
Chapter 18: General Shopping

I entrust the key to the innkeeper and leave the Inn. We walk towards the market and at a place like a general store, I purchase a water canteen, a wooden bucket, a small bottle of olive oil, a bottle of oil for the lantern, Koichi fruit bran, Shukure branch, rope, candles. The total sum of everything comes out as 150 nars.

I felt like everything was cheap. My 35% skill certainly helped. The koichi fruit bran, the cheap soap of this world, was inside a small bag, probably something like washing powder?

The shukure branch was 2 branches for 1 nar, it was literally just a branch. Well in my original world rural people still used to use tree branches as toothbrushes so I think it will be fine.

I keep all the stuff in the backpack which Roxanne was carrying. Nothing remains inside the backpack so it doesn't get heavy. As we left the shop, I could see that Roxanne was perplexed by something and wanted to ask me.

"It's a power of mine Roxanne, if I buy 2 or more items from a Merchant then they will decrease the price for me"

"That is amazing Master"

To hear praises from a beautiful girl like Roxanne feels good.

We stopped by a clothes shop and bought 5 towels. Roxanne already has hers to use but I wanted to buy some extras just in case.

"Roxanne you can go buy 2 pairs of socks"

"For me? Is that ok?"

"Yes, its fine"

I myself chose 2 pairs of socks. I see Roxanne is still choosing socks with an earnest face. I knew this would happen, that's why I didn't consider shopping for clothes today.

"Are these fine?"


"Thank you"

I show everything to the shop clerk and pay for them. Everything in just 200 nars.

Finally we went towards the weapon shop.

"Roxanne, I have another Power where I can tell which equipment has skill slots in them. That is useful because a blacksmith can apply a skill to the weapon with skill slot and it will always be successful"

"Master knows a blacksmith?"

"No but it's better to choose equipment with a skill slot so maybe we can equip it with a skill in the future. So choose from the equipment I tell you okay?"

"Okay Master"

I wanted to buy a Rapier for Roxanne but the rapiers in the shop had no skill slots at all. I knew that higher grade weapons had a lower chance of having a skill slot. The rarity for equipment goes from copper, iron, steel, damascus steel and then orichalum. For armor, wood, leather, hard leather, iron and so on.

In the end I told Roxanne to choose from two copper scimitars, who both had an empty slot. In the weapon shop Roxanne's expression became even fiercer than a little while ago. Such seriousness for choosing one from the 2 swords.

I wanted to tell her that these are temporary equipment before we get an upgrade at Quartar so we would most likely won't use them after tomorrow. But seeing her expression which has become otherworldly, I didn't say anything. I think for her she is entrusting her life to her equipment so even if it's for one day it won't change anything for her.

"Master this scimitar"

Knowing about the 2 item rule I bought a wooden wand with a single empty skill slot. Both Roxanne and the weapon merchant looked at me weirdly because wands are useful only for wizards.

After applying 35% the total cost came to 11 silver and 70 copper.

The next stop was armor shop

"These 3 are good items"

"Okay Master"

In the Armour shop with the same seriousness Roxanne began to compare between the 3 wooden shields. There were even wrinkles between her eyebrows.

Knowing she will take a while, I moved onto the armor display.

"How much for this leather jacket?"

"It is 1000 nars"

I picked up a leather jacket for Roxanne, and 2 leather hats and 2 leather gloves for both of us. Everything with a skill slot.

The leather hat looks like a cyclist's helmet. Just then Roxanne comes back with a wooden shield.

"Master, this wooden shield"

I put the leather hat on her head, it amazingly adjusted to her head size and even covered both her fluffy lop ears. Yes they definitely need to be protected.

"A leather cap would be good right"

"Of course"

"Then these 6 items"

With the 35% discount we got everything for only 9 silver and 36 copper coins.

I pay for them and put everything in the backpack.

"Let's go to adventurer's guild, I need to buy something"

"Okay Master"

The adventurer's guild which was just 4 buildings away from our inn, looked like a government office just much more rowdy. There were various posts on the wall, people were lining up in front of a counter with bags filled with demon drops. Behind the counter stood plain girls in comparison to Roxanne with villager jobs.

We also stood behind a short line and before long it was our turn.

"I want to buy 4 black magic crystals"

Magic crystals are my shortcut to earning money in this world.

"Anything else?"

"Give me 4 strengthening pills and 4 nourishment pills"

Strengthening pills are small red pills for HP, Nourishment are small blue pills for MP. Let's take 4 of each now to test its effects.

"That will be 520 nars"

Sadly she is just a villager so the 35% discount didn't work. I give her 5 silver and 20 copper coins and leave the adventures guild with Roxanne.

In front of the hotel on our way back I saw a clothes shop. It was displaying a variety of cloaks.

"We need some cloaks for when it rains, you can buy one for yourself too Roxanne"

"Is it all right?"


"Thank you"

Roxanne joyfully bows her head.

I choose a black cloak and look at Roxanne who seems to be having fun checking each cloak. And I literally mean every single cloak. From the left side of the store one by one each cloak was taken out and checked for fine details, they were spread out and examined minutely.

Looking at her having fun I silently said a prayer to the merchant who looked distressed. He even recommended a cloak but she just looked at it once and then moved on to others.

I went to the underwear section and took something that looked like pumpkin pants. After that I just stood on the side and watched Roxanne review the cloaks. I enjoyed watching her.

"Which one do you think is better?"

After a while Roxanne narrowed it down to 2 choices. 2 crimson coloured cloaks. I know the answer to this question.

"Lets buy both of them"

"But Master, one is enough for me"

"Roxanne when in doubt choose both, let's just take the extra one for a rainy day"

I chuckled at my own pun.

"Thank you Master"

"Roxanne you should also buy your underwear"


With a nod Roxanne starts choosing some undergarments. She also chooses the pumpkin pants, this time without unfolding it, she must be embarrassed. Those pumpkin pants seem to be unisex.

"Is only one ok?"

"Take two"

I showed her that I also bought 2.

Here 35% was applied and we bought everything for 30 silver coins.

"Shall we go back to the inn?"


The day was already coming to an end. This was just general buying, I should mentally prepare myself for the shopping day.

I saw that dinner was already served in the dining room.

"Roxanne, let's eat first"

"Is it alright? I think the dining room in the inn is expensive, I can go alone to eat somewhere cheap"

"Don't worry, the dinner fee is already paid. And I want you to eat with me"

"Thank you Master"

I went inside the dining room with Roxanne following behind me.

There were four meals on the table at the entrance.

"You can choose your meal from these"

There was a woman with the job Hotel gesturing towards the food. She must be in charge of the food arrangements.

"This one"

I chose the first dish

"Certainly, would you like any drinks with it?"

"What types of drinks are there?"

"Beer, wine or herbal tea, if you want some slime liquor then there is some extra charge"

Well thinking about tonight it's better if I don't drink any alcohol right now.

"Just herbal tea please"

"Sure, please wait for your meal at any available seat"

"Roxanne you also choose your meal"

Roxanne also chose the same things that I did.

I went inside and took a seat at an empty table. Roxanne tried to sit on the floor but I didn't let her. In the end I made her sit in front of me.

The meal arrived straight away. It was some soup in a cup, bread, a stew with vegetables and some roast meat. It was a large amount, but I think they count lunch in this too. Bread was soft, meat which looked like beef was passable, overall it was a good meal.

After finishing our meal we both went upstairs. The walk up the stairs was silent, I think Roxanne was a bit scared. In front of our door was a man standing with a bucket of hot water. I opened the gate and after putting the bucket and lantern inside he went away.

I close the door and look at Roxanne who was standing there timidly.

"Would you wash my back?"

What will happen, find out in the next episode of Balls!

Sorry no dragon here, just balls :P

This was a super long chap btw!

Avi2112creators' thoughts