
Hardcore Dungeon Survival

‘I… am going to die here!’ During a Raid gone wrong, Des gets trapped in one of the world’s deadliest Dungeons. Now stuck at the bottom floor, he must find a way to ascend this deathtrap using all the resources at his disposal. He meets unlikely allies and deadly enemies, desperately clinging to life in this world of chaos and death. How will Des survive in a place designed to kill everyone and everything? And what future awaits him once he reaches the very top? The future seems rather bleak, doesn’t it? ___________ Tags: Antihero. Action. Adventure. Magic. WeaktoStrong. Romance. Slice of Life. Dark Fantasy ___________ Please SUPPORT this novel with your power stones and comments if you enjoy it. Add it to your library too, as it helps me win the contest I entered it for. Thank you all, and happy reading!

Magecrafter · Fantasy
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30 Chs

In Due Time

Life and Death… Creation and Destruction.

There exists a certain profession that seeks to explore the origins, purpose, and function of these concepts—addressing them as concrete elements and not abstractions.

They are called Architects.

It matters not if the object of study be living or dead, an Architect's duty is to study the components of said target and properly understand it to the most fundamental level. Only then can they proceed with further analysis which leads to the next step.


By properly understanding the components of certain elements, it becomes possible to manipulate them—to create and destroy them by fully grasping their essence.

As such, no matter where they find themselves, Architects are bound to thrive.

They are the ones who seek out the world.


[Three Years Later]

Two figures stood at the mouth of a cave, their gaze set on the world beneath and beyond where they stood.

The cave was hundreds of meters above the bare surface on which they kept their sights. Despite the world beneath them being pitch-black, their glowing eyes had no problem seeing everything clearly.

The tiny fragments of Luminous Crystals that were stuck to the walls and ceiling of the cave cast subtle rays of light on them, revealing their completely naked bodies—save for the cloak that covered them.

One was a woman with red hair and a crazy smile, while the other was a man with dark brown hair and different-colored eyes. One was the regular brown, while the other had a purple hue attached to it. 

The purple eye especially glowed as he stared downward, his lips tightly shut as he observed everything in silence.

He knew what was about to happen. He had prepared for years for this specific task, and it was finally time for him to make good on the promise he made—both to himself and to the woman who stood right beside him.

"You ready, Des?" The serene mood was interrupted by the voice of the woman.

"Yeah, I am."

Once again, there was silence.

"Remember the last time you were here? I had to carry you on my back due to your injuries…" She whispered. "Now look at you."

Des had grown a few feet taller than he had been those years ago. His build was a lot more muscular than back then as well. Not only was he nearly as tall as Eve, but his masculine appearance made him appear far different from the weak sprout that had to be rescued back then.

"I couldn't forget it, even if I wanted to."

That was the day he experienced the greatest amount of pain he had ever felt—well, for the time anyway. But, it also marked the point where he met Eve.

It was funny, and Des laughed at the cruelty of it all.

"I can't even pat your head as easily anymore." She sighed, almost in disappointment.

"Here you go." 

Des lowered his head, causing her to laugh and have her way with his disheveled hair. The enjoyment she derived from this action was strange, but he did not complain. After all, he was used to this much.

It had become no big deal to him.

"Alright! Alright! I've had my fill. It's time for your final test."

Des straightened his posture as soon as he heard this and returned his attention to the very bottom—the ground floor of the colossal hall. 

His body no longer trembled at the sight of it, and his mind was clearer than ever. 

"Remember… no matter what happens, I won't be assisting you in this venture. This is a test for you and you alone."

"I know."

"Are you ready? Are you sure?" 

Eve always doted on Des, so he wasn't particularly fazed in the slightest. She could be cruel when she wanted, but right now, the Eve that was staring at him was none other than the one he had grown to admire over the years.

—His only friend.

"I'm ready." He said with resolve, not hesitating at all.

His mission was simple—retrieving the same bag that he tried to recover all those years ago.

'Things are different now, though.'

He had a perfect body, and his mind had been expanded by years of teachings and training. Even with all of those preparations, Des recognized that this would be the first time in three years that he would be venturing outside the base.

It would be downright idiotic of him to bask in his newfound abilities and drown in confidence.

No… that wasn't what he was taught.

'First rule: Always be prepared!' His thoughts echoed loudly as he clenched both fists.

That was his guideline to survive: the ability to properly analyze a situation before acting.

The reason he was taking his time standing at the edge of the cave, watching everything going on beneath him with keen attention to even the smallest details was because he had to abide by the first rule no matter what.


'Second rule: When you see an opportunity… take it!'


In an instant, he sent himself flying down.

A rush of wind burst around his previous location thanks to the pressure he released as a result of his downward launch. 

Winds parted around him as well, his brown hair dancing in the air as his wide-open eyes kept their focus on the target below.

'Backpack spotted!' He grinned, remembering the third and final rule.

'Third rule: Show no fear!'

"KRIIIIII!!!" Loud screeches echoed in the air the moment he made this thought, and a swarm of black-colored creatures began to rush toward him seemingly out of nowhere.

The creatures resembled bats, but their unnatural monstrous looks made them appear even more terrifying. Their crimson eyes and clattering massive jaws made them seem unreal—the stuff of nightmares.

But, Des was not shaken by the sight of them.

'As expected…'

He had already spotted the tiny holes that existed in a faraway wall—each one just large enough to fit a bat. There were so many holes there, and he suspected they were connected by a massive network within the walls, probably stretching to the ceiling.

But, none of those things concerned him.

They weren't his target.

'Stay focused on the goal, but ensure to deal with all obstacles.' He recounted his lesson, taking in a deep breath as the crowd of creatures neared him.


Kicking the air beneath him, he bounced into the air, dodging their first attack, but also noticing that they were pursuing him at a terrifying pace.

These things were much faster than he was, especially since he was in their territory.

But so what?

Reaching into one of the many pockets in his cloak, he took what resembled a small pebble and launched it at the swarm.


Shockwaves spread around him, sending his body descending faster than ever, while the pebble reached the horde.

At that very moment, the pebble shattered, and something erupted from within it.


As the explosion echoed throughout the cave, causing the surviving monstrosities to scatter as a result of the loud noise and bright ambiance, Des dived deeper down.

The rest of them were no longer threats to him.

A few seconds later, right as he was about to touchdown, he lightly kicked the air, allowing the built-up pressure around him to disperse. He regained equilibrium in the air, cushioning his landing perfectly.


"Huuu…" As his bare legs touched the ground, he found himself releasing misty breaths.

He had cleared the first hurdle, and now stood before his next.

Horrors, unbelievably ugly and unimaginably terrifying, all stood before him, their eyes wide open as they observed him in unison. These were the same creatures that cost him his limbs and drove him to the edge of madness with their mind-numbing pain.

Things were different this time, though.

'Hehehe…' This time, Des was not making an expression of pain or fear.

He was smiling.

'... Long time no see!'





Thanks for reading!

A lot has happened in these three years, and yes… they will be explained. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, cus… I frankly did not while writing it.

I am a bit ill, you see…