
Happy Pills- Enjoy life everyday

"Happy pills". The only thing that can hold her up. She is such a sunny girl. A fun girl. She is very humorous. Always with her sugary smile. But behind the scene, you cannot recognize her.

Darksea · LGBT+
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12 Chs

The depressed girl

I still could not believe I met Cheng Xian. But, I still feel a little disappointed that I could not recognize him, Linyi and Lu Yao had to point it out. I am such a dumb ass. I am walking home as my classes for today were over. Linyi and Lu Yao went to the amusement park. They asked me to come along, but I rejected. It's not because I didn't want to go, but because I could not. My house was quite far from the university as I didn't want anyone to know my secret. I had to walk for an hour or so. I could not take a bus there. I walked and walked. When I got closer to my way home, I think people were staring at me. I knew why they were staring. The pill's effect was over already. I looked up and everything was black and white. Everything, everybody looked depressed. I got used to it as this was not the first time it happened. But I turned a blind eye and just started to walk casually.

As soon as I got home, I closed the door and went towards the mirror. When I looked into the mirror, I saw a depressed girl, a very depressed girl. A girl that even if she tried to smile, she could not. She could never get rid of her depressed face. Everything around her is black and white. And the people would see her black and white too, only her. I searched for my pills. The pill's effect would only last for 8 hours. I searched for it in my bag and could not find it. I got really scared. I searched for it on my nightstand and there it was. I gave out a sigh of relief. I took a pill then. As soon as I took a pill, everything around me turned colorful like before. I looked into the mirror and saw that I was back. The jolly, sunshine, and honeyed tongue girl. I had a big smile on my face. I thought I should go to the library to do my homework, so I went to change.

I was walking towards the library when I saw someone I knew. It was Wei Xiaonuan. I gave her a cold shoulder and walked past her. "Huh, it looks like someone is ignoring me. Is it because she is scared of me?"She said as she stood behind me. I tried to stay calm and turned back. "Miss, I don't know who you are, so please go to your destination and let me go to mine," I said. Yeah, her face was a little red out of anger when she heard me saying I didn't recognize her. She and I had a rivalry since secondary school. It's not that I hated her, but she hated me. She would always try to piss me off, but I would try to stay calm, so she would be pissed off instead. If she would not have been a hot potato, we would be good friends by now. But I didn't want to waste my time here so I just bowed to look polite and walked away. I could hear her stomping her feet out of anger. I reached the library took some books to read, did my homework. Time was going fine. It was like a usual day. When I finished reading a book, I searched for a book that I had brought on my desk. I could not find it, so I went to find another of the same book to read. As I was searching for that book, I came across a book. It caught my eye at once. When I took it out, I saw the book's name was Happy Pills. I thought it was kind of strange for me to find that book, but I dared to open it to take a look. I could not believe it. I dropped the book at once and retreated. I went to my seat, collected my stuff, paid the librarian, and left at once. I could not stay there for another second more. I was still scared. I walked as fast as I could. When I reached home I shut the door and locked it. I told myself to forget about it as I sat on my bed. Then again, something caught my eye on the nightstand. IT WAS THE BOOK. I jumped. I felt something wrong. So I grabbed my stuff and left. I did not want to stay in that house for another minute. I did not forget about my pills so, I brought them with me. It was getting dark. I thought about where I should go. I called Linyi and told her that I would stay in her place for a while and she agreed. I walked up to the main road, hailed a taxi, and gave the driver the address. The driver dropped me off right in front of Linyi's house. I paid the taxi fare and was about to ring the bell, but I just could not. I was getting a little nervous. It was the first time I was staying over at someone's house. But I could not go back to my house so I pressed the bell anyway. Linyi opened the door and I don't know what got into me that I hugged her right away. She was surprised. Of course, anybody would get surprised at that situation. She told me to get in. She made me sit on the bed and brought me a cup of hot water. She let me drink it first. After that, she took my cup, left it at the kitchen basin, and came back to me. She sat right beside me. "What happened?" she asked. "N-not-nothing" I stuttered. "You never agreed to go anybody's house before, but today you came here yourself. Something is wrong" she said. "Tell me. What happened?" she added. "I-i-i" I could not get anything out of my mouth. I didn't know what I should tell her.