
Slow Rolling Thoughts

Once my head had started to shrink in with the rest of my body, I had closed my eyes. The feeling was still there, and as my head sunk into my shoulders, there was a brief moment where I had no eyes to open. Then I felt a single massive eye the radius of my body grow on the upper half of my body, and then tentacles started to grow, seven of them.

When everything had stopped growing, I tried to open my eyes, but that was a mistake. Eight different views assaulted me and it was like going super cross-eyed. I closed them again and tried to open my big main one, slowly, but now it felt like I was staring down a cone.

I slowly opened each one of my eyestalks and let my mind get used to having so many different views. I found if I just relaxed, all but two of my eyestalks would look forward with my main eye, but the last two would always be looking around, giving me a three-hundred and sixty views of the area I was in.