
Handsome Hero

The story is written about a person who accomplishes many impossible things in his life. Some aspects of his life are highlighted in the story. How he made his life career beautiful, if anyone wants to be like him, but you need to read this book. The protagonist has some extraordinary features in the story which is why the story calls him a Handsome Hero. Reading the story can change a person's life. The whole story is about the rise of a human being. The protagonist did some good deeds to make life beautiful and good which was beneficial for everyone. The difficult things in the story have been made easy to stay good. His name is W. Dr.W Very sincerity person. He doesn't do bad things, he does what he likes, his childhood, student life was all great, but some bad things want to consume his life, the story is about how he avoids it and builds a beautiful life.Dr.W is very good man. author's note :- Social Account & Contact info: #Discord account :@Soft_heart#6019 Server link : https://discord.gg/Ss5X5eu4 #follow Author instagram :@_soft_heart____ Subscribe YouTube :Soft Heart Twitter :webnovel_writer. 25 power stones _ extra 1 chapter per month 50 power stones_extra 1 chapter per week 100 power stones _extra 2 chapter per week 250 power stones _extra 3 chapter per week 500 power stones _extra 4 chapter per week 800 power stones _ extra 1 chapter per day 1000 power stones _extra 2 chapter per day 5000 power stones _extra 3 chapter per day 8000 power stones _extra 4 chapter per day 11000 power stones _extra 7 chapter per day. ..................... _______________ Author : I hope everyreader read this book very quietly & Another speceh author's think the book very popular near to the reader.

Soft_heart · Book&Literature
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Dashing Handsome

When a person looking handsome, most of the people said don't know.Dr.W is very good looking Handsome. W has own some styles.

Looking Dashing handsome has some steps.

Hair ,dress, shoes, eating, sleeping, walking, reading, presenting many many styles.

Now, He described his dashing handsome

and a person looking dashing


If you really want to know how to look more handsome you should burn all the beauty and style magazines that you have ever bought. winter is coming and you'll need some fuel for the chimney.

No woman wants to sit next to a guy whose armpits smell like the garlic paste he ate the day before. No woman wants to kiss a guy whose mouth smells like a cigarette that was dipped in a five day old coffee.

You don't have to scrub your skin with poisonous disinfectants, but taking women as an inspiration when it comes to showering is not the worst idea.

If you pee under the shower (I know you do), the whole "I smell so nice" effect will be gone within seconds.

Deodorant makes your armpits smell good, but I highly doubt that every single girl you meet will lift your arm and smell your armpits to decide whether or not she wants to go on a date with you. At least that never happened to me.

However, what happened to me a lot is that a woman gives me a compliment about how good I smell. And nope, that doesn't happen because I bathe in the Axe effect, but because I use the right perfume to improve my delicious natural smell.

While I know some guys who simply spray deodorant on every inch of their clothes, I prefer to use a decent perfume to show the ladies that I care about myself and about how they perceive me. At the moment I use a very cheap perfume from the German brand Bruno Banani, but I am planning on experimenting with pheromone perfumes.

There is a huge difference between having hair and having a hair style.

It took me quite a few years to understand this difference, but eventually I figured it out. I really hope that you don't need hundreds of different styling gels and dozens of people who bully you with Beatles songs before you understand that difference.

majority of my teenage years. Wait a second. I really looked like that throughout all my teenage years. The bullying got even worse when Justin Bieber got famous and he had the same damn haircut.

Nope, I am not talking about your pubic hair, even though removing them is also a very good idea. I am talking about the forest that you have in your face. If you really want to learn how to look more handsome, you have to be willing to shave your beard.

Nope, I am not talking about your pubic hair, even though removing them is also a very good idea. I am talking about the forest that you have in your face. If you really want to learn how to look more handsome, you have to be willing to shave your beard.

You've heard this from us countless times, but do you really ever moisturise? Consider it as food for your face. It reduces the risk of post-shave irritation and also helps in maintaining the skin's pH balance. It's just a simple act of using a moisturiser. No big deal!

Want to look more handsome and attractive? Yes? Who doesn't want to! Sadly enough-it pays to be good looking these days. We live in a superficial world that promotes outer beauty and better appearance. Life becomes a tad easy if you're good looking-you get women, you get better service, and surprisingly-better salary, too. Good news is that it's easier to become handsome these days.

Take heed, or be ready to go under the knife by using botox sooner than you thought. Get into the habit of applying sunscreen daily before stepping out of your house. Not only will you age slowly, but you'll also keep skin cancer at bay.

How your hands look and feel matters the most because they make the first physical contact with the other person. So, wash them with soap and water, clean the gunk from under and around the nails, clip them and moisturize your hands on a regular basis. And then extend the same courtesy to your feet because there is nothing more ghastly a sight than dirt, flaky feet.

Smelling nice is actually the easiest thing to do. Shower with a scented soap/wash, use deodorants or perfumes, hell, you can launder your clothes even. But, the most essential habit is to have a signature scent. It will go a long way in identifying your personality and dictating other people's opinion of you.

It's actually the rule number ..

Because if everything else fail, you'll at least have a good haircut that is enough to make you more attractive. Have a personal hairstylist who understands you, your preferences, and your lifestyle and gives a haircut accordingly. Because just having a trendy haircut won't cut in, you need to maintain your hairstyle throughout, and having a stylist will help you achieve just that.

As men, we aren't taught how to formulate a regular face care routine. There are a number of reasons for this, especially societal norms that are strongly connected to gender stereotypes.

Here's the thing. Those traditional stereotypes are fading. If you want to look more handsome, you have to adopt a men's skin care routine that focuses on the face.

Proper facial care includes everything from learning to wash your face on a regular basis (with the right products) to proper moisturizing. Other critical products include firming masks designed to clean pores and brighten up dull complexions.

If you are like most men, chances are you lack a good education on this topic. That's why I put together a facial care for men guide that features 5 products every guy should have in his bathroom. Be sure to check it out!

Proper grooming includes a facial routine that takes care of your skin in the present, but also prevents problems in the future.

Youthful skin means vitality, and that's always sexy. While there's no way to stop the aging process, you can do a lot to slow down the effects of time.

Do you use a moisturizer with sunblock? If not, you should start now. The sun is your face's number one enemy when it comes to looking handsome.

You may be wondering why.

It's simple. The ultraviolet rays from the sun zap your skin of the anti-aging protein collagen.

One of the areas most neglected by men is the skin around the eyes. In my experience, most guys have no earthly idea how to focus on this area.

That's unfortunate because the area located under your eyes is a tell-tale sign of your true age. Many women know this and pay attention. Moreover, baggy eyes with dark circles instantly make you look much older.

Guys, the effort you put into your eyes now will go a long way in helping you look more handsome. It doesn't take a lot of complicated work either. Just daily focus.

Does your face look blotchy? Do you have dark spots covering your cheeks, forehead, or nose? Are some of these brown or black? There are a variety of blemishes that can draw attention away from your more attractive features. You have to address them. It's a game of minimization.

Obviously, you'll want to visit your doctor if you have a spot on your face that concerns you. Assuming you're dealing with a dark spot caused by sun damage (i.e. freckles), it's best to try and minimize their appearance wherever possible.

That's because dark spots have a way of making a man look aged. Worse, some blemishes can be downright unattractive. If left untreated, these spots tend to multiply and grow in size, thereby chipping away at self-esteem.

Most guys I've worked with know that hair is key to personal appearance. What they struggle with is how to take care of their hair and create a look that highlights their best features.

Rather than find a truly great solution, many simply opt for a crop cut and call it a day. There's nothing wrong with this approach. In fact, styling your hair with a crop cut is a smart pathway to handsomeness. It can signal masculinity and cleanliness.

Here's the problem – the cut alone won't bring you the desired results. Most likely, you'll need to combine a good haircut with products to achieve maximum benefits.

I'll level with you. One of the most uncomfortable topics to talk about with guys are teeth. I don't know why that it is, but it just is.

Maybe that's because a lot of men have secret fears around visiting the dentist. I completely understand this because I've had many of the same concerns.

If you're a man that hasn't been to the dentist in years, your anxiety can intensify. In extreme cases, some people even develop a dental phobia.

However uncomfortable with the topic you may be, if your goal is to look handsome, you'll need to focus on your choppers. Thanks to modern dentistry, there are dozens of treatments available that can literally transform the way your teeth look.

Not too many years ago, I had veneers put on my teeth to get rid of a large gap. You can do the same if you have this problem.

Should your teeth appear crocked or uneven, there are invisible products designed to straighten teeth out. I encourage you to talk to your dentist to see what options are available.

A great smile can improve your attractiveness by leaps and bounds. Apart from being a great physical quality, it harnesses an important

A regular exercise routine is fundamental if you want to look handsome. Not only will physical activity prevent weight gain, exercise (particularly resistance training) builds and maintains muscle.

In my experience, most guys struggle with choosing the best exercise program to fit their lifestyle. This point is particularly true for men who are newbies to the gym or don't have a lot of experience with gym training.

If this describes your situation, you have many options. First, it may be helpful to consider hiring a personal trainer. It gives you the opportunity to learn different approaches to exercise. That way you get the most from your workouts.

Diet goes hand in hand with exercise. The two are strongly linked to achieving health goals and by extension, your desire to look handsome.

Part of looking handsome means dressing in the right clothes. The problem is most guys aren't always sure what to buy to look their best. Moreover, they don't want to break the bank to look sharp.

The chief rule of buying the right clothes is making sure they fit perfectly. Be sure to try clothes on first. Even if you really like a particular shirt, it's not worth buying if the cut doesn't match your body type.

Beyond that, I encourage you to opt for the classic wardrobe. I'm talking about the basics, like jeans, t-shirts, flannels, and boots.

Here's something you probably didn't think would show up on a list of how to look more handsome. The reality is that stress and anxiety have been clinically shown to accelerate the aging process.

There are more studies on this topic than I can shake a stick at. Rather than read a bunch of research, I'll explain it plainly.

When your body is under a high degree of stress, you sleep less and eat more. In addition, stress can harm DNA cells that act as your bodies internal chronometer. In other words, your body can end up looking older than it actually is, like a clock that runs fast.

When you add it all up, the end result is wrinkles, less attractive skin, weakened bone structure, and a reduced hairline.

If you want to look more handsome, it's important to get stress and anxiety under control. You may not be able to completely eliminate stressors from your life, but there are many strategies available for practical coping.

Going without showering and deodorant causes you to smell bad, but it also affects your appearance. Oil, sweat, and skin cells build up, particularly around your hair and armpits. This causes ugly stains on your clothes and leaves your hair looking limp.

Now that you're clean, choose a hairstyle that fits your face and personality. Usually, a symmetrical cut with a square hairline looks best. Browse magazines or ask a stylist for ideas. It can take some experimentation to find the one that works for you.

For example, if your forehead is tall and exposed, choose a style that covers it.

Use pomade, clay, or another natural styling product to maintain your look.

Now that you're clean, choose a hairstyle that fits your face and personality. Usually, a symmetrical cut with a square hairline looks best. Browse magazines or ask a stylist for ideas. It can take some experimentation to find the one that works for you.

For example, if your forehead is tall and exposed, choose a style that covers it.

Use pomade, clay, or another natural styling product to maintain your look.

Your clothes and how you wear them say a lot about you, and will have an effect on how people perceive you. Wearing unflattering or extremely poorly-sized clothing says you don't care about how you present yourself.

When you're at a mall or walking down the street, take note of guys who appear to be fashionable. What things do you first notice?

Women often look at shoes—a detail many guys gloss over. Because so many guys gloss over that part, taking the time to select, wear, and maintain a nice pair of shoes is a great way to boost how you're perceived.

We all know how to talk, but being able to speak clearly and enunciate well will enhance how you are perceived.Know that voice is an impression itself.

Eating healthy will help with many things such as keeping a good weight, avoiding cavities, having a good complexion, and being energetic.

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