
Hanma X DxD

A Hanma tasked with reviving his bloodline appears in Highschool DxD. What will his sudden appearance mean for the fate of DxD universe? Will this Hanma rise to become the strongest or will he be swept away by the dark currents of the supernatural world. Only one way to find out. This work of fan fiction incorporates the Hanma bloodline from the manga and anime series "Baki the Grappler," created by Keisuke Itagaki. Additionally, it features characters and settings from the light novel and anime series "Highschool DxD," created by Ichiei Ishibumi. I do not own these concepts, characters, or settings, and all rights to "Baki the Grappler" and "Highschool DxD" belong to their respective creators and copyright holders. The Original character featured in this story, while inspired by these universes, is my own creation. I am deeply grateful to Keisuke Itagaki and Ichiei Ishibumi for their incredible works that have inspired this story. The cover image was generated with the assistance of AI technology.

Anon_Dag · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: Kuoh Town

 Shinjiro was meditating in his room, allowing his body to completely relax and his mind to empty. He had started meditating ever since Penemue expressed concern over his strong emotions related to violence and suggested it as a way to rein in his wild emotions and not let them control him.

Minutes later, the calmness was interrupted by a phone ringing on the table next to his bed. Grabbing the phone, he saw it was Azazel calling.

"What do you need, Azazel?" Shinjiro answered.

"Come on, I can't just call for the sake of it?" Azazel responded on the other side.

"If you call me, it must be something important," Shinjiro replied bluntly.

Azazel sighed before explaining. "I have a mission for you. Four of my fallen have gone silent, and I suspect it has something to do with one of our cadres and a former general of mine trying to do what I haven't been letting him do. I want you to investigate. I'm sending you the files of the four as well as Kokabiel's file. He's unlikely to be with them but use the artifact I gave you just in case."

Shinjiro glanced at the list, noting the four fallen angels—three females and one male, all low-class. "Why not send one of your lackeys?"

"Because I think it will be eventful for you. Don't worry, if you get discovered, the town is under the devils' jurisdiction. It has two heirs stationed there, but I can deal with the aftermath if necessary. Just try not to create a mess; I am aiming for peace, as are some of the higher-up devils," Azazel assured him.

"Fine, consider it done."

"Don't forget to say bye to Vali," quipped Azazel.

"Yeah, yeah," Shinjiro said before hanging up.

"Where would four little birdies hide?" hummed Shinjiro as he walked past a sign that said "Entering Kuoh Town."

When Shinjiro arrived, it was nighttime. He wandered around Kuoh Town aimlessly, looking for any signs of the fallen angels. Just as he was about to leave to rest at a small house Azazel arranged for him, a specific smell wafted through the air, bringing a huge smile to his face, showing his big canine teeth.

"Found you~"

Breaking into a sprint that left slight impressions on the pavement, he headed towards the smell. Seconds later, he arrived at a park that, despite the time of night, seemed unusually occupied.

Walking towards the center, he finally saw what he was looking for. A normal-looking girl dressed as a high school student with short black hair sat next to a boy with short spiky brown hair, also in a high school outfit. They looked like everyday high school students, but Shinjiro could smell the distinct scent of a fallen angel. Having spent so much time around fallen angels, it would be laughable if he couldn't distinguish them by smell with his powerful senses.

Deciding to wait and see what happened, Shinjiro blended into his surroundings, becoming invisible unless someone more powerful or with powerful senses noticed him.

"Issei, I had a great date today. I hope we can have another one soon," said the girl, speaking sweetly, but her true thoughts were quite the opposite.

'Ugh, I want to vomit. Why do I have to be with this average-looking virgin boy who's as horny as a dog? At least it's almost over,' she thought.

"Hehe, of course! Don't worry, the next date will be even better, I promise, Amano!" Issei exclaimed, delighted at the prospect of another date.

"I just want to ask you something, Issei," said Amano, her dark eyes becoming even darker and her face twisting in disgust, though Issei didn't notice, lost in his fantasies.

"Yes?" he asked eagerly.

"Will you die for me?" Amano asked, her voice no longer sweet.

"Huh?" Issei exclaimed in surprise.

Amano stood up and started transforming, growing taller with longer hair, her body becoming more well-endowed and dressed in a tight leather outfit that left little to the imagination with two deep black wings sprouting behind her.

'Boobs…' Issei thought, even in this bizarre situation.

"Remember my name in death: Raynare. Blame God for giving you something you shouldn't have had," said Raynare as she created a spear of light in her hand and launched it at Issei.

"Man, that was really boring. Couldn't you have done something different? I mean, you're dressed like a slut, might as well have acted like one. It would've been way easier," Shinjiro said, holding the light spear in his hand in front of the unconscious Issei, whom he had knocked out as Raynare threw the spear and caught it.

'Weak, really weak. Azazel's spears can burn off my skin and muscles with just a graze,' thought Shinjiro as he clenched his fist, cracking the light spear and making it disappear.

"Another pest to deal with. Why won't you just kill yourself for me?" Raynare spat, as if he had not just destroyed her spear and moved without her being able to keep up.

Without responding, Shinjiro launched himself towards her, appearing almost instantly to the naked eye.


Grabbing Raynare's face with his inhuman grip, he slightly crushed her skull and pummeled her face into the ground, shattering the concrete.


Without letting her finish, he slammed her again.



"I W—"



Raynare flared her wings, pushing against Shinjiro's grip with a burst of energy, managing to momentarily free herself. She summoned another spear of light, aiming it directly at Shinjiro's heart.

Shinjiro dodged to the side, the spear barely making contact with his skin. Instead of piercing or burning him, the spear of light skidded along his skin with a shower of sparks, leaving no mark behind. The faint glow of the light spear faded as it lost contact, its energy dissipating against the tough, resilient surface of his body. Ignoring the minor irritation, he closed the distance between them in a heartbeat, delivering a series of rapid punches to Raynare's abdomen and chest, each strike resonating with the sound of cracking bones.

"Why won't you just die!" she screamed, her voice tinged with desperation.

Raynare tried to retaliate, swinging her spear wildly, but Shinjiro caught it mid-swing, snapping it in half with ease. He grabbed her by the throat, lifting her off the ground.

"Is that all you've got?" he taunted, tightening his grip.

Raynare's eyes widened in fear and pain as she struggled to breathe. Desperately, she conjured another light spear in her free hand and thrust it towards Shinjiro's face.

Reacting swiftly, Shinjiro let go of her throat and caught her wrist, redirecting the light spear into the ground beside them, creating a small crater.

"Now then, let's talk like civilized people. Where are your little birdie friends hiding, and how many people are with you?" Shinjiro asked, his voice cold and unyielding.

Raynare spat blood, defiance in her eyes. "Why would I tell you anything?" she sneered, despite her battered state.

Lifting her face, making her stare into his deep red eyes before they started glowing slightly, Shinjiro responded, "Azazel sent me to find out what happened to his team. I'm here to investigate."

"How dare you say Azazel-sama's name! Why would he send a human instead of a fallen?" Raynare scoffed, obviously not believing a word.

Shinjiro reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, ornate medallion inscribed with intricate runes, glowing faintly with a dark purple hue. "This artifact," he said, showing it to Raynare, "was given to me by Azazel himself. It can only be activated by his direct subordinates. You should recognize it."

Raynare's eyes widened in recognition and fear as she saw the medallion. "That's… no, it can't be…"

"Tell me where your little group is before I get seriously annoyed, "he threatened, gripping Raynare's skull again.

"Shit— The church! The abandoned church. We have excommunicated exorcists there as well," Raynare quickly replied, fearing the pain again.

Before Shinjiro could say anything, he heard footsteps resonating throughout the park, which had been quiet a moment ago with only the voices of two echoing in the night.

'I didn't feel anything unusual. Magic circle, perhaps?' thought Shinjiro. Trusting his senses, he didn't detect anyone nearby during his talk with Raynare. The only explanation was a magic circle, although his senses were powerful, and he could sense magic circles altering the environment but only to a certain distance given his lack of magical abilities.

Turning around, he saw a beautiful crimson-haired young woman with a gifted body and long white legs, dressed in a school uniform. As the woman walked towards them, she glanced subtly at the unconscious boy before focusing on Shinjiro and Raynare.

"My name is Rias Gremory, heir to the devil pillar Gremory and an overseer of Kuoh Town. What is an involved human doing here without my permission, and for a fallen to enter my territory is an oversight on my part. I do apologize," said the young woman, now known as Rias Gremory.



Potential Harem Member Has Appeared?

Anyways, as promised, I am releasing this chapter on a Monday. I just wanted to dig right into the plot, and what better way than the start of it all? I hope I did well in capturing the characters. I'll probably upload the next chapter on Wednesday. Honestly, I'm writing as things flow from my brain. I do have a general idea of what I am writing with this fanfic, but if you guys have any ideas, feel free to comment. If it makes sense or I really like the idea, I'll make changes.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, good night!

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