
Harbinger Of Destruction And Misfortune

Upon opening the Pandora's Box in the year 2056 the earth went through some drastic changes that would change human lives for years to come. Many beings died and many lost everything they had to the calamity that was unleashed by Pandora's box. Mana which was sealed inside the box for tens of thousands of myriad years was released. Unable to handle Mana many humans died and animals and insects turned into giant monsters. The changes did not end there, gates to different dimensional pockets called dungeons got created due to the sudden change in the influx of the world due to mana. Due to the sudden release of high and pure amounts of mana the world caught the attention of the Sovereign races the Celestials and the Demons. The Celestials and the Demons were at constant war as they were the complete opposite of each other. signing a pact between them demons took control of the world After some centuries the mana in the world was exhausted and thus the demons left leaving some lower ranked demons to rule over the world which was killed. Living in a world where survival of the fittest applies A young boy abandoned by his parents and mistreated by everyone wants to climb to the peak of the world so that he cannot be wronged or mistreated by anyone.

oAwqwrd · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Ch.5 - Aaya Dolivio

Rian regained his consciousness and everything flashbacked from the moment Jason called him to the pet store. His mind was clearer than ever, tracking back to the events before him regaining consciousness he swore he would get back at Jason for what he had done today.

He would later realize that losing his emotions that early on in his life was a blessing for him.

Sighing and coughing up blood from his mouth he thought about how naive he was before today. After the stuff that took place with Jason, He came to realize that the current world was ruled by the strong and if he wanted to survive he needed power.

No one would care if a person at the bottom of the trait cultivation realm with an F ranked trait died as every F rank was looked down upon, but almost everyone in the solar system would care and grieve if a person who had a lot of political power or was strong with an A or perhaps an S ranked trait died.

As he was thinking about if people would care or not he abruptly came to his senses as he felt his whole body sting due to the blades of grass touching his opened wounds. He chuckled slightly before thinking about how the riverbank full of grass was softer than his bed- the carpeted floor.

His body was telling him to not move and get a full night's sleep without caring about the grass in his wounds, In response to this, he gritted his teeth and tried standing up. His sore leg muscles along with the bruises and wounds are given by Jason gave him a very hard time doing so.

Using pure willpower he ignored the warnings his body gave him managing to stand up. Glancing at his broken 7th generation haloband which although was cracked now still managed to show the time just fine.

His vision was very unclear due to the beating he took in the past 2 hours, squinting his left eye which was already half shut as it was bruised. It was 7:23 pm meaning that 2 hours had passed since he had gotten here. Looking at his almost dried-up wounds he estimated that he was thrown out near the riverbank around 45 minutes ago.

Rian clenching his fist and gritting his teeth walked to the nearby dumpster in hopes of finding someone's used clothes to cover his wounds.

Walking for about 25 minutes he reached an alleyway that had a dumpster.

Walking to the dumpster limping Rian peeked inside and saw a torn T-shirt that reeked of blood.

Averting his gaze he looked through the dumpster next to it hoping to find some clothes which didn't reek of blood. after 2 minutes of dumpster diving, Rian found an old creamy-looking towel that was supposed to be white.

Tearing up pieces of the Towel he started bandaging his wounds. He was so used to bandaging himself as he constantly got beaten up that it didn't take him any longer than 10 minutes to bandage all of his major wounds around the body.

Getting out of the dumpster he stood up with his legs shaking violently he slowly walked in the direction his house was supposed to be.



Standing in front of his house he went to the door and pressed the doorbell, He stood in front of the door for 2 minutes, and realizing that no one was home he bent down and took out a spare keycard from below a potted plant with purple leaves.

Entering the house he headed straight towards one of the bathrooms wanting to take a shower and remove the bloody smell coming from him.



Coming out after a cold shower he wiped his bruised body and patted his wounds dry which hurt a lot as he flinched now and then.

Walking towards a corner of the house while drying his hair. He opened a door and entered a small room which couldn't fit a single bed in it. This small room was Rian's room, it consisted of a single carpet that covered the floor of the room, a bunch of hooks on the wall on which he hung his clothes, and a clock on the floor in one of the corners.

Walking over to the wall he picked up a green T-shirt and black shorts which were one of the 3 outfits he had. Wearing them he laid down on the carpeted floor intending to sleep, before falling asleep he stole a glance at the clock managing to see only the hour hand which was on eight as the accumulated mental and physical fatigue from the events that happened during the evening hit him.



Around 2 hours after Rian fell asleep, two female figures entered the house Rian was currently sleeping in.

One of the figures that entered was a chubby lady who seemed to be in her late 30s or early 40s while the other was a young girl who looked to be in her early teens.

The chubby lady was wearing an elegant-looking dress with a small handbag in her left hand and was on the phone with someone while entering the room.

The young girl had an arrogant smile plastered on her face and was in her training attire, A tracksuit with a golden badge on the right side of her chest.

The chubby lady spoke with pride laced in her voice "She got into the high school!. After seeing her A ranked trait the test conductors wanted to take her in as soon as possible and gave her a recommendation letter."

She paused for a bit listening to the lady on the phone and replied with her tone laced in disgust "Obviously she is a genius she has our genes and is nothing like that useless boy who enjoys life living on our money, and yet shames our name. I am disowning him as soon as Aaya catches some big shot's attention or he dies in some way which would be best as we would be able to claim the insurance money."

She then let out a quick chuckle and responded "we haven't disowned him yet due to the scholarship money he might get from his theoretical test, after he gets the scholarship money we will disown him on the spot." After another minute of talking to the person on the phone, the chubby lady ended the call.

The young girl listening to her mother had an arrogant smile plastered on her face but upon hearing her mother talking about someone useless her smile turned into a frown as she despised the person.

The young girl then heard her mother respond to her ringing phone and said "Yes the best academy on Uranus!! she will be going to the capital in a month." Her frown returned to an arrogant smile, she got up to brush her teeth and go to sleep as she had eaten monster meat for dinner which was nutritious for young awakeners.

The chubby lady on the phone was Rian's mother whose name was Natalia Ray Dolivio and the young girl who passed the high school entrance exam for the best academy on Uranus was her sister- Aaya Dolivio.

Sorry for the grammatical or punctuation errors!

I'm learning slowly

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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