposite was a dining area with a large fancy wooden table at its center. In one of the soft chairs, a woman was finishing her breakfast ahead of them.

The woman wore a polo shirt and long skirt, exuding a mature, casual yet elegant air around her.

"Sugar!!!" She proclaimed upon seeing Alex entering. She stood from her seat and rushed to embrace the boy.

"Oh! Who is this lovely lady?" She asked, seeing Eliana on the side.

"Mom, this is my friend, Eliana Carter," Alex Introduced Eliana, putting his hand behind her back.

Joanna Harris was someone young girls wanted to become as they got older. She was still stunning after more than forty years and a son.

"Oh my!? Another beautiful lady, I see," The mature lady said, grabbing Carter's hands.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am," Eliana politely said, smiling casually.

"Tell me if my big Dofus treat you poorly!" Joanna added, peeking at her son.

"Mom, please!" Alex was exasperated with his mother's quirky antics. He looked at the blonde's expression but did not notice any change. She was always politely smiling.

"Well, I'm leaving you, lovebird. I have a date with your father." She said. "Make yourself comfortable, Eliana," She addressed Eliana, then disappeared after kissing her son on the forehead.


The sun was already high in the sky when the couple was having breakfast. The employee of the household showed before them an assortment of pastries and viennoiseries.

"So! Who are the other ladies?" Eliana teased Maxwell, referring to his mother's previous comment.

"Are you going to be jealous!" Alex Maxwell replied with a jovial expression.

"Why should I?" Eliana casually responds, smiling. "I already know you are a skirt chaser." She adds, mocking Maxwell with a chuckle.

"Am I?" Alex asked innocently.

"So, what do you think of Lily," Eliana asked, taking a bite from the crispy pastry in her tender hand.

"What do you mean about Lambert?" Alex tried to fool Eliana.

He investigated her expression but was only able to observe her usual demeanors.

Last night, he remembered taking the young lady's virginity, and now they are casually talking about another lady he has eyes on. But here she was, calmly enjoying her breakfast without any swing of mood.

"You like Lily, right?" Eliana asks blatantly. "Isn't that the reason you approached me in the first place?"

Maxwell felt guilty about the situation. He never intended to date Eliana Carter steadily, nor does he intend to drive her away.

He was greedy, greedy to win her heart and another at the same time. More, he wished to plunder every beauty from their admirers.

After all, it was his addiction to scheme against others. Nevertheless, his morality weighed with his vices.

"Eli.." Alex wanted to explain himself, but Carter cut him.

"Don't worry, I understand," She said, leaving her seat and standing behind Maxwell. "I will help you," The beauty continues, wrapping her hand around his neck, and hugging him from behind.

"It's not like you are going to toss me away!" She added. "I help you, and you help me."

Eliana Carter understood Maxwell would not settle with only one lover. And she did not mind. Eliana always wished to experience the high life, and the man in her arm could give her more than a taste. Many would think she took the easy way and is selling herself for money. But she did not care.

Moreover, the young man to whom she offered herself is a benevolent and caring gentleman. Even if sometimes he could be manipulative, he always kept his word and ensured her well-being.

"That, I promise you!" Alex responded with a clear voice.

Hearing his warm tone, Eliana remembered their first interaction about their accord. His clear voice was once again strangely comforting.

She smiled and dearly kissed Maxwell from behind.


The same Saturday morning where high school students were enjoying their off day, another pair of young people were together in a quiet coworking coffee shop.

The two high school students were sitting at the same table and working on their upcoming project.

"How about this, Lily?" Alex suggested to Lily, pointing at some lines on a paper.

"It's good," The blue-eyed beauty responded without much emotion, brushing her long jet-black hair behind her ears.

This morning, Lily Lambert and Ryan Doyle were meeting to work on the speech for the school anniversary.

The school assigned four students for the task, but with the arrangement of Ryan Doyle and Andy Noton, only two were present. Nonetheless, Lily was determined to finish the assignment.

In Ryan Doyle's case, he only wished for private time with Lily Lambert, looking at her usual slender and gracious figure.

Her blue checkered shirt tucked under her yellow pleated skirt made her look lovely. Alex felt a sense of pride, being accompanied by such a dashing flower. He wished to extend the time as much as possible, to be longer at her presence.

However, Lily Lambert wished to finish their work quickly.

With Lily's diligence, their work progressed without any issues, and they managed to accomplish their activity before the sun reached its zenith.

"Well, we are finally done," Ryan Doyle sighed in relief. "Lily, it is almost noon. Should we have lunch together?" Doyle invited Lambert, thinking it was a good time to make his advance.

"I'm sorry, Doyle. I have an appointment later," Lily excuses herself and swiftly packs her belongings.

"Should I drop you somewhere?" He proposes, watching Lambert stand and readying herself to leave.

"I brought my car," Ryan Doyle rushed to pack his stuff, dumping everything inside his bag. He feared Lily would disappear, and he would lose his chance.

"No, thank you!" She bluntly answered, checking her phone. "My friend will pick me up." She added with a smile.

"I will see you on Monday, Doyle," Lily Lambert said her goodbye and left Doyle.

Lily Lambert head outside the shop. And just a few seconds later, a black four-by-four vehicle pulls over. In the front passenger seat, a blonde comes out of the window, looking at her friend.

"Hi there, Miss! You need a ride?" The gray-eyed blonde teased Lily.

"Eliana!" Lily exclaimed.

Ryan Doyle witnessed everything from inside the shop, still rushing to catch up with Lily Lambert.

He saw Eliana Carter picking up Lily Lambert. That in itself was nothing strange. Both were good friends.

But, he also caught a glimpse of the driver and his annoying smile. Ryan Doyle could only curse.


Upon climbing the high step of the car, Lily Lambert noticed Alex Maxwell on the driver's seat.

"Hi there, Lily!" Maxwell casually saluted the lady.

"Alex!... Hi," Lily was surprised that Eliana and Alex came together. A slight tingle touched her heart for an instant, but not enough to change her aloof smile.

"You were with Doyle earlier?" Eliana remarked, turning herself to face Lily in the passenger seat.

"Yes! We met about the school speech," Lily explained.

"How is he?" Eliana Carter teased Lily, implying their relationship. She smiled and looked at Maxwell with a mischievous expression.

"Good?" The innocent lady was a bit confused, tilting her head. "Doyle was efficient, he helped me with the draft, and we finished in less than two hours."

"Two hours, huh? That was quick," Eliana said. The blonde sent a flirty glance at Maxwell, faking ignorance.

After buckling up, the three of them head toward the private club, becoming their working place for their science project.


The three arrive on location. The club's staff comes to greet them and guide the group to their private room.

On their way, the three passes by another group, two couples, the same age as them. The two pairs seem to come back from the golf course.

Alex recognizes one of the young men. He was tall with a great figure. The way he walked showed confidence with an outgoing aura around him. The man was handsome with light tan skin and dark curly hair. He seemed to be a foreigner from the southern continent.

The young man's companion was no less beautiful than Lily and Carter. She was also tall with a gorgeous silhouette and long blonde hair. Her demeanor was calm and composed, showing her sophistication and elegance.

Maxwell and the young man exchanged silent nods of greeting as they crossed paths.

The other couple, the one behind, stopped when they noticed Lily.

"Lambert!" The girl exclaimed with an exaggerated intonation. Everyone stopped after her loud call.

The over-friendly girl and her partner were less refined than the first couple. The man was excessively grabbing the girl by the hip, displaying borderline indecent behaviors.

"Friend of yours?" Eliana asked Lily, wondering the pompous young lady's identity.

"You can go ahead. I'll meet you later," Lily said, just smiling at her friends. Eliana and Alex hesitated for a while, then decided to go.

"Sir Jiwari, Miss Porter, you could proceed. We will meet you later." The girl also addressed the elegant couple ahead, leaving Lily Lambert and the crude couple alone.

"Wow, Lily! It's been so long," The girl exclaimed in a loud voice, turning back to face Lily Lambert.

"Julie Morel," Lily responded with a monotone voice. Her expression didn't change, but the air turned glacial.

The over-amiable girl tried to grab Lily's arms, but she casually dodged, leaving a cold and awkward atmosphere.

____ End of Chapter 11 ____

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy the ride. Things are a bit slow now but don’t quit yet.

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