
Hardy Empire [ On Break ]

Traveling through the world of rebirth film and television In 1945, Anyi started from a small gangster and built an empire of its own. He is a well-known underground king who created the Las Vegas casino with one hand. To create a private prison industry, no criminal dare to provoke him, because one day you will fall into his hands, and he can send you to heaven or hell. The Hardy Mercenary Corps has a combat power comparable to a country, and comfortably uses it to protect industries all over the world. No one knows how much wealth he has, because the most profitable industry in the world has the Hardy Group. The novel and the cover is not created nor owned by myself. Credit to the original owner.

Sokdavid · Urban
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11 Chs

Guns Are Men’s Favorites

They found a small restaurant and ordered a burger and a coffee. Sean said while eating: "Now you can rest. Generally, at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, bars and nightclubs are open. Let's go around and take care of their safety."

To put it bluntly, it means watching the venue.

"If someone makes trouble, we can get rid of those damned alcoholics. It's usually easy to solve. We mainly focus on other gang members who might make trouble. But that kind of situation is rare. Each gang has its own territory and other gangs. People usually don't step on it."

''We went around one by one in the evening and asked about the sales of the wines. After getting the list of the next day, work usually ends at one or two in the morning." Xiao En said in a relaxed tone.

From An Yi's point of view, what they actually make is hard money.

But in this society, who doesn't work hard.

"What about the collection?" An Yi asked.

"We only have one fixed account, which is to ask the Spaniards to share the cocoa powder. Oh, it was Cook before, and he has been killed by you. Then I don't know who it is." Sean said and looked at An Yi.

"The other is to help casinos and loan companies collect accounts. Those are to pick up tasks at the company and find work by themselves. I think it's not too late to do it when you get familiar with the business at hand."

An Yi understands a little bit. Helping casinos and loan companies to collect accounts is actually making extra money. You can do it or not if you pick it up and make money yourself.

An Yi thought of something, and bit his burger and asked Sean, "Is there a way to buy a gun? I want to buy a few guns."

Mixed with gangsters, they may encounter danger at any time, how can they defend themselves without guns.

Bill's gun was thrown into the Los Angeles River after an easy murder. He needs to prepare some guys for himself.

''Buying a gun, no problem, I'll take you to find old Mike after dinner," Sean said.

After eating, the three drove to a gun shop in the suburbs. The size of the gun shop is not small. When getting off the car, Sean said, "Old Mike is also a member of our gang. He sells guns from regular channels as well as black guns. The gang members basically all the get the goods from him."

They opened the door and the three of them walked in.

"Old Mike, business is coming," Sean shouted to an old man on the couch.

Old Mike with gray hair and a big beard opened his eyes and got up from the couch, looked at Sean, turned his head to An Yi, and asked, "Who is this?"

"Tom Hardy, Bill's brother, now that Bill is injured, Hardy is temporarily in charge of his affairs." Sean introduced.

Old Mike walked to An Yi and looked up and down a few times, "Have you been a soldier?"

"Yes, the Marine Corps." An Yi said.

The old man nodded, "Well, I can feel that temperament in you. You should have experienced a lot of battles. I also served as a soldier and participated in the First World War. I fought for the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but unfortunately, the country was defeated. The Austro-Hungarian Empire also disappeared, and I later came to America."

"Old Mike, Tom wants a handful of guys." Sean interrupted Old Mike.

Old Mike nodded, "Well, follow me."

He talk while leading the way,

Sean curled his lips at An Yi secretly, lowered his voice, and said to An Yi: "As long as there are newcomers, he will nag his old almanacs."

An Yi smiled.

A few people walked to a big iron door. Old Mike took out a bunch of keys from his body to open the iron door, the iron door opened, and An Yi's eyes lit up.

The warehouse is full of shelves with various weapons.

Guns and cars are men's favorites. Almost no man doesn't love guns and cars, just like girls can't refuse Barbie and soft toys.

Old Mike walked ahead and introduced:

"Many of these guns are used, and some have been eliminated from the battlefield, M1 Garand rifle, M1 carbine, Mauser 98 rifle, British Enfield rifle..."

He said while picking up one from the shelf, patted the gun body vigorously, and said to An Yi:

"M1941 Johnson semi-automatic rifle, equipped with guns in the Marine Corps. You should be familiar with it, right?"

An Yi has completely merged with Hardy's consciousness, and he is indeed very familiar with this rifle. After receiving the gun that old Mike handed over, there is an incomparable feeling of taking advantage of it.


An Yi pulls the bolt hard and pull the trigger gently.

"This gun is well maintained." An Yi said as he touched the rifle.

Old Mike smiled, "I'm not only good at selling guns, but I'm also good at selecting and maintaining these guns. When I purchase these guns, I choose thousands of them. After I get them back, I personally maintain them to ensure that every gun here is in the Best state."

"This takes me." An Yi said immediately.

Old Mike smiled and nodded.

"105 dollars and 100 bullets for you."

The price is not low, it is almost half a month's wages for ordinary workers.

"Old Mike, these guns of yours are old goods received. Besides, the production cost of these guns is only a few dozen dollars, and you are selling them too expensive." Sean murmured beside him.

Old Mike curled his lips, "The hen lays eggs, and it only costs the cost of pouting the butt. Could it be that I gave you the eggs for nothing?"

An Yi was amused by the old man's words, "100 dollars, and 200 bullets."

"OK, no problem." Old Mike agreed happily.

Continue to move forward and come to the submachine gun area.

"What about the submachine gun, do you want one, the Thomson submachine gun, known as the Chicago typewriter, and the German MP40 submachine gun, STG44..."

Without thinking about Ease, I asked for a Chicago typewriter. This thing is a perfect match for the gang.

He asked for two M1911 pistols. Bill's previous two were dismantled and thrown into the river after he killed Cook. An Yi decided to supplement him.

Then he picked a very beautiful Colt revolver.

Finally, An Yi saw the Winchester M1887 burst shotgun. He was bombarded by Cook with this gun. He thought in his heart that he must get one in the future. Now when I saw it from Old Mike, An Yi didn't hesitate to start directly.

There were machine guns, grenades, and even explosives in the warehouse. The old man asked An Yi if he wanted, but An Yi shook his head and refused.

"We'll talk about it when we need it."

Old Mike smiled, "Okay, come and get what you need, I'll give you a preferential price."

He talked about the discount, but the old guy wanted to pay a lot of money, three long guns, three short guns, and matching bullets. In the end, it cost a total of four hundred and sixty dollars.

Yesterday, I just got one thousand eight hundred dollars, and I spent a quarter of it in one go, but the money was spent happily.

There is a shooting range behind the gun shop. An Yi took his gun to the shooting range to practice. When facing a 50-meter target, he almost hit the gun and the discus target was slammed.

Sean and Ryder were also shooting together, but the results were so bad that it was incomparable with An Yi.

"Tom, your marksmanship is really accurate, we may not hit the target with ten shots." Xiao En envied.

"The marksmanship is all fed by bullets. When you hit thousands or tens of thousands of rounds, you can become a sharpshooter." An Yi said.

Old Mike nodded next to him, "Tom is right. If you want good marksmanship, you should practice more."

Said that he picked up the gun and fired at the iron plate again and again. There was no time to aim at all. Every time he fired a shot, the iron plate made a loud sound, and the old man left unhurriedly after he finished the shot.

Looked at Old Mike's somewhat rickety back.

An Yi though,

If this old Mike is placed in the martial arts world, it is estimated that he will be a monk-level existence.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, they left the old Mike gun shop, walked around several bars, and finally came to the Bunny Girl Nightclub.

At this moment, the sky was getting dark, and alcoholic guests came to the door one after another, and the three of An Yi, Sean, and Ryder got out of the car. The guard at the door saw the three greet them and let them go.

"Let's find a place to sit. Actually, there are very few things." Sean said.

When they were walking in, a gorgeous woman with blond hair and a tall figure in a red coat walked by and saw Sean say hello, and finally looked at An Yi.

A pair of wonderful eyes looked at him up and down with interest.

"Sean, who is this handsome guy?"

Sean quickly introduced, "Tom Hardy, my new boss, now he is in charge of this piece."

"Tom, this is Marisa."

Marissa walked forward two steps, the wooden floor clashed on her high heels, and she stopped until she was near ease.

The woman's figure is very tall, An Yi is now more than 1.8 meters, and Marissa is standing in front of him, not much shorter.

The woman looked at An Yi with brown eyes, smiled, and stretched out her hand, "Hello Mr. Hardy, can you meet me?"

"My honor."

There is no fear of women.

He smiled and stretched out his hand and shook the opponent.

"Any time to have a drink together?"

"Of course it's good."

Marissa curled her red lips to An Yi, revealing a smiling face, turned, and stepped on high heels to leave, her waist twisted like a willow.

It took a long time for Ryder to withdraw his gaze from the woman's back, and said to An Yi with envy:

"She has never spoken to us like this before, including Bill, but she is very warm to you today. It seems that being handsome is to be welcomed by women."

Sean smiled and said: "Tom, Marisa is the most beautiful woman in Bunny Girl. She has a variety of styles and attracts many customers. The boss gives her the highest commission."

An Yi thought of a word.

Princess of Night.

There will be many such people in later generations, warming up the atmosphere, attracting alcoholics to come and consume, but the Marisa in front of me should be the most excellent kind.

Sean continued: "Many men pursue her, but few people can get her hands on her."

"She looked at your eyes just now, as if she was interesting to you, work harder, maybe you will have a chance to climb onto her bed in the future."