
Harem island

Rael damian wakes up on a strange island. An island which is inhabited by only women and creatures that would only be seen in fantasy books. But also not just common women, each one of them has different characteristics and can even be of different species. (even amazon women) After all, will this be a blessing for Rael or a curse? ------------------- This story contains sexual content. ( no system!) ------------------- I am a beginner author. I'm not completely fluent with the English language, it's my second language. So forgive me for grammar and spelling mistake. ps:translation is done by the google translator

NearDamian · Fantasy
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11 Chs

where i am?

In the midst of a vast sea, one could see a huge tropical island, which was far from everything and everyone.

This island, full of mystical and exotic creatures, was being inhabited by only women.

Women who were not only human, but also elves, mermaids and other races that only existed in fictional books.

And now in the midst of it all, there was a tall, dark-skinned man with light brown eyes. His name was Rael Damian. He was lost in thought, not understanding what was happening and how he ended up on this island.


As I remember well I was in my room and went to bed to sleep

"So how the hell did I end up in this place?" the scream resounded so loudly that even the birds that were close flew away.

Did someone kidnap me? No, it can't be that. I never owed anyone anything and not even my family did.

I've always lived being an extra, in everyone's shadows. I was the typical antisocial Otaku who wanted to reincarnate in a world full of adventures and beautiful women, so there's no way that could have happened.

What must it mean that this is a work of God! Yes, that must be it! He couldn't put up with my requests that he made every day!

"THANK YOU GOD FOR ANSWERING MY PRAYERS!" I looked up and yelled, hoping he saw this.

Now what should I do?

If I really transmigrated like manga and novels, then there is a possibility that I gained a special skill or even a system

"system!" I said with a confident smile as I looked ahead, waiting for an interface to appear.

ten seconds passed and nothing. Once again I called out to him, but in a different way.

"Status!" I waited a few seconds and nothing happened


"Tutorial!" I called again and nothing happened.

"If I don't have a system then maybe I have some special power?" I said that while in the back of my thoughts the hypothesis arose that this was not a blessing from God but a punishment for bothering him so much.

While trying in different ways to find out if I had power, I started looking for a village nearby or at least a place to sleep.

The sun was already setting and it would be hypocritical of me to say I wasn't afraid. Even because I was in a forest surrounded by wild animals and maybe even monsters. At least due to my grandfather's teachings, I know the basics of survival in a forest.

I couldn't help but thank him for taking me camping when I was a kid...

After some time. I managed to find a cave I intended to use for the night. I built a fire at the entrance to the cave and watched the stars while eating some fruit I found.

I confess that I have no idea what these fruits are, but at least they are delicious and satiated my hunger...

Because I had nothing to do, I ended up remembering my family and friends, I thought about all those happy memories I had with my friends and my family.

In the end I ended up falling asleep while wishing they were okay.

------in the early hours of that night-------

As the boy slept, a figure could be seen walking towards him.

This figure was a woman.

She was holding a stick, something similar to a staff and wore a large hat on her head as well as having horns on her head. In short, she was either a witch or she was cosplaying one.

She sat next to rael and looked at him, with some irritation and at the same time with a disappointed face.

Well, because she was the one who brought him here. But it wasn't quite what she expected...

Her intentions previously was to summon a dragon. A powerful creature that could help her and the remains of the women who are stranded on this island.

But due to her lack of experience and power, she ended up being able to summon only Rael.

But why then was she looking at him annoyed? This goes back to why she is stuck on this island with several other women.

It turns out that in this world both the witch and the other women were exiled from their places and were imprisoned and sealed on this island.

But why? Because they're too ugly.

When people looked at them, the only thing they felt was disgust and dread.

At first they tried to keep their whole bodies covered to keep people from being disgusted with them.

But it turns out that even that didn't work, some refused to follow that kind of rule. Others tried somehow to get affection and affection from someone. But they were repaid with insults and even aggression.

Due to this, the King made a decision. He exiled them all and imprisoned them on an island with a powerful magic spell, so that no one would ever see these monstrosities.

In the end the witch as well as the other women told themselves that they would never try to relate to people again.

But now she was here, at the entrance of a cave, watching another man who would curse her and even try to beat her for such ugliness.

returning to the current situation

the witch got carried away by her curiosity and approached Rael. She flashed a seductive smile and then began to speak.

"How long are you going to keep pretending you're sleeping? I don't think that's a very effective way to avoid me fufu"

{POV Rael}

I was woken up by the sounds of a bush.

I slightly opened my eyes to see a figure coming out of it.

Due to the darkness of the night I could only see that it was a person who wore a big hat that even covered her face and that she was holding a staff.

Soon I could understand that she was possibly a witch. At first, I was happy thinking that I had finally found someone in this forest who could help me.

But then came the feeling of fear, what if she didn't want to help me? What if she intended to use me as a guinea pig for her experiments?

With fear building inside me, I tried to get up quickly but my body wouldn't respond.

The only things I could move were my eyes and my mouth. I became more and more terrified, thinking that she had already cast some spell on me.

So I did the only thing left for me to do, pretend I was asleep.

Each time she got closer to the cave, my anxiety increased even more.

Is she really going to use me as a guinea pig? What if she turned me into a beast?

And as I imagined what she was going to do to me, I could hear that her footsteps had stopped and that she was probably already here with me.

I wanted to open my eyes, but the fear consumed me even more, what if I looked at her face and pissed myself in fear? Surely she would already kill me here for such insolence.

At the end I could hear her move a little and then I could feel her breath up close, it was like she was inches away from my face.

That's when I heard a voice so sweet and at the same time seductive.

"How long are you going to keep pretending you're sleeping? I don't think that's a very effective way to avoid me fufu"

It looks like my plan didn't work out very well.

I opened my eyes and I could dazzle the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my entire life.

She wore a red dress that matched her crimson eyes

and her hair as red as lamb's blood. Her body was guitar shaped.

Her chest was so big I felt like the dress wouldn't last long, her waist so thin I could hold it with both hands and her hips along with her thighs were big

"So beautiful..." I ended up letting out these words, in the end I was fascinated by such beauty.

"Kiakiakia don't think this stupid trick will fool me, I was thinking of some ways to kill you. But before that why not torture you with my appearance?"

The witch stood up and said as she laughed at the man's sarcastic comment.

"Actually it's torture to see you and not be able to do anything" Well, since I'm going to die why not die courting a beautiful woman?

"Kiakiakia all this thanks to the fruits you ate. Well, I must thank you for that, it saved me a lot of trouble"

"So you weren't the one who cast a spell on me?" And to think it wasn't her but those fruits, what a damn stupid way to die.

"I must admit that you are brave, besides not having closed your eyes you haven't even asked me to kill you yet."

An? So her torture will probably be something horrible, but there's still something I don't understand.

"Why should I close my eyes?"

I asked her while admiring her face.

"So you're playing the idiot? Don't want to piss me off.

For what other reasons would you close your eyes than to avoid looking at a hideous thing like me?"

Is she being sarcastic? How can a woman as beautiful as she actually be such a hideous thing?

Maybe it's because of the horns she has. But for me this is nothing, it even has a certain charm I would say.

"If you're a hideous thing, then I can tell you my mother is a virgin!" Honestly I just want to see where this goes.

"Ara? You're faking it aren't you? Even faking it I have to say that you're one of the few who could stand to look at me that long without feeling disgusted."

The witch said this a little embarrassed, even though this was just an act no one had ever told her that.

"Disgust? How can I be disgusted to look at the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my entire life?"

Why is her face turning red? Does she really think she's ugly? So as much as I court her, maybe I can get out of here alive.

"STOP! I--- I AM UG-ly! DON'T THINK THIS WILL WORK FOR ME!!! The witch screamed and then gripped the staff tightly and prepared to kill the man.

"Wait! I'm not lying, you're beautiful!"

I said with a little desperation. Thinking what outcome would that be? where the hero dies at the beginning and for a pathetic reason like that.

"How about trying to use some spell where I can only tell the truth? If I'm lying, then you can use me to practice your witchcraft!"

I hope she listens to my request.

Now I'm sure she thinks she's ugly, As long as I can prove what I'm telling her is true, then I think I'll get out of this alive.

"Well then, I'll do that! Previously I only intended to torture you by showing you to me and then I would kill you, but since you want to go the hard way, then so be it!"

"Just don't regret what will happen to you later!"

After she said that, she left with heavy steps in anger.

I watched her go and wondered how long this poison from this fruit would last...

"Well, it's not like I have anywhere to run to. She must know this forest inside out, plus she already found me once, so she can find me again."


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

if there is something wrong let me know.

srry for bad english;/

NearDamiancreators' thoughts