
Hands of God

In the years following the Cataclysm, the world had become unrecognizable. The event that tore through the fabric of society, eradicating one-fifth of the global population, had left a scar so profound that the remnants of humanity could only gaze upon the new Earth with awe and horror. The planet expanded, continents drifted and reshaped like pieces of a colossal puzzle thrown asunder, and from the ocean's depths, new lands rose, teeming with unforeseen dangers and mysteries. The Cataclysm had unleashed chaos upon the world. Earthquakes shattered cities, volcanoes blanketed the skies with ash, and tsunamis erased coastlines. In the aftermath, as the dust settled and the earth stilled, the survivors faced a reality where the rules of existence had been rewritten. The exploration of the newly emerged lands by world governments unveiled a truth more terrifying than the destruction itself. The fauna of the planet had evolved, or rather, mutated into beings of immense strength, size, and peculiar abilities that defied the laws of nature. The first teams sent to delve into these uncharted territories met with fates so grim that the tales of their end served as dire warnings to those who dared to follow. Yet, amid this desolation, a glimmer of hope shone through the younger generation, those untouched by the cruel hand of puberty at the time of the Cataclysm. They emerged from the chaos changed, endowed with unique powers and abilities that manifested as they stepped into adolescence. Governments, in their desperation to reclaim some semblance of order and safety, saw in these gifted youths the key to confronting the new perils that now roamed the Earth and lurked within the mysterious dungeons that led to realms unknown. Whether these portals opened to different dimensions or distant planets remained a mystery, a puzzle that the brightest minds endeavored to solve. Among these young prodigies was our protagonist, a late bloomer named Eli. Unlike his peers, Eli had not shown any signs of the extraordinary powers that had become common among the post-Cataclysm generation. This made him the subject of ridicule and isolation, a boy on the fringes of a society that valued strength and supernatural abilities above all else. Eli's days were a monotonous blend of longing and despair, watching from the sidelines as his classmates showcased their abilities with pride and arrogance. The sting of exclusion was a constant companion, a reminder of his inadequacy. Yet, Eli harbored a quiet hope, a belief that his time would come, that he too would awaken to the powers that seemed his birthright. And then, on a day that seemed no different from the rest, fate decided to turn the pages of Eli's life. It was a day that began with the same taunts and jeers, the laughter of his peers echoing in his ears as he made his way through the school corridors. But as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and red, a strange sensation began to stir within him. It started as a whisper, a faint murmur in the depths of his being, growing in intensity until it was a roar that consumed his every thought. Eli doubled over, clutching at his chest as an indescribable power surged through him, a force so overwhelming that it threatened to tear him apart. The world around him faded to black, and in that moment of terrifying darkness, Eli was reborn. When he awoke, the world had not changed, but he had. Eli stood, a newfound strength coursing through his veins, and with it, a sense of purpose. He was no longer the boy who watched from the shadows, but a beacon of hope in a world that desperately needed it. The journey ahead would be fraught with dangers, but Eli knew that he was no longer facing it alone. His powers, a gift from the Cataclysm, were his to wield in the fight to reclaim their planet and unravel the mysteries of the dungeons that beckoned with promises of untold adventures.

Lynneage · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 10: A New Arena

Eli's first day attending his new classes was met with a mix of curiosity and surprise from his peers. As he entered the specialized training room, a buzz of whispers filled the air, their tones a mixture of disbelief and intrigue. The notion that Eli, long regarded as a late bloomer without any discernible powers, was now among them, had everyone talking. Some nodded in understanding, having heard tales of late bloomers manifesting remarkable abilities when they finally emerged.

Maya, spotting Eli from across the room, beamed with excitement and waved him over to sit next to her. "I knew you'd make it here," she whispered, her smile wide and welcoming. Eli's presence, however, wasn't as well received by everyone, particularly the boys in the class who viewed his late arrival as an opportcd32unity to assert their dominance.

As murmurs of planning a humiliation for Eli circulated, the teacher, Mr. Anders, entered the room, his arrival bringing immediate silence. "Today, we welcome a new student to our ranks," he announced, gesturing to Eli. "And in light of this, we'll be conducting a series of tests to gauge everyone's capabilities in strength, damage output, long-range accuracy, and strategy."

The class shifted in their seats, excitement mingling with nervous anticipation. Mr. Anders proceeded to call students up alphabetically for the tests.

Aaron: Showed impressive strength, managing to lift 1.5 tons but struggled with long-range accuracy.

Jasmine: Excelled in strategy, setting clever traps during the simulation, though her physical strength was average.

Cassie: Next up was Cassie, known for her agility and speed. Her strength test revealed a respectable lifting capacity of 1 ton, showcasing her enhanced physical condition despite her primary agility-based ability. However, it was the long-range test that highlighted her agility; she maneuvered through the obstacle course, hitting targets with precision while on the move.

Derek: Renowned for his earth manipulation ability, Derek's approach to the strength test was unconventional. He used his power to compact the earth beneath the heavy object, creating a rising platform that lifted the weight. He managed 2 tons, a feat that utilized his earth-based powers rather than pure physical strength. His long-range capabilities, though less impressive, demonstrated strategic use of earth barriers to obstruct and reroute attacks.

Eva: Eva, with her ability to generate and control fire, took a different tack. While her physical strength was on the lower end, lifting only 0.8 tons, her damage output in the long-range test was formidable. She conjured fireballs that not only hit their targets with unerring accuracy but also incinerated them, showcasing a potent combination of power and precision.

Lucas: Lucas's talent lay in telekinesis, allowing him to lift 2.5 tons without touching the object, a display that earned him admiring glances. His long-range accuracy, using his telekinetic abilities to hurl projectiles with pinpoint accuracy, further cemented his status as a top contender in the class.

As each student showcased their abilities, the diversity of powers and the creative application thereof painted a vivid picture of the potential within the room. Some relied on brute strength, others on finesse and strategy, but all demonstrated the results of their hard work and dedication.

When Maya's turn came, the room watched in anticipation. Her control over plants was not just about strength or destruction; it was an art. She lifted 1.2 tons, using vine-like tendrils to wrap and elevate the weight gracefully. Her long-range accuracy was unmatched, her vines snaking through obstacles with a life of their own to ensnare distant targets, a testament to her control and tactical thinking.

With each performance, the bar was set higher, and the atmosphere grew charged with competitive spirit and camaraderie. By the time Eli's name was called, the anticipation had reached its peak. His classmates, now fully aware of the diversity of abilities among them, were eager to see how Eli, the late bloomer would stand among them.

Finally, it was Eli's turn. The room fell silent, curiosity piqued about what the late bloomer would bring to the table. The first challenge was the test of strength, specifically lifting heavy objects. The record at the school was a staggering 3 tons, set by a student with an extraordinary strength ability.

Eli stepped up, his expression calm but determined. As whispers and doubtful murmurs filled the room, Eli focused on the task at hand. 'It's time to defy gravity,' he thought to himself. Summoning his God Hands, he didn't just aim to match the school record; he intended to surpass it.

With a wave of his hands, the spectral limbs glowed with a faint light, their grasp invisible yet palpable as they encircled the weight. The class watched in awe as the weight, previously immovable to them, began to lift off the ground effortlessly. Eli's God Hands, under his command, manipulated the gravitational forces around the object, making it as light as a feather.

The weight ascended, higher and higher, until Eli gently set it back down, having lifted it with such ease that the demonstration left the room in stunned silence. The display was not just a show of raw power but a clever application of his unique abilities.

Mr. Anders, equally surprised and impressed, made a note on his clipboard. "Eli has just set a new record," he announced, his voice carrying a mix of respect and astonishment. "3.5 tons, a remarkable feat achieved through ingenuity as much as strength."

The boys who had plotted Eli's humiliation were now silent, their plans forgotten in the face of his undeniable talent. Maya clapped enthusiastically, her pride in her friend evident for all to see.

As the class proceeded to the long-range accuracy and damage output tests, Eli's confidence grew. He had proven himself in strength, and with Maya's encouragement, he was ready to tackle the next challenges. The day marked a turning point for Eli, not just in his school life but in his journey as a power user. He was no longer the underestimated late bloomer; he was a force to be reckoned with, his potential just beginning to unfold.