
Harbinger of Calamity

a Neet who has worked hard his entire life, who has experienced the vicissitudes of life, living much of his life in poverty, depression and drug addiction, at the end of his difficult road, dies of cancer at the age of 26. Having suffered his entire life trying to face the cruel reality of the world, always chasing higher pursuits and exploring ideas but his pursuit of truth only leads to his own collapse. In his last days instead of weeping, he laughs, he laughs at the absurdity of it all. It seemed as if fate had played the biggest joke on him, he had taken too seriously what had no value. What is life? a blink of an eye! as unreal as a dream, what a mysterious world, we are just born out of nowhere only to vanish later on. A profound sigh was uttered "If only I wasn't dealt such bad cards! I was made for the heights yet here I am crashed in the abyss of life."  Looking at the world he was soon to leave, he sighed "Humanity truly has fallen in this era, it has crashed from the heights of embodying divinity to succumbing to their animalistic selves becoming creatures of decadence, slaves to pleasure, lust and the lowly desires of the body. Truly my heart weeps for the tragedy of humanity, the industrial revolution, a slave society disguised as 'modern society', poisonous foods filled with chemicals, an entire network engineered to enslave minds called the internet, an absolute infestation of decadence and mediocrity in the very Human spirit that used to overpower all. All humanity is enslaved, what can't parents even teach? they are slaves themselves. Atleast in this life, I refused to be a slave, I was a free being, atleast in the later half of my life, I followed my own passions and lived my own life but in the end, sigh I failed! But oh well, who ever lived a perfect life in this world? as the darkness of death engulfs him, he fully accepts it and is gone. A pair of eye opened and an absolutely stunning sight appeared, he was transmigrated. For the first time in so long, he could see clearly without glasses or contacts, he could feel physically powerful instead of a sickly body and a destroyed pleasure system. He resolves that this time, this life, He would pursue his own freedom! He would never give up on himself and he will walk his own path to the very end. "That's right, I was wrong depending on sympathy. Cold, heartless, I won't forgive them, they can't be forgiven! That's right, it wasn't me who was wrong, it was the world that was wrong!" A descent towards Madness. A cruel world where no refuge can be found, countless obstacles obstructing one's path, mountains of corpses, an abyss of blood, a heart of darkness, a cruel fate to all living beings. No heart or soul, only an abyss of despair and a heart to ascend beyond. ... Support me directly : patreon.com/aloneinthisworld (only if you don't pay for chapters) Discord : https://discord.gg/aGumZnuF3u

aloneinthisworld · Eastern
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48 Chs

Beautiful world

Nameless had reached the 2nd rank of the sea of consciousness.

He didn't know what it was or why such a feeling arose but as he looked at his hands, he felt slightly different as if he could perceive some of the energy inside his body.

He looked at the trees and felt their energy too.

He looked at the grass, at the water, it felt as if they emitted different energies yet they were all alive.

Nameless had always pondered wheter the trees were alive or not or wheter any moving or unmoving natural object that didn't seem to be alive was actually alive in his previous world. It was only now that he realised that they were, in fact, alive!

Of course he couldn't know that divine trees were very intelligent. Their entire territory was a sanctuary for medium-to-low ranked beings while the divine trees only fed on the stronger beings.

The corpses of the beasts also nourished the earth which also helped them acquire specific nutrients.

They also had protective measures, some could release disgusting smells to stop beings feeding off on them, some could release poisonous gases to poison them, some could release higher frequency sounds to annoy and pain them, some could release certain chemicals that made them fall asleep while some could release chemicals that confused the nervous system...

The world was vast and had all sorts of divine trees, let alone the other types of trees and the unique ecosystem filled with living beings of all sizes.

Nameless could observe the weird insects and beings in the forest.

As he started walking, he touched a giant leaf on his way, before a few weird insects flew, they had wings like bats yet they were still insects.

A bit of distance away, a big weird lizard that could change colours and appeared invisible at first was climbing on a tree waiting before he stretched his tongue and catched some of these weird insects swallowing them whole before climbing back on the tree.

Nameless looked at it before a small detail made him unable to hold back a laugh, the lizard had a weird back, on its lower side it had what looked like a butt moving up and down as it was climbing

"Hahaha, such a weird world."

He could of course see these beings oozing with energy yet a slight bit of focus and that vision disappeared.

He willed in his mind and he could see some of the energy again.

He wanted to observe more of the world and although he was slightly powerful, he still had to be careful. He also wanted to find a shelter on a tree.

He didn't find many living being on the way back then but perhaps on the way back now, he could find some of them.

His theory was right, as hours had passed, living beings slowly returned to the periphary of the energy, they still felt a bit afraid so they didn't return to the exact place the energy had gathered before.

It wasn't long before he started to see alienoid beings.

There were small beings that looked like moths with four legs, had lizard eyes and could feed on specific fungus, they didn't have wings and were bound to the ground.

As he kept looking at them, he didn't even wait long before a small alienoid monkey jumped on them before killing them, feeding on their blood and eating their corpses.

However by activating his vision, an interesting sight entered his eyes, he could see a weird energy moving from the body of the moth beings to the alienoid monkeys.

"a parasite!"

He kept watching as the parasite slowly made it's way through its body to its intestines before reaching its brain. The monkey then walked to a specific plant pretty far away before being swallowed whole by a carnivorous plant that appeared out of nowhere.

He could however see it with his eyes while activating that specific ability. However although he could do so, it seemed that it consumed mental energy to sustain it.

After it had swallowed the monkeys, the carnivorous plant rose up from the ground and turned almost invisible or rather blended with the surrounding colours so much that it couldn't be seen anymore without careful attention. 

It then spread one of its vines downward replicating the weird fungus the other moth creatures were feeding upon.

"What a weird dangerous world. I need to be more careful from now on, least I become their next meal."

He was of course confident in his strength, this confidence didn't spring just from his mentality but also because he felt his body was truly powerful.

He moved, rapidly jumping from branch to branch.

He moved so fast that he couldn't see properly without stopping.

His focus was to return back where he was born. After getting a rank 2 mind, he felt a weird familiar feeling as if he had to return to the place he was born.

However he stopped every now and then to look at the beings of this world.

His first stop, after a few minutes of waiting, a blue alienoid tiger had gotten out of the bushes pursuing what looked like an alienoid gazelle.

They were both double the size of ones on his previous world!

The tiger had six eyes, three on each side; on one side you could one big eye and two smaller ones. a main eye with one on top of it the other below it. they seemed to be made to look back and cover blind spots in case any danger as well as to search for prey.

It also had poisonous fangs in its mouth similar to a snake. It was also blue allowing it great camouflage in some of the blue bushes and blueish trees that covered the forest.

The gazelle wasn't any less impressive, it had vibrational sensors in both of its ears and horns, it could sense any vibration in the air in case a predator appeared.

It probably could even use them to communicate with its species for retreat and other purposes. It could also release a weird gas that would confuse predators while also strong hooves that could do impressive maneuvers.

The tiger chased while the gazelle escaped.

Nameless pursued them jumping from branch to branch to watch the pursuit.

An exciting chase unfolded in front of him.

After fifteen minutes of back and forth, the gazelle escaped!

It seemed the tiger will have to starve for more time before its next meal arrived.

Nameless was impressed!

The chase, scenery, the way they used their weird abilities, being in a life or death moment unfolded a beautiful show.

He even thought they could think! They did such weird maneveurs and unpredictable movements, even using the territory to their advantage.

They had to be aware of all the elements of the environment or else become prey thus such a high level of evolution in the environment.

The gazelle was especially stunning, let alone its maneuvers, it didn't even need to look back to know the precise location of the blue lion.

"What a beautiful world."

Although the natural world outside human intervention was beautiful in his previous life, this world seemed much more complete, complex, beautiful and also intense.

He couldn't help but be expectant at the next scenery he was going to see.

He moved, jumping from branch to branch for half an hour before he stumbled on a medium-sized open plain.

He looked only to be suprised, there was a greenish elephant tribe a hundred meters away. 

Elephant cubs would put their trunks in the giant flower's holes and absorb the nectar in their greenish trunks, sucking it before exhaling the nectar in their mouth.

The flowers were numerous and scattered around in this area of a hundred meters, there were as big as tens of meters.

Adult elephants sucked on the highest holes while cubs sucked on the lowest.

The elephants had even bigger ears and more efficient trunk than those of his previous world, they also had two small eyes to the side of their main eye.

The moment, Nameless had arrived, hundreds of meters away, the biggest elephant shot an eye to him before their eyes met.

The elephant only turned back his sight and ignored him, It seemed it wasn't bothered by his appearence.

Nameless was suprised, he theorised those giant ears could also sense the vibration in the air but it couldn't find him that fast that way hundreds of meters away.

He kept looking and looking before realising their small eyes were very weird, he theorised that they probably had something like infrared or thermal vision to see heat emited by creatures to spot them.

'Perhaps there were similar to the ones the tiger used.'

At these junctures, the knowledge from his past life was very useful.

Nameless thought for a bit before some of his mental energy enveloped him.

It wasn't hard, all he did was use his mind to imagine himself being invisible.

He then jumped a few branches before he looking again, he was surpised to see the elephant's main eye moved trying to find him.

It seemed only the smaller eyes had thermal vision, their eyesight was also far superior to the one in his previous world, it seemed it had a wider range of vision as well.

Nameless didn't want to linger when he was found out so he moved again, jumping from branch to branch.

This time he wondered about the scenery from above, so he jumped upwards again and again and again before reaching the highest branch.

He then extended his vision to see the scenery.

He was on a slightly above average tree in terms of height.

As he looked below, he saw small similar sized trees.

Yet as he lifted his head to look, he was stunned!

There were three trees in his vision that nearly reached to the sky!

They were massively tall and he was only looking at them from a corner of the forest!

They had giant trunks, just the trunk itself was the height of the tree he was in.

"Gosh, this world is so beautiful."

The scenery was breathtaking, the sun was also setting giving a graceful and breathtaking contrast with the giant forest.

Nameless knew it would be dangerous at night, he had to find a shelter before that time.

He also had to return to the place of his birth as fast as possible.

His instincts were urging him.

Before that however he decided to first find a shelter.

Nameless jumped from branch to branch as the light began to fade.

After a while, he couldn't help but stop and gaze downward, he felt a weird aura.

As he looked, he couldn't help but see what looked like a giant tooth stabbed in the big trunk of a tree slightly far away.

He descended and went to look at it, it looked like a beast's fang, a canine tooth that was stuck on the trunk.

It was big and it looked like a dagger.

Nameless tried to pull it but it didn't want to come off.

He had to put his whole body weight on it using the tree as leverage before it was pulled off proving its strength.

He looked at it more closely, the fang fit in his hand, it was sharp, he could feel that if he squeezed it more, he'd bleed.

He thought for a bit before picking a bit of wood from the ground and breaking it in a specific way before jumping back on the branches.

He was going back on his path to weird vines he had seen on the way.

The vines were strong and very sticky, he had purposely avoided it on the path but now it seemed the perfect material for what he wanted.

He took the fang and used its sharpness to cut a part of it before he used the wood as a wooden handle and used the sticky vine to envelop the wooden handle to the blunt part of the fang before pulling very hard on it till it looked like a proper dagger.

The vine was very sticky and Nameless's handle was well made, the dagger looked domineering while also being safe and reliable to handle.

This was his first weapon and the only one he could have for now.

Not even a day had fully passed after all.

Nameless thought he was doing a good job with what he had.

The sun was already fading before but now it was setting.

Nameless knew it would be dangerous at night, he had to find a shelter before that time, he also had to return to the place of his birth tomorrow.

He was still pretty far away by now.

He kept moving from branch to branch exploring the forest before he found a recently dead big tree that was still slightly sturdy.

He carved a giant hole in the big trunk with his strength and dagger before the sun finally set and night descended.

He then climbed a few branches upward to the top of the tree to investigate the place he was in.

As he reached the highest branch, he instinctively lifted his head only to be absolutely blown away!

As he looked, he saw a big white Moon with planetary rings!

It looked breathtaking!

It looked just like saturn in his previous life except white and grey.

It was nearly triple the size of the moon he had been so used to, it shined even more brightly and the rings surrounding it were massive and enveloped the moon.

it looked like the planet saturn he had seen in his previous world but seeing it in person with this good of a vision was spectacular!

Nameless was sucked in, he kept looking at it for a half an hour before another stunning sight entered his vision.

Parts of the forest slightly lit up!

He descended down to look and he was stunned again!

All types of fluorescent light enveloped the forest, the forest was bioluminescent!

The terrain where he was shined with blueish light while fireflies that shined in yellow fluorescent light flew as soon as he disturbed them.

It looked like a scene from some fantastic realm.

As he run towards the field and disturbed the bushes, all types of bugs and fireflies and bugs jumped and flew.

The terrain was blueish, yellowish fireflies flew followed by a weird bug that lighted with red light, that insect that had bug wings of before was shining in green fluorescent light.

The dance of red, yellow, blue fluorescent light was absolutely breathtaking!

He moved again and again through the bushes.

Yellow, purple, green, orange, red, golden, silver, all types of bugs with different colours danced wildly, all flying towards the sky with the thrilling moon with rings on the background.

The view was absolutely magnificent! it looked straight from a heavenly world.

There were even few bugs that didn't shine light but began to emit frequencies that eventually turned into beautiful musical sounds.

The scene was magnificent.

Nameless didn't even know how to feel.

The bugs didn't immediately stop, they kept flying again and again, they danced wildly all in perfect synch spreading beautiful lights in beautiful patterns.

They did not touch each other as if trying not to disturb each other which made it instead look like a scene from a divine orchestra where every bug and insect were the musicians and play members cooperating to create a sensational scenery.

It took half an hour for the orchestra to end.

Nameless was left speechless and with an after-taste of this experience.

"What a beautiful world."

Such a beautiful show made him unwilling to go to sleep just yet.

He layed on the grass and watched the moon and stars.

The constellation were picturesque and dazzling with their starry lights.

As he saw the different stars, he couldn't help but see different shapes like stick figures or weird geometrical shapes.

As he was watching, a few shooting stars passed by, he made a wish in his heart.

It was simple wish, he wished this world was real and he wished to be free to live his own life true to himself with no regrets.

As the shooting star faded and the night intensified, he decided to go to rest.

He climbed the branches, entered his shelter, closed the door and turned to sleep.

As he layed at the grass inside, he faded into sleep with the dagger on his hand.

To get a feel of how the world looks watch the following youtube videos :

"The Beauty of Avatar"

"Avatar 2009 - The Ultimate HDR Experience"

"Sounds of Pandora"

Beautiful ost "The bioluminescence of the night"

aloneinthisworldcreators' thoughts