
Chapter 26-Picnic

"You really don't remember me!?" The man was shocked because he didn't expect that his former comrade's son would be the kid he called a twerp.

The kid broke into a mocking smile. "Of course I remember you. I can remember that much." It would be impossible for him to forgot him. His wisdom stat covered memory as well. He could basically remember every detail and every movement that happened.

"Hello Denear, its's a pleasure to finally meet you properly."

Denear tilted his body about 45 degrees and bowed at the green haired lady. With his left arm on his back and his right hand on his left shoulder he bowed and said, "It's my pleasure to meet you.....teacher."

"So you already know each other, well that just makes things easier." He looked at Denear then at the other two. "They will teach you some important things in this world, they'll also teach you some fighting techniques and some magic." Heins stood up and introduced them to each other. "This is Tinro, he'll be teaching you how to fight and how to survive in this world." He then introduced his partner. "This is Audrey, she'll be your magic teacher as well as you tutor."

Denear looked at them, though he did not smile, he kindly said to them, "Welcome teachers. I'm.." He had a cute aura around him that made him look irresistible. Audrey could not help but just squeeze his cheeks while saying, "So cute."

Heins smiled and said, "Seems like you two will get along well." He was feeling very happy to see his former serious comrade is fawning over his son and is showing her hidden side that he hasn't seen for a long time.

Denear was a little bit annoyed with how the lady in front of him was squeezing his cheeks, he decided not to think about it. "Um.....Teacher Audrey?"


"Can you please let go if that's not too much to ask for."

"Oh sorry." Letting go, she then realized how she had just acted and felt quite embarrassed at how she did not act teacher like. 'I just couldn't help it!' She thought.

Tinro just stood by the side and watched his own comrade fawn over the so-called twerp.

"When are we going to start father?" Denear asked, looking at his father.

"You can start tomorrow morning but for now let your teachers settle in and relax. Oh and can you please take them to their rooms?"

"Yes father, as you wish."

Denear gave a look to the other two and opened the study door. "Follow me please."

They followed Denear down many long hallways until he finally stopped by two doors. He pointed by one door. "This is your bedroom Mister Tinro," He then pointed to the other. "And this is your bedroom Teacher Audrey." Denear held out two keys in front of them.

Tinro grabbed his keys and opened the door. "Well, I'm gonna hit the sack." He went inside and closed the door. A faint thump could be heard from the inside, which probably meant he went to bed. ("Hit the sack" mean going to bed in order to sleep)

Denear looked at Audrey and asked, "Are you going to bed to?"

"Nah"Audrey replied. "I'm kinda hungry and fatigued from the long travel."

"If that's the case.."Denear thought and came up with a good idea. "Then would Teacher Audrey like to accompany me for a picnic? I know a great spot."

"If it's not to much trouble then i'd gladly accompany you."


Few minutes later

Denear carried the food and sheet up a hill in the garden in their backyard. The spot overlooked the town and the nice beautiful sight could be seen from where they were. While they were going up the mountain, Teacher Audrey offered Denear a hand to carry some of the things but Denear refused.

Audrey: "Would you like me to help you?"

Denear: "It's fine. You should just relax Teacher Audrey." He did not smile and had a cold expression.

Audrey: "Oh okay...."

Audrey was thinking how nice and sweet this kid was even though he had a cold expression.

When they reach the place, she admired the beautiful view in front of her. She couldn't help but say 'wow' in her mind. She saw the little boy setting up the sheet on the ground and placed food on it that came from a medium sized grass basket. The boy sat down, took out plates and other utensils and set them up. The food taken and placed were: Tuna sandwiches, Creamy Kale Caesar pasta salad, brownies, cookies and some fresh raspberry lemonade.

"Please dig in teacher" Denear gave her a glass plate and some utensils for eating.

"Why thank you." She was astonished by the food and how the young boy thought so much for this picnic and was touched. She was thankful that he would be her student. The food was incredibly delicious and the drink had a nice taste to it that she hadn't tasted before. "Who made all this?" She asked curious.

"Oh, I was the one who made all of these."

"Wow! You're really talented huh? Who taught you?"

Denear was about to answer when a past scene flashed in his mind.


In an apartment

Sitting on the sofa, moving a lot with his excited expression while at the same time, having an impatient look.

The sizzling smell was coming from the kitchen which made his stomach grumble uncontrollably. He sat at the couch and a voice was heard from the kitchen. "It's ready!"

The smell got closer and a lady with her black hair tied in ponytails arrived in the living room where Denear was sitting down. She placed the a jar of raspberry lemonade on a large table in front of him and some other dishes as well, each looked more and more appetizing than the last.

The lady sat next to him on the sofa. She wore a dazzling smile that made everything in the world seem bright. She may not have any make-up on but she could make anything melt with the radiant aura that she was excluding. She had this feeling that would make you feel secure near her presence.

She had a strong but at the same time delicate personality.

He couldn't help but be proud of this person. "Hey big sis? Do you think you could teach me how to cook like you?"

She lifted her arms and patted his head, while smiling a heart warming smile. "Sure, i'll teach you....."


With that, the scene disappeared from his mind.

He looked towards his new teacher and could see that she had a very concerned expression. 'Huh? What's going on? Why does my face feel wet?'

He touched his face and realized he was crying. He quickly wiped his tears with his hands and arms. He looked towards his teacher again and let out a light sigh. A sorrowful smile appeared on his face and answered.

"Someone really important to me..."