
Hand of an Evil God

It was a normal day. Lulu and Sim were about to go home after a long day at school. As they were walking towards the busy subway, a massive hand appeared above the skies. Some said it was God's punishment for the sins that humans have committed. As the hand moved closely, people calmed, closed their eyes, and accepted their fate. ... When they opened their eyes, they realized that they were still alive. A God appeared to explain what happened.The people were also told that this was a world uninhibited by humans. Only other species roam this world. At least, that's what it used to be. The God also told the humans that Mana, Stats, and Magic exist in this new world. Humans as a species have to restart from scratch again. However, Lulu and Sim do not want to go with other humans. The two of them want to see this new world. They will meet a lot of people, friends or foes. ------ A/N: For now there's no exact schedule for releases, but I do try my best with making a chapter once everyday. The story will be have a slow start and won't be much actions for a few chapters, only because I don't want the mc's to be extremely overpowered at the first or second chapter. This will be my first time making a story so it might be kind of wacky, especially with me having to type all of these chapters on my phone. I have no proofreader, so I have to read my writing, so there'll inevitably be a mistake, so sorry about that.

Sushi_Slushie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

What's next?

In the afternoon, the same day, I hung out with Lulu in the living room, Trin went somewhere else. I asked her about which magic she would like to learn.

"Hey, so which one of the five are you going to learn? Or have you not decided yet?" I asked her with curiosity.

"No, I actually decided the moment I heard of it," She replied.

"Which is...?"

"Creation magic."

"Really? Well, it is a very interesting magic after all," I said while not really being surprised of her decision.

"Yeah, I think I want to fight in long range," She replied with a hint of excitement.

"Wait, what? how are you going to do that?" I asked, slightly confused, because I imagined creation magic is mainly for creating swords and such.

"Well, you remember how I liked guns, and I have a revolver? I asked Sung if I could make a bullet with creation magic. He said that it's definitely possible. It's just that I have to know its properties," She replied with a tone of happiness

While we talked about our world to Sung and Trin yesterday, we, of course, had to explain what a gun is, so he knew what Lulu wanted.

"It seems like, because the bullet is made of mana, it has to be filled with mana instead of gunpowder, meaning it would be as strong as how much mana is used to make the bullet," She added.

"Hmm, that's really cool. But can your revolver even handle the impact of the mana bullet?" I inquired, while casually naming the bullet "mana bullet"

"Well, Sung said that it's probably going to be destroyed after a while, but I'm not really worried," She said with a smile. "Because Sung is actually a creation archer. He told me that I could ask him to create a revolver."

"Woah, nice, you can maybe easily learn creation magic. There's also no need to worry about finding a teacher," I said with a slightly surprised expression.

"Yep! and apparently, he's has a 6 mana stat," She casually added.

"..." My eyes widened.

I was left speechless yet again, now extremely surprised. Maybe this was why she was kind of speaking in a roundabout way.

"Heh," She chuckled while looking at my reaction. She probably expected it and wanted to see it. "Yeah, I reacted just like you did."

"Uhh... So that means he can make you a revolver and a powerful one at that, too... you're already starting to be overgeared," I said with a hint of jealousy.

"Well, he said he would make a weapon for you too, but he still does not know what you want, so he didn't ask about it yet," She said with a reassuring tone.

"Really?" I asked her to confirm whether she was just making a joke or not.

"Yes, really," She replied seriously.


I jumped with excitement as she confirmed to remove my doubts. But I hit something with my pinky toe in the process.

"Ack!" I yelled, groaning.

I fell to the floor and formed into a fetal position, holding and pressing on my pinky toe, hoping the pain would go away. My excitement was replaced with pain.

Lulu went to my side immediately, feeling worried because she had yet to know what had happened.

"Sim, are you okay? What happened?" She asked.

"I - I... My pinky toe... I think I accidentally hit the leg of the coffee table when I jumped," I said with a pained voice.

"pfft..." Lulu chuckled, and the chuckle turned into a burst of laughter.

"It's not funny! ack! it still hurts," I said with a bit of anger due to the pain.

"Phew... I thought it was something serious," She said, out of breath. She stood up and walked back to the couch she was sitting on.

With a tear in my eyes, I stood up and also went back to where I was sitting. I caressed my poor pinky toe, hoping the pain would go away sooner.


When night came, the entrance door to the house creaked open. A silhouette appeared and outlined Trin. A bright smile creeped up her face after seeing that inside the house was dazzling with the liveliness of two people. The two turned their head towards the door.

"Welcome back," Lulu and I greeted Trin with a smile.

"I'm home," She replied after closing the door. With a slight pause, she added, "Is brother not home yet?"

"No, not yet," I replied.

"I see... So, what have you both been up to?"

"Well, we have been discussing what to do next."

"Next? Like your plans for the future?" She inquired.

"Yes, because we're not really sure what to do, and we can't just keep being here doing nothing," Lulu replied.

"Hmm. Both of you plan to become stronger, right?"

"Yes, with the potential in our stats, I think it would be a waste to not even try."

"Then why not stay here and train? You should know how strong my brother is by now, I bet he's more than willing to help you both out," She advised.

"Would that really be okay? We might be just distractions to the both of you," Lulu replied with slight hesitation.

"It's should be fine, because whenever I go out, I usually just train. Sung too, but sometimes he goes to the city," Trin explained. "Anyway, we can talk about this later when brother is home, I have to prepare dinner for us."

Lulu and I nodded. With that, she went to the kitchen. After a while, the smell of soup can be smelled in the living room.

Trin returned to the living room and sat on the couch.

"While the soup is to boil, we should talk about what type of magic you wish to learn, I know Lulu wants to learn Creation magic, but what about you, Sim?" She asked, with interest.

"I want to learn Miracle magic, but... I'm not too sure," I answered.

"I see. I'm a Miracle user myself, but it's going to be hard for you if you're not sure. It takes a lot to learn Miracle magic, It took me a few years to master one skill," She advised.

"Hmm," hearing what she said made me hesitate against the Magic more. "Then, what do you recommend for me to learn?" I asked, hoping to learn what would be best.

"You said you liked the fighting style of an assassin, right?" She asked.


"If Miracle is out of the option, then I would say that you should learn either Amplification or Transformation. With Amplification magic, you can easily amplify your agility for following your target or amplify your strength for an ambush attack, or you can even amplify your ears to eavesdrop on your target.

For Transformation, it's pretty straightforward, you can transform to an object to blend in with rhe surroundings and attack your target without them knowing, the only problem with this magic is that you would have to either have a higher stat than your opponent, or just be much better at fighting them, or... have overpowered items, but this also assumes that you are a good fighter."

"I understand. Your explanation made me think of a lot more possibilities. I will have to think more about it thoroughly," I said, feeling grateful for her detailed explanation.

"You're welcome. Either way, you should talk to Sung for this topic. He's knows much more than I do."


With that, the conversation came to an end, Lulu was just sitting to the side listening to our conversation and also learning.


After the conversation, the door creak opened, and the three of us turned to see Sung come in.

"Welcome back," the three of us greeted.

"I'm back," He replied with a smile. "You three seem lively. What have you all been talking about?"

We recounted the topic we discussed before Trin prepared to make dinner.


"It should be fine, no? Unless, of course, if the two of you already have somewhere you plan to go," Sung said.

'He must be thinking of the forest that the God talked about,' I thought inwardly.

"No, we don't have anywhere. If you're thinking about the forest that the God told us, Sim and I decided that we would not go there," Lulu replied.

"Oh, why is that?" Sung was taken aback, Trin could be seen a little shocked as well, as she walked toward the couch, she has been coming back and forth to check on the food she was making.

"It's just that... we don't really have anything there. Of course, there's my family, but I don't think they would worry much because they know that I could handle things myself," Lulu said with a bit of a sad expression.

"I understand," Sung said with a sorry tone. "Well, feel free to stay here then. There's nothing better than a lively home," He added, confirming again that he welcomed us to stay in this house.

"Thank you, we will do just that," Lulu said with a slight smile.

"I thank you as well," I said, feeling grateful.

"You're both welcome."

"Now that's over with, how about we eat dinner?"

The three of us nodded and got up from our seats to prepare for dinner. We wiped the table, got some bowls, and also spoon and fork. As we got done, the soup was placed in the middle of the table. We each took our servings carefully, to not let any spill on the table.

As we eat our food, I thought up of a topic to talk about.

"Sung, I can't seem to decide for which magic I should learn. I had Trin give me some suggestions, and she decided that I should either pick Amplification or Transformation magic. Can I also hear your opinion on this?" I asked with a puzzled expression.

"... I think I agree with those options," Sung replied after a brief pause. He soon added, "What I think is that Amplification magic would really benefit you. Even though it's simple, it's also powerful, just the way it can easily be learned is also a benefit.

The reason why I'm more inclined to Amplification magic is because Transformation magic requires you to be strong overall, your stats, your preparedness, and your equipment, and to be honest, this applies to every magic powers. Equipments can easily be lost or even destroyed, and you don't know if your target is stronger than you unless you're prepared. But with Amplification, you won't have to worry about your strengths, if you're a better fighter. You can also have a strong equipment of which you can amplify as well."

'Simply put, be overgeared.'

"...I see, then my decision is made. I will learn Amplification magic. Thank you for your also detailed explanation," I replied with determination and sincerity.

"No problem, as long as I can give some form of help."

After the conversation ended, we each chatted about our experiences in the world we used to live in and currently live in.


After dinner, we had a dessert. It was an elven dessert, a jelly-like substance that had some small fruits inside, weirdly enough, it has leaves on top of it as well. I took a bite with a bit of expectation.

As it touched my tongue, I could taste the sweetness of the jelly, but there wasn't any texture, it felt as though it melted, I felt around my mouth only to feel the fruits and liquid. It was like ice cream. It tasted sweet like ice cream and melts in the mouth like ice cream.

I looked at Lulu and saw that she had the same expression as I do. I nodded at her, and she seemed to have understood what my nod meant, so she nodded back.

'This is ice cream,' the both of us declared in our heart and minds.

Trin and Sung saw this interaction and chuckled.

"You both look like you have had these before," Sung examined our faces.

"Yes, in our world, there's a dessert called ice cream, and it looks different, but it tastes and feels exactly just like this...uhh."


"Ah, it's exactly just like Sorkute," I said with astonishment.

'Seems like I won't have to forget the taste and feel of ice cream,' I sighed in relief inwardly.

"Looks like our worlds have some similarities with delicacies," Trin said. "Sorkute was invented by an elf that was tired of eating greenery and meat. She wanted to taste something new and invented this sweet dessert, also the leaf is what makes it melt," she added with laughter.

As we discovered the similarity, we talked about other food that we could compare to see if there is more than just a single dessert. Much to our surprise, there's actually quite a lot. Including but not limited to; Fried Chicken, French fries, spring rolls, and noodles. Of course, there are differences between the recipes here and Earth.

A fried chicken here is made with a common bird in this world called Inctori. It's a colorful bird that has been bred for decades for consumption. French Fries are made with, surprisingly, potatoes.

'I'll say it now, but I have always thought that potato is a godly plant. Before, it can only be anything, now it can even be in a different world.'

Just like that, the night continued and we decided to say goodnight to each other and head to our room.

'Oh, I forgot to ask Sung about something. Ehh.. it can wait for tomorrow.'

I laid down the futon and said goodnight again to Lulu.
