

I couldn't believe my eyes, and I hardly even noticed the pain in my arms as the Dragon Claws appeared. This woman, I was still sore about what happened and I just wanted to relax. Yet, low and behold, Cindy is waiting for me in my room.

"Dave! Wait! I can explain!" Cindy cried, putting up her hands in defense.

"Dave, Please, just listen to what she has to say, and then we will go."

Kyrin stepped out from around the corner, raising a hand to indicate to me that I should slow down. 

"Great, what, is this a party of all my least favorite people? Is Tyson making out with Irellia in the bathroom? That would be just par for the course."

"I know I said I would stay away, but I found her, and she was a mess. You need to hear her story Dave, and then you can pass judgment on us after," Kyrin said while backing away to stand behind Cindy.