
Hand Collectors

Celine, a cheerful and kind-hearted woman with luscious long hair, works at a prestigious luxury watch company. One day, she encounters Lenin, a handsome and enigmatic entrepreneur who also happens to own a watch company. Lenin possesses an intense and mysterious gaze, and although he lacks personal connections, he maintains a close relationship with his parents. During her college years, Celine had two friends, one male and one female, and a close childhood friend named Antonia. As Celine continues working at the company, she notices Lenin entering the office. Immediately captivated by his presence, Celine's fascination is met with Lenin piercing gaze, in which Lenin briefly focuses on Celine hands. Unbeknownst to her, Lenin has an unusual inclination towards collecting human hands, using them to adorn his exquisite luxury timepieces. As Celine becomes increasingly drawn to Lenin and his peculiar ways, an intricate and captivating love story unfolds. Will Celine discover Lenin's dark secret? Can their love transcend the boundaries of his obsession? "Hand Collectors" portrays a gripping tale of love, mystery, and the complexities of human connection.

RamsesPanjaitan · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Lenin's Mysterious Absence

As the moon hung low in the night sky, Celine found herself immersed in a world of uncertainty and intrigue. The encounter with Lenin had left an indelible mark on her, awakening a thirst for understanding that overshadowed her initial fear. With each passing moment, her determination to unravel the enigma of Lenin's obsession grew stronger. She delved into research, exploring the intricacies of psychology, hoping to fathom the depths of his unusual fascination.


In the heart of her cozy apartment, Celine meticulously arranged her findings. Clippings, photographs, and handwritten notes covered the table, a tangible representation of her relentless pursuit of the truth. She was no longer merely an employee of the prestigious luxury watch company; she had become a detective, driven by an insatiable curiosity that seemed to consume her every waking moment.


Late into the night, Celine's focus remained unwavering. Her eyes scanned lines of text, absorbing knowledge like a sponge soaking up water. The world of horology, once confined to the precision and artistry of watchmaking, now expanded into something far more complex. It was a world where timepieces became more than mere instruments; they became conduits of human connection, vessels carrying the essence of their creators.


With each discovery, Celine felt a sense of awe and trepidation. The psychological profiles she studied painted a picture of obsessions far stranger than fiction, yet none mirrored Lenin's fixation on human hands. As she read about peculiar passions and unconventional desires, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was peering into a mirror, seeing reflections of her own determination in the stories of others who had ventured into the unknown.


As the first light of dawn painted the sky with delicate hues of pink and orange, Celine found herself on the familiar path to her workplace, the prestigious luxury watch company where time was not just a commodity but an art form.


Her footsteps echoed in the early morning silence, a rhythmic cadence that usually calmed her racing thoughts. However, today was different. Today, her mind buzzed with questions, her heart thudded with anticipation, and her hands trembled with a mix of excitement and confusion.


Upon her arrival at the office, Celine's eyes darted around, searching for any sign of Lenin. Yet, the usually bustling workplace seemed strangely devoid of his enigmatic presence. The air was thick with a sense of mystery, and the absence of his piercing gaze left an odd void in the room. Determined to find answers, Celine subtly inquired among her colleagues, careful not to reveal her true intentions.


Hours passed, and still, there was no sign of Lenin. The day progressed with its usual routine: meetings, discussions about intricate watch designs, and meticulous craftsmanship. Yet, Celine's mind was far from the tasks at hand. With each passing moment, her curiosity grew, fueling her determination to unravel the enigma that was Lenin and his obsession with human hands.


During a brief break, Celine decided to venture into the archives of the company, hoping to find any trace of Lenin's peculiar interests. She meticulously searched through old records, newspaper clippings, and even employee files, desperate for a clue. As she sifted through the documents, her fingers traced the faded ink on yellowed pages, and her eyes scanned each line intently.


In her pursuit of knowledge, Celine stumbled upon an intriguing article from years ago. It spoke of an eccentric artist who had a fascination with the human form, particularly hands, as a canvas for his avant-garde creations. The artist's name sent a chill down Celine's spine – Lenin. The article described his works in vivid detail, mentioning how he believed that hands held the essence of a person's soul.


A shiver ran down Celine's spine as she connected the dots. The mysterious artist described in the article seemed too familiar to be a coincidence. Could this be the same Lenin who had captured her attention? The same Lenin whose intense gaze seemed to delve into the depths of her soul? The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, yet the full picture remained elusive.


With her heart pounding in her chest, Celine realized she was on the verge of a breakthrough. The article about Lenin's artistic pursuits provided a crucial link, a glimpse into the mind of the man who had unknowingly become the center of her obsession. Determined to learn more, she continued her exploration, poring over every available piece of information about Lenin and his peculiar fascination.


Days turned into nights as Celine immersed herself in her research. The more she discovered, the more she became convinced that there was more to Lenin than met the eye. His obsession with hands was not merely a macabre whim; it was an intricate part of his identity, a key to understanding the depths of his soul.


In her quest for answers, Celine stumbled upon a series of letters exchanged between Lenin and a renowned psychologist, Dr. Evelyn Hartman. The letters, written in elegant script, delved into the intricacies of Lenin's obsession, exploring the psychological underpinnings of his fixation on human hands. As Celine read through the correspondence, she felt a sense of empathy for Lenin, recognizing the profound loneliness and longing that echoed in his words.


Driven by a newfound understanding, Celine decided to confront Lenin. She needed to unravel the mystery, not just for her own sake but for his as well. As she stood outside his studio one evening, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation that would inevitably change both their lives.


The door creaked open, and there he was, Lenin, the enigmatic artist whose hands had crafted masterpieces and whose soul bore the weight of an extraordinary obsession. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw Celine, and for a moment, neither of them spoke. The silence hung heavy in the air, pregnant with unspoken emotions.


"I know," Celine finally said, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside her. "I know about your fascination with hands, about your art, about the letters you exchanged with Dr. Hartman."


Lenin's expression shifted, a mix of astonishment and vulnerability. "You've been digging into my past," he stated, his voice devoid of accusation.


Celine nodded, her gaze unwavering. "I had to understand. I needed to know the truth, not just for my own curiosity but because I see something in you, something beyond the surface of your obsession. I see a person who is searching for connection, for meaning."


For a moment, Lenin seemed to waver, his guard dropping just a fraction. "You don't understand," he whispered, his eyes clouded with a tumult of emotions.


"Then help me understand," Celine implored, her voice gentle yet determined. "Help me see the world through your eyes. Show me the stories that hands tell you, the beauty you find in the lines and creases. Let me share in your passion, your pain, your art."


There was a long pause, a pregnant silence that hung between them. And then, as if a dam had burst, Lenin began to speak. He spoke of his childhood, of the isolation he felt, of the way hands had always been his solace. He spoke of the stories he saw in the hands of strangers, stories of love and loss, of joy and sorrow. He spoke of his art, of how he sought to immortalize those stories, to give voice to the silent narratives that hands held.


As he spoke, Celine listened, her heart aching for the pain he had endured, yet marveling at the beauty of his perception. In that moment, she understood that Lenin's obsession was not a mere whim but a profound connection to the human experience, a way for him to bridge the gap between himself and the world.


"I want to help you," Celine said softly when he had finished, her eyes filled with empathy. "I want to be a part of your world, to share in your passion and your art. I want to love you, not just despite your obsession, but because of you."


In the dimly lit room, Lenin's eyes glinted with an enigmatic intensity, reflecting the flickering candlelight that danced on the walls. The atmosphere was heavy with unspoken secrets, and the air seemed to crackle with anticipation. Celine, her confusion evident in the furrow of her brows, felt a shiver crawl up her spine. She had just offered her heart to a man who was as mysterious as the moonless night outside.


Lenin's lips curved into a half-smile, a wry expression that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Love me?" he murmured, his voice like a shadowy whisper. "You don't know what you're asking for, Celine. My world is a labyrinth of obsessions and secrets, a place where reality blurs with illusion."


Celine's determination flickered, but she refused to back down. "I don't need to understand everything, Lenin," she replied, her voice steadier than she felt. "I just need to understand you. There's a depth to your soul that intrigues me, a darkness that beckons me like a moth to a flame."


Lenin's gaze bore into her, as if he was trying to discern the truth in her words. "You're not afraid of the darkness?" he asked, his tone a challenge.


"No," Celine said firmly, her eyes meeting his without flinching. "Because I believe there's light even in the darkest of places. And maybe, just maybe, I can be the light that guides you out of your labyrinth."


For a moment, Lenin seemed taken aback by her unwavering conviction. The room fell into silence again, broken only by the distant howl of the wind outside. Then, unexpectedly, he chuckled, a sound devoid of humor. "You're either incredibly brave or incredibly foolish, Celine. Perhaps both."


Celine managed a small smile, her heart pounding in her chest. "Maybe I am," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. "But isn't love supposed to be a little foolish? A little reckless?"


Lenin studied her for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Finally, he reached out and gently traced the outline of her hand with his fingertips, his touch surprisingly tender. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into," he said, his voice low.


"Then show me," Celine urged, her voice full of quiet strength. "Let me in, Lenin. Let me share your burdens, your mysteries. I want to be a part of your world, no matter how enigmatic it may be."


Lenin's gaze softened, and for the first time, Celine saw a glimmer of vulnerability in his eyes. He sighed, a heavy exhale that seemed to release some invisible weight from his shoulders. "Very well," he said, his voice barely audible. "But once you step into this darkness with me, there's no turning back. Are you sure you're ready for that, Celine?"


Celine nodded, her resolve unwavering. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life."



And with that, the shadow in Lenin's eyes deepened, and he pulled her closer, his embrace a mixture of desperation and desire for Celine's hand which he found beautiful.


In that mysterious moment, they intertwine in a dance of uncertainty and passion, Celine daring to explore the conundrum of love amidst the unknown. Without Celine realizing it, their journey together may be as tumultuous and complicated as Lenin's beloved hand, weaving a story of love and mystery that will leave an indelible mark on Celine's life.