
Harem book

He steals women from other worlds.

Creepy_Ewok_kills · Others
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36 Chs

Teisou Kannen Zero

A portal appeared in an alley way, bumping Zach naked body on his face unconscious. As this was happening Souma Kurumi was walking home from school and was thinking about going to the beach with her mother tomorrow. When she saw the portal dropping someone out. She ran over to the person, checking his pulse to see if he is still alive. When she found a pulse, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. When Kurumi saw his face, she thought it was the most beautiful she has ever seen. With his sharp features, the way his jaw line curves that makes him look like a rogue. As she was looking at him in greater detail, she notice that he didn't have any clothes. He had a body that women would simply swoon over. A sculpted torso, with a muscled chest that gave way to powerful biceps and massive forearms. A big size dick that stretches any women he put it inside off. She couldn't get her eyes away from his package. As she was checking him out she didn't notice that he was awake and was checking her out in return.

When Zach was unconscious, he was suck into his mind. While he was inside, he got the knowledge on how to use 'The Harem Book'. The first page of the book is the index of women's names, which world they come from, personality, etc. The first step is to collect a piece of hair, blood, saliva, or any piece of the women. Place them in the book and watch as their information appears. Their information takes one full page, and on the back of their page, you can change her memories, thought process, personality, etc. When in use the female will stop what they are doing as he re-writes them and continue to move when he is done. It also has a little tab where you can teleport them inside the book for safe keeping. Time is stopped while they are in the book. It is also soul bond to him and only he can see what it is about. If anyone looks at the book, they will think it as a some boring book.

The next thing he sees is is gacha shop. As he open the shop, Zach sees a list of gachas that he can chose from.


-Gacha tools

-Gacha materials

-Gacha techniques

-Gacha skills

-Gacha potions/pills

-Gacha magic

-Gacha physiques]

As he was looking through them, he notice in his right hand corner 200 gacha tickets. Each time he uses a gacha, it cost one ticket per turn. It is too good to be true as it states below the percent of getting a good gacha.

[Gacha roll %-

-Poor 50%

-Normal 35%

-Good 10%

-Rare 3%

-Legendary 1.99%

-Epic 0.01%]

The percent rate was so bad that he has to spend about a half-a-million tickets to get an epic on any one of the gachas. To get more gacha tickets, he has to kill monsters, make his women cum, or add women to the book. Killing monsters and making his women cum gets him 1 ticket per slain/cum. On the other hand adding women to the book gets him 10 tickets per person.

He put 90 tickets in techniques, 30 in potions/pills, 75 on physiques and 5 in magic.

In techniques he got 84 books on poor techniques, 3 good techniques, and 3 rare techniques, but two of the rare techniques are for women. The technique he got is called Basic body tempering.

-Basic body tempering- A rare technique that lays down the foundation of being able to cultivate. Can be used with almost any physique.

In potions/pills he got 5 health potions (good), 5 Small Revitalizing Pellet (normal), 3 Beauty Pellet, 2 Meridians Clearing Pellet (good), 5 Everlasting Pellet (rare), 4 Endurance Pellet (normal), 1 Bone Strengthening Pill (rare), 5 Spiritual Liquid (legendary).

Small Revitalizing Pellet - Able to immensely strengthen constitution of the user, granting a stronger bone structure and cleanse impurities. Able to raise the strength and speed of the user permanently by 10%. For a short time, all internal injuries sustained to the organs, would heal at a rapid speed. The effects of the pill only stack once. Two pills per human, anymore, the effect would be lost.

-Beauty Pellet - Gives 30 years of beauty, 20% increase in strength

The effects of the pill only stack once. Two pills per human, anymore, the effect would be lost.

-Meridians Clearing Pellet - clear the body's meridians, 1 pill per day.

-Everlasting Pellet - double all base stats.

-Endurance Pellet - which could be taken by both humans and demonic beasts, 50% increase in endurance.

-Bone Tempering Pellet - could strengthen the intensity of the consumer's bones, allowing the bones to become rigid like metal. The tenacity of the bones would be increased as well, enabling the user to endure powerful external impacting forces. The pellet could be consumed once per month and no limitations were imposed on how many one could consume in a lifetime.

-Spiritual Liquid - loosen tendons and washes bone marrows. It washes and strengthens one's bones and helps cleanse as well as strengthen organs. It also washes and strengthens blood, greatly improving the quality of the consumer's body and triggering the hidden potential within it. Every individual was limited to only taking one drop.

In physiques he got 74 trash physiques that increases about 3% of stats, and 1 Epic physique.

-Divine adaptable body - Your body can use any energy once it has been introduce, can add any bloodlines, and can be healed as long as a piece of your body is around.

In magic he got he got the 5 basic introduction to elements books (normal).

-Basic introduction to fire - Basic fire spells.

-Basic introduction to water - Basic water spells.

-Basic introduction to air - Basic air spells.

-Basic introduction to earth - Basic earth spells.

-Basic introduction to lightning- Basic lightning spells.

Zach was beyond shock at the list he got, especially the new physique. He never even heard of a physique of this caliber in his life. He will never be able to complete the physique as it will continue to grow and adapt as time goes on. After the shock was gone, he was slowly disappearing from his mind.

When he woke up, at first he saw a blurry image of a school uniform. As the image gets clearer he saw, a female teen with honey-golden eyes and purple hair that is to neck length. The uniform hides her curves very well, and some droll coming down her lip.

"*cough*Could I get some help her, miss." Zach said as she was staring at him for a few minutes. She woke up from her daze state as she heard the most masculine sounding voice in her life. It was as if her dream lover appeared before her eyes.

"A-a-ah, let me help you up." She said in a shaky tone of voice. When she look down again, her face went bright red, some blood coming down her nose and it landed on the book next to him. With a flash of light only Zach can see, he has gain his first girl.

This happen's a day before Kurumi and Mitsuko are on the beach.

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