

When I entered my room, Dahlia was gone.

I thought maybe she went to change or something so I waited for a while, but after an hour of her being gone I sent her a text:

-you okay Dahl?-

I stared at her breakfast, she acts weird, but this is a little odd, even for her. I chose not to think about it, maybe she just went to get her own breakfast. I stood up and decided to change, that's when I noticed it. the sheets were a mess, and her shoes were still in front of the bed. she always made my bed when she left, and she wouldn't leave her shoes in someone else's room. I hurriedly changed and grabbed my phone and key and walked out of my room, shouting and running around the top floor "Dahlia!" occasionally stopping staff or students asking if they'd seen her or anything suspicious. Everyone said they hadn't seen her so I had to take my search on the lower floors. Just as I reached the stairs my phone rang, "Dahlia?" I answered hoping to hear her voice. what I got made my stomach churn. In the weakest, most shakey voice I had heard from her, Dahlia said "help me" I tried to hold in my panic at the sound, breathe, mask it, I'll find her and she'll be fine. "where are you?" I asked. I heard shuffling on the other side, she was whining as she moved. "I- I don't know, it smells like alcohol" She had to be in a medical building. "Dahl I know it's gonna hurt but can you find a window?" I said making my way down the stairs. More shuffling could be heard, cries of pain, a couple curses. "looks like the abandoned medical center" Dahlia groaned and I could hear her hit the ground. but there was a sound I didn't expect. A wet one. "are you bleeding?" I practically shouted, I could feel her wince through the phone as I ran down the last flight of stairs and through the hallway toward the front door "yeah a little bit" she chuckled. Someone tried to stop me from running in the hallway, a failed attempt honestly, I wasn't stopping. I ran out the doors and hurled myself in the opposite direction of the medical buildings and toward the abandoned one. "are you safe?" I prodded, she groaned a little "not really I think they're looking for me" I heard her cough, but I had to keep Dahlia awake "how many Dahl?" she huffed and whined in pain "two" good. I'd be okay if I had to fight. there must've been more if Dahlia was hurt this badly though. I reached the door to the building and kicked it open, sure enough I heard two voices from somewhere inside.

The footsteps grew closer as I stood there waiting for them "I'm gonna put you in my pocket don't hang up okay?" I mumbled "okay, be careful" I carefully put my phone into the pocket of my sweatpants and cracked my knuckles. Soon I was staring at two ugly ass dudes, who were covered in blood, and reeked of Dahlias terrified scent, and their own terror at someone finding what they'd done. "you boys know where I can find my friend?" I said. I rolled my shoulders as they charged at me, charging forward and propelling myself above their heads. I grabbed their shirts as I flipped over them and threw them both down when I landed. 'I hope they're knocked out' I thought. I stood and looked down at them, they stared back up at me, of course it wasn't that easy. I chose to knock one out by kicking him in the face and picked the other up by his collar, as I knelt down. "where is she" I growled, laceing my scent with contempt. He began to shake "I don't know man, she gave us the slip, but the trail is that way" he pointed. I slammed my head against his and knocked him out. "Thanks buddy" I said throwing him to the side and rising. I took my phone out of my pocket "hey, I'm gonna push my pheromones to the max can you tell me when you smell me?" I said, she barely responded but I got a small 'mhm'. As I walked down the hallway I focused on my pheromones, trying to make sure they were in overdrive, listening for her. I had almost reached the end when I herd metal clanking and things falling over. I hung up my phone and opened the door to see a pool of blood and Dahlias hand poking out from behind the bed. I rushed over to her and sat her up, examining her. Her top was torn, and there were cuts all over her, but the most significant one, was the one pouring blood from her side, it was deep, like she'd been stabbed. There were hand shaped bruises and bloody handprints all over her body, I was afraid of what else I'd find. but I had to get her out of here.

I carried her outside toward the omega medical building, she lay weak in my arms. I tried not to cry at the fury of the possibilities of what happened. I just held my head high and yet again brought her to the nurses who asked me questions.

"do you know what all happened?"


"is she your omega?"


"what's her name?"

"Dahlia Brite"

they took her from me to another room, and I pulled a nurse aside "can you have a **** kit done? I'm not sure but by the way she looks it could have happened" I asked, she nodded and made her way to the room they had taken Dahlia. I once again sat in the waiting room, not having a clue what was happening in that other room. But I prayed she'd be okay. Please be Okay.