

The principal let me off with a warning.

Since Jerome was the one who started the argument, Mrs.Claire decided to send an email to his parents and mine, and warn me not to hurt another student again. I assured her I wouldn't, and she let me go back to class. In class I just stared off into space, barely listening to the teacher. He lectured about scents, thier meanings, and why it was important to pay attention to them. I couldn't help but wonder when my heat was supposed to start. I was supposed to tell the school, and there was supposedly some sort of protocol for it, but I don't think it was a good one. I've seen plenty of pregnant students before. Mrs.Clair was actually trying to reason with the board to get better methods in place so there were fewer pregnancies, but the board wasn't budging. "Miss Brite?" my daydream was cut off by my teacher, Mr.Reeves. "huh?" I mumbled, turning my eyes toward him. His grey orbs pierced through mine and he smirked. Mr.Reeves stood up fully as he had leaned down to my level, and walked to the front of the room, "I expect to see you after class to discuss your problem with paying attention" he said. I pressed my lips together and watched him look me up and down, waiting for an answer. I nodded quietly, he was kinda creepy but there was nothing I could do about it, he was a teacher, plus he'd done nothing to me. Yet.

After class I sat in my seat, waiting for Mr.Reeves to reprimand me. He silently walked over and sat on the desk next to me. "what's going on with you? something wrong?" he asked. I shook my head "I'm just a bit worried, that something is wrong with me" I said, looking down. He chuckled and sighed "are you referring to your heat?" he asked, clearly amused. "yeah kinda. It hasn't started, and I'm scared that there's something wrong" Mr.Reeves shook his hand through his brown hair and stood, taking my chin in his other hand "you're fine, not every omegas heat comes the day they turn eighteen." I tried to back away but he held me in place and it started to hurt my cheeks "but I will say you still smell heavenly" he said, licking his lips and leaning toward me. My eyes widened as I tried pushing myself away. I stood and he pulled me closer not releasing my face, and dug his nails into my cheeks. "Ahh, s-stop" I cried out. Finally I did the only thing I knew to do, I brought my knee upward and kicked him in the groin. He finally let go and I ran, I ran as fast as my legs could take me, not looking where I was going. I bumped into a fleshy surface and we both fell to the floor "Owww" I groaned, standing and rubbing my bottom. "you got a lot of nerve running around like that" he grumbled from the ground. 'I recognize that voice' I thought. Looking at the boy in front of me, I saw none other than Jerome, feeling guilty about the bruise on his nose. I then grabbed his arm and heaved him off the ground "look I'm sorry, and I'm sorry about this morning but can you please help me?" I looked up at him, begging him with my eyes. His expression went soft "what's going on Dahlia?" he asked, suddenly I could hear Mr.Reeves screaming from the classroom. "cover my scent, please, he can smell me" I begged looking down the hallway, and watching the teacher run out of the classroom. before I knew what happened Jerome wrapped his arms around me and turned me facing the other end of the hall. I listened as the man chasing me ran past us, then down another hallway, and let go of the air I'd been holding in. Jerome let go and grabbed my wrist dragging me in the opposite direction down the hall "what the hell Jerome!?" I yelled trying to get away "he'll be back, your best bet right now is me staying with you, and the girls dorms are where he went, so for now we're going to mine" he said. I didn't want to admit it, but he was entirely right.

So there I was, being dragged by my biggest annoyance, to his dorm, as an act of kindness. this is the least amount of normal to ever happen to me, besides my teacher trying to kiss me. "I know this is weird, but the look in your eyes when you asked me to help, I couldn't just leave you Dahl" Jerome said, going right back to calling me the name I hated. "you know I hate that stupid name" I said forcing my wrist out of his hand. He chuckled and opened his door, allowing me to go in first. "I don't think you do" he mused, closing the door. I glared at him as I sat down at the desk the school forced everyone to keep in their rooms. "study purposes" they said. "what on earth could make you think that?" I asked, crossing my legs and looking at him. Jerome just smiles and leans toward me "your cheeks always turn pink" he said jokingly. I flick his forehead causing him to back away and sit on his bed "Oww, I help you and this is how you thank me?" he groans, rubbing the spot. Chuckling and fiddling with a pen laying on his desk I mumble sarcastically "my god" Jerome went quiet for a moment before standing and coming to lean close to me again "what the fuck are you-" he cut me off before I could finish "what did he do to you?" there was seriousness in his eyes, he wasn't happy. I felt a hand on my chin, his thumb rubbing across what had now become bruises. I hissed in pain and shrunk away from him, but he gently grabbed my chin again, making me look at him "what did he do?" he said once more. I couldn't help it at this point, I told him everything.