A boy named Pride who is fan of Yujiro Hanma's strength and also like one piece manga gets reincarnated into the world one piece with some none system based cheats~ With those cheats Pride is determined to stand at the top of the world.
East blue~
In the forest of Neko island two boys were standing on the opposite side of each other as if they were about fight.
One of the boy was 3.6 feet tall with black eyes and brown hair.He was holding a long metal pipe and the expression on his face right now was like he was very confused.
As for the boy standing opposite to the brown haired boy was about 4 feet tall with bright red eyes and ear length black messy hair.He wasn't standing leisurely but the expression on his face was full of confidence.
As for the name of those two boys is~ Mark and Pride. Mark was holding a metal pipe while Pride was leisurely standing opposite to him.
Mark looked at me and asked with a unsure look, "Captain are you sure about this? You really want me to attack you with this metal pipe while you are blindfolded."
Yesterday I said to Mark that I need his help for something.Mark agreed to help but after hearing about the help that I need he became speechless.
If he didn't know me for a year he would have thought that I have some brain damage.But he knew that, this is another kind of training that I was doing for some reason.
I came out of my thoughts and said, "Mark how many time are you going to ask the same question?" after saying that I disappeared from my place and reappeared behind Mark and slapped his head while saying, "and stop giving me that 'are you fool?' look"
Then I continued, "I know what i am doing, you just need to do as i say."
Mark, "But why are you even doing this kind of training?and why do have to do this training while wearing blindfold?"
After hearing Marks question I thought of a description that a eight years old boy could understand, then I started to speak, "Well~ i am doing this to acquire an ability called Observation Haki.For now i will give you a simple description about it, you will know about it more clearly in the future."
After saying that I didn't stop speaking and continued, "Observation Haki is an ability that allows the user to sense the presence every living beings with in a big area.To be more precise it grants heightened senses akin to sixth sense which allows the user to sense people and animals presence,strength,emotion of others and many other thing~"
Then I looked toward Mark and stopped speaking for a minute to let Mark comprehend the information about Observation Haki.
After a minute I started to speaking again, "Well Observation Haki is more like a supernatural power and the easiest way to learn Observation haki is to dodge various types of attacks while being blindfold, as well as counterattacking while being blindfold."
Mark was shocked by information he got then looked toward Pride with a look of understanding and said, "Now i understand why you asked me to attack you while you are blindfolded."
Seeing that Mark understood the reason behind this training I said, "Now that you have understood stop wasting anymore time and start attacking me."
Then I blindfolded myself with a cloth and took a frighting stance.
Seeing that I was ready Mark didn't waste any more time and started attacking me with the metal pipe.
In first half-hour Mark was able to land some hit on me but after that he couldn't land a hit on me anymore.Well you see, because of my bloodline my frighting instinct was very high.So,just after half-hour I somewhat got used to his attacks pattern not only that I could also fell that my sense was getting sharper little by little.
Like this time passes and Mark keeps attacking while I keep dodging.We continued like this for two more hours then we stopped as Mark was exhausted form continuously swinging the metal pipe.So,we decided to return home and take some rest.
Two month later~
In the middle of the forest, Mark could be seen standing while holding bunch of small rocks and on opposite side of Mark about 10 meter away I could be seen standing with blindfold on my eyes.
Mark shouted, "Are you ready, captain? Should I start throwing? "
After hearing Mark I opened my senses to the fullest and said, "Yes, you can start throwing the rocks."
After getting my permission, Mark started to throw the rocks toward me at a fast pace.
The first rock flew toward me and was about hit my head but after I opened my senses to it's fullest I felt like I could see the rock coming toward my head,so I titled my head toward the left side and the rock wasn't able to hit me.
Like this the rocks kept coming toward me while I kept dodging them.
After I dodged all rocks I took of the blindfold and said with a happy smile, "I finally learned it~"
After training for just two months I already learned Observation Haki.I have to say the King-level comprehending ability is really a good match with my bloodline.
Then I closed his eyes and used Observation Haki because I wanted to know how far could I sense.After I opened my Observation Haki I saw that I could sense everything with in 500 meter area around me and I know that this is just the start if I continue to Practice observation haki then the area will increase.
Then I looked toward Mark and said, "Thank you for your help Mark and now that i have learned observation haki we can start your training agian."
Mark was curious about his next training so he asked, "Then what kind of training i will be doing next."
Pride, " well since i can not teach you any sword moves you will need to create your own sword moves.So,starting from next month you will be fighting beast.It will help you in gaining some fighting experience so that you could create your own moves."
Mark nodded but then he asked, "You said from next month, then what will i be doing this month?"
I replied to him with smile, "You will be learning this~" after saying that I disappeared from my place and reappear 20 meter away from the place I was standing before. Then I continued speaking, "This is called soru and you will be practicing this skill for next one month."
Hearing that he was going to learn a new skill Mark got excited and he wanted to ask many question about it but I didn't give him the chance and said.
I really want to answer his question right now because if I answer one of his question he will ask about another one which is very irritating, so I said, "You will later know about it more clearly when you start learning it but for today let's return to the village as i am felling very hungry right now"
After saying that I quickly started to walking toward the village as I didn't want to answer him.Seeing that i won't be answering his question Mark made a helpless smile and then start to follow me back to the village.