
Harem of Enchantment: A Second Chance Saga

[Check out "The Hero's Harem Hotel] Loading Lust System Into Host...] {Loading Completed} [Host Has Been Granted Lust System] [Loading Death System Into Host... ] {Loading Completed} [Host Has Been Granted Death System] [Combining Both Systems Together, Host Shall Feel Pain In 3, 2, 1...] [Lust and Death System Successful Combined, Congratulations Host Together We Will Be Unstopable] [Host: Ego Sabastine |Age: 20 | Level: [1] Virgin | PP Size: Massive] [0. Harem Members, 0. Orgasm Points, 0. Number Of Virginity Taken,] [Good luck with your new life, Ego Sabastine. This world is the gift Asmodus promised] A new world far beyond his mere comprehension, a world falling apart, a place where women take up to 80% of the remaining population, Ego finds himself in a different universe, where he is quested to mate with the women and bring the souls of men to his savior, unknowingly unleashing a malevolent darkness that threatens humanity's existence. Additional tags: Smut–weak to strong–Magic–Action–Beasts–Monster girls –Elves–Demon girls–Dragon girls–No NTR–No Yuri–Handsome male lead. A/N: English isn't my first language, so use the paragraph comment in case you spot any grammatical errors, Merry Christmas, also support with gifts. 100 power stones for 1 bonus chapter. 100 Golden tickets for 2 bonus chapters. 200 power stones for 3 bonus chapters.

JJ_Francis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
129 Chs

Chapter 11 The Tournament

"Stop it pleaseeee!"

"What is happening? Is this how I lose my virginity? But I'm not even ready yet, I can not do this not now," Ego thought.

Ego's heart raced as he fled from the room, his mind a whirlwind of confusion and fear. He couldn't understand why these girls had dragged him into such a situation. As he reached his own room, he slammed the door shut, his chest heaving. Locking the door behind him, he leaned against it, trying to catch his breath and make sense of what had just happened.

"I can't believe that... What was that all about?" Ego muttered to himself, still trembling from the shock of the unexpected encounter. His thoughts were a jumble of confusion and anxiety. Just then, the system screen appeared before him displaying some messages.

[Host overreacting, I think you should calm down a little bit]

"Overreacting? Did you just say I was overreacting? Did you even see what happened in there? Those girls just tried to rape and steal my virginity without my consent," Ego said.

[And I think that's a good thing]

"A good thing they tried to rape me? Tell me, whose side are you on mine or theirs?" he inquired.

[I'm on your side right now, but are you even listening to yourself right now? Girls tried to rape you, and the story seemed different to me]

"What do you mean by the story seemed different to you?"

[Well, I mean I did detect a surge of blood rushed towards your mid-region, and that wouldn't have happened if you truly didn't enjoy it]

"You know what? I think you all are just out of your minds," Ego added. "I just need to rest and prepare for the tournament tomorrow, and forget that any of this ever happened."

With a heavy heart, Ego decided to dismiss the unsettling conversation and focus on the tournament, determined to put the disturbing encounter with the two girls behind him.

With determination in his eyes, Ego dismissed the troubling conversation from the previous night and focused on the tournament as he headed to bed.

*Giiilllll! Gillllllll! *

The blaring sound of an alarm clock pulled him from sleep, and he quickly prepared for the day ahead. Donning his tournament attire and ensuring his weapon was at the ready, he made his way outside his room.

As he stepped into the corridor, he joined the stream of students who were all heading toward the open field where the tournament was set to begin. The excitement and anticipation in the air were palpable as everyone prepared for the day's challenges. Ego weaved through the crowd, his heart pounding in anticipation.

Reaching the field, he rushed to where his team was gathered, with Master Hong standing in front of them. Ego felt a pang of anxiety as he realized he was running late.

"Sorry, Master Hong," Ego said, slightly breathless. "I'm here now. What's the plan?"

Master Hong nodded, acknowledging Ego's presence. "Ego, you are late, we've been waiting for you, but no matter. The tournament is about to begin."

The martial arts teacher addressed the entire team, reminding them of the rules. "You all remember the rules, right? The objective is to run through the maze, retrieve the cup, and proceed to the second stage. In the second stage, you'll face off against some low-level beasts until you reach the Lake of Purity. Your task is to bring back a cup full of water from the lake."

Ego's teammates, who had been anxiously waiting for his arrival, exchanged nervous glances. The tournament was a significant event, and they all understood the importance of their mission.

Master Hong continued, "The first team to return with the cup of water will be declared the winner. Remember, teamwork is crucial. Support one another, and be vigilant in the face of any challenges. I have confidence in all of you."

"Hey, buddy! Just remember I've got your back out there, and I'm sure you've got mine together we will win this alright." Adam reassured Ego.

As the tournament was about to commence, Ego felt a mix of excitement and determination. He was ready to prove himself in the competition and demonstrate the skills he had been honing. With a final glance at his teammates, he joined their ranks, and together they waited for the signal to begin.

The sun hung high in the sky, casting long shadows over the field as the students readied themselves for the challenges that lay ahead. The tournament was about to begin, and Ego knew that it would test not only their martial abilities but also their teamwork and resilience.

As the crowd fell silent, awaiting the starting signal, the tension in the air was palpable. Ego felt his heart race in his chest, knowing that the competition would be fierce.

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