
Hand Of The Puppeteer

Have you ever wonder what it would be like to be strong, stronger than anyone else, that people would be glad to lick your boot and you vow to no one except yourself. "Well, I wonder that as well, But it's nothing but a dream of fiction that I Have deluded myself to believe every time, I'm no hero." "Everyone has a mask and everyone has a puppet, my puppet is just weak because I am weak." "The weakness of them all, They laugh an push me around with their puppets but one day I will get revenge." "If you're like me, You want vengeance, You want justice and don't care about the cost, so you and I are leaf's from the same tree." "I will make them all pay I promised you that my puppet and I will fight until the sweet-bitter end."

Rockman_1126 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: The opportunities.

Calit looked out the window of the car not wanting to listen to those dark thoughts anymore looking at Calit's grim expression, Makoy and Nathan felt silent awkwardness filled the car as Makoy and Nathan just keep their eyes on the road seeing the awkwardness Calit instead was focusing on the positive the system rewards, "Stats!!" Calit yelled out in his head, full of anticipation.


User: Calit Bouges.

Hp: 10/10

Puppet's Hp: 4/15

Strength:F- (0/100)

Puppet's strength: F+ (100/1000)

Agility:F- (0/100)

Puppet's agility: F+ (100/1000)

Stamina:F- (0/100)

Puppets blood power: F- (0/100)

Intelligence:F- (10/100)

Puppet's spirit: F+ (0/100)

Hidden stats: Locked

Puppet's hidden stats: locked

Skills: Hands of the puppeteer (Lvl 1)

Stealth ( Lvl 1)

Puppet's skills: Razor claws (lvl1)

Undercover (lvl 1)

Nimble (lvl 1)

System notification: Reality space obtained, secured in the user's inventory.

Calit had many questions about his new gained skills, and the reality space he just obtained so he was about to ask the system but the car stopped abruptly. Calit had arrived at his destination, Makoy opened the door for Calit, Nathan rushed when Calit was out of the cop car to stand next to Calit with his puppet out.

The police department is a two storied building one at the bottom with officers behind their desk eating, Drinking, Fighting with puppets in the sparring grounds. And some even working out so they can managed their puppets better the second floor its were the boss of the police department stays and lives since he has the strongest puppet and has a lot more fighting experienced, then this regular cops.

When they were about to walk into the police department Calit noticed other Kids with puppets staring at him from the street like he was a weirdo, then they stepped in, Calit is brought to a desk. Where he sits down in the hard wood chair, making him uncomfortable, And finally he notices something that he should have noticed ages ago.

Both of his hands have stitches on the wrist like, they were cut off and reattached not only that but he has white gloves with a demonic star that cover anything but the stitches, Calit Starts to try and take off the gloves but no matter how hard he tries they won't come off Calit almost starts to panic but he calms himself and ignores the gloves for now.

Makoy and Nathan notice that Calit is grabbing at thin air but they just ignore it; they have more important matters to tend to. Makoy and Nathan grab a pencil and some paper for Calit to write on, Then they approach Calit, Nathan speaks, " Okay here kid you're just gonna have to write what happened, spend some time in the police station and then go home, you got that?"

Calit replies, "Got it!!" He wasn't going to miss out on this opportunity, He could learn a lot by watching these officers and their puppets but not only that he will also gain more experience by fighting some of them.

A big smile appeared on Calit's face his eyes shining away trying to get the paper done as soon as possible so he can start to learn more about his puppet and about fighting with it. But he made sure to leave out a couple of unnecessary details and fabricated a more believable story when he was done the sun was setting.

But he managed to get everything that he needed done. His smile grew wider, his eyes shining brightly. He was still worried about his mom but in his little heart he knew she would be fine but now it was time for some serious training sessions.


I'm a new writer who recently got into making novels. If you guys enjoyed it and want to read more please share this novel with much love and please comment and review,bye.

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