
Chapter 63 Eugene Transform

Before Happiness could finish speaking, Eugene continued forcefully, "Or maybe I should send you to Fran now and let the strongest beast have you. As for us, whether we die on the battlefield or spend our lives missing you, at least we'll get fair treatment. But can you bear it? Do you know that you're the only one living an easy life now? The pressure we have to withstand is immense. If Fran wants us dead, we'll be gone before dawn, and you won't even know where our bodies are. We cherish life just like you, but we can't bear to trade your life for our own security. Have you thought about this, Happiness? Every meal you've eaten, every sip of soup, every piece of cake and candy, I've worked hard to make them perfect because I'm worried... that I won't be able to make them for you anymore in the future."


Happiness's mouth trembled, and she burst into tears as Eugene's words hit her. She struggled to retrieve her hand and covered her face, crying, "I... I just wanted to tell Ben not to worry about Fran. I won't change my mind. I don't like Fran. When I see Lu unhappy, I just want to make him happy." Tears streamed down the fingers of this seventeen-year-old girl, and Happiness wiped her tears with the back of her hand, saying incoherently, "But, but if Fran wants to kill you all, I'll go with him. After all, I won't let you die..."

Eugene took a deep breath and finally turned over, embracing Happiness in his arms and letting her lean against his chest, allowing her to cry as much as she wanted. The little girl's emotions were very agitated at the moment, and she was crying very sadly. It wasn't a good time to get the promise he wanted most, but Eugene didn't regret saying too many heavy words that scared Happiness. After all, she was just a naive little girl, and there were inevitably some immaturity and thoughtlessness in her actions and thoughts. Someone had to wake her up and teach her.


Happiness was completely scared. As soon as she thought of the situation Eugene described, where they were all killed overnight and even the bodies couldn't be found, or the situation of fighting and dying with ancient creatures, she couldn't stop her tears. She didn't even care that Eugene was naked, wiping her tears with one hand and tightly grabbing Eugene's arm with the other. She didn't want Eugene or anyone else to die! She had lost her closest family before, and it was heart-wrenching. She absolutely didn't want to experience that kind of pain again, even if it was just one-tenth of that degree. However, if Eugene knew about Happiness's painful past, he probably wouldn't be willing to scare her with a farewell of death!


Damian came in holding a big bowl, swallowing the hot stew while pushing the door open. As soon as he entered, he was stunned. What kind of scene was this? Eugene was naked and held by Happiness who was crying as if her heart was broken.


"What are you guys doing?" Damian asked in confusion. "Eugene, why did you make Happiness cry? Why aren't you wearing clothes?"


"I wanted to show Happiness my beast form, so I just casually changed." Eugene said.


Damian nodded and said, "It would have been better if you had realized it earlier. It's not convenient to fight in machine battles or fight as a beast. It's not convenient for life either. It would be better to be a primitive beast tribe. But why is Happiness crying? Did you bully her?"


Happiness wiped her face with her sleeve, took a deep breath, and tried to calm herself down, saying, "It's nothing, Damian, don't worry."


Damian put down the bowl, sat down in front of her, and touched Happiness's forehead to check her temperature, and said, "You're crying, how can I not worry? Are you feeling unwell or in pain? I'll ask Lionel to come back and take a look."


"Happiness cried after reading some negative comments online." Eugene explained for Happiness, "She's not sick."


Looking at the concerned expression on the face of the big grey wolf Damian, Happiness's tears rolled down again. She confessed to Lu and expressed that she only recognized the three in the dog tribe. Now, recalling it, she felt a little impulsive.

She asked herself, did she really not have any feelings of love between men and women for them? At this moment, Happiness couldn't figure it out.


"Hey, Happiness, don't wander around the forums randomly. Online matters are complicated and can't be explained clearly. Why make yourself cry? Just don't read them." Damian lifted Happiness onto his lap, his greasy fingers wiping off the tears hanging on her cheeks, and said, "What are you afraid of? I'm here for everything. The more they curse, the less courage they have to do bad things. Have you ever seen a wolf howling loudly before hunting? They're not stupid! Besides, didn't you already get your ID? There were more votes in favor of you than against you."


Happiness nodded. If it were in the past, she would have definitely disliked Damian getting her face and clothes dirty with his oily hands, but now she sat obediently on his lap and let him touch her. The fantasy of being a good couple and having a romantic relationship was so unrealistic at this moment. Reality was so cruel, and the unknown they faced was so unpredictable. She didn't have the qualification to date anyone alone, it was simply a crime, and it would also involve the dog tribe and even all the beast tribes in the Old Fifth District.


Eugene went back to his room, put on his clothes neatly, and came to Happiness's room. He picked up the broken clothes and threw them in the trash can. By this time, Happiness had calmed down. She washed her face with hot water, changed into a new set of clothes, and sat back at the table to drink the cold sweet soup. Damian sat next to her and fed her a small piece of stewed meat.

"Damian, are your hands clean? Be careful, Happiness might get diarrhea." Eugene said, quickly handing Happiness her soup bowl and said, "Don't drink it cold, I'll get you a hot one."


Happiness swallowed the meat in her mouth and stood up, saying, "Okay, from now on I'll eat downstairs, um, eat with you guys."


Eugene smiled, "No need for that, you have heating in your room, the temperature changes too much and it's not good for you."


Damian nodded busy, "Yes, Happiness, don't watch TV or go online, go to bed and keep warm, I'll bring you a book, or do you want to watch a DVD?"


"Um." Happiness obediently turned off the power and climbed onto the bed, pulling the blanket over her shoulders and covering herself.


When Damian went downstairs, he was a bit surprised and quietly said to Eugene, "What's wrong with Happiness? Lately, she rarely listens to me, let alone you."


Eugene shrugged, "Maybe she's scared by those things online, don't worry, are you hungry?"


"Of course I'm hungry, even if I eat all the meat stew in your pot, it won't be enough. I'm thinking about Happiness eating, I haven't really eaten much lately. Ah, this damn freezing weather, I don't want to run errands for the Tiger Clan, it's all for Happiness..." Damian sighed.


"Hang in there, I've been able to hang out with you guys from the Primitive Beast Clan all this time, what's running errands to you." Eugene laughed.


Damian, and Alexander and the others are really doing is much more dangerous than running errands. They have witnessed the strength of the mutated ancient species.


"Hey, it's cold and hard outside, but when I think of Happiness being safe at home, sleeping in a warm bed waiting for me to come back, I don't care anymore." Damian said.


"I feel the same way." Eugene said.


After Eugene and Damian left, Happiness became more and more worried. There are three future dangers: firstly, Noah, Maya, and their advanced zombie robots may start a war; secondly, Alexander, Eugene, and the others may be betrayed by Fran; thirdly, if she doesn't hide, will all the male beasts in the world be willing to accept her being one of the few?


Among them, the conflict between the ancient species and war is inherent in this world, she can't control it, and she can't interfere. Eugene said she is the only one for all the male beasts in the world, this romantic statement is actually terrifying when carefully considered. But it's also easy to solve, she can simply live in seclusion, give up her desire to integrate into society, give up her legal identity, and fake her death like a melodramatic TV drama, so that no male beast around her becomes a target. However, the most difficult hurdle is Fran. Fran holds a high position and has a lot of power. If she wants to hide, it may not be possible, and they have explained to her that it would be better for her to live in a big city in case the ancient species come back, because they don't have enough power to protect her without any risks.


Happiness pondered and planned in her mind, and finally came up with a rough idea. No matter what, Fran is definitely the key to solving the problem. But what should she use to exchange for what she wants?


Lost in thought, the door to the room was opened again, yes, it was opened by Vincent's tail. Vincent swam in without looking at Happiness, and went to the TV cabinet. Happiness looked at the sea python flipping through her drawer and making a mess. Unable to hold back, she jumped off the bed and asked, "Vincent, what are you looking for? I just organized the drawer this morning."


Since she had just finished crying not long ago, Happiness's voice sounded unnatural. Vincent couldn't tell, and he said in frustration, "You said to put the discs there. Now you want me to put them back. I bet you'll see!"


Happiness squatted down and picked up the discs one by one, asking, "Don't you need to hibernate?"


Vincent glared and said, "I never hibernate!"


"Oh..." This sea python is so big. It is probably different from the snakes a thousand years ago. Last time the weather was so cold, she even encountered a snake kidnapper. It seems that this group no longer needs to hibernate! There are also many bears on TV who serve as hosts or guests, it seems that bears don't need to hibernate either.


"Found it." Vincent stood up and swam out again, saying before leaving, "It's so hot and stuffy here!"


With Vincent interrupting, Happiness wasn't as sad anymore. She had to hurry up and write a draft so that when Fran summoned her next time, she would know what to say and she had to bring up certain things proactively.


In the evening, only Andy and Vincent were at home. Fran sent a guard to take Happiness over again, conveniently before dinner. Happiness fixed her hair and dressed up, asking Andy and Vincent not to wait for her to have dinner first. She followed the guard out of the door. Fran's residence in District 2 was very close by, and it took less than half a minute for the guard to bring her there, wrapping her in a cloak.


It was just a temporary residence, but the interior was arranged very comfortably, and the heating was more than sufficient. The tempting smell of food came from the nearby restaurant. Happiness walked towards it and immediately saw not only a fruit cake like at noon, but also a serving of cream ice cream she mentioned before. At least it looked like ice cream, with the milky white substance in the tall silver cup.


Fran nodded at Happiness and smiled, "Happiness, you're here. Please sit down. I specifically brought you here to taste the ice cream and see if it's the flavor you mentioned."


Happiness was not in the mood to taste the food, but she also didn't want to talk about other things in this atmosphere. She sat down on the chair, took a bit of the ice cream and put it in her mouth. It was crunchy and not delicate enough, lacking in milk flavor and sweetness. It was not the taste from a thousand years ago at all. Lin Xiaolei took another spoonful and said, "This is it. Thank you, Chief Fran. I didn't expect that I would casually mention it and you really brought the ice cream..."


"Hehe, as long as you enjoy it. It's not appropriate to give you this in such cold weather, but let's make an exception today," Fran said with a smile.


Happiness's mood was completely different from noon. She finished the whole cup of ice cream without tasting it and cautiously spoke up, "Chief Fran, I have something I want to ask you..." 
