
handed a toy! (that's my world) '-'

my portable player is zed age:19 nationally:American hobby:create problems or forces in a sim app on his PC and create a story out of it Gods perspective* [BORING.... why was this reality made there is nothing in it but a group of apes studying there self's trying to see purpose hah idea I'll just make someone make me something fun so....right the only one here damn portable lottery di your thing] POV Zed M×C=k÷3 (this is annoying I wish) impact and lights out to dream land Dream land filled with information installing SYSTEM*** host in critical condition sacrificing part of module to reconstruct host*** failure to merge switching*** warning host soul fractured trying****WARNING host soul is devouring system*Counter measures activate*** '-' host soul has been devoured.** forge human frame for system to create clone of host soul using SYSTEM GOD POV ['●~● That wasn't supposed to happen well he's dead. It was interesting I think I'll create another reality and leave this one] SYSTEM/ZED2 POV construction complete force assembly created to creators last preference titles: [First abandoned by god] [First New progeny] Lv:1 Name:Zeten Gender: Male(unstable DNA) Age:19 race:Symbiote(mutated)58%/Human(mutated)42% class:Nerd ________________ str:6 +14 | +0| +0 dex:7 +6 | +0| +0 con:11 +17 | +0| +0 int:16 +0 | +0| +0 wis:17 +0| +0| +0 chr:8 +4| +0| +0 SHOP +fiction +Non-fiction +roulette path of god: 0% path of demon:0% path of power:0% current goal: solidify existence reward:2 bronze tickets and 1 silver ticket

Zeferath · Others
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to the Victor go the spoils

<POV Zeten>

looking at his harvest from the demon souls zeten had so many options. thinking about boosting his power but in what way.


[3× lesser demon souls/1× power cube]







the value of the lesser demon soul could boost almost all his stats by 2 a piece or go for developing a specialty.

[organic creation-lv.1 (minor creature creation)]

[inorganic creation-lv.1 (minor inprganic sentient creation)]

landing on these 2 choices both have good pros and cons.

(i would say both are cool but the inorganic has more versatile uses)

[inorganic creation-lv.1 acquired]

zeten decided and added the left over soul to his stats.








so power wise from ten's calculate he can now lift 18 tons and run 23mph with his IQ resting at 102 which tickled his imagination of building super tech.

[don't get you hopes up, I need to let you know the wisdom stat is your real intelligence where as the intelligence stat is more room for growth and pieces of the puzzle meshing together. turning that extra growth to develop our power. you use 20% with 12% bodily functions 6% processing power and 2% conscious though. while I use the rest.]

feeling the power flow through his muscles after the upgrade zedten was ecstatic.

[so now we need to follow the bait till we catch a bigger fish, say your good byes we won't be back here for awhile if ever.]

fleeing out of the house and into the dusk of a new day ready to hunt by first gathering all the information they could.

pulling the metal cover from its place revealed a board of wires and gages.

(this does not seem the like the best idea)

[it'll be fine just connect to the wires and the device I built will regulate the current]

placing a clamp with a wire attached to the end at the base of the board Zedten took up the other end. gripping the handle of a 8°z bell weight that has been hollowed out and filled with rubber zedten crushed the clamp breaking the teeth into the energized muscle as the information flowed into his skull causing small muscle spasms as Ten could only focus on one aspect at a time.

[alright background check complete, completing search on supernatural info with main focus weaknesses and deadly blows.]

WIS: 06 +2

pulling free zedten rubbed his head and contemplated his next move as the goal was a long trip from here.

[the becon is still strong and from the info I found there is a vibrant hunting ground along the way]

<POV jevon>

following the doctor around after there discussion she gave him a run down of her operations and goals.

"the operation gave you increased strength and reflexes. with the added technology that upper limit was enhanced and you may notice something beyond that scope pushing you past super human." leading the way to a training facility.

"your current limits are unknown, you are more then welcome to try out your strength."

feeling she wanted to test the strength gained from his operation as trial data jevon complied and choose to run the obstacle course useing roughly 60% effort.

hitting the ground running off the drop to the course below he started sprinting for the first obstacle a wall. going for a running jump jevon was caught off guard when he cleared the 6ft jump easily. rolling with the landing jevon sprang to the handle on the next obstacle avoiding the fall as he pulled up and over the Groove and onto the unbalance beams over shadowing a steep fall. feeling the lightness in his steps and the unshackled mobility like a floating coin in a river jevon plowed through obstacles back to back with but a breath in-between.

seeing his performance the doctor was more then shocked.

"status on output"

["subject is stable with no added arithmetic, current output breaks all calculated rates of growth with an anomaly detected in subjects heart."]

hearing her A.I report she was curious about the anomaly found in his heart as jevon broke her from her though process.

"that was nice"

agreeing with jevon she guided him to the next testing area.

"this is the strength testing area, I need you to do something for me. my project is coming to an end and I need you to be my spear to break into the government before it starts."

taking hold of the metal bar he squeezed it as the screen behind on the wall lit up.

1,280--1,6--5,7--9,4--10,450 ib

"congratulations over 5 ton grip force,next"

moving to the next machine a padded square ready to be struck.

2,386 psi

795 ib

mach 1 speed

looking at the data the doctor was terrified.

taking a deep breath jevon was excited with this power he could ripe that bastard to pieces If he wanted. but his goal wasn't just killing it was about destroying.

"alright now that we know the range of your power we can train it. your instructor will be here shortly."

leaving jevon alone to continue his fun the doctor turned into a hidden room and released a shaky breath as a screen popped up infront of her.

[anomaly growth detected]

[Prototype spartan stats growth 168% increase in less then 4 hours post surgery]

[Protocol protagonist in effect marked for termination]

catching her breath after her panic attack.

"delay that order shift to activation code, switch to monitor the subject and tell me about the notification"

[ growth of anomaly was found tied to outside source as the increase stemmed from satellite triangulation showing the signal got closer.]

[source unkown]

[notification: project blacklight/ subject #3 has shown mutation after introduction of subject Spartans blood sample]

[notification: s.p.i.r.a.l/ the supernatural .paranormal .investigation

.response .ascertain .Lynch as there new goverment section designated name formed 2 weeks ago and has taken extreme action against the blood lunar cult.]

seeing the notification she made small changes to her plans as she took a seat to rest.

<POV Zedten>

looking over a body was not the first thing Zed had in mind when they were supposed to hunt down supernatural things.

(this thing is weird)

[we killed it now we need to study it, besides who doesn't want to find out how a werewolve ticks]

"seeing as you hunted what I was after I should thank you but instead I'll have to ask you to come with me"

startled by a voice interrupting there talk zedten turned to face a black man holding a shotgun pointed at his face.

[my bad, got distracted]