
Harem Records of the Hedonist

Please don't read this novel if you're lighthearted. — Lots of cultured scriptures. — Excessive gore. — Corruption of girls. — NTR and Yuri? Hell no, that's disgusting. Other people's status systems help them get stronger, why do I have to have sex with mine? Do 69 with the support goddess and gain 69 skill points and experience points... that sucks... or does it? In John Doe's previous life, he was killed by the apostle of the Goddess of reincarnation, Truck-sama, due to his drunken state, which caused him to miss his designated calculations. Truck-sama crashed into the car John Doe was in having just been born. However, the worst part was that he wasn't given a name before his death, and he was assigned the name John Doe, typically used for unidentified or missing persons. After facing trials, he was forced to die and face reincarnation again, this time as Sieghart Zegion. But, his new life came with a unique bonus - he was granted the Goddess Support System to aid him on his journey. However, one thing he didn't realize was that in order to gain skill points, mana points, and experience points, he had to engage in activities that were centered around pleasure. In other words, he had to have sex with the system to acquire the necessary abilities to survive in the new world. But, this wasn't going to be an easy journey. Sieghart will have to face various challenges and bizarre adventures in the fantastical new world he was reborn into. Get ready for a wild ride filled with action, humor, and unexpected twists, as Sieghart tries to adapt and explore the world that fate has brought him into. But most importantly... sex while leveling up?

Pendulum_ · Fantasy
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27 Chs


In the vast world known as the Black Sky, various kingdoms and regions are scattered across the land.

To the north lies the mighty Kingdom of Falrynth, a prosperous realm ruled by a monarch.

It is also the place where the story starts off.

The capital city, Elgard Citadel, stands as proof of the kingdom's grandeur, with towering spires and shining marble structures.

To the east lie the Various Eastern States, a collection of smaller nations that have formed an alliance for mutual protection and trade. Although not as influential as Falrynth or the neighboring empires, these states have a rich cultural heritage and are known for their skilled craftsmanship.

South of Falrynth stretches the Republic of Velrich, a land known for its bustling cities and vibrant markets. The republic prides itself on its democratic principles and values personal freedom and innovation. However, political conflicts often arise within the council that governs the republic, leading to occasional unrest.

Beyond the Republic of Velrich lies the expansive Frozen Wastelands, a desolate and treacherous region. This icy wilderness poses significant challenges to even the most hardened explorers and adventurers.

To the west, across the treacherous Abyssal Mountains, lies the Holy Naxos Empire. Ruled by a powerful theocracy, the empire is renowned for its zealous devotion to the divine. The Holy Naxos Empire spans across fertile plains and lush valleys, with numerous shrines and temples dotting the landscape.

Southwest of the Holy Naxos Empire lies the Kingdom of Larion, a realm known for its vast vineyards and fertile farmlands. Larion is famous for its wine production and is a hub for trade in the region. The kingdom's bountiful harvests and peaceful countryside make it a sought-after destination for those seeking respite from the outside world.

To the southeast of Larion lies the Kingdom of Zestria, a realm ensconced within the towering peaks of the Dragon Mountain Range. Known for its fierce warriors and mighty dragon riders, Zestria is a land of legends and ancient traditions. The mountainous terrain provides a natural defense for the kingdom, making it a formidable force in the region.

Within the dense canopies of the Elven Forest, located to the northeast, resides an ancient and wise elven race. These elves have mastered the delicate balance of nature and magic, and their enchanted woods are said to be a place of mystical wonders and hidden secrets.

Far to the west lies the expansive Western Wastelands, a harsh and unforgiving wilderness that stretches as far as the eye can see. This barren expanse is home to nomadic tribes, fierce beasts, and ancient ruins shrouded in mystery. Few dare to venture into this treacherous landscape, as danger lurks around every corner.

In the heart of the Black Sky lies the mystical Isle of Aeon, a place of arcane wonder. Legends speak of the island being a convergence point for powerful ley lines, infusing the land with magical energy. Aeon is home to a diverse range of magical beings, such as faeries, elementals, and mythical creatures. It is said that those who visit the isle are granted a glimpse into the true nature of magic.