
Happiness at the end of the Tunnel - never give up

Diary of a migrant family and their struggle to adapt to a new culture. Sweat and tears compiled in a diary and their sharing to support others facing the same challenges. Hoping you find a solution in these stories.

Chacha_3290 · Urban
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29 Chs

Chapter 22: 3 men and a lady

Moms's wish was to have a daughter. After 3 boys,mom's was not going to give up. But I was hard to feed 3 mouths with only one job and mom staying home taking care of 3 guys.

And after 10 years, the hope of having a girl was diminishing…..

Mom, being busy taking care of the 3 guys and school, and home chores, the only thought mom could blame to was an indigestion, a bad one.

So mom, worried about a lingering upset stomach thought caught a virus, and after a lingering upset stomach flu, mom decided to go to the doctor... And confirmed she had a virus that was to last 9 months…..!!!!

Mom was not believing it.

But it was true.

Close to the nine months, a lovely, strong crying skinny baby was born in May.

Everyone got happy, even my brothers, a little doll to play with. For me, I was to be surrounded by 3 guys, my bodyguards…. Even my cousins, nephews, aunts, uncles, all welcomed this cute bundle of joy.

My brothers got admission to one of the best schools in the city, and I got into a private school in the district. Ruled by nuns, which closely educated its pupils and taught us values and principles to survive in the challenging welcoming adult world. At a short walking distance from home, mom and my brothers took turns to accompany me either going up or coming back home.

Then my brothers went to university, I started to decide if to either go to college or university.

Kindergarten, primary and secondary school was my second home. Did not change schools.

I had a great interest in working behind the cameras and screenwriting, I loved from watching movies and documentaries, and loved drawing. But it was uncommon to find studies about my living passion to create and write, because I was not an ace in writing but drawing. Copying Japanese cartoons became my passion, which I drew by memory.

Dad was also about to retire, and made it impossible for him to afford my career education. My eldest brother, who already got a job, helped my to pay for my courses. He was overseas working, so offered to help me with my studies.

I applied for Advertising design, because I loved to draw products and create advertisements. According to my selections for screenwriting, which I was told, I moved my studies to be a Graphic Designer which was the one that had the screenwriting module to be taken.

After 3 years, graduated and landed a job as a graphic designer at an advertising agency. Then got a job at a local tv station. I was going to sit behind cameras directing other technicians. Cool.

But situation locally was not good.

Violence started to rise, terrorism and coups was an everyday matters, turning the city's atmosphere not friendlier, instead upsetting and volatile. Curfews were a routine. Citizens were not happy with the government and terrorism was not encouraging for the youth trying to build a new life.

With prices going up, and quality of life going down, few ones could leave the country for better future.

Myself, survived an armed kidnapping in the building I worked at, the owner got kidnapped at gun point, but problem; they kidnapped the wrong guy. The owners are twins.

They kidnapped the wrong twin!🙄🤷🏻‍♀️

I was to take the elevator that day, but heard a scuffle, and the walkie talkies going like crazy.

Immediately that the elevator doors, I refrained myself from getting in.

I froze.

There was blood everywhere. One of the security guys laying on the floor stopped from getting in, at the same time one of the guards hold me by the arm preventing me from stepping in… as the door closed.

That's all remembered I saw.

There was police running out of their police patrols, getting inside of the building through the entrance door.

The beehive was shaken. King B was abducted….

Move over…

Queen B is here!😅🐝