
Hand Of The Puppeteer

Have you ever wonder what it would be like to be strong, stronger than anyone else, that people would be glad to lick your boot and you vow to no one except yourself. "Well, I wonder that as well, But it's nothing but a dream of fiction that I Have deluded myself to believe every time, I'm no hero." "Everyone has a mask and everyone has a puppet, my puppet is just weak because I am weak." "The weakness of them all, They laugh an push me around with their puppets but one day I will get revenge." "If you're like me, You want vengeance, You want justice and don't care about the cost, so you and I are leaf's from the same tree." "I will make them all pay I promised you that my puppet and I will fight until the sweet-bitter end."

Rockman_1126 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 10: System abilities & new evaluation.

System: Hands of the puppeteer (lvl2) Controlling your puppet is 15% easier.

System: Stealth (lvl1) 10% Harder for friends or foes to spot you.

System: Undercover (lvl1: blood ability) you can appear as someone else the more your question or the more suspicious you become the more blood energy it will take to sustain this form & fool others.

System: Nimble(lvl1) 5% chance to dodge any incoming attack.

Quest rewards will now be given to the user.

System: Reality space, 2x training vials, Warrior Spirit. All secured into the user's inventory.

This only raises more questions in Calits head who created this system? What do all these rewards do? When it's Pete finally going to stop eating potato chips and every 5 seconds offering me some? I wish I had the answers.

Calit sighed as he finally accepted a potato chip, He had not eaten and this might be his only meal until lunchtime at school. The school bus finally stopped. Calit was pleased since his hunger was finally gone and he put all his worries in the back of his mind, but everyone else knew what was happening. The evaluation at school about everyone's puppets.

If one were to fail the evaluation they get expelled, Never to set foot on this Macheson high again but Calit being as ignorant as ever about his school not reading a single thing except it was a top school never learn this fact.

Calit got out of the bus with his new friend Pete, for some reason Pete was eating more than usual and looking nervous but Calit just ignored it thinking he may have been eating too much and was having a bellyache, Of Course, he did notice the other kids acting a little strange as well but wasn't going to ask about it now they just got here.

A woman in her 20s to 30s wearing a military uniform with a 2nd rank insignia in her chest yelled out, "Attention!! Everyone will line up against the wall and be handed a piece of paper. This piece of paper will have a number and that number will tell you which teacher you're gonna spar with, your job is to hit your teacher or their puppet once got it."

Calit lined up against the wall confused at what just happened, Pete lined up next to Calit looking as nervous as ever. Calit though is this a test or death row? Each of these teachers is almost a master at handling their puppet there is no way to get a hit in!!!

Calit asked Pete, "Is this for reals?" Pete gulped and then responded, "Yea it is." Calit was not expecting this; on the outside, he looked as calm as ever but on the inside, even his fighting passion couldn't keep him from being a little bit scared, As his mind was racing to find a way to defeat his opponent they handed him and Pete a number.

Calit said to Pete, "I'll see you on the other side." Pete responded, "I'll see you there as well," They say life-threatening moments bring people closer together that might be true. Calit felt closer than ever to Pete, maybe Pete felt the same way because only when they got there sparring ground they separated.

Cali's opponent was a man between his 30s and 40s wearing a white shirt and black pants that reached up to his boots almost as soon as the announcer said, "Begin!!" Calit was moving his puppet rushing towards the man's puppet. It was a type of samurai wearing a robe and a katana at its side.

As soon as Calit's puppet was going for a horizontal slash with its claws, The samurai puppet unsheaths its katana the katana was fast as lightning cutting Calit's puppet's arm like it was butter. Calit had no time to react in that time period is like time slowed down.

Then he finally noticed the man was gone from his previous position and had hit Calit in the gut before Calit could react. It felt like his bones were broken and searing pain from his gut, Calit making an animalistic howl mostly like a cat in agony.

!ding !ding!ding!ding.

System notification: Critical hit has been dealt to the user at 1hp.

System notification: Users consciousness is Fading.

System notification: Users puppet has been gravely injured remaining hp 5.

System notification: Blood ability has been activated remaining blood points (20/40)

As Calit was losing consciousness he could barely see the military woman that was handing out the tickets slash the professor in the back and a little blood spilling out of him, With that Calit, lost consciousness.


System notification: Blood ability has been deactivated, No more remaining blood points (0/40)


Haven't released the new chapters yet because of spending Christmas with family and friends the new chapters will release this week or next week.

Please if you like this novel comment and share and review other than that have a neat day. I forgot to mention next mass release next week.

Rockman_1126creators' thoughts