
Chapter 3

He goes to the head office but there too he cannot get any kind of details. He gets very disappointed. He had passed 10th class. Now he starts preparing for Babu's exam. By any means, he wants to find his foster and birth mother by collecting money by doing a job.

He is also searching through social media those children who have been born through surrogacy. He wanted to know whether they all had the same life as his. Do they live with their parents or have they been dumped elsewhere? Is she happy?

Such questions arise in his mind, but he can get the answer of any question only after meeting them. He shocks his mind and goes on with his work. Tomorrow he takes leave from where he works and prepares for the next day's examination.

Tomorrow is his babu's exam. He is praying to God to be successful in this. Where he goes to take the exam, he also sees Surbhi but tries to ignore her while suppressing his feelings. He realized today that he had fallen in love with Surbhi. Then he saw Surbhi coming towards him. He tries to get out of there at a high speed but Surbhi stands in front of him. He sees that Surbhi has become angry. She was looking sick. He asks Surbhi about her health, what happened to her. Surbhi says stealing her eyes

"Nothing happened. Just like that."

He tries to find out what happened to her. she tells him that

"I looked for you a lot when you were gone. My parents also got a report written in the police but you could not be traced anywhere. Got very sick in your memories. Somehow my life was saved. You are seeing what is in front of you.