
Chapter 5: Hero

In the character settings, I add another 2 points to make Second class go to Third Class, and then in the Job settings I add Hero class as my second class and Thief class as my third class. Taking my current BP to 80.

[ Kaga Michio

<Male*Age 17>

Villager: Level 2

Hero: Level 1

Thief: Level 2

Equipment: Sandals]

In this world, everyone can only have one active class/job. Every job gives the owner some specific abilities. I am the only person who is able to have multiple jobs through my Multiple class skill. Though there are legends around of someone in the past having multiple jobs in the story.

At the start all the people in this world, have the job Villager. They then can discard this job by changing their lifestyle or doing specific things, which are like prerequisites for obtaining that class.

Mostly aside from Villager once a class is set, it can't be changed. My Job setting skill lets me freely change Jobs, but for everyone else they have to go to temples to change their jobs.

For temples, every job has a guild, and every guild has its own guild temple. If you haven't joined a guild, then you can change your job by going to Temple of Elen. The temple is said to give you any job by the way of oracle. Meaning that the job you get will be the one you are most apt at.

But temples too can't grant people the jobs whose prerequisites they haven't fulfilled. So all the temple does is to change your active class from the list of acquired classes. Almost like my own skill job setting.

It's said that the first Emperor got the Hero job from the Temple of Elen.

I deactivate Job setting skill, making my current BP 81 and reassign those points.

'Character reset'

[Character Settings



Bonus Equipment:

Bonus Spells:

Bonus Skills: Required Experience x1/10, Experience Gain x20, Third Class, Appraisal, Character Reset]

Bonus point used:

Necessary exp reduction (x1/10): 31

Exp gain up (x20): 63

Third job: 3

Char reset: 1

Appraisal: 1

Let me keep it like that for now.

"Excuse me"

The Village chief entered with a tub made of wood filled with hot water and behind him came his old wife.

"Please wipe your body with this hot water, and as your clothes got dirty I have prepared a new pair"

The old lady said while giving me a towel, which was just a piece of cloth and keeping a pair of folded clothes on the bed.

"Thank you"

"After that please keep your clothes outside, I will wash them for you, sir"

"Okay, thank you again"

After finishing they both went out.

Now finally alone I take my clothes off and observe my body. As I mentioned I do feel fit, not as fit as my old body, but this body is very young and definitely flexible.

I open the wooden window a little, letting the light in, and then observe my face reflected in the water. Staring back at me with black eyes and black hair was a stranger.

My face looked average, with black messy hair, it was a face that people in my old world would forget instantly. I blink my eyes and touch this unfamiliar face.

Releasing a sigh I wet the cloth and started rubbing my body clean. The blood is almost hardened at this point and comes off in clumps.

I don't feel anything at all seeing the blood, even if the scenes of the battle flash by in my mind, all I feel is numbness.

At first I thought all that bravado and decisiveness I displayed in the battle was because of the ring I was wearing.

[Ring of Determination

-Attack Power Increase

-Personal Strengthening]

I think the ring did help, but I myself too just don't want to die. Even going as far as murdering people with my own hands is something I accept easily now, maybe.

I wet my hair with the same cloth, knowing that the luxury of shampoo and soap is not an option now.

The Level 25 middle aged man, his backstory was that he was a failed adventurer. Because of an injury he had to leave the guild, and the guild made him abandon his job as an adventurer and reverted it back to a villager. He died today at the age of 47

He had a 32 year old blonde wife named Tirhi. In the original story Michio fantasized about her coming at night and thanking the hero. In an alternate universe they even **** and she gave birth to a boy because of that night. Still even in the au story she was only just a one night stand.

Seriously I am not that horny to go after a 32 year old fresh widow. If I had loads of money and power, then maybe I would think about taking care of her I guess.

Hugo the Level 41 Thief was from the city of Vale, which is my next destination. He and his followers lost in a turf war inside the city and had to resort to robbing nearby Villages.

Both Hugo and the middle aged guy who died and even all the thieves who attacked, in a way I planned their deaths, all for gaining a unique class.

Hero, a job with very strict prerequisites. In order for you to obtain this job you have to do something heroic in your first real battle. Like I did by saving a village from a thief group.

Maybe there are more ways to obtain this job, but this is the easiest and the only way I know of.

The original Michio was well versed in Kendo, I myself on the other hand had no prior proper fighting experience. Following the logic of Speed is King and the ultra sharpness of Durandal I invested my bonus points in Agility.

But still there was no way I could fight against a level 41 Thief, that's why I had to wait for a chance just as the og Michio did. Even if that meant the death of the Level 25 villager.

Murder, Massacre, I never knew I would do these things with my own hands. But this world is brutal, a twisted world where power and money both are necessary to live a happy life.

And this time I will enjoy my life to the fullest!

Putting the wet cloth aside, I check my latest rewards.

<Hero: Level1 reward< p>

Accept: Yes No >

Hero is one of the rarest jobs so maybe the reward will be big this time. I mentally click yes.

<Basic Hero Pack acquired: < p>

-Charm Increase

-Luck Increase

-Courage Increase

-Platinum coin x 1>

This time the pack came with details of what is included, maybe because it's a rare job?

While I was thinking that my hand felt heavy and a coin suddenly appeared in my hand. The familiar click also went by in my brain and with that I felt tingles all over my body, as if something changed.

I look at the platinum coin in my hand. The coin is embedded with a shield, 2 leaves at the shield's side and a crown above it. This is the symbol of the Empire.

Rubbing the Violet coloured coin in my hand, I feel like all the tenseness in my shoulders just vanished. Most of my monetary problems just went away with this 1 coin.

I look in the now muddy water, to see if there is any change. Even in the reddish water I can see the shining black eyes and even my face which was like a 4 went up to a 6 I think. Like there is just this healthy glow to the skin. This is all definitely because of the pack.

Weirdly I didn't get any rewards for thief and villager leveling up. Is it because they are basic jobs? or is it like a reward on every 5 or 10 levels? It's not like there is a help section in this system. Still I am extremely satisfied with this alone.

Putting these thoughts aside, I wear the new clothes. The indigo coloured shirt and a shade darker pants are obviously a size larger than me. Wearing these clothes I feel a bit stiff and uncomfortable.

Just as I was looking outside the window watching the trees sway, there came a knock on the door.

"Excuse me, is it alright to come in?"

"Yes, come in"

It was the Village chief. He was always a bit too meek in front of me, maybe it was because of watching me easily massacre dozens of people.

"We have already collected the equipments, please examine them"

"Lead the way"

A lengthy chapter. This time I wanted to show the thought process of my MC.

Avi2112creators' thoughts