
Happy Ending Story

After her father's tragic death, she distance herself from everyone, including her mom. She wasn't fully prepared for moving on from the event and now, her mother found another man who'll fulfill her after him. Jungkook, a player, stone-hearted faced the same event. His mom died when he was little, leaving him and his six other brothers with their dad. He then knew that his father found another woman and would like to marry her which he was so furious about. What they didn't know was their world was just connected. ___ "I told you to marry that man!" her mom shouted at her, stomping her left foot. "why would I? This wasn't part of the deal! I let you marry that old man and even let him take the role of my dad yet now, you would force me to marry someone who I don't have feelings with? I can't believe you" she yelled back. She ran away from her mom and went back to her house. ___ "Jungkook, get ready, you're meeting your future wife" his dad said, holding his wife's hand. "I don't even like Lisa, let alone be paired with her forever" he hissed and walked out. ___ 5 years later. "c'mon you're meeting your sister. She had arrived thirty minutes ago and is probably waiting for us, together with her husband." his mom told them while taking her bag and fixed her clothes. ___ She held her tears and looked at the night sky and said, "Jungkook, we can't. As much as I wanted to be with you, we're both married to someone who we don't give a shit." He took her hands and let her face him and said, "that's my point. If we love each other, then we'll fight for each other, for our love", to her. He kissed her hands and they shared a passionate kiss. ___ "if only I knew that this will happen, then I wouldn't have to do that. Shit, Lei, you make me crazy"he kneeled down, holding her bruised hand. "shit happens, kook" she laughed. ___ "we're divorced". They both said at the same time. She jumped on him and he twirled her, tightly holding her waist. "does that mean, we have a chance?" he asked her, lost in her galaxy eyes. "we do have a chance, we just didn't know how to find that chance" she smiled while pecking his lips. "if only I met you before your mom met my dad, then we would have kids by now" ___ "I now pronounce you, husband and wife"

Jeliane143 · Realistic
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21 Chs

Boring Wedding but not really

An hour after Jungkook left after dinner, Mark and the kids got home. The kids were passed out in the car and she had to carry them as Mark parked the car. She kissed Mark on the cheek after he got inside as their normal greeting.

She nudged him to go to clean himself and while he was taking a bath, she prepared the kids for their beauty sleep. However, she accidentally woke Jungsik up.

"hey kiddo, I'm sorry I woke you up," she whispered while taking their suit off of them. She grabbed their clothes and dumped it in the laundry basket inside their bathroom and filled the basin with warm water.

She opened their cabinet and took a towel. When she gathered all the needed things, she quietly ushered Jungsik to their bathroom to help him up. She damped the towel with the warm water and rubbed it gently on Jungsik's body.

She heartedly laughed looking at Jungsik's cute face. She damped her own hand and splashed the water on his face making him giggle.

She made a 'sshh' sound and he imitated her. "Hi Noona~" he greeted with his fully awake self.

She crunched up her nose and greeted, "Hi kiddo," she laughed when he imitated her crunched up nose.

"are you that tired?" she whispered while rubbing the towel on his back. When Jungsik opened his arms, she swiftly lifted him up and pulled him on her lap.

"yeah, grandma's wedding was tiring," he softly said, closing his eyes. He was debating on whether to sleep or be awake.

She raised her eyebrow and asked, "really? How was it?"

With that question, he seemed awake. He shared his thoughts with his good expressions, "I mean, it wasn't that tiring. When we arrived there, I met a handsome hyung," he said, amusingly.

"and who is this 'handsome hyung'?"

He giggled before he said, " Uhm...I think his name was Jimin hyung? Yeah! That's his name. He was really handsome and playful,"

One thing that went inside her head was the characteristics of the Jimin that she knew. She was not sure if he was talking about the same Jimin. Handsome and playful? Those were his characteristics that she was so familiar with.

" tell me more about your day,"

As the two were laughing and talking about Jungsik's day, the sleepy boy was inside the room. When he heard loud noises, he immediately pulled himself up. His eyes scanned the whole room yet every corner, there was no one. His head moved from the right to the left, yet no one was still there.

Immediately, he felt scared and started to sob. He rubbed the tears away and tried to stand up. He then tried to follow the sound and it led him to the bathroom. When he opened the door, he found Liana and his brother and then his sob got loud.

Startled by the sound, she went beside Jungsoo and asked what was wrong.

The little boy didn't say anything but just hugged her before he spoke up, "I-I w-was scared,"

She rubbed his back and reassured him. "why don't you clean yourself too?"

Jungsik pouted and his eyes got bigger. He was sad as his brother was sad too. "Jungsoo ah," he called out and softly grabbed his brother for a warm hug.

She smiled at the two little kids and joined their hug. Not too long, Jungsoo started cleaning himself too with the help of Jungsik who tried his best to make him laugh again and talked about mummies.


When they were done, she went back to their room and took out their clothes. She pulled a simple onesie for each and placed it properly on their bed. When she was done, the boys went out with towel wrapped on them.

Jungsik and Jungsoo both laughed at their silliness and called her, "Noona! Look! We're mummies! RAWR"

She laughed and went to action. She pretended that she was scared and ran for her life. "Oh no! Mummies! Aahhh"

Aftet a while, she stopped playing and told them to put on their clothes. When she was done checking them, she went out and cleaned herself too.

After a while, she didn't feel sleepy. She was bored and was thinking about her day. Sighing, she went back to the kid's room and heard loud noises.

"knock knock," she said, waiting for them.

She heard them say, "oh no, it might be daddy. Quickly, hide,"

"knock knock!" this time, her voice was louder.

"w-who's there?" a voice stuttered. She recognized Jungsoo's little voice.

"your," she said.

The boys were confused and asked together, "your who?"

She laughed quietly and said, "duh, your pretty Noona? Who else?"

The boys ran towards the door and welcomed her. Jungsik closed the door, afraid of his daddy.

"so, why are you both still awake? It's past 9, your bedtime hour,"

The little boys groaned and asked their Noona to not scold them. "we were talking about mummies and grandma's wedding,"

"really? Tell me about it,"

Jungsik talked first while Jungsoo was listening to his brother and waited for his turn.

"well, when we arrived there, grandma wasn't herself. She used to hug us and give us wholesome kisses and talk to us but she didn't do the last one," immediately, Jungsoo agreed.

"yeah Noona, it was a little disappointing and you weren't there too,"

"but even if I was sad, Jimin hyung was there..."

I haven't updated for a while right? For that, I'm really sorry. I was really about to update last week but the chapter was gone and I was so frustrated that I lost my appetite to write more.

Anyways, here you go. I'm not sure if I can update 2 chapters today, but let's just hope for that.

Happy reading everyone ? ? ?

- Jeliane

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