
Happily Ever After of a Villianess

Ilana lives a double life. One life of the fiance of the Crown Prince doomed to be killed and the other of the infamous night huntress who owns the famous guild, The Owl. Fighting with a mastermind within the kingdom and fighting the fate of an otome game, can Ila escape it all?

Raanee · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Laughter and clanging echoed the bustling streets.

Only one tavern was opened in the afternoon, the Owl. It is known for being open all day and all night.

The owner, Gong, was a kind, old man. His short hunched body and pure white goatee made him look like your average grandpa.

The tavern had a few people in it as it was the only afternoon and most people were at to work.

Ilana was sitting at the bar table looking over some paper. She had her swords leaned next to her with her leather satchel behind it. As she was flipping through the papers, Gong came over.

"Can I get you anything?"

"I would say coffee but I think I need something harder," Ila says with a sigh.

Gong lightly chuckles, "your nightly usual then?"

Ila nods and leans back in her chair. She has never thought the first thing she will have read would be a request from the Lamok king. Not to mention the reports she got about the capital itself.

The king is requesting for her assistance on a case with Duke Renart. It specifies by stating of there was an attempt on the King's life and the suspects are at large. The king wants her to cooperate with the duke who is handling the case.

Ila then reads the letter portion from the king.

'Dearest Ilana,

I hope you are doing well. I hope you are careful during your missions and are successful in all your endeavors. I am writing to you with a request from the Huntress because there was a magical attempt on my life. I am weak now which allows others to exploit the kingdom in my absence. I am hoping you can return to the castle and help my son against the nobles. I know your views on my son are unfavorable, however, he has grown since you have left. I hope you give him a second chance. If you still wish to break it off with him, I will completely understand. I see you as my daughter so I only wish for your happiness.

Sincerely, King Zahir'

Ila places the letter down and picked up the reports on the south and the rebellion group forming.

As Ila thinks about the new information she just read when the entrance swung open. It revealed three adventurers. They were loud and laughing at each other.

Behind them was a small child.

They wore long ragged clothes and was carrying a big bag that had dark red stains. Their dirty long hair covered most of their face and the thick black choker around their neck. It was a slave choker. Ila notices the small pointy on peaking out of their dirty hair and felt a pit of rage forming at the bottom of her stomach. They are a child elf.

Halfway through the tavern, they were stopped by Gong. They fell silent and smirked as they look the old man.

Among the three men, the middle one walked closer to Gong. His golden armor and equipment were spotless. It was clear that he hadn't done an ounce of work. The other two also had shiny armor but not as extravagant as the middle one.

"You're not from around here are you?" Gong smiled at them.

The man on the right stepped forward and points at the man in the middle.

"You are looking at eldest son, Sir Jeffers, from house Langhorn."

The Langhorns live on the east side of the capital. Count Langhorn was able to rise in ranks with his success with the merchants across the seas. Count Langhorn is known to a businessman first and can work the room in his favor. Obviously it is a trait that hasn't been passed down.

"Ah, then you must not know that slavery has been abolished in this state." He motioned behind him to the wall behind the bar table. All of the prices for food and drinks were stated and beside it was a list of rules.

This caused all three men to go pale.

'Judging by their useless armor, they are snotty rich kids,' Ila remarked. Her eyes slowly fell on the small child behind them. Ila watches as the child adjusts holding the bag twice their size.

What a strong child.

Ila jumped down from the seat which caused everyone else in the tavern to flinch.

The child and the man on the left noticed the reaction from everyone in the room and follow their eyes to Ila.

The arrogant man in the middle notices Ila walking towards them and checks her out. He held a creepy smile on but Ila ignores his lecherous eyes and kept her attention to the child.

Ila's light brown hair swayed behind her. Her piercing cold blue eyes looked like freshly cut sapphire. She had a dark blue hood over her head while her short cloak had trailed behind her. She had a black cloth that had covered the lower part of her face. She wore a long-sleeve blue shirt with black high-waisted fitted pants that hugged her figure. She had a brown belt that held a small money bag and a dagger. Ila had elegance and confidence with each step she made.

Ila walked next to Gong and whispered into his ear. Her eyes still on the child which made the child blush and hide behind the bag. Ila turns to the trio and motioned the child with a flick of her finger.

"That child is quite strong to be able to carry that heavy bag for so long. How about you give them to me? I need someone to carry my bags while I am out shopping," Ila spoke in a haughty manner making her seem like a spoiled rich lady.

"I would be more than happy to carry such heavy bags for you, my lady," Sir Jeffers flirted.

"Oh! such a high noble to escort little old me is such an honor," Ila sweetly said as she brushed her hair away innocently.

Sir Jeffers brushed Ila's arm up and leaned into her ear, "the honor is mine."

Ila quickly stepped on his toes and held his face next to hers. The men behind him tried to intervene but Gong had already immobilized them with their faces smashed against the floor.

Ila leaned into his ear and with a sickly sweet voice, " too bad you are too injured to do so."

Ila punched his stomach and pulled his head against the floor.

"Sir Jeffers!"

Ila looked over at the kid and saw them standing there with a bit of a frightened look. However, there was a glint of satisfaction.

"Alight so Sir Jeffers and co, since you would be in the state jail right now, how about we make a deal. You free the slave and leave. Oh, and since I did break you and your friend's precious face, I give fifty silver pieces," Gong politely asserted as he lifted the two men and helped Sir Jeffers up.

Without another second the man in the middle nods. Ila watched as Sir Jeffers pulled out a small silver key and tembling he held it out to her. Ila snatched the key and waited for Gong to pay them.

The key is the contract between the slave and the master. Each key was different and caters to the master's need from the slave. Ila examines the key and sees that it was a middle-class key. This meant that changing ownership was easy and it was a simple follow each order.

Gong smiles and quickly a waiter pops up next to him with money in a case. The man on the left pulls the child forward and grabs the money. Trembling, the three nods to Ila and leaves

Ila glances at the men that sat in the corner of the tavern. They were muscular men with a crooked smile. They stood a led the tavern without a single word.

Ila looks back at the trembling child and takes the bag from them. She hands it to Gong and kneels in front of the child. The child looks down and only peaked at Ila when she came into their view.

Ila smiles, "let's get this off," and gently touches the black chocker.

Ila focuses on the black choker and the key. She imagines it to completely vanish from her sight. She inhales as she feels the energy answering her calls to have it return to the earth.

Then she exhales saying one world calmly, "disintegrate."

Ila's hand emitted a soft purple light. It wrapped around the choker and on command, it broke apart. The silver key disintegrates along with the light.

Ila lowers her hand and watches as the child relax. Their small hands gently felt their necks and felt nothing there. They look up at Ila with wide eyes.

"h-how d-did you do t-that," the child's voice was quiet and seemed horse.

Ila smiles and stands back up. She offers her hand to the child. The child looks at the hand and then at Ila. Hesitantly they place a hold on Ila's hand and watch as she guides them to the bar table.

Gong had already left to calculate the worth of what was in the bag while the waiter from before continued their work. Ila lifted the child onto the stool and sat next to them.

"So you got a name, kid?"

The child fiddle with their hands. After a few seconds of silence and glancing at Ila before blushing and looking away, the child spoke quietly.


Ila nodded and waved the bartender down. She orders a hot chocolate for the kid and wine for herself.

The child watch in the corner of their eyes Ila. Ila felt a small pull at her shirt and looks at the child. She could see they were curious but there was also a gleam of expectancy. She watches the child struggle to ask the question.

Upon further examination, the kid got pretty eyes and a cute face. They might grow up to be handsome. She smiles as the kid sips on the drink and smiles from the deliciousness.

Finally, the child spoke after a few sips, " what is going to happen to me now?"

Ila leans back and crosses her legs. She glances at the child who was watching her carefully with wonder and suspicion.

"Right now, you should get cleaned up and some rest. Then we will answer your question in the morning."

After they both finish their drinks, they headed to the upstairs part of the building where Gong's wife, Mrs. Walker,, was. Ila explained what happened to her and asked to help the kid clean up. She nodded and lead the kid away to the bath. Gong had come and helped Ila in the kitchen cooking some soup when the door behind her opens.

Ila faces the opened door after placing the bowl of soup on the kitchen table. Mrs. Walker walked in with the kid in her arms. She puts the kid down and grins.

"He was quite afraid of everything so it took longer than expected, but he turned out to be quite a looker."

The kid stood in front of Ila shyly. There stood the kid freshly cleaned with new clothes. He wore a plain white shirt with brown trousers. He had bright white hair with golden eyes. His little elf ears peaked out.

He stuttered, "w-what do you t-think?"

Ila smiles, "like a proper child. now eat some food and head to bed. We have a lot to discuss tomorrow."

The child nods and follows Ila and Mrs. Walker to the kitchen table where warm food was. He sat in the chair and slowly takes the spoon. He watches as Ila butter some bread and placing it beside him. Mrs. Walker grabbed a bowl for Ila and herself before sitting down.

Ila notices that he was watching her and looks at him. He didn't look away this time but stared deeply into her blue eyes.

"Eat or I'll eat you," Ila joked. The kid widens his eyes and begins to scarf it down.

"Woah there. Slow down. Miss was only teasing," Mrs. Walker chuckled.

This made the kid stop and blush. He glances at Mrs. Walker then nods.

After dinner, Mrs. Walker leads the kid to bed while Gong and Ila sat in the living room.

"So what's the plan with the kid?" Gong asks

"I can try to find him a safe passage to the south where I will ask a friend to help him find his family but the travel will be hard with the political climate right now. Or I could hire him at in Owl guild," Ila proposed.

Amongst the reports she got, there is rebellion group forming in the south. However, none of the king men were able to catch one alive yet. They seem to lose their life once caught by a magical device inside themselves. Now the south roads leading to the Elf towns are under heavy security. Any sign of foreigners is immediate jail time.

Gong sighs. "Well, we can house him until he decides but are you really going back to that damn castle?"

Ila looks up at Gong and sees that he is concerned. Ila could only nod which made Gong fall silent. After a couple of minutes, Ila spoke up.

"But don't worry my escape route is already in motion. Plus every story requires a villain right?"

"Does it really need to be you?" Gong questioned.

Ila smiles and assured Gong, "no worries. I will just act haughty and what not. I won't actually hurt anyone."

Gong returns a smile then looks at the clock.

"Best be off to bed then. Busy day tomorrow," jested Gong.

Ila laughs quietly before sighing once again.

Ila laid on her bed wide awake. She shifted position so she was on her side trying to get comfortable. She drew the comforted closer to her waiting for sleep to wash over her. When she remembered how she first got her past life, she was about thirteen years. She fell into the water and was in a coma for two days.

Thank you for reading my first webnovel creation! I hope you enjoyed it! (・ω・)

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