

This my first book the reason i love novels is because when i read i imagine a world based on the story but idk it doesnt feel like i read the text its more like my eyes read but i am not there, i am in a diffrent world experiencing the story. but there is a problem the world i imagine is bland and gray because the storys dont convey it very good and somtimes dont convey it at all the main character has not a lot emotion it more feels like they are robots and the side characters are just dead, sure there are some novels that have character with emotion but there are only few and its getting boring the love i have for novels is dying. therefore imma make my own novel with characters that are alive, characters that feel human rather than mindless robots or zombies being controlled like a puppet, i want to create a world that is not is not ignored a world that isnt gray a world full of color and life. i also want this story to stick with poeple and not froget a day after reading so there for imma implement a meaning in this story, im also gonna implement my way of life and the meaning of paths in ones lifes. so yeah i dont want to make a novel i want to make a living breathing world and not some main stream made in china doplicate novel of an edge lord hope u enjoy my requiem

My_Sister_Anoys_Me · Fantasy
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'So this is it huh?'

i am proud of this start so far and if you feel somthing worng about it please let me know in the comments

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