
Harem book

He steals women from other worlds.

Creepy_Ewok_kills · Others
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36 Chs


A few hours went by as Sayoko was the last one to sleep. When Zach look at the number of tickets he got now, it showed that he got an extra 20 tickets this morning. Now, we see Zach cooking a simple afternoon meal. He made a bowl of rice, some miso soup, pickled vegetables and fish for them when they wake up.

After Zach was finished making and eating his share of food, he sat down and meditated. After a few minutes of silence, he was sucked into his mind.

(Gacha Realm)

"System, how do I get rid of these gacha that I don't want or need." Zach said getting straight to the point of him coming here.

{You can Sell them to the Gacha for 1/10 of a ticket for each thing you sell. Combine the 1/10 tickets to form 1 ticket.}

"Basically if I sell ten things then I get 1 ticket for the gacha correct." He said to clarify.


"Fuck! What do you mean I only a tenth of a ticket. Why not a whole ticket?" Zach yelled.

{It is designed that way.}

"What, can you at least change it. Please?" He ask hoping he can get more tickets.

{No, only the creator can. I have no way to find or contact him.}

"Shit, fine then."

Zach was pissed at the creator for making a rule about reselling the junk he got for 1/10 of a ticket. But decide to do it anyway.

"System take away the poor gacha from the storage and exchange them for tickets."

{161 poor gacha found. Sell. Yes or No?}

"Yes." He said grinding his teeth together.

{86 1/10 gacha tickets.}

"Then use 10 tickets on Skills."

[3 poor

-Tea Making LV 1 (0%)

-Reading LV 1 (0%)

-Farming LV 1 (0%)]

[5 Good

-Impersonation LV 1 (0%)

-Anatomy LV 1 (0%)

-Mining LV 1 (0%)

-Astronomy LV 1 (0%)

-Jumping LV 1 (0%)]

[2 rare skills

-Invisibility LV 1 (0%)

-Evaluate Items LV 1 (0%)]

As he was looking through his skills, Zach was wondering on how he can use these skills.

{76 1/10 gacha tickets left.}

"System, how do I access my skills or give some skills to my women from the gacha."

{Click the skill you want and drag it towards the picture of the person you want to give the skill to.}

"System is it possible that I can get the same skills from the gacha."

{Yes, but it only adds 1 LV to the same skill if you combine them both.}

Zach move skills that he need now towards his picture and sacrifice some of the skills he doesn't need.

[Name: Zach Anderson

World: ?

Age: 25

Sexuality: Straight

Sexual partners: 5

Strength: 7

Constitution: 8

Dexterity: 7

Intelligence: 7

Wisdom: 7

Charisma: 10


-Running LV 1 (0%)

-Masturbating LV 1 (0%)

-Cleaning LV 1 (0%)

-Writing LV 1 (0%)

-Tea Making LV 1 (0%)

-Reading LV 1 (0%)

-Farming LV 1 (0%)

-Cooking LV 1 (0%)

-Computer programmer LV 1 (0%)

-Swordsman LV 1 (0%)

-Martial arts LV 1 (0%)

-Information gathering LV 1 (0%)

-Henge Jutsu LV 1 (0%)

-Healing LV 1 (0%)

-Interaction LV 1 (0%)

-Alchemy LV 1 (0%)

-Acrobatics LV 1 (0%)

-Impersonation LV 1 (0%)

-Anatomy LV 1 (0%)

-Mining LV 1 (0%)

-Astronomy LV 1 (0%)

-Jumping LV 1 (0%)

-Blackmailer LV 1 (0%)

-Netori LV 1 (0.3%)

-Invisibility LV 1 (0%)

-Evaluate Items LV 1 (0%)

He decide to get sacrifice some skills like Tea making, Farming, Mining, Astronomy, and jumping. Zach put them into [Beginner's Martial arts (3.2%). Zach know he needs to be strong and fit to fight against people that wants to take away his women or soon to be women. Like in the hentai manga 'Exposing my family series'. The son just let it happen and didn't have the courage to stand up to his 'so called' friends when they fuck his family and girlfriend. If I were him I would have put sleeping pills in the drinks of these people targeting my family and kill them. With that last thought he left his mind and went back to the real world.

(Real world)

Zach open his eyes and taking out his Harem book, he flip pages until got to the section of the potions/pills he got from the gacha. He takes out 1 Small Revitalizing Pellet, 1 Everlasting Pellet, and 1 Bone Tempering Pellet. In his gacha storage he has left is 5 health potions, 4 Small Revitalizing Pellet, 3 Beauty Pellet, 2 Meridians Clearing Pellet , 4 Everlasting Pellet, 4 Endurance Pellet, 5 Spiritual Liquid drops left.

First, he got up and heads toward the bathroom so he can was the impurities from his body. As the water was hot enough he takes the Bone Tempering Pellet as it strengthens the intensity of his bones, allowing the bones to become rigid like metal. The tenacity of the bones would be increased as well, enabling the user to endure powerful external impacting forces. He can take the pellet once per month and no limitations were imposed on how many one could consume in a lifetime.

Once he takes it, he can feel an unknown energy flow through his bones. At first it was like a rain coming down then after a few seconds later, there was pain. It was like small hail raining down on him and it gets bigger as time goes on. After time passes, Zach felt his body becomes lighter and stronger.

Next, Zach decides to take the Small Revitalizing Pellet as it able to immensely strengthen constitution of the user, granting a stronger bone structure and cleanse impurities. Able to raise the strength and speed of the user permanently by 10%. It was the same as the Bone Tempering Pellet, but much easier to handle. The last pill he is going eat now is the Everlasting Pellet as it double all base stats.

After he was finish getting gains from the pills, he smelled something so foul that it triggers a memory from his past life. As he was trying to remember what the memory was, Zach was distracted by the sound of someone coughing.

It was the entire Souma family coming to take a shower after they woke up. The first person to woke up as Sayoko. As she was waking up, she accidently hit her sister, Kurumi, on her butt, making her fall of the bed.

Kurumi was having a nice dream, it was her and Zach feeding each other strawberries. As she was eating a juicy strawberry, it's juices drip down her mouth, her throat, and in between her cleavage. She saw Zack's eyes follow the strawberry's juice towards her cleavage, she saw Zach lean in, his tongue liking the juice from her mouth to her neck. As Zach was inches from reaching her cleavage, Kurumi felt a kick on her butt, causing her to fall off the bed. Kurumi woke up with a startled yelp, face-planted on the floor, her legs twitching for a few seconds.

"Who did that, I was having a nice dream, until someone kick me." She said after getting up from the ground, to see who kick her.

Kurumi saw her big sister Sayoko, yawning, completely ignoring her and her words with her legs stretch out towards her. Kurumi was pissed, it was going to get to the good part where they were going to make sweet tender love. Grabbing a pillow she throws it at Sayoko hitting her square in the face. Making her fall over, face-planted on the other side of the bed.

Sayoko at first ignore Kurumi's words, as she was stretching. Sayoko was thinking about the time when, Kurumi throws a pillow at her head. She didn't know that she was near the edge of the bed when Kurumi threw that pillow. It resulted in her face-planting like an idiot.

"Damn it, who through that pillow at me." She said as she was getting up. She turns towards the only person standing as her mother and sister is still asleep. When she saw Kurumi, Sayoko saw a satisfied grin on her face, her hips cocked towards one side. Knowing the culprit, Sayoko throws the pillow back at Kurumi.

But Kurumi was expecting the pillow to be thrown back at her her, so she knocks it aside, towards their mother. As the pillow hits their mother in the face, making her wake up, Kurumi dives back down on the bed, seemingly asleep. As Kurumi dived towards the bed, Sayoko was open mouthed shocked at her little sister plan.

"Ara~Ara~... Who would wake their mother up in such a way? That person needs to be spanked hard." Mitsuko said with her eyebrows twitching as her gaze landed on her second eldest daughter, her mouth wide open.

When Sayoko felt her mother's stare on her, she tried to blame Kurumi.

"Mother, I didn't do it, it was Kurumi. She is the one who hit you with the pillow." She said, getting off the ground, pointing towards a fake sleeping little sister. When their mother look at Kurumi, she saw her still asleep.

"Hmph, yeah right dear. She is still sleeping while you are awake right now." Mitsuko said moving her head away. What she didn't notice was that Kurumi open both of her eyes, her hand pulling down her left eye and her tongue sticking out at Sayoko.

Sayoko saw this happening behind their mother's back, she yelled,

"Mom look behind you, Kurumi is awake and making faces at me."

When Mitsuko turned around, she saw kurumi still sleeping in the same position as before.

"Really dear, Kurumi is still asleep. I didn't see her move from her spot. Now stop trying to get her in trouble. Come her and take your punishment like a grown women."

"But moooooom~ I really didn't do it." She whined as she slowly walks towards her mother.

"I don't care who did it first, I'm ending it." Mitsuko said as she grab her daughter by the wrist, throwing her over her lap.

It was supposed to be 5 smacks to the ass, but with you trying to blame your little sister, you get 5 more added. Count with me.

'SMACK' "1"

'SMACK "2"

'SMACK "3"

'SMACK "4" Mitsuko said with a firm voice, while Sayoko's voice squeak a bit.

'SMACK "5"

'SMACK "6"

'SMACK "7"

'SMACK "8" It was at this point that Mitsuko notice her daughter, Sayoko, panting breathlessly.

'SMACK "9" "Haah...Haah.

'SMACK "10" "Cumming"

It was at number 10 that Sayoko cummed all over her mother's lap and soaked the bed again.After a few minutes later, all of the Souma family headed towards the shower. As they reach the showers, they noticed a strange smell coming from the bathroom. It smelled like shit that was left out in the sun on a hot day. As they were coughing to breath, Mitsuko opens the door to find out what is making that smell.

It was Zach, with all of his impurities, cake on him, making it look like an life size ant hill. They coughed harder as the smell washed over them, trippping one another as they try to get away from the smell first.

Zach was watching this funny scene for a bit and quickly was away the gunk from his body. About half an hour later, Zach felt fresh. He skin look smooth as a baby's bottom. A lighter shade of white that makes him looks beautiful, not sickly. He made sure to air out the smell, so they can take a shower in peace.

When he went out the bathroom, he saw them already washed and eating the food he made for them. As he was walking closer, Zach saw the questioning look in their eyes. Zach, ignoring their looks, made another plate for himself as he was hungry again.

After a few minutes of silence, Kurumi could't hold it in anymore and yelled at him.

"What the heck was that smell, how were you covered in that much stink as you woke up a couple of hours ago?"

"Hmmm...." Zach said thoughtfully.

"Let's take this discussion on the couch. As it will be much more relaxing to see each other better." He said, getting up from the table and heading to the living room.

"Now, do you want the truth or a lie." Zach said looking at them all in the eyes.

The Souma family look at each other and after a few seconds pass by they said, "Truth" As one.

"It all started when I died, I meet a R.O.B or random omnipotent being...." Zach explains that he can travel to different worlds, the Gacha system, all about cultivation and he didn't talk about his Harem Book.

An hour later after he finished talking, the Souma family faces showed shock, interest, scared looks at the information they just receive.

As Zach finished talking he stayed quite for them to digest the information he told them about. Especially about the immortality and the number of different worlds they can visit. As the Souma was lost in thought they didn't notice Zach discretely opening his Harem book, he press the names of each of his lovers names in the book, to plant a suggestion in their minds to leave their old life behind and travel with him.

Name: Souma Kurumi

World: Teisou Kannen Zero

Age: 16

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Sexual partners: 127 (How many people she fucked)

Strength: 5

Constitution: 8

Dexterity: 7

Intelligence: 7

Wisdom: 5

Charisma: 7

{10 is the peak states of a human}

History: She is the youngest member of the Souma family, she first saw her mother having sex with an unknown man. Despite her disdain for her mother and sisters' promiscuity, she may be the most perverted of all. She is only going to let one man touch her from now on and that man's name is Zach Anderson. She is loyal to him and he can help her with any problem.

Personality: Hyper sexuality, reserved, ahegao, True love, loyal

Thoughts about you: Curuis, disbelieving, anxious, Excitement

Kinks/fetishes: Rough sex, creampies, Bondage, Dominance, Impact Play, Masochism, Orgasm Control, orgy, incest

{Suggestions}: Quite your school life and come with me to have an adventure. Pack up the stuff your want to take.

Name: Souma Mitsuko

World: Teisou Kannen Zero

Age: 40

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Sexual partners: 5,235 (How many people she fucked)

Strength: 7

Constitution: 10

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 7

Wisdom: 5

Charisma: 10

{10 is the peak states of a human}

History: The mother of the Souma family. All of her daughters are from different fathers, none of whom are her husband! She will have only have sex with Zach Anderson. She will follow his orders and stay loyal to him.

Personality: Hyper sexuality, ahegao, wild, loyal, True love, Somewhat shy

Thoughts about you: curios, disbelief, nervous, excitement,

Kinks/fetishes: Rough sex, creampies, Bondage, Masochism, Orgasm Control, Exhibitionism, incest, orgy

{Suggestions}: Come with me to have an adventure. Pack up the stuff your want to take.

Name: Souma Souko

World: Teisou Kannen Zero

Age: 22

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Sexual partners: 2,139 (How many people she fucked)

Strength: 6

Constitution: 8

Dexterity: 9

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 6

Charisma: 8

{10 is the peak states of a human}

History: She is the oldest member of the Souma family. She works in the office, doing nothing but work. Once drunk and with no males present other than her lover, her inner slut comes out, taking off her clothes, only kissing Zach Anderson.

Personality: Hyper sexuality, Ahegao, Serious, Drunk, Happy, Hard working, True love, Loyal

Thoughts about you: curios, disbelief, nervous, excitement,

Kinks/fetishes: Rough sex, creampies, Masochism, Orgasm Control, Anal, orgy, incest, Threesome

{Suggestions}: Quite your job and come with me to have an adventure. Pack up the stuff your want to take.

Name: Souma Sayoko

World: Teisou Kannen Zero

Age: 20

Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Sexual partners: 4,139 (How many people she fucked)

Strength: 6

Constitution: 8

Dexterity: 7

Intelligence: 9

Wisdom: 8

Charisma: 8

{10 is the peak states of a human}

History: She is the second eldest member of the Souma family. She will quit her work as a tutor/Teacher, living at home with her new love Zach Anderson.

Personality: Hyper sexuality, Ahegao, Serious, Happy, Hard working, True love, Loyal

Thoughts about you: curios, disbelief, nervous, excitement,

Kinks/fetishes: Rough sex, creampies, Dominance, Masochism, Anal, orgy, Threesome, incest,

{Suggestions}: Quite your job at the school/tutor and come with me to have an adventure. Pack up the stuff your want to take.

As Zach change their mindset, he take out four Small Revitalizing Pellet and gave it to the family.

"Here take this pill, it will help you clean your bodies from impurities, increase your strength, speed, and heal you at the same time. Head the the bathroom to wash off the black stuff that is going to come out of your body." Zach said, as he handed them one pill each, explaining their purpose.

As each family member look at the pill in their hand, they were a little sceptical about the pill in their hand. As Zach went to get them a glass of water, they each open their mouth's, swallowing the pill, Zach remind them loudly from the kitchen,

"Remember to take them while you are in the bathroom as you will secret nasty stuff from your bodies. You don't want to track the mess across your house." Zach said as he was walking back towards the living room with four glasses of water.

Zach saw them swallowing the pills, he stop moving as he was shock, dropping the glasses in his hand, spilling water all over the floor. Zach saw their faces and bodies turning red, black and white liquids purring down their bodies, their impurities staining the couch they were sitting on. A strong smell was coming from each of them, Mitsuko and Sayoko has the most amount of impurities escaping from their bodies as they fucked a lot of people.

When they woke up, the first thing they smelled was something disgusting. It was like a they were back at the bathroom again when Zack expelled his impurities, but less gross. As they wrinkled their noses, they look at each other and their bodies.

"Sigh, I told you to take them while in the bathroom, you are expelling the impurities from your body. Now go to the bathroom and wash yourself off, while I burn the couch now." Zach said as he holds his nose.

They were embarrassed as they forgot his words.

"Sorry, we were excited to be strong and have a younger look."

They each went to the two bathrooms in the house, washing of the smell from their bodies. As Zach was watching them go, he was thinking on how to move the couch.

"System, can I store the couch in the book with the rest of my Gacha Storage." Zach ask as he was quite curious if he can store stuff in the book.

{Yes, but it is the same deal with your Gacha Storage up keep.}

"Then store the couch and spend the 22 tickets on Skills, 30 on magic and 24 on tools."