
Chapter 20

"What happened to Surbhi?"

Shyam said while holding the doctor's shoulder.

"The boy is done. Congratulations."

Saying this the doctor smiled. Shyam hugged the doctor.

"We can meet, Doctor."

Shyam asked.

"Necessary. Why not. Just a little noise reduction."

Shyam said

"Yes, definitely. We will take full care."

He called out to his parents. Mother-in-law also came along with them. Where was the brother-in-law also going to stay behind? Shyam told

"Surbhi has a boy. we can meet."

Everyone went inside the room. Surbhi was awake. The child was lying nearby.

"My dear brother is mine."

Saying that Sanu started lifting him, the nurse stopped him but Shyam said

"Let him lift him. He has a brother."

The nurse shook her head. The mother took the child and placed it in Sanu's lap and explained that

"Keeping hands under the neck, Shanu"


Shanu said.

She started loving her brother. That little child seemed so cute to her. Then the child started crying. The mother took the child in her arms. loved her. He gave the omen in his hands and then the father took it. In turn, everyone took the child in their arms and made love.