
Harem of Enchantment: A Second Chance Saga

[Check out "The Hero's Harem Hotel] Loading Lust System Into Host...] {Loading Completed} [Host Has Been Granted Lust System] [Loading Death System Into Host... ] {Loading Completed} [Host Has Been Granted Death System] [Combining Both Systems Together, Host Shall Feel Pain In 3, 2, 1...] [Lust and Death System Successful Combined, Congratulations Host Together We Will Be Unstopable] [Host: Ego Sabastine |Age: 20 | Level: [1] Virgin | PP Size: Massive] [0. Harem Members, 0. Orgasm Points, 0. Number Of Virginity Taken,] [Good luck with your new life, Ego Sabastine. This world is the gift Asmodus promised] A new world far beyond his mere comprehension, a world falling apart, a place where women take up to 80% of the remaining population, Ego finds himself in a different universe, where he is quested to mate with the women and bring the souls of men to his savior, unknowingly unleashing a malevolent darkness that threatens humanity's existence. Additional tags: Smut–weak to strong–Magic–Action–Beasts–Monster girls –Elves–Demon girls–Dragon girls–No NTR–No Yuri–Handsome male lead. A/N: English isn't my first language, so use the paragraph comment in case you spot any grammatical errors, Merry Christmas, also support with gifts. 100 power stones for 1 bonus chapter. 100 Golden tickets for 2 bonus chapters. 200 power stones for 3 bonus chapters.

JJ_Francis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
129 Chs

Chapter 13 The Maze 2: New Skill

As they ran deeper into the maze, the audience watched from the sidelines, their excitement growing as they anticipated the outcome of the tournament. Ego could feel their collective energy in the air, and it fueled his determination. The tournament of their lives had truly begun, and he was ready to prove himself.

"Ego, we have to think of something fast," Adam began, his voice laced with urgency as they sprinted through the dimly lit forest. "That creature will catch up very soon."

Panic gripped Ego's heart. He frantically searched his mind for a solution, his thoughts racing like wildfire. "What do we do? What do we do? Ahhhh!" he thought, his anxiety reaching a fever pitch. Then, a glimmer of hope broke through the chaos in his mind. "The system!" Ego exclaimed as if struck by lightning.

Adam, bewildered and desperate for any lifeline, glanced at his companion. "What? What system are you talking about?"

Ego's eyes widened with realization. "Oh! It's nothing," he stammered, not wanting to reveal too much about his secret. "Let's just keep going and hope we find a way to get rid of this creature very soon." With that, they continued their mad dash, the mirror morph inching ever closer.

As they pressed on, the system's screen suddenly appeared before Ego, its ethereal glow cutting through the darkness. Messages flashed across it, cryptic and urgent. Ego's heart pounded as he tried to decipher them. It was as if the system itself sensed the danger closing in.

[Hello Ego, I can detect you need my help once again]

"Yes I really do need your help right now, please do something fast!" Ego replied.

[Skills are things you earn and work hard for. I will grant you one more skill but remember you will have to pay the price later on]

[Granting host new skill.....]

[New skill granted]

[Power punch]

[Power Punch Level 1: Will increase the impact of each punch on your opponent when activated, and can only last for one hour and be used once a day]

"Adam," Ego called out, his voice shaking. "I think I can do something. I have a plan, you see, and it might help us." He hesitated, his fingers trembling as he accessed the system's interface. "But you have to trust me."

Adam's eyes met Ego's, a mixture of hope and uncertainty in his gaze. "We don't have much of a choice at this point," he said, his trust in Ego evident.

With the newfound knowledge of how to activate his skills, Ego wasted no time. "Activate power punch!" he called out, his voice filled with determination.

[Power punch activated]

[Engaging threat!]

[Watch and learn Ego]

In an instant, Ego's perception of the world changed. He felt a surge of energy coursing through him, his muscles tense and ready for action. The world around him seemed to slow down as if granting him the advantage of time.

Ego turned around and, with newfound agility and power, began to run toward the towering creature.

"Ego no!!!" Adam tried to stop him.

He didn't listen, right now he could feel the strength in his limbs, his senses honed to a razor's edge. In the next moment, Ego leaped into the air, his right hand poised for a powerful punch.

With a resounding impact, his fist connected with the creature's form. The blow was so forceful that it sent the creature hurtling backward, crashing to the ground with a thunderous thud. The sheer force of the punch left a visible mark on the creature's body.

However, the creature was far from defeated. It shockingly rose to its feet, its eyes filled with a mix of anger and determination. With a sudden lurch, it charged toward Ego, its colossal form bearing down on him.

[Eliminating threat]

In response to the creature's relentless charge, Ego knew he had to act swiftly. He reached for his sword, the weapon materializing in his hand as if an extension of his will. With a fluid, practiced motion, he brought the blade to bear, its gleaming edge ready for battle.

As the creature closed in, jaws agape and claws extended, Ego held his ground. The moment the creature was within striking distance, Ego's sword became a blur of steel, a deadly arc of precision and power. It found its mark with unerring accuracy, piercing the creature's massive form.

A shockwave of energy coursed through the creature as the sword found its target. The creature let out a deafening roar, its movements growing sluggish as if the very essence of life was slipping away.

It stumbled and collapsed to the ground, its colossal body gradually dissolving into particles of light, and two white crystal-looking objects were right there on the floor, Ego went down to analyze what it was and immediately the system screen appeared again.

[Threat eliminated]

[Consuming Threat's Crystals]

[Host shall feel a sharp pain in his stomach]

As the crystals dissolved into dust and were absorbed into Ego's body, a searing pain struck him, centered in his stomach. He gritted his teeth, enduring the intense sensation as the magic within him blended with the power of the beast crystals.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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